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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

rapsuperstar31 said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Yeah I'm a results guy.  Russia's invasion started once Biden got in.  Immigration was under control before.  I have about 1/40th the wealth I had when Biden took office and businesses all around agree, the economy sucks no matter what the numbers on the TV says.  Nobody has money.  The world is on the brink of WW3 and all the people that we were fearmongered would be aggressive with Trump have been moreso under Biden.  Also Biden did the slimiest thing ever by taking credit for jobs "created" by lifting shutdowns.  What a bunch of BS inflated numbers.

Think for yourself, what events happened in 2020 that disrupted all supply chains around the world causing massive inflation not just in the USA, but everywhere?  Biden didn't cause inflation in Europe, in China, in Japan, in the USA. Covid is why inflation happened, covid is why you don't have the buying power you once had (although if you stayed invested you are doing just fine) 

I am thinking for myself.  People on the TV and some numbers say everything is great.  I ain't parodying that.  I'm going by what I see and hear around me here in Western PA and what I see happening in other nations.  We had peace, energy independence, and spending power with Trump.  Biden shouldn't have taken credit for the jobs that came back post lockdown if he didn't want blame for the spending power lost.  Can't take the benefits that make your numbers look good without taking the blame on that stuff.  It's either all you or none of it is.

I am Iron Man

Around the Network
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Yeah I'm a results guy.  Russia's invasion started once Biden got in.  Immigration was under control before.  I have about 1/40th the wealth I had when Biden took office and businesses all around agree, the economy sucks no matter what the numbers on the TV says.  Nobody has money.  The world is on the brink of WW3 and all the people that we were fearmongered would be aggressive with Trump have been moreso under Biden.  Also Biden did the slimiest thing ever by taking credit for jobs "created" by lifting shutdowns.  What a bunch of BS inflated numbers.

Here's an issue I have with this, how do you know how to attribute results to someone?

What actual policies has Biden pushed and passed that caused a lot of these issues? 

If Russia has spent several years planning an invasion for Ukraine, and it happens to start when Biden is president, why is that his fault? 9/11 happened under Bush, maybe we should stop voting for Republican presidents. 

You talk about shutdowns, despite the fact that those happened under Trump. 

What policies has Biden pushed on immigration? What was the alternative? Maybe the "out of control immigration issues" are preferable to murdering people to keep them out. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

I am thinking for myself.  People on the TV and some numbers say everything is great.  I ain't parodying that.  I'm going by what I see and hear around me here in Western PA and what I see happening in other nations.  We had peace, energy independence, and spending power with Trump.  Biden shouldn't have taken credit for the jobs that came back post lockdown if he didn't want blame for the spending power lost.  Can't take the benefits that make your numbers look good without taking the blame on that stuff.  It's either all you or none of it is.

Except we didn't. Nothing has changed in that regard.

We actually have "more energy independence" now.

The issue is that it doesn't matter. Corporations want money, their goal isn't cheap oil. 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 31 January 2024

the-pi-guy said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Yeah I'm a results guy.  Russia's invasion started once Biden got in.  Immigration was under control before.  I have about 1/40th the wealth I had when Biden took office and businesses all around agree, the economy sucks no matter what the numbers on the TV says.  Nobody has money.  The world is on the brink of WW3 and all the people that we were fearmongered would be aggressive with Trump have been moreso under Biden.  Also Biden did the slimiest thing ever by taking credit for jobs "created" by lifting shutdowns.  What a bunch of BS inflated numbers.

Here's an issue I have with this, how do you know how to attribute results to someone?

What actual policies has Biden pushed and passed that caused a lot of these issues? 

If Russia has spent several years planning an invasion for Ukraine, and it happens to start when Biden is president, why is that his fault? 9/11 happened under Bush, maybe we should stop voting for Republican presidents. 

You talk about shutdowns, despite the fact that those happened under Trump. 

What policies has Biden pushed on immigration? What was the alternative? Maybe the "out of control immigration issues" are preferable to murdering people to keep them out. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

I am thinking for myself.  People on the TV and some numbers say everything is great.  I ain't parodying that.  I'm going by what I see and hear around me here in Western PA and what I see happening in other nations.  We had peace, energy independence, and spending power with Trump.  Biden shouldn't have taken credit for the jobs that came back post lockdown if he didn't want blame for the spending power lost.  Can't take the benefits that make your numbers look good without taking the blame on that stuff.  It's either all you or none of it is.

Except we didn't. Nothing has changed in that regard.

We actually have "more energy independence" now.

The issue is that it doesn't matter. Corporations want money, their goal isn't cheap oil. 

The keystone pipeline was shut down, drilling is opposed here while still supported abroad, Trump dropped MOABs, Biden is clearly seen as more soft so they went after in 2014 and then again when he was in, and the shutdowns were democratic governors and you know damn well there would be lawsuits if Trump tried to stop them from doing what they did.  He did all he could and they decided to screw him economically and then try to give Biden credit for the recovery that was obviously always going to happen.  Talk about a lucky stroke to get a pandemic during an election year to crash the economy that had been roaring for real rather than this faux boom that nobody seems to be feeling.

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

The keystone pipeline was shut down, 

The keystone pipeline is a new pipeline that was to bring oil from Canada, that was years away from completion, how does that count for energy independence?

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

drilling is opposed here while still supported abroad

US is still exporting record amounts of oil.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

 the shutdowns were democratic governors and you know damn well there would be lawsuits if Trump tried to stop them from doing what they did.  He did all he could and they decided to screw him economically and then try to give Biden credit for the recovery that was obviously always going to happen.  Talk about a lucky stroke to get a pandemic during an election year to crash the economy that had been roaring for real rather than this faux boom that nobody seems to be feeling.

This isn't remotely true.

Almost every state (Democratic or Republican led) shut down. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

The keystone pipeline was shut down, drilling is opposed here while still supported abroad, Trump dropped MOABs, Biden is clearly seen as more soft so they went after in 2014 and then again when he was in, and the shutdowns were democratic governors and you know damn well there would be lawsuits if Trump tried to stop them from doing what they did.  He did all he could and they decided to screw him economically and then try to give Biden credit for the recovery that was obviously always going to happen.  Talk about a lucky stroke to get a pandemic during an election year to crash the economy that had been roaring for real rather than this faux boom that nobody seems to be feeling.

If you truly believe that Putin invaded Ukraine because Biden was soft, how does the fact that the war has lasted longer and been more devastating to Russia than really anyone expected, factor into that calculus? I can't tell you what Putin was thinking when he invaded Ukraine, but if he was thinking that he could get away with it with minimum cost, he was clearly wrong. 

Why should we hold that against Biden any more than Trump (the man who continuously weakened NATO and repeatedly attempted to cut our financial support for Ukraine)?

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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Dante9 said:

The Biden administration has brought the country to the brink of civil war. If this doesn't sober you up, nothing will.

Yeah I'm a results guy.  Russia's invasion started once Biden got in.  Immigration was under control before.  I have about 1/40th the wealth I had when Biden took office and businesses all around agree, the economy sucks no matter what the numbers on the TV says.  Nobody has money.  The world is on the brink of WW3 and all the people that we were fearmongered would be aggressive with Trump have been moreso under Biden.  Also Biden did the slimiest thing ever by taking credit for jobs "created" by lifting shutdowns.  What a bunch of BS inflated numbers.

Immigration was under control? Did you start paying attention to politics just this year? Republicans have been complaining about the border my entire life.

You have 1/40th of your pre-Biden wealth? Do you have a bad gambling problem or something? Sounds like you have some serious financial responsibility issues you need to take of instead of blaming the president.

Sure, he’s exaggerating how much was a direct result of him but Biden taking credit for jobs during his presidency is the slimiest thing ever? Were you in a coma during Trump’s presidency and somehow continue to have no idea about the things he has said and done?

Overall it seems like you have trouble distinguishing between correlation and causation. Are you going to blame Biden for Roe being overturned simply because he was in office when it happened?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Tober said:

Russia invaded Ukraine after Trump left remember. The catalyst was to open the door for Ukraine to NATO that escalated the situation. But just as the above, sure we can speak through thought loops to blame Trump for that. That kind of reasoning can go any way and leaves us blind for the facts.

Trump was extremely soft on Putin and Russia. He even stood on stage, and in front of the world undermined his own US intelligence by proclaiming he believed Putin over them. It was beyond parody.

What reason is there to believe that Putin would not have invaded Ukraine when he had the US president doing exactly what he wanted? Especially because Trump stated he wanted USA to leave NATO.

If anything, Putin was waiting for Trump to deliver on that front. And invade once USA was out of NATO.
Russia already invaded Ukraine in 2014. Were they afraid of Ukraine joining NATO back then too? That likely has little to nothing to do with it. Because Putin STRENGTHENED the NATO threat on their border through his invasion, by essentially forcing the long standing neutral countries of Finland and Sweden to join. A very predictable outcome.

Putin wants to restore Russia. That is the primary reason he's "taking back land that belonged to Russia in the past".

The assosication that "no attack under Trump = thanks to him" is really wild.

There was a bear attack in the neighborhood 30 years ago. After we got new mailboxes, there hasn't been a single bear attack in 30 years. Must be thanks to them.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

The keystone pipeline was shut down, drilling is opposed here while still supported abroad, Trump dropped MOABs, Biden is clearly seen as more soft so they went after in 2014 and then again when he was in,


Wait, are you crediting Trump for the keystone pipeline shut down?
There's no way.... He tried to do the exact opposite, but had his attempt blocked.

Where do you get your news that you believe the guy that was trying his hardest to help Putin with the pipeline is responsible for shutting it down?

What's next?
Osama Bin Laden tried to save people from a collapsing building?

Everything I said above in this same post to Tober applies to you as well btw.
Please read it...

It's strange to hear "Trump didn't start any new wars but Biden did", and yet at the same time accuse Biden of being the "soft one" on the subject of war (Ukraine).

Last edited by Hiku - on 31 January 2024

rapsuperstar31 said:
Tober said:

I'm not an American citizen, so I don't have a vote in this. But America has the biggest influence in world peace, so I have an opinion on it.

Bush lied to invade Irak, causing a million death.

Under Oboma the Arab Spring started that got Lybia in ruins to this day, causing Mass human trafficking to Europe from Africa and gave rise to ISIS. And Crimea was annexed by Russia.

Trump's first foreign visit was with the Arab league, where he demanded people from their countries to stop funding ISIS. And ISIS folded soon after. Why did Obama not stop the funding for ISIS in the six years prior? I don't know, because mind reading does not exist.

Under Biden, The Northstream pipeline was blown up, The door to Nato for Ukraine was opened and Russia invaded Ukraine. Biden gives Ukraine just enough not to have Russia win, but never enough for Ukraine to win. Guaranteeing a perpetual war.

Bush, Obama, Biden all put policies in place for perpetual war somewhere in the world. Good for the industrial Military complex, bad for millions suffering.

For sure there are a million domestic reasons if you are an American citizen, who you would support or not. But as a non American the world felt safer with trump in office. I prefer pounding of own chest over dropping bombs any day in the week.

If you believe I'm arguing in good faith or not, is up to you. I would not know what I would have to gain if I would not be arguing in good faith though.

Trump is facing 91 felonies, and was successfully sued for rape..RAPE.  Sure the world is a safer place with Trump.

I'm not arguing if trump is a great guy or not. I'm saying that less bombs where dropped on people.

Tober said:
rapsuperstar31 said:

Trump is facing 91 felonies, and was successfully sued for rape..RAPE.  Sure the world is a safer place with Trump.

I'm not arguing if trump is a great guy or not. I'm saying that less bombs where dropped on people.

Would you like to start a war that the USA may get involved in under the president that dropped less bombs, or more bombs?

Hiku said:
Tober said:

I'm not arguing if trump is a great guy or not. I'm saying that less bombs where dropped on people.

Would you like to start a war that the USA may get involved in under the president that dropped less bombs, or more bombs?

I have no clue on what you are implying here. Please be more specific, so my dumb brain can understand.