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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who do you believe is the most over rated developer?

Words Of Wisdom said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Team Ninja....

Ninja gaiden was BORING & strictly average...dunno why its been so over rated

I think this belief mostly comes from the fact you are a PS3 fan and that they mostly do 360 games and not PS3 games.

Look who's talking, really. I can ignore your opinions but you have to be tolerant of others.

Anyways, Rockstar is a fabulous developer. Bully was one of my all time favorite games, and Grand Theft Auto brings something new with each installment ('cept for the PSP games, I felt like I'd already played them). 




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rocketpig said:

Definitely. I'm not saying that Rockstar is the greatest developer ever, but their GTA series is pretty spectacular.

Personally, I've never heard them mentioned in the same breath as Blizzard, Valve, or Nintendo, but if people are indeed doing that, I would have to say that yes, they are overrated by some. They don't deserve that kind of recognition compared to those three developers that consistently put together amazing games across several franchises.


Eh, I don't think many studios can be mentioned along side those.

I'm not as big of a fan of Blizzard as I used to be though.  Starcraft and Warcraft are pretty much different flavors of the same game and World of Warcraft is Diablo + Warcraft + MMO.   Those franchises are all they really do so to me they've become rather stagnant over the years.

MontanaHatchet said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Team Ninja....

Ninja gaiden was BORING & strictly average...dunno why its been so over rated

I think this belief mostly comes from the fact you are a PS3 fan and that they mostly do 360 games and not PS3 games.

Look who's talking, really. I can ignore your opinions but you have to be tolerant of others. 

It's not about being tolerant, it's about pointing out an obvious fact.

And for the record, I don't dislike Ninja Gaiden just because they don't develop for the PC. 

You put down HL1 and 2 yet praise KZ that destroys what credibility you could have not to mention taste in games or intelligence.

OT: Rockstar is by far the most overrated

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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sc94597 said:
Griffin said:
sc94597 said:
Griffin said:
I feel Nintendo is overrated, with the amount of games they make there are only a couple that are good. Zelda is an average adventure game with a poor story. SMG is one of the worst games i have ever played, i have no idea what people see in this game. Metroid is FPS with all the fun parts taken out. There best Mario was made over 15 years ago. Mario cart has gone down hill over the years too. Brawl appears to be just the same game i played on the GC and N64.

Valve is also very overrated, i have played all the half-Life games and they are very boring adventure/shooter games. The TF2 game on the Orange box is also one of the worst games i have ever played, it was just no fun. The one good game they made was Portal, and that would only get a 9/10 from me.
I disagree with both of these statements.

"Zelda is an average adventure game with a poor story."

"SMG is one of the worst games i have ever played, i have no idea what people see in this game."

" Metroid is FPS with all the fun parts taken out. "

Expand on these and give specific details. I would love to see how you came to these conclusions.


I can't believe you hate one of the best FPS. The orange box is an amazing game, and far superior to the console fps'. I would love to see you expand on this one too.



I don't really know how you want me to expand on these but i will.

I have played most of the Zelda's, the one on the DS is the one i got farthest in, it started off as some boy and some girl, i can't really remember anymore of a story after that. But in each zelda i have played or seen people play its all the same, you need to go off and save something and go and meet odd looking things and play boring dungeons.

Pay attention , and you would know zelda games are more complex than that.

For Example in Twilight Princess your are not trying to save zelda rather than hyrule, but from a dark force called zant. Along the way you find out that zant is being controlled by ganon , and midna is a princess. You find out about the mutiny in the twilight world. You also acknowlege the history of many races. This is a really weak story right there./sarcasm. It's not the best story , but it's not bad either. If you paid attention you would notice every zelda games story is different.

SMG, has some of the worst controls and camera i have ever seen in a video game. The camera would never go to what i wanted to see and the controls were just bad, and made even worse by the camera that never went to what i wanted to do. This caused me to fall off ledge after ledge as i tried to get mario where i wanted him to go. He never jumped where i wanted him to go and he never killed who i wanted him to kill. The whole game made it almost impossible to jump on anyone so you had to spin the wii-mote like crazy.

See you aren't expanding enough. Tell me how the controls and the camera were bad.

Metroid games are just boring, i never beat any of the ones i played due to boredom, and the colous in the games are just bad, each level looks bad and appears to be painted by a kid. I played a couple of them and put 1-3 hours into them before turning them off.

This is the one that I have the most problem with. Not only , because metroid is my most cherished video game series , but because you just blew off how it was boring, and it doesn't help your statement that it destroys everything else about an fps. Metroid isn't even meant to be an fps, It's was meant , and always will be an adventure game. I for one think it's far superior to any fps. You not only shoot the hell out of everything, but you also have puzzles, and exploration to consider. Oh , and let's not forget that you get to kill these huge ass bosses. It just seems to me that you expect too much from these games. You expect every single thing to be the best, when it probably won't be.

HL1, i played a long time ago and can't remember all the details but i remember being bored with it, i can't really remember much of a story either. HL2 and the episodes, were full of boring parts and puzzles that did nothing for the game, all they did was extend boring parts of the game. The was also no story, you walk from place to place metting people who go "oh my god its gordon freeman" then they ask you do do some boring crap and the you do it all over again with different people. The games also had the worst dring of any game i have ever played, theer was no point to those parts, but to extend the game. If they took out all the crap they never needed, it would of been one of the shortest games ever.

This video shows HL1 and HL2, but the episodes are just like it, so extend the video another 30seconds and you have the entire game.

Are you kidding. Half Life/2 is one of the only fpses with a decent story. Even if it's story is as crappy as you say. You can't say too much for any other fps. I have never seen the game as boring. I guess anything that makes you think too much is boring too you. Just as metroid is boring, and if you ever played a puzzling zelda game which I doubt you would be bored by that too.


 I never said i played all the Zelda game, TP is one of the ones i never played and saw very little of it being played.  I saw some horse riding and some game over a river/waterfall where you collect glowing balls or something.

I'm not really sure what else you want me to saw about SMG, i told you how the camera/controls were bad.  I also got about 34star in the game.

Everyone is allowed to have an opinion on games they played, even if my opinion on metroid is different then yours, i'm not saying mine is right or wrong, its just an opinion.  I'm sure you hate games i like.

No i'm not kidding, i think many other FPS games have a better story then HL, infact most games have a better story.  I don't mind thinking in a game, everytime i play a game i'm thinking.  If its how i'm going to win that race in GranTurismo or how to take out the other players without dieing in an online FPS game.

I just have a different opinion then you, i'm not trying to argue with anyone or troll as some of you maybe thinking. 

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Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:

Definitely. I'm not saying that Rockstar is the greatest developer ever, but their GTA series is pretty spectacular.

Personally, I've never heard them mentioned in the same breath as Blizzard, Valve, or Nintendo, but if people are indeed doing that, I would have to say that yes, they are overrated by some. They don't deserve that kind of recognition compared to those three developers that consistently put together amazing games across several franchises.

Eh, I don't think many studios can be mentioned along side those.

I'm not as big of a fan of Blizzard as I used to be though. Starcraft and Warcraft are pretty much different flavors of the same game and World of Warcraft is Diablo + Warcraft + MMO. Those franchises are all they really do so to me they've become rather stagnant over the years.

True. I'm hoping for big things when Starcraft 2 releases. World of Warcraft, while good for an MMO, was still pretty "meh" to me. There are several aspects of other MMOs that I think are much more interesting (for example, SWG's constantly evolving characters and skillsets).

A new Diablo game would be awesome, though. I really think Blizzard has slowly become "those guys that do WoW" and little else. Hopefully they shift priorities just a little when SC2 hits. 

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Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

EA, they are not terrible, they are fucking horrible!!!

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MaxwellGT2000 said:
You put down HL1 and 2 yet praise KZ

*head explodes*

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Griffin said:
sc94597 said:
Griffin said:
sc94597 said:
Griffin said:
I feel Nintendo is overrated, with the amount of games they make there are only a couple that are good. Zelda is an average adventure game with a poor story. SMG is one of the worst games i have ever played, i have no idea what people see in this game. Metroid is FPS with all the fun parts taken out. There best Mario was made over 15 years ago. Mario cart has gone down hill over the years too. Brawl appears to be just the same game i played on the GC and N64.

Valve is also very overrated, i have played all the half-Life games and they are very boring adventure/shooter games. The TF2 game on the Orange box is also one of the worst games i have ever played, it was just no fun. The one good game they made was Portal, and that would only get a 9/10 from me.
I disagree with both of these statements.

"Zelda is an average adventure game with a poor story."

"SMG is one of the worst games i have ever played, i have no idea what people see in this game."

" Metroid is FPS with all the fun parts taken out. "

Expand on these and give specific details. I would love to see how you came to these conclusions.


I can't believe you hate one of the best FPS. The orange box is an amazing game, and far superior to the console fps'. I would love to see you expand on this one too.



I don't really know how you want me to expand on these but i will.

I have played most of the Zelda's, the one on the DS is the one i got farthest in, it started off as some boy and some girl, i can't really remember anymore of a story after that. But in each zelda i have played or seen people play its all the same, you need to go off and save something and go and meet odd looking things and play boring dungeons.

Pay attention , and you would know zelda games are more complex than that.

For Example in Twilight Princess your are not trying to save zelda rather than hyrule, but from a dark force called zant. Along the way you find out that zant is being controlled by ganon , and midna is a princess. You find out about the mutiny in the twilight world. You also acknowlege the history of many races. This is a really weak story right there./sarcasm. It's not the best story , but it's not bad either. If you paid attention you would notice every zelda games story is different.

SMG, has some of the worst controls and camera i have ever seen in a video game. The camera would never go to what i wanted to see and the controls were just bad, and made even worse by the camera that never went to what i wanted to do. This caused me to fall off ledge after ledge as i tried to get mario where i wanted him to go. He never jumped where i wanted him to go and he never killed who i wanted him to kill. The whole game made it almost impossible to jump on anyone so you had to spin the wii-mote like crazy.

See you aren't expanding enough. Tell me how the controls and the camera were bad.

Metroid games are just boring, i never beat any of the ones i played due to boredom, and the colous in the games are just bad, each level looks bad and appears to be painted by a kid. I played a couple of them and put 1-3 hours into them before turning them off.

This is the one that I have the most problem with. Not only , because metroid is my most cherished video game series , but because you just blew off how it was boring, and it doesn't help your statement that it destroys everything else about an fps. Metroid isn't even meant to be an fps, It's was meant , and always will be an adventure game. I for one think it's far superior to any fps. You not only shoot the hell out of everything, but you also have puzzles, and exploration to consider. Oh , and let's not forget that you get to kill these huge ass bosses. It just seems to me that you expect too much from these games. You expect every single thing to be the best, when it probably won't be.

HL1, i played a long time ago and can't remember all the details but i remember being bored with it, i can't really remember much of a story either. HL2 and the episodes, were full of boring parts and puzzles that did nothing for the game, all they did was extend boring parts of the game. The was also no story, you walk from place to place metting people who go "oh my god its gordon freeman" then they ask you do do some boring crap and the you do it all over again with different people. The games also had the worst dring of any game i have ever played, theer was no point to those parts, but to extend the game. If they took out all the crap they never needed, it would of been one of the shortest games ever.

This video shows HL1 and HL2, but the episodes are just like it, so extend the video another 30seconds and you have the entire game.

Are you kidding. Half Life/2 is one of the only fpses with a decent story. Even if it's story is as crappy as you say. You can't say too much for any other fps. I have never seen the game as boring. I guess anything that makes you think too much is boring too you. Just as metroid is boring, and if you ever played a puzzling zelda game which I doubt you would be bored by that too.


I never said i played all the Zelda game, TP is one of the ones i never played and saw very little of it being played. I saw some horse riding and some game over a river/waterfall where you collect glowing balls or something.

I'm not really sure what else you want me to saw about SMG, i told you how the camera/controls were bad. I also got about 34star in the game.

Everyone is allowed to have an opinion on games they played, even if my opinion on metroid is different then yours, i'm not saying mine is right or wrong, its just an opinion. I'm sure you hate games i like.

No i'm not kidding, i think many other FPS games have a better story then HL, infact most games have a better story. I don't mind thinking in a game, everytime i play a game i'm thinking. If its how i'm going to win that race in GranTurismo or how to take out the other players without dieing in an online FPS game.

I just have a different opinion then you, i'm not trying to argue with anyone or troll as some of you maybe thinking.

You are entitled to your opinion. I mostly disagree with the opinions that you make out to be facts, but are untrue. Most of this could be found in the Zelda parts of your post.

Give specific instances where you thought the controls or camera was bad in smg. What made you come to this conclusion?

When I said thinking, I meant doing more than instincts. I also am interested in what metroid games you have played.

Most of the half life stuff is an opinion so I won't argue with you about that.


I just think the games you like are too simple and linear. You don't like getting confused on what to do , and that is why you dislike metroid , and to a lesser extent half life.