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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who do you believe is the most over rated developer?



1)Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate (DS)

2)Neverwinter Nights: Hoards Of The Underdark

3)I don't know

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So out of a 4 page thread am I the only one who views bioware a bit over rated?

I think lionhead studios is over rated as well. Along with EA rockband is pure gold though) and R*




Jessman said:
Team ICO made Shadow of the colossus didn't they?

I loved that game, too bad i only had it for one night. Lol

Yeah, they made SotC and ICO. I thought ICO was cool but never really got into it. The game just didn't draw me in for some reason. SotC, on the other hand, was pure gold.

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rocketpig said:
Shameless said:
Team ICO: I never really 'got' the ICO series and why they were so amazing.

*head explodes for the second time*

Let me explain:


I found the first ICO to be frustratingly hard; probably because I generally suck at games, but mainly because of the complete lack of help or any kind of meaningful objective. I found the whole game to be barren and lifeless. I was also expecting the ending of the 'story' so that didn't move me in any way (the hyperbole spewing reviewers claimed that they were in tears.. *sigh*).

Despite my thorough dissapointment in the first game, the huge critical acclaim for SOTC pushed me into a purchase. But the same flaws in the first game were present here: barren lifeless world, lack of any meaningful story, clunky controls, poor camera.. I could go on. I was extremely annoyed by the total pointlessness of whatever I was doing in this game.

I just felt these games were poorly executed good ideas. Still, I'll probably end up getting ICO 3 which will undoubtedly receive record scores once again. I just haven't dug the minimalist thing they've gone for so far.

dabaus513 said:
So out of a 4 page thread am I the only one who views bioware a bit over rated?

I think lionhead studios is over rated as well. Along with EA rockband is pure gold though) and R*
I find Bioware to be over-rated in terms of actual like programming and maxing out console specs kinda way, but I enjoy most of they're games. But when it comes to games without hitches they really aren't the team Kojima of the gaming world :P


From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
highwaystar101 said:
Bungie - Honestly, what have they done besides Halo?

Good God, man. How long have you been gaming?

Oni (mediocre), Marathon (awesome), Myth (awesome), amongst others.

I like Oni better than Halo. I'd love for them to revive that IP.

I'm gonna go with a tie between Bethesda, Squeenix, and Rockstar Games.

I actually agree completely. Which is sad, since Square and Enix both at times were considered my favorite develope. Square during the SNES era, Enix during parts of the SNES era and the PS1 era.

I like Morrowind and Oblivion, but... there are just NO conciquences... and that just makes it no fun.

While GTA was a series I loved to play.... at my friends house.  When I bought it... after like... half a day i was sick of it. 

Kasz216 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
highwaystar101 said:
Bungie - Honestly, what have they done besides Halo?

Good God, man. How long have you been gaming?

Oni (mediocre), Marathon (awesome), Myth (awesome), amongst others.

I like Oni better than Halo. I'd love for them to revive that IP.

I'm gonna go with a tie between Bethesda, Squeenix, and Rockstar Games.

I actually agree completely. Which is sad, since Square and Enix both at times were considered my favorite develope. Square during the SNES era, Enix during parts of the SNES era and the PS1 erfa.

I agree. The original Square made a lot of great games I really enjoyed. Enix not so much. Enix published a lot of great games, but the ones they developed themselves were so-so.  Don't confuse Enix's developer teams with those of Chunsoft, Quintet, and Tri-Ace.

Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

I like Oni better than Halo. I'd love for them to revive that IP.

I'm gonna go with a tie between Bethesda, Squeenix, and Rockstar Games.

I actually agree completely. Which is sad, since Square and Enix both at times were considered my favorite develope. Square during the SNES era, Enix during parts of the SNES era and the PS1 erfa.

I agree. The original Square made a lot of great games I really enjoyed. Enix not so much. Enix published a lot of great games, but the ones they developed themselves were so-so. Don't confuse Enix's developer teams with those of Chunsoft, Quintet, and Tri-Ace.

Play The World Ends With You. It's in all honesty the best game made by a primary Square dev team in a decade. It's simply a blast to play. Just try to ignore that the main character is an emo jackass for the first 1/3 of the game. He changes, and it's not enough to bring down an otherwise amazing experience.

I don't think anyone comes close to Bethesda in overrated developers. Rockstar gets a lot of undue credit for their buggy messes, but at least they are reasonably fun to play. Bethesda has nothing. Not only are their games not fun, but they are killing franchises that were fun before.

naznatips said:

Play The World Ends With You. It's in all honesty the best game made by a primary Square dev team in a decade. It's simply a blast to play. Just try to ignore that the main character is an emo jackass for the first 1/3 of the game. He changes, and it's not enough to bring down an otherwise amazing experience.

Jupiter Corporation is its own company AFAIK, not a Square dev team. Am I misinformed?

Edit: Double-checked my facts to make sure I'm right:

Edit 2:  Ah I see, the game was co-developed between multiple teams. 

Words Of Wisdom said:
naznatips said:

Play The World Ends With You. It's in all honesty the best game made by a primary Square dev team in a decade. It's simply a blast to play. Just try to ignore that the main character is an emo jackass for the first 1/3 of the game. He changes, and it's not enough to bring down an otherwise amazing experience.

Jupiter Corporation is its own company AFAIK, not a Square dev team. Am I misinformed?

Edit: Double-checked my facts to make sure I'm right:

Edit 2: Ah I see, the game was co-developed between multiple teams.

Yeah, them and the KH team (ironically the game is much better than KH).