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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

zorg1000 said:
Chrkeller said:

Exactly and Democrats aren't voting Trump.  The focus needs to be the middle aisle and independents.  Democrats don't need motivation to vote against Trump.

But recent polls have shown that these demographics have been trending right in the last couple years, wouldn’t this in theory help stop them from continuing to bleed off?

Loan forgiveness is mixed but the SAVE Plan is strongly or somewhat supported by basically every group.

72% overall

80% democrats

72% independent/3rd party

63% republicans

76% female

68% male

75% under 45

71% over 45

69% no college

77% college

69% black

73% white

73% latino

75% past borrower

67% never borrower

84% current borrower

You know what? After reading that, I actually agree with you now. The message shouldn’t be about forgiving debt because to a lot of people that sounds unearned, it should be about promoting the SAVE Plan and talk about making student repayment more fair.

I support restructuring of loans 100%.  I'm happy with 0% interest.  Lowering payments, etc.  The wiping of debt bothers me.  Restructuring, 100% support here.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Around the Network
Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

But recent polls have shown that these demographics have been trending right in the last couple years, wouldn’t this in theory help stop them from continuing to bleed off?

Loan forgiveness is mixed but the SAVE Plan is strongly or somewhat supported by basically every group.

72% overall

80% democrats

72% independent/3rd party

63% republicans

76% female

68% male

75% under 45

71% over 45

69% no college

77% college

69% black

73% white

73% latino

75% past borrower

67% never borrower

84% current borrower

You know what? After reading that, I actually agree with you now. The message shouldn’t be about forgiving debt because to a lot of people that sounds unearned, it should be about promoting the SAVE Plan and talk about making student repayment more fair.

I support restructuring of loans 100%.  I'm happy with 0% interest.  Lowering payments, etc.  The wiping of debt bothers me.  Restructuring, 100% support here.  

Look at us coming together and agreeing lol

But yeah I think promoting the SAVE Plan and talking about how Republicans have tried to block it along with a plan to bring down the costs of tuition is a winning strategy when talking about higher education.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
Chrkeller said:

I support restructuring of loans 100%.  I'm happy with 0% interest.  Lowering payments, etc.  The wiping of debt bothers me.  Restructuring, 100% support here.  

Look at us coming together and agreeing lol

But yeah I think promoting the SAVE Plan and talking about how Republicans have tried to block it along with a plan to bring down the costs of tuition is a winning strategy when talking about higher education.

It happens.  I do consider myself middle aisle.  

And I 100% agree.  Student loans are predatory.  When I got married I inherited my wife's debt.  It adjusted 4x a year and the math made zero sense.  She was going to pay it for 20 years.  The interest kept growing.  Luckily we tied it into our mortgage and got it at a fixe rate. 


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Republicans, "I suffered, so you must suffer too". 
Democrats, "I suffered, I don't want others to suffer as I did".

That is what it all boils down to.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Shtinamin_ said:

I have a set of predictions* for the 2024 US Presidential Election.

How does NJ go directly from Solid Democrat (+15) in 2020 to Republican?

CA and HI go from +30 to tilt and lean Democrat?  Thats not a thing lol.  They could both loose  half of their democratic support and still be Solid Democrat.

WA and OR go from +26 and +20 Democrat to lean Democrat?

NY was +23 Democrat in 2020.  Its not gonna turn into lean Democrat.

Georgia isn't going to go from Tossup in 2020 (Biden+<1) to Solid Republican (Trump +15)

I understand that this is your prediction or rather your desires, but I feel like the reasons you gave are either untrue, misunderstood and a little deceptive. No one like JD Vance... Trump was already defeated in 2020.  A third of Democrats are not going to switch to the GOP just cause.  That what this result would require.

Around the Network
zorg1000 said:
Chrkeller said:

Just read a NPR article. 55% support 10k forgiveness, which I assume means 45% do not. I would avoid talking about something that almost half the country doesn't agree with.

48% say cancelling student debt is important but broken down by demographic, 70% of Gen Z, 72% of black & 68% of Hispanic people agree with it.

So overall it’s a very mixed topic but when looking at various demographics that traditionally vote Democrat it’s very popular.

the-pi-guy said:

To be fair, 40% like Trump.

There's so much polarization today, that nothing would get done if we avoided anything that was 50/50.  

These points are where I was going to go in my reply. Also keep in mind that the majority of voters with four-year degrees are likely to vote blue:

So I feel like calling it "half the country" is not entirely accurate without looking at demographic breakdowns.

Also, post your source for this: Just read a NPR article. 55% support 10k forgiveness, which I assume means 45% do not. I would avoid talking about something that almost half the country doesn't agree with.

How much of the country supports 20k forgiveness? I'd like to see the data to find out, because I wouldn't be surprised if a similar percentage would also support it as well.

So yeah, maybe it's not an issue that gets a huge portion of traditionally Republican voters to veer left, but it would galvanize young voters to show up to the polls - the same ones that did so in 2020 that weren't looking forward to four more years of Biden.

EDIT: Also, what tax breaks did Trump promise and deliver on?

Last edited by burninmylight - on 25 July 2024

This dude is without a doubt, the dumbest VP that I've ever seen in my lifetime.

But also a disgusting POS. I genuinely think he's going to hurt Trump's campaign.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 25 July 2024

"we're not going to have a socialist president, especially female"

An election where women are going to be more motivated due to Roe v Wade being repealed, and it feels like both Republican nominees are actively pushing away women voters.

the-pi-guy said:

"we're not going to have a socialist president, especially female"

An election where women are going to be more motivated due to Roe v Wade being repealed, and it feels like both Republican nominees are actively pushing away women voters.

Screaming about socialism tends to work with low-intelligence American voters, it's certainly better than "SHE HAS A LOUD LAUGH!" and "SHE HAS NO CHILDREN!" and the racist "SHE'S A DEI HIRE" so I imagine that's where they'll target their attacks in the future, it won't stop JD Vance though, that man is unable to STFU, Lol.

Harris of course, isn't a socialist, but this may be where Kelly is best, as he is probably the most moderate of all the VP choices.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 25 July 2024