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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

Not sure if this has been reported by NYTimes is saying Harris raised $81 million in her first 24 hours after Biden's endorsement. Thats wild. Whats even more interesting is the fact that this money came from 880,000 different donors:

"Vice President Kamala Harris raised $81 million in the first 24 hours since announcing her bid for president, her campaign said, a recording-breaking showing as Democrats welcomed her candidacy with one of the greatest gushers of cash of all time.

Her campaign said that 888,000 donors had contributed in her first day, 60 percent of whom were making their first contribution of the 2024 contest. The campaign signed up 43,000 of those donors to make recurring donations, it said."

This enthusiasm for her is real.


A democratic super pac announced that it had raised and additional $150 million in the last 24 hours.  This, plus more up to day numbers takes Harris' pull to about $250 million in 24 hours.  Thats incredible.  

Last edited by CosmicSex - on 22 July 2024

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Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Obama's gonna pull someone out of the ether to replace Biden, doesn't look like it'd be Harris. Harris would fail against Trump. 

Lol...Absolutely not happening, Obama is likely simply waiting until either the DNC or after everyone else, his endorsement will pack a big punch so he's likely going to save it for somewhere big or go after everyone else to give them their space, there is no chance Obama doesn't endorse Harris. He is just waiting for his moment. Plus there's no chance at this stage of a serious challenger to Harris.

I agree with you on that statement. However, come convention time, I would not be surprised if someone decides to challenge her nomination.

That person could be anyone: politician, athlete, actor, comedian, etc.  The big question is if are they posing a serious challenge or just pulling a publicity stunt to boost their career.

the-pi-guy said:

- Big claims need sources. If you're just here to flamebait nonsense, you will get kicked out.

LegitHyperbole said:

Obama's gonna pull someone out of the ether to replace Biden, doesn't look like it'd be Harris. Harris would fail against Trump. 

Thanks, I was able to update my rule list; even though I thought it went without saying.

BFR said:
Ryuu96 said:

Lol...Absolutely not happening, Obama is likely simply waiting until either the DNC or after everyone else, his endorsement will pack a big punch so he's likely going to save it for somewhere big or go after everyone else to give them their space, there is no chance Obama doesn't endorse Harris. He is just waiting for his moment. Plus there's no chance at this stage of a serious challenger to Harris.

I agree with you on that statement. However, come convention time, I would not be surprised if someone decides to challenge her nomination.

That person could be anyone: politician, athlete, actor, comedian, etc.  The big question is if are they posing a serious challenge or just pulling a publicity stunt to boost their career.

In order to prevent any publicity stunt my understanding is the plan is later this week to vote on the final rules which will include a virtual vote from delegates sometime in early august before the convention.  Which mean before the convention start the vote will already be done and the candidate chosen.  This process leaves very little room for any attempt at a publicity stunt.

I betting this vote going to go smoothly for Harris and by convention will be a celebration for her and a chance to make her case why the American people should vote for her over Donald Trump.  I think this going to go much smoother then you think.

Cyran said:
BFR said:

I agree with you on that statement. However, come convention time, I would not be surprised if someone decides to challenge her nomination.

That person could be anyone: politician, athlete, actor, comedian, etc.  The big question is if are they posing a serious challenge or just pulling a publicity stunt to boost their career.

In order to prevent any publicity stunt my understanding is the plan is later this week to vote on the final rules which will include a virtual vote from delegates sometime in early august before the convention.  Which mean before the convention start the vote will already be done and the candidate chosen.  This process leaves very little room for any attempt at a publicity stunt.

I betting this vote going to go smoothly for Harris and by convention will be a celebration for her and a chance to make her case why the American people should vote for her over Donald Trump.  I think this going to go much smoother then you think.

Are you a girl? Rooting for Kamala? Or some young kid?

Last edited by BFR - on 22 July 2024

Around the Network
BFR said:
Cyran said:

In order to prevent any publicity stunt my understanding is the plan is later this week to vote on the final rules which will include a virtual vote from delegates sometime in early august before the convention.  Which mean before the convention start the vote will already be done and the candidate chosen.  This process leaves very little room for any attempt at a publicity stunt.

I betting this vote going to go smoothly for Harris and by convention will be a celebration for her and a chance to make her case why the American people should vote for her over Donald Trump.  I think this going to go much smoother then you think.

Are you a girl? Rooting for Kamala? Or some young kid?

sundin13 said:
BFR said:

Are you a girl? Rooting for Kamala? Or some young kid?

Sun, are my questions incoherent to you?

BFR said:
sundin13 said:

Sun, are my questions incoherent to you?

Why are you just randomly asking people for their personal demographic information?

Weird vibes, dude. Weird vibes. 

Cyran challenged me, and I replied. To each their own.

BFR said:

Cyran challenged me, and I replied. To each their own.

In less then a month we will find out who was right.  My bet on a smooth convention for the democrats base on how the last 48 has gone.