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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Pemalite said:

I have already provided the empirical evidence that the war in Ukraine started before Biden was in power... Making your point redundant/a lie.

The buildup.  not the war

The buildup includes the war.

Remember Russia invaded Ukraine before Biden was in power... I.E. Russia invading Crimea which is Ukraine.

Let's not shift the goal post here and start making concessions to justify your support for a specific presidential candidate.

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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Pemalite said:

I have already provided the empirical evidence that the war in Ukraine started before Biden was in power... Making your point redundant/a lie.

The buildup.  not the war

So Biden gets the entire blame.  Following that logic Biden gets 100% of the credit for an all time historical stock market.   It happen under his watch and the buildup doesn't count, am I right?


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Pemalite said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

The buildup.  not the war

The buildup includes the war.

Remember Russia invaded Ukraine before Biden was in power... I.E. Russia invading Crimea which is Ukraine.

Let's not shift the goal post here and start making concessions to justify your support for a specific presidential candidate.

Good luck with that request.  Nobody can realistically support trump if they are versed in fact and reality.

I remember when Republicans cared about fiscal responsibility yet trump increased the debt by 8 trillion.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
zorg1000 said:

Immigration was under control? Did you start paying attention to politics just this year? Republicans have been complaining about the border my entire life.

You have 1/40th of your pre-Biden wealth? Do you have a bad gambling problem or something? Sounds like you have some serious financial responsibility issues you need to take of instead of blaming the president.

Sure, he’s exaggerating how much was a direct result of him but Biden taking credit for jobs during his presidency is the slimiest thing ever? Were you in a coma during Trump’s presidency and somehow continue to have no idea about the things he has said and done?

Overall it seems like you have trouble distinguishing between correlation and causation. Are you going to blame Biden for Roe being overturned simply because he was in office when it happened?

nope people just don't have disposable income anymore to spend on my business

What kind of business if I may ask?

Chrkeller said:
Pemalite said:

The buildup includes the war.

Remember Russia invaded Ukraine before Biden was in power... I.E. Russia invading Crimea which is Ukraine.

Let's not shift the goal post here and start making concessions to justify your support for a specific presidential candidate.

Good luck with that request.  Nobody can realistically support trump if they are versed in fact and reality.

I remember when Republicans cared about fiscal responsibility yet trump increased the debt by 8 trillion.  

I just can't see how someone can blame Biden for Russia invading Ukraine when Russia Invaded Ukraine in 2014, 7 years before Biden was even in fucking power.
It's just stupid goal-post shifting and pandering and an outright blatant lie at worst.

As for fiscal responsibility... Trump literally had several of his businesses go bankrupt and has over-estimated his worth to the point of being fraudulent.
I knew before he even got in power that fiscally he would be a poor performer... Which turned out to be accurate.

Although, to Trumps credit he did manage to initiate a trade war with China which has had an effect... But the long term ramifications are yet to be seen, but some big winners ended up being Mexico, Taiwan, India and Vietnam because of it.

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Pemalite said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

The buildup.  not the war

The buildup includes the war.

Remember Russia invaded Ukraine before Biden was in power... I.E. Russia invading Crimea which is Ukraine.

Let's not shift the goal post here and start making concessions to justify your support for a specific presidential candidate.

Oh yes under Obama when Biden was VP I remember

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Oh yes under Obama when Biden was VP I remember

So you think that:

1.) Russia, out of nowhere, started planned this invasion within a few months of getting Biden getting elected?

2.) Russia who had been talking about Ukraine for years, suddenly decided not to invade during Trump's presidency, despite the fact that Trump was incredibly soft on Russia, praising Putin.

We're just going to ignore the conflict that continued during the Trump administration.

>More than 110 Ukrainian service members were killed in 2019.

We're going to just ignore that Putin continued to push on some of these issues during the Trump administration.  

>President Putin first suggested in 2019 that Russian-speaking residents might suffer a Srebrenica-like massacre if Ukraine regained full control of Donbas without guarantees.

No, no it must be Biden's fault. 

Chrkeller said:
Pemalite said:

The buildup includes the war.

Remember Russia invaded Ukraine before Biden was in power... I.E. Russia invading Crimea which is Ukraine.

Let's not shift the goal post here and start making concessions to justify your support for a specific presidential candidate.

Good luck with that request.  Nobody can realistically support trump if they are versed in fact and reality.

I remember when Republicans cared about fiscal responsibility yet trump increased the debt by 8 trillion.  

Republicans never cared about fiscal responsibility, certainly not since 1980. The Reagan, Bush & Trump administrations all had massive increases to the national debt, in large part from tax cuts for the wealthy and ramping up military spending. Then they turn around and tell Americans we need to cut programs that help them.

In that same time frame, Clinton was the only president to have a surplus and under Obama/Biden much of the debt has gone to recovery efforts for things that started before they were in office (Great Recession/Covid Pandemic) and investments that will help the general population (Obama-largest expanding of healthcare since the 60s, Biden-largest investment in infrastructure since the 50s).

Republicans get credit for being fiscally responsible not because of their policies, it’s because they complain loudly about the debt while doing nothing about it.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Hiku said:
Tober said:

I have no clue on what you are implying here. Please be more specific, so my dumb brain can understand.

You previously said you believe Putin did not want to invade Ukraine while Trump was in charge, because he was in charge.
The same Trump you describe as having a more pacifistic approach to war. And instead, Putin chose to invade while USA was lead by the "more war hungry" Biden.

If you read my question again, do you understand it now?
And I would appreciate if you eventually reply to my other reply to you as well where I go more into detail about this, although I understand that you have many people to respond to, so no rush.

I don't know if Putin did not invade Ukraine while Trump was in charge, because he was in charge, because I'm not a mind reader. I just stated the fact that this is what happened. The only thing we do know are a series of events. Northsea pipeline blown up, Door to Nato opened for Ukraine, then invasion of Ukraine by Putin.


zorg1000 said:
Chrkeller said:

Good luck with that request.  Nobody can realistically support trump if they are versed in fact and reality.

I remember when Republicans cared about fiscal responsibility yet trump increased the debt by 8 trillion.  

Republicans never cared about fiscal responsibility, certainly not since 1980. The Reagan, Bush & Trump administrations all had massive increases to the national debt, in large part from tax cuts for the wealthy and ramping up military spending. Then they turn around and tell Americans we need to cut programs that help them.

In that same time frame, Clinton was the only president to have a surplus and under Obama/Biden much of the debt has gone to recovery efforts for things that started before they were in office (Great Recession/Covid Pandemic) and investments that will help the general population (Obama-largest expanding of healthcare since the 60s, Biden-largest investment in infrastructure since the 50s).

Republicans get credit for being fiscally responsible not because of their policies, it’s because they complain loudly about the debt while doing nothing about it.

Can you remind me who controlled Congress during Clinton's presidency?  Are you really only gonna pat Clinton's back?

The eight years of the Clinton Administration were divided into four Congresses, each lasting two years. The Democrats controlled the first one, and Republicans controlled the other three, though with their majority in the House diminishing with each election. The 104th Congress (the second under Clinton) was the first time Republicans controlled both houses of Congress since 1953. What also happened at that time? The surplus in FY 2000 is $237 billion—the third consecutive surplus and the largest surplus ever. Largest Three-Year Debt Pay-Down Ever: Between 1998-2000, the publicly held debt was reduced by $363 billion—the largest three-year pay-down in American history.  Yep and this happened with a sitting Democrat as President. The Cigar Swirller himself was not the driver, he merely closed the door and took a ride. 

I wish today's republicans would remember that both sides can work in tandem to get things achieved.  The Democrats aren't much better and their lockstep (with few Manchinish  exceptions) is not what's best for the country but what's best for their party.