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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

The Demos have been left of center ever since the Vietnam War.

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zorg1000 said:
Chrkeller said:

In theory, if a third party gains traction, it will force people to the middle.

In theory, sure. But in practice it’s just as likely to be a mess. For example, look at Andrew Yang’s Forward Party, “we’re not left or right, we’re forward!”

The problem with being a party whose identity is the middle is they don’t necessarily have a cohesive set of goals.

”The left wants to raise taxes and the right wants to lower taxes, so we’re just going to leave them where they’re at!”

”The left wants to restore Roe v Wade, the right wants to impose a federal abortion ban, so we’re just gonna leave it up to the states!”

”The left wants universal healthcare and the right wants to repeal the ACA, so we’re just gonna leave healthcare alone!”

I’m not saying there aren’t areas where compromise can happen but it’s not like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama or Joe Biden are far left by any means and often times had to meet in the middle to get something passed. The Democratic Party of the last 30+ years has been a bit left of center.

Maybe.  All I know is our current system isn't sustainable either.  Can't hurt to try something new.  I mean each side trying to out extreme each other is beyond broken.

Yang didn't have a following.  I think if a well know democratic and a well known republican join forces and pre-align the platform....  could work.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

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The other issue with a 3rd party/independent President is who is their coalition in Congress?

Let’s say after the debate a whole bunch of people went “I’m not voting for a whining criminal or a senile old man” and RFK all of a sudden becomes the front runner and wins.

It’s not like there is an army of RFK supporters running in the House or Senate elections so it’s still going to be a Democrat, Republican or split Congress.

Does he magically form a coalition of roughly half of each party and enact an agenda? If Democrats control both chambers does he support their progressive agenda? If Republicans control both chambers does he support their conservative agenda? If the chambers are split does he become a master negotiator and get bipartisan legislation passed?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:

The other issue with a 3rd party/independent President is who is their coalition in Congress?

Let’s say after the debate a whole bunch of people went “I’m not voting for a whining criminal or a senile old man” and RFK all of a sudden becomes the front runner and wins.

It’s not like there is an army of RFK supporters running in the House or Senate elections so it’s still going to be a Democrat, Republican or split Congress.

Does he magically form a coalition of roughly half of each party and enact an agenda? If Democrats control both chambers does he support their progressive agenda? If Republicans control both chambers does he support their conservative agenda? If the chambers are split does he become a master negotiator and get bipartisan legislation passed?

My 3rd party idea isn't just white house.  It would include all levels including state and local.  Someone like Liz Cheney could be a good add. 


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

The other issue with a 3rd party/independent President is who is their coalition in Congress?

Let’s say after the debate a whole bunch of people went “I’m not voting for a whining criminal or a senile old manâ€Â and RFK all of a sudden becomes the front runner and wins.

It’s not like there is an army of RFK supporters running in the House or Senate elections so it’s still going to be a Democrat, Republican or split Congress.

Does he magically form a coalition of roughly half of each party and enact an agenda? If Democrats control both chambers does he support their progressive agenda? If Republicans control both chambers does he support their conservative agenda? If the chambers are split does he become a master negotiator and get bipartisan legislation passed?

My 3rd party idea isn't just white house.  It would include all levels including state and local.  Someone like Liz Cheney could be a good add. 

I understand that and it might sound good but I can’t see it happening with our first past the post setup, you’re still going to see like 95% of House/Senate members being either Republican or Democrat.

Also, Cheney is far from a centrist, she was a rank & file Republican who couldn’t support an insurrection. I respect the fact that she stood up to Trump and believes in democracy but we need to stop painting people firmly on the right as centrists/moderates just because they aren’t as far to the right as others.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Around the Network
zorg1000 said:
Chrkeller said:

My 3rd party idea isn't just white house.  It would include all levels including state and local.  Someone like Liz Cheney could be a good add. 

I understand that and it might sound good but I can’t see it happening with our first past the post setup, you’re still going to see like 95% of House/Senate members being either Republican or Democrat.

Also, Cheney is far from a centrist, she was a rank & file Republican who couldn’t support an insurrection. I respect the fact that she stood up to Trump and believes in democracy but we need to stop painting people firmly on the right as centrists/moderates just because they aren’t as far to the right as others.

It probably wouldn't work, which is tragic.  

My thought was Cheney is willing to break rank, which maybe means she is willing to compromise?  Maybe it isn't being central as much as being willing to compromise.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Leynos said:

I don't like politics but Trump isn't politics he is the face of a Nazi party who wants a dictatorship. I'd vote for a moldy sandwich over Trump or any Republican. Kill all Nazis. Kill all Republicans. Jail the actual politicians who suck. (no Rebub is a politician at this stage)

moderated by the-pi-guy

Calm down, I don't think supporting a 150 million genocide is the answer.

Watched the debate even though I'm not an American citizen.

The only question I had on my mind all the time was: "Who is in charge right know? Don't think it's Joe Biden"

No matter who you are going to vote for, but I think the worst option would be a bunch of unfaced unelected shadowhandlers running the show with no accountability at all.

Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

In theory, sure. But in practice it’s just as likely to be a mess. For example, look at Andrew Yang’s Forward Party, “we’re not left or right, we’re forward!”

The problem with being a party whose identity is the middle is they don’t necessarily have a cohesive set of goals.

”The left wants to raise taxes and the right wants to lower taxes, so we’re just going to leave them where they’re at!”

”The left wants to restore Roe v Wade, the right wants to impose a federal abortion ban, so we’re just gonna leave it up to the states!”

”The left wants universal healthcare and the right wants to repeal the ACA, so we’re just gonna leave healthcare alone!”

I’m not saying there aren’t areas where compromise can happen but it’s not like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama or Joe Biden are far left by any means and often times had to meet in the middle to get something passed. The Democratic Party of the last 30+ years has been a bit left of center.

Maybe.  All I know is our current system isn't sustainable either.  Can't hurt to try something new.  I mean each side trying to out extreme each other is beyond broken.

Yang didn't have a following.  I think if a well know democratic and a well known republican join forces and pre-align the platform....  could work.

It’s a false equivalence to pretend the current left & right are equally extreme. Let’s look at the left-right spectrum" width="735" height="229">

Over the last few decades, Democrats have shifted from Moderate to Liberal while Republicans have shifted from Conservative to Extreme-Right.

You’re right that the current system is fucked and that’s because of partisan gerrymandering, the filibuster and the electoral college allowing the minority party to beat or block the majority party.

As long as Republicans continue to win or go back and forth with Democrats then they have no incentive to moderate themselves.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

I understand that and it might sound good but I can’t see it happening with our first past the post setup, you’re still going to see like 95% of House/Senate members being either Republican or Democrat.

Also, Cheney is far from a centrist, she was a rank & file Republican who couldn’t support an insurrection. I respect the fact that she stood up to Trump and believes in democracy but we need to stop painting people firmly on the right as centrists/moderates just because they aren’t as far to the right as others.

It probably wouldn't work, which is tragic.  

My thought was Cheney is willing to break rank, which maybe means she is willing to compromise?  Maybe it isn't being central as much as being willing to compromise.  

I agree with compromise, but doesn’t that already kind of describe the Democratic Party? Look at some of the major bills passed under Biden.

Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act, Safer Communities Act, Honoring our PACT Act, CHIPS & Science Act, Ukraine Defense Lend-Lease Act, Respect for Marriage Act, Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, Electoral Count Reform Act, National Security Act, raising the debt ceiling and funding the government without shutting down the government.

All of these needed bipartisan support in order to overcome the Senate filibuster and had varying levels of support in the House as well.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.