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rocketpig said:
Shameless said:
Team ICO: I never really 'got' the ICO series and why they were so amazing.

*head explodes for the second time*

Let me explain:


I found the first ICO to be frustratingly hard; probably because I generally suck at games, but mainly because of the complete lack of help or any kind of meaningful objective. I found the whole game to be barren and lifeless. I was also expecting the ending of the 'story' so that didn't move me in any way (the hyperbole spewing reviewers claimed that they were in tears.. *sigh*).

Despite my thorough dissapointment in the first game, the huge critical acclaim for SOTC pushed me into a purchase. But the same flaws in the first game were present here: barren lifeless world, lack of any meaningful story, clunky controls, poor camera.. I could go on. I was extremely annoyed by the total pointlessness of whatever I was doing in this game.

I just felt these games were poorly executed good ideas. Still, I'll probably end up getting ICO 3 which will undoubtedly receive record scores once again. I just haven't dug the minimalist thing they've gone for so far.