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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

Ryuu96 said:

The famous war dove, Donald Trump.

Well, if anyone is not voting for Harris due to Gaza, this is who you're putting in power. If you think the guy who campaigned on banning Muslims from our country is going to help the situation, then I guess we'll see how that plays out. Odds are he will give Israel a blank check. 

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JWeinCom said:
Ryuu96 said:

The famous war dove, Donald Trump.

Well, if anyone is not voting for Harris due to Gaza, this is who you're putting in power. If you think the guy who campaigned on banning Muslims from our country is going to help the situation, then I guess we'll see how that plays out. Odds are he will give Israel a blank check. 

Some know this at least, Muslim Faith Leaders recently endorsed Harris with this messaging, that Trump would be far worse, Uncommitted came out not with an endorsement of Harris but a statement that they must do everything in their power to ensure Trump loses, which to anyone with any ability to read between the lines, knows that means electing Harris. I don't care if people don't want to endorse Harris, sing her praises or be happy about voting Democrat, just realise that the alternative is a much worse option.

America's economy is going to be utterly fucked, Lol.

China's bout to spank Trump, again.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 4 days ago

Ryuu96 said:

America's economy is going to be utterly fucked, Lol.

China's bout to spank Trump, again.

He's openly saying he's going to tax American consumers up to 500% and people still out here saying Trump2024, make it make sense lol 

JWeinCom said:
Ryuu96 said:

The famous war dove, Donald Trump.

Well, if anyone is not voting for Harris due to Gaza, this is who you're putting in power. If you think the guy who campaigned on banning Muslims from our country is going to help the situation, then I guess we'll see how that plays out. Odds are he will give Israel a blank check. 

While very true, Israel has already been given a blank cheque to do as they please. (Or rather Netanyahu simply doesn't give a crap about Biden's 'concerns') But the (small) hope is that Harris can turn the ship somewhat after the elections.

Harris' stepdaughter, Ella Emhof, raised 8 million for Gaza last November and was raising money for UNWRA as well

However Israeli propaganda and the New York Post put a halt to that

Ella Emhoff, stepdaughter of Vice President Kamala Harris, has been raising money for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, despite the United States suspending funding to the group over its extensive terror ties.

Emhoff, who is the daughter of second gentleman Doug Emhoff and his wife from a previous marriage, posted a link to UNRWA’s English-language fundraising page on her Instagram account.

She removed it after the New York Post sent an inquiry to the White House.

Here's the NY post article with all the Israeli propaganda

All of which has been debunked after two independent investigations into UNWRA, leaving the claims of "As many as 450 UNRWA workers are members of extremist groups in the Gaza Strip, Israel contends." down to a few members who may have been involved (out of 13,000 employees in Gaza)

Asked about the extent of the staff members’ alleged involvement, Mr. Haq responded that he did not have specific information about the allegations. He said the OIOS investigation involved visits to Israel for discussions with officials and to see and review information held by authorities there.

“However, one thing I'd like to point out is that since information used by Israeli officials to support the allegations have remained in Israeli custody, OIOS was not able to independently authenticate most of the information provided to it,” he noted.

Of course the NYP spun it as confirmed

I don't know what happened after that, no more news on Ella Emhoff, nor are Biden/Harris pushing to re-instate funding to UNWRA which is still banned by US law until next year. While continuing to give Israel a blank cheque and as many weapons as they ask for to massacre more civilians and now to attack UNIFIL.

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PortisheadBiscuit said:
Ryuu96 said:

America's economy is going to be utterly fucked, Lol.

China's bout to spank Trump, again.

He's openly saying he's going to tax American consumers up to 500% and people still out here saying Trump2024, make it make sense lol 

Most Trump supporters will just cheer for anything and don't have a clue what they're cheering for, you think they know what tariffs are? Lol. They just think "Trump's going to show these countries whose boss!" But also there's inflation and Harris is part of the incumbent government and they are always blamed whenever financial issues arise, it's just the lazy thinking of "Well things are bad under this administration so lets try a different one" and they have short term memory, forgetting that Trump was a disaster the first time around.

He has gone full blown Hitler with his immigration rhetoric lately, he isn't even trying to hide it anymore, sad thing is millions will cheer this on, this is who they're voting for, a low-budget Nazi wannabe, all you do is replace the Jews with Migrants in the language. Sure he "may" not do it, it "may" not happen, sure it's "just words" right now but it's straight up from the Nazi playbook and that used to be "just words" once.

Laws from the 1700s? Fuck me, Harris needs to blast ads on the Aliens Enemies Act, an act which led to America's disgusting treatment of Japanese-Americans during WW2 where they put them in fucking concentration camps, a thing which even Ronald Reagan admitted was horrific and apologised for, leading to America giving reparations to the surviving Japanese-Americans.

And how the fuck is he going to bring back an act which requires a "time of war"?

Harris team needs to step up the attacks again, spare me the bullshit about "Democrats rhetoric" and pant wetting from the media, Trump's going full blown fascist but the moment Democrats call that out, the media pisses themselves (fuck em) and others rush out to scream "DEM RHETORIC" while ignoring the hundreds of examples from Trump. Democrats can't hide the truth just to avoid upsetting some sensitive idiots (and Trump fans) when he's saying shit like this on a daily basis now, their shit rhetoric already led to Haitian-Americans being threatened.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 4 days ago

I don't trust this whole "The Republicans are skewing the polls" stuff. There are plenty of non-partisan sponsored polls, especially in areas like Pennysylvania, which give Harris a reason to worry about her odds. The NTY/Sienna poll was a positive outlier for Harris in PA but the same poll also showed her down 5pts in Arizona among likely voters.

Besides, any good poll aggregator like 538 or Silver Bulletin will weight the data coming in by reliability, so some Rep Sponsored polls wouldn't do much to move the average (if they were even outliers, which they really haven't been). Even still, Silver Bulletin shows basically every state that matters (except Georgia) moving towards Trump over the last week.

It will be an incredibly close race if polls are somewhat accurate. That hasn't changed and likely won't. Any movement we see from here to election day will likely affect vibes more than actual mathematical odds.

One thing I haven't seen addressed yet here (might have missed it)

What effect can US' chauvinism have on the elections?

Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.) said Sunday he thinks sexism and racism “still exist” in U.S. politics, and it’s reflected in Vice President Harris’s run for office.

Frost joined CBS News’s “Face the Nation” to discuss remarks made by former President Obama, in which he called on Black men to turn out for Harris after seeing less energy among the critical voting bloc.

“I think it is an issue with a lot of different voters across this country, and it’s something that our country, you know, we’ve come a long way as in terms of women’s suffrage,” Frost said. “We’ve come a long way in terms of making sure of equity in this country, but there’s still a lot of this bigotry in this country in terms of sexism, in terms of racism, and we still have to work at getting over that.

“Those things are still here. They still exist in a lot of communities, and we still have a lot of work to do here,” he continued.

While Black men overwhelmingly voted for President Biden in 2020, signs are showing that support for Harris may be softening.

New polling shows former President Trump’s support among Black men increased. With just weeks left until Election Day, the Harris campaign is looking to pull out all the stops and regain footing among the typically Democratic voting group.

Frost said sometimes voters need to take a step back and examine their own biases, and he thinks that’s what Obama was trying to convey.

But Obama’s call to action drew criticism from some who said he was sending the wrong message. “I think President Obama was just having some very serious tough talk, right? Tough love … he was speaking directly to young Black voters, young Black men specifically, and making sure they understand,” Frost said.  

Harris will be the first elected female US president if she is elected. Pretty historical event.

I don't think it will be a done deal. It will be close, which will likely lead to riots when Trump loses, and that would be the best case scenario :/