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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

BFR said:

What really gets me, is that the Dems are in panic mode, and the MAGA people are pounding their chest thinking it's game over for Joe. LOL

Honestly I think it is over for Joe.  I would love to be wrong but the DNC is obviously run by a bunch of morons.  Everyone knew Biden was declining for over a year now and yet here we are.  Biden shouldn't have been considered for a 2nd term.  

Biden speaking about climate change (example) doesn't help.  The average person views that as more taxes and loss of jobs.  Crash and burning in the debates doesn't exactly help. 

Last edited by Chrkeller - 3 days ago


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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For Biden to step down he needs an offer he cannot refuse. He has leverage now. He will not step back with nothing in return for himself and his family. But what could they offer him?

Jumpin said:

(It's a short, so I can't embed, but wow...)

Journalist: Would you declassify the Sept 11 files?

Journalist: Would you declassify the JFK files?
Trump: Yep! And I already did some of that!

Journalist: And you'd do the Epstein files?
Trump: Well... There's a lot of lies going around! I don't want to ruin anyone's lives. So, not so much the Epstein files!

Judge orders a surprise release of Epstein transcripts. Trump's name all over it.

This isn't the first time Trump has been accused of sexually assaulting of extremely young girls, as there were three Jane Doe's aged 12 to 13 in the 1990s who claimed they were raped by Donald Trump at Jeffrey Epstein's estate. One of these victims brought a lawsuit against Trump a decade ago, but it was dropped due to threats made against her life.

Jeffrey Epstein, Jean Luc Brunel, and Steven Heffenberg all got taken down. But other Epstein associates including Trump, Clinton, Branson, and Andrew are still at large and living an elitist lifestyle. Epstein killed himself in 2019, Brunel and Heffenberg in 2022.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Lol ok first of all it was a wish, not a threat. I'm nonviolent and don't own guns, I hate guns. However, republicans have abandoned being a political party and have become a nazi party wanting a fascist-led dictatorship. So yes what I said is a wish. Voting Trump is voting for my death and no I won't delve further into it as it's personal details. If you vote for a nazi party you are part of the problem. I'm not a Democrat. I'm not so far left I pretend to be offended by everything and virtue signal for internet points like all the dumbasses on Reshitera. Just anti-nazi. Democrats are not good guys either. Just typical politicians. But even with them in charge, I can at least sleep knowing they are not threatening violence like the Heritage Foundation with P2025 or will try a January 6th.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

Lol ok first of all it was a wish, not a threat. I'm nonviolent and don't own guns, I hate guns. However, republicans have abandoned being a political party and have become a nazi party wanting a fascist-led dictatorship. So yes what I said is a wish. Voting Trump is voting for my death and no I won't delve further into it as it's personal details. If you vote for a nazi party you are part of the problem. I'm not a Democrat. I'm not so far left I pretend to be offended by everything and virtue signal for internet points like all the dumbasses on Reshitera. Just anti-nazi. Democrats are not good guys either. Just typical politicians. But even with them in charge, I can at least sleep knowing they are not threatening violence like the Heritage Foundation with P2025 or will try a January 6th.

Wishing on someones death for having a different political preference is a bit extreme. I do not know what ghosts haunt you, but if it is any consolidation, you apparently survived survived Trumps first term.

Or you are just trolling. In that case, no this is not funny.

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Tober said:

you apparently survived survived Trumps first term.

The problem with this logic, is that a lot of things take time. 

I think that's one of the greatest failings that people have with logic. We struggle with sustainability. Cutting down a few trees doesn't hurt the environment. Poisoning a pond of water doesn't hurt the environment that much. We keep going with that and entire forests are cut down, entire regions of water are poisoned, and entire species die. 

It takes time for environmental impacts to be seen. It takes time for the economy to undergo changes. It takes time for political opinions to sway. It takes time for bad diet choices to start affecting health. 

Some of these things take literally decades, before it starts hurting. Some of them might even be wildly different timescales. Some environmental issues have taken hundreds of years before they really had a noticeable impact. 

To be clear, with this point, I'm not comparing Republicans to Nazis. But you could have said the same thing about Jews surviving the Nazis. Hitler took power in 1933, started rolling back rights of Jewish people, and it wasn't until 1941 that the Holocaust actually began. Which would basically be someone's 3rd term in the US. 

I don't believe the average Republican is anywhere in agreement with most Nazi positions. But I know some Republicans that are. I have a family member who is pretty open about how they think black people should be re-enslaved. There are tons of Republicans who believe that trans people should be killed. There are tons of Republicans who believe that Democrats should be killed.

I don't think the average Republican believes anything like this. But there are some that do, and tons more that give massive benefits of the doubt to Republican politicians, to the point where even if one was actively murdering Democrats, some of them still wouldn't care. They'd justify it, by saying well those must have been bad people, because I'm a good person and I would never vote for a bad person. 

Republicans are currently indirectly killing women and trans people, by reducing the kind of healthcare they can have. That's kind of tricky, because even if someone legitimately has good intentions, a bad policy might lead to indirectly ending people's lives. 

Like some drugs are really bad, so we're going to make it illegal, but now we have people who are in prison, and they are going to have a hard time adjusting back into society. You can make that decision with the genuine intention of making it so that people don't get into drugs, but you're also hurting people who do. And you might find that on the whole, that your law did more harm than good over the years. 

Tober said:
Leynos said:

Lol ok first of all it was a wish, not a threat. I'm nonviolent and don't own guns, I hate guns. However, republicans have abandoned being a political party and have become a nazi party wanting a fascist-led dictatorship. So yes what I said is a wish. Voting Trump is voting for my death and no I won't delve further into it as it's personal details. If you vote for a nazi party you are part of the problem. I'm not a Democrat. I'm not so far left I pretend to be offended by everything and virtue signal for internet points like all the dumbasses on Reshitera. Just anti-nazi. Democrats are not good guys either. Just typical politicians. But even with them in charge, I can at least sleep knowing they are not threatening violence like the Heritage Foundation with P2025 or will try a January 6th.

Wishing on someones death for having a different political preference is a bit extreme. I do not know what ghosts haunt you, but if it is any consolidation, you apparently survived survived Trumps first term.

Or you are just trolling. In that case, no this is not funny.

It's not political preference when it's a nazi. We had a world war to rid the world of a person and followers like Trump. They want that shit back. If you still think Republicans are politicians you're blind.  Nazi's have no place anywhere.

EDIT I don't care if you vote for a Ninja Turtle. Your plumber. Hate Biden. Just vote to keep Trump and the Nazis out and it's all good.

Last edited by Leynos - 6 hours ago

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
Tober said:

Wishing on someones death for having a different political preference is a bit extreme. I do not know what ghosts haunt you, but if it is any consolidation, you apparently survived survived Trumps first term.

Or you are just trolling. In that case, no this is not funny.

It's not political preference when it's a nazi. We had a world war to rid the world of a person and followers like Trump. They want that shit back. If you still think Republicans are politicians you're blind.  Nazi's have no place anywhere.

  Hey, Leynos, I am a life long and proud Republican.  We are not Nazi's - get your head out of your ass. That being said, I am not a MAGA Republican but I am a Reagan Republican.  There's a Fucking difference between the two factions.

BFR said:
Leynos said:

It's not political preference when it's a nazi. We had a world war to rid the world of a person and followers like Trump. They want that shit back. If you still think Republicans are politicians you're blind.  Nazi's have no place anywhere.

  Hey, Leynos, I am a life long and proud Republican.  We are not Nazi's - get your head out of your ass. That being said, I am not a MAGA Republican but I am a Reagan Republican.  There's a Fucking difference between the two factions.


And Nazi stands for National Socialists Workers Party.  Does that mean all socialists are Nazi?  Of course not.

MAGA needs to go, they have hijacked the party to a large degree.

The idea republican means anything close to what some are claiming is absurd.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - 6 hours ago


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Leynos said:
Tober said:

Wishing on someones death for having a different political preference is a bit extreme. I do not know what ghosts haunt you, but if it is any consolidation, you apparently survived survived Trumps first term.

Or you are just trolling. In that case, no this is not funny.

It's not political preference when it's a nazi. We had a world war to rid the world of a person and followers like Trump. They want that shit back. If you still think Republicans are politicians you're blind.  Nazi's have no place anywhere.

EDIT I don't care if you vote for a Ninja Turtle. Your plumber. Hate Biden. Just vote to keep Trump and the Nazis out and it's all good.

I do not know how many million people are registered Republicans in America. Must be many millions. You wish for a genocide and ok it in your mind after generalizing and labeling them. But then again generalization and labeling are the tools used throughout history to lay the foundation for many genocides.