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Forums - Politics Discussion - Attempted assassination on Trump

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Here's some of his lies since you're being dishonest about how horrible saying what he said was.

Like geez I can't take someone seriously who acts like this is misspeaking or something. The dude lied!  About going to WAR!  Don't even pretend to think that means "oh I was in Italy running support so technically..." Like he is clearly trying to draw an image and misrepresented his service. It's one of the worst lies you could ever tell

1) Dumb as shit. He was a Command Sgt Major. He did retire when he was a Command Sgt Major. If you want to get pissy about that, be my guest.

2) He is an Enduring Freedom Vet. Also dumb as shit. 

3) That's the one I was talking about. Not a lie.

4) He did join his battalion overseas. Dumb as shit.

5) Where's the lie?

I feel like if you're so insulted about someone lying about their service, you should be equally disgusted by yourself for lying about someone else's service. 

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sundin13 said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Here's some of his lies since you're being dishonest about how horrible saying what he said was.

Like geez I can't take someone seriously who acts like this is misspeaking or something. The dude lied!  About going to WAR!  Don't even pretend to think that means "oh I was in Italy running support so technically..." Like he is clearly trying to draw an image and misrepresented his service. It's one of the worst lies you could ever tell

1) Dumb as shit. He was a Command Sgt Major. He did retire when he was a Command Sgt Major. If you want to get pissy about that, be my guest.

2) He is an Enduring Freedom Vet. Also dumb as shit. 

3) That's the one I was talking about. Not a lie.

4) He did join his battalion overseas. Dumb as shit.

5) Where's the lie?

I feel like if you're so insulted about someone lying about their service, you should be equally disgusted by yourself for lying about someone else's service. 

I provide a bunch of evidence and you hand wave it away.  No way you have this same attitude of dismissal of lies if Trump said and did the same things in life.  It's pure bias

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
sundin13 said:

1) Dumb as shit. He was a Command Sgt Major. He did retire when he was a Command Sgt Major. If you want to get pissy about that, be my guest.

2) He is an Enduring Freedom Vet. Also dumb as shit. 

3) That's the one I was talking about. Not a lie.

4) He did join his battalion overseas. Dumb as shit.

5) Where's the lie?

I feel like if you're so insulted about someone lying about their service, you should be equally disgusted by yourself for lying about someone else's service. 

I provide a bunch of evidence and you hand wave it away.  No way you have this same attitude of dismissal of lies if Trump said and did the same things in life.  It's pure bias

Nah, you provided a lot of true statements that you have convinced yourself are lies. 

And Walz served this country for 24 years. If Trump walked the same path as Walz, he wouldn't be Donald Trump, because that life is fundamentally incompatible with who he is. Trump doesn't know how to serve anyone but himself. 

sundin13 said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

I provide a bunch of evidence and you hand wave it away.  No way you have this same attitude of dismissal of lies if Trump said and did the same things in life.  It's pure bias

Nah, you provided a lot of true statements that you have convinced yourself are lies. 

And Walz served this country for 24 years. If Trump walked the same path as Walz, he wouldn't be Donald Trump, because that life is fundamentally incompatible with who he is. Trump doesn't know how to serve anyone but himself. 

Agree to disagree on...reality I guess then

The cope is outta control here with reality denial on full display.  Wtf

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Here's some of his lies since you're being dishonest about how horrible saying what he said was.

Like geez I can't take someone seriously who acts like this is misspeaking or something. The dude lied!  About going to WAR!  Don't even pretend to think that means "oh I was in Italy running support so technically..." Like he is clearly trying to draw an image and misrepresented his service. It's one of the worst lies you could ever tell

He never said he was going to war. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

I provide a bunch of evidence and you hand wave it away.  No way you have this same attitude of dismissal of lies if Trump said and did the same things in life.  It's pure bias

Maybe try explaining your evidence. 

Do you think he "didn't serve in the military"? 

If Trump's only lie was about going to war, I would barely care.

Heck, Trump lying isn't even the biggest problem I have about him. He's a bully and an idiot, and each of those things is 1000x worse in my book. 

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the-pi-guy said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Here's some of his lies since you're being dishonest about how horrible saying what he said was.

Like geez I can't take someone seriously who acts like this is misspeaking or something. The dude lied!  About going to WAR!  Don't even pretend to think that means "oh I was in Italy running support so technically..." Like he is clearly trying to draw an image and misrepresented his service. It's one of the worst lies you could ever tell

He never said he was going to war. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

I provide a bunch of evidence and you hand wave it away.  No way you have this same attitude of dismissal of lies if Trump said and did the same things in life.  It's pure bias

Maybe try explaining your evidence. 

Do you think he "didn't serve in the military"? 

If Trump's only lie was about going to war, I would barely care.

Heck, Trump lying isn't even the biggest problem I have about him. He's a bully and an idiot, and each of those things is 1000x worse in my book. 

He tried to act like he was in a warzone when he wasn't repeatedly.  That's dishonest to me but I guess not to some people 

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

He tried to act like he was in a warzone when he wasn't repeatedly.  That's dishonest to me but I guess not to some people 

Where did he say he was? I think you're being immensely dishonest. 

The first link you posted talks about his rank and being around artillery for years. Do you think only deployed soldiers shoot guns? Where's the lie?

Do you think deployed soldiers are the only ones that matter? 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 12 August 2024

the-pi-guy said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

He tried to act like he was in a warzone when he wasn't repeatedly.  That's dishonest to me but I guess not to some people 

Where did he say he was? I think you're being immensely dishonest. 

The first link you posted talks about his rank and being around artillery for years. Do you think only deployed soldiers shoot guns? Where's the lie?

Do you think deployed soldiers are the only ones that matter? 

All that stuff proves he acted like he was in war. The stuff he said and the way he said it clearly says he was in a warzone. You're not gonna act like anyone reasonably assumes from hearing and reading that that he was countries and a sea away doing support?  That would be quite the reach

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

All that stuff proves he acted like he was in war. The stuff he said and the way he said it clearly says he was in a warzone. You're not gonna act like anyone reasonably assumes from hearing and reading that that he was countries and a sea away doing support?  

It really doesn't.

Everything he's said is consistent with a ton of different things. I wouldn't make any kind of assumption. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
sundin13 said:

Where did he say he was in a warzone? Please post the quote. 

Again, if the one you are referring to is "weapons of war, that I carried in war", it does not say that he was in a warzone. He did in fact carry weapons in war. Again, there is more to war than just the front lines. You could argue that this statement is misleading, hence why he clarified that statement, but I don't see the lie. If there is another quote you are speaking about, please post it. 

Honestly, I just can't take anyone seriously who acts like this is the worst thing anyone has ever said... 

Here's some of his lies since you're being dishonest about how horrible saying what he said was.






Like geez I can't take someone seriously who acts like this is misspeaking or something. The dude lied!  About going to WAR!  Don't even pretend to think that means "oh I was in Italy running support so technically..." Like he is clearly trying to draw an image and misrepresented his service. It's one of the worst lies you could ever tell

You have achieved willful ignorance at this point. Not only are you not sharing facts but you are rationalizing to fit your agenda.  You don't present facts, you present wishcasting. 

1. By the time Walz left the military, he achieved the rank of command sergeant major, one of the top ranks for an enlisted soldier. Personnel file records show that he was reduced in rank months after retiring, leaving him as a master sergeant for benefits purposes.

Capt. Holly Rockow, a public affairs officer for the Minnesota National Guard, said it is legitimate for Walz to say he served as a command sergeant major. 

(Source, 2018)

2. So you, and that X user, don't understand how military operations work.  Operation Enduring Freedom was global.  It was not just contained to Afghanistan.  And the Minn NG itself has confirmed both his duty station and participation in OEF.

"Walz deployed in August 2003 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The Minnesota National Guard told CBS News the battalion supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey. Walz was stationed at Vicenza, Italy."

(Source, 2024, and Source, 2005, Source, and Source, 2006)

3. "And we can make sure those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place those weapons are at".

Trained to use said weapons, had to use them at least 1 weekend per month and 2 weekends every year for 24 years plus months on deployment to Italy for Operation Enduring Freedom.  That was in support of a war.  he didn't say he shot enemy soldiers, he didn't say he was on the front lines, he said he was carrying weapons of war in a war (OEF) and doesn't want available them outside of the military.  

4. This is a repeat of item 1.  Repetition doesn't increases the validity.  That's a Trump tenet.

5. 'Julin said he was most upset with how it was handled because Walz didn’t come to him.'  "He went around my authority to get out of the position. I probably would have told him ‘No, you’re going on the deployment,’” Julin said.

He salty.  He's mad Walz didn't consult him before registering with the FEC as a candidate and not going directly to him for discharge (which is not required.  You DO NOT have to get permission for your immediate COC to get your DD-214 (discharge from service).  That is the purview of the commissioned officers and their respective Reserve Personnel Command.  Julin actually would not have a say in the matter.  If he qualified for retirement, Julin would be breaking federal law by denying (even if he had the authority).

We done?

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.