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Forums - Movies & TV - Best disaster flicks.


2012 was...

A good film 3 16.67%
A bad film 4 22.22%
A mediocre film 7 38.89%
So bad it was good. 4 22.22%

I know there was a (disastrous) Tsunami movie but the real thing still haunts

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SvennoJ said:

I know there was a (disastrous) Tsunami movie but the real thing still haunts

Yeah, I remember this day, I started watching the news after the Earth quake but before the Tsunami, I was glued to it all day and absolutely horrified watching in happen live. Watching the YouTube clips come in the hours and days after was terryfing. Looked like the world was ending. We had never had access to an event like that in real time in such detail, truly a black day in history and there was nothing that could be done, they just had to watch as everything was washed away and people who ignored the sirens. Was worse than any disaster film could ever be.