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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

If I could and had the resources. I'd just move to Japan. This country is sunk.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Pemalite said:
Farsala said:

Once again for the third time. I did not say that women need to serve men.

"Women who focus on their own education and career instead of their husband's is indeed more selfish." Focusing on yourself is more selfish than focusing on others.

Let's put it another way.

"Men who focus on their own education and career instead of their wife's is indeed more selfish." By your logic I am now saying men need to serve women? Nonsense. Strawman.

If that wasn't your original intention, then you worded it poorly and need to retract that statement.

You don't even know what a Strawman is. We have stayed on topic the entire time.

Farsala said:

About Mt. Everest, I think that is all I need to know about your outlook.

Again. Every time you drive a car, you put your life at risk. It is literally the exact same thing.
So if you drive a car, then by your poor logic... You are being selfish.

You created a strawman by arguing against something I never said.

I have enough integrity to admit I worded things poorly hence the poor reception from multiple people.

I think we have come to an understanding. Genuinely hope you enjoy the rest of your day. In my case, I will play some more SMTV :).

It's funny how most of the things that the left said that were going to happen when Trump wins has happened during the time they were in power. It started with punching people with MAGA hats because "Punch a fascist" was a thing to now brazenly trying to assassinate Trump.

I'm just waiting for the confirmation that it was an Antifa. Perhaps the feds can stop LARPing with that Patriot Front and actually start looking into extremists? This time, not just right wing please.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Disgusting. Violence is never the answer.

And if anything this will make it easier for Trump to win. The conspiracy "out to get me" claims will resonate with even more people.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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curl-6 said:

See this is why I no longer consider myself a leftist; over the past decade or so the left have become so nasty, so intolerant, so totalitarian, that calling for the murder of those who disagree with them is the norm now.

Not just calling for murder...

Anyway it is the same with all those leftist protests who try to cancel debates at Universities or schools calling those who would come facists but one of the characteristics of Fascism is literally trying and cancelling debates from Political opponents...

TallSilhouette said:
BFR said:

I challenge anyone in this forum to explain to all of us how your life would be different if Trump won or if Biden won. Mine would be no different.

If Trump wins he will likely get to replace the oldest members of the Supreme Court with young right wing activists and solidify that supermajority for generations. Not to be hyperbolic but looking at how the current court just effectively declared the Republican President a king above the law as well as the agenda set out by Project 2025, Trump's reelection could genuinely spell the end of the American democracy, let alone any hope of seeing the country progress any further in our lifetime. Holding out hope we may one day see better access to healthcare? Affordable higher education? Housing? Expanded civil rights? Voting rights? A livable climate? Not if Trump and his lackeys get their way.

It's said almost every election but the stakes genuinely have never been higher. How would my life be different if Trump or Biden won? It would determine whether or not I plan to remain an American.

Hmm Trump already replaced some of the Supreme Court, and I would argue one of the reasons why he could is because of the Democrats.    At one point the Democrats had a Candidate with some clear Political viewpoints, wanted some big changes for the country and oh yeah he also was Black....  The Democrats wanted to do something similar again with Hilary but she had less Political viewpoints or things that she wanted to change and she became known as the candidate who would break the glass ceiling!! Basically vote for her so we have our first Female President! It is pretty clear that people in general dislike the 'Put this person in this position because of the colour of the skin/Being a minority/gender etc'

The fact that some Democrats still think Biden is the Perfect candidate will be the reason why you maybe not remain an American.....

konnichiwa said:

It is pretty clear that people in general dislike the 'Put this person in this position because of the colour of the skin/Being a minority/gender etc'

And this applies to

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!