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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

Farsala said:

You created a strawman by arguing against something I never said.

Point out the strawman in a quote, otherwise this is just a lie.

iron_megalith said:

It's funny how most of the things that the left said that were going to happen when Trump wins has happened during the time they were in power. It started with punching people with MAGA hats because "Punch a fascist" was a thing to now brazenly trying to assassinate Trump.

I'm just waiting for the confirmation that it was an Antifa. Perhaps the feds can stop LARPing with that Patriot Front and actually start looking into extremists? This time, not just right wing please.

What about when Trump supporters:
1) Beat up a homeless Mexican-descended American and stated "Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported.".

2) Ethnic Intimidation and threatening murder to indians in school and said: "Donald Trump is running for President of the United States saying that, 'We've got to check people out more closely,'".

3) Of when a Trump supporter threatened Obama and found explosives in his home and said on Twitter: ""The establishment is trying to steal the election from Trump. ... Obama is already on a kill list ... Your [name] can be there too.""

4) Or when a Trump supporter attacked his African-American neighbours with a knife and said: ""Donald Trump will fix them because they are scared of Donald Trump,""

5) Or when Daniel Rowe stabbed an interracial couple and he told police that ""he planned on heading down to the next Donald Trump rally and stomping out more of the Black Lives Matter group,"

I'll keep it to just 5 examples, because there is literally hundreds of examples. HUNDREDS.

Trump is a narcissist, he acts the victim whilst always attacking and name calling others, he literally brings it on himself and has no one to blame other than himself, he is an Adult.

And just like there are extremists on the left, there are extremists on the right... And the further left or right you go, the more they are the same.
If you decry Antifa, but turn a blind eye to Neo-Nazi's or White Supremacists, then you are just being a hypocrite.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Around the Network

Can anyone confirm this? It seems the shooter was a registered Republican.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Pemalite said:
Farsala said:

You created a strawman by arguing against something I never said.

Point out the strawman in a quote, otherwise this is just a lie.

Here's the conversation. Back to square one.

Farsala said:

Women who focus on their own education and career instead of their husband's is indeed more selfish. But again there is nothing wrong with that. I am not saying it is a particularly bad thing.

 You said

"That is extremely sexist.
Women don't exist to serve man.
I would argue it is SELFISH if men demand women to focus on them. It's also narcissistic.

Women are their own people with their own ambitions."

I clearly said in the post that there is nothing wrong with women who focus on their own education and career and that it is not a bad thing. I simply stated it as a more selfish act.

You said "That is extremely sexist. Women don't exist to serve man. I would argue it is SELFISH if men demand women to focus on them."

I never said or implied that women SHOULD focus on their husband's education and career.  I never disagreed with your statement, and my post never did either.

You tried creating an argument where there is none to be had.

Farsala said:
Pemalite said:

Point out the strawman in a quote, otherwise this is just a lie.

Here's the conversation. Back to square one.

 You said

"That is extremely sexist.
Women don't exist to serve man.
I would argue it is SELFISH if men demand women to focus on them. It's also narcissistic.

Women are their own people with their own ambitions."

I clearly said in the post that there is nothing wrong with women who focus on their own education and career and that it is not a bad thing. I simply stated it as a more selfish act.

You said "That is extremely sexist. Women don't exist to serve man. I would argue it is SELFISH if men demand women to focus on them."

I never said or implied that women SHOULD focus on their husband's education and career.  I never disagreed with your statement, and my post never did either.

You tried creating an argument where there is none to be had.

Again. Not a Strawman argument.

Your statement literally read (In black and white) that Women who focus on their own education and career instead of their husband's is indeed more selfish.
That is... Women are selfish unless they beckon to their male peers.

That is not a strawman argument. That is literally me calling you out on your perceived-sexist statement.

You even conceded later on in the thread that your statement was poorly written as it can be easily misconstrued, which it has, by multiple posters.

The issue here is you.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Leynos said:

Can anyone confirm this? It seems the shooter was a registered Republican.

State voter records show that Crooks was a registered Republican, US media report. He is also reported to have donated $15 to a liberal campaign group in 2021.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Around the Network

So this wasn't some extreme left thing but just an angry dude who sat on both sides.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

So this wasn't some extreme left thing but just an angry dude who sat on both sides.

Maybe, maybe not.  Party registration isn't binding and people can shift platforms without having to change their registration.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a crazy leftist.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was a right wing who blames Trump for taking over his party.  

Who knows for sure at this point.  More information is needed.  Party registration doesn't mean much.  My good friend is a massive left wing but always files as right so he votes in republican primaries.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Pemalite said:
Farsala said:

Here's the conversation. Back to square one.

 You said

"That is extremely sexist.
Women don't exist to serve man.
I would argue it is SELFISH if men demand women to focus on them. It's also narcissistic.

Women are their own people with their own ambitions."

I clearly said in the post that there is nothing wrong with women who focus on their own education and career and that it is not a bad thing. I simply stated it as a more selfish act.

You said "That is extremely sexist. Women don't exist to serve man. I would argue it is SELFISH if men demand women to focus on them."

I never said or implied that women SHOULD focus on their husband's education and career.  I never disagreed with your statement, and my post never did either.

You tried creating an argument where there is none to be had.

Again. Not a Strawman argument.

Your statement literally read (In black and white) that Women who focus on their own education and career instead of their husband's is indeed more selfish.
That is... Women are selfish unless they beckon to their male peers.

That is not a strawman argument. That is literally me calling you out on your perceived-sexist statement.

You even conceded later on in the thread that your statement was poorly written as it can be easily misconstrued, which it has, by multiple posters.

The issue here is you.

Here we go again round and round.

Your created strawman argument was

"Women don't exist to serve man.
I would argue it is SELFISH if men demand women to focus on them. It's also narcissistic."

I never argued against that.

The argument is

"Women who focus on their own education and career instead of their husband's is indeed more selfish."

In other words "Women who focus on their husband's education and career instead of their own are more selfless"

Later in the thread I said the same thing for men

"Men who focus on their own education and career instead of their wife's is indeed more selfish."

In other words "Men who focus on their wife's education and career instead of their own is more selfless"

I really hope you understand now. If you want to take this to PM, I have no problem with that. But I think that should suffice.

TallSilhouette said:
konnichiwa said:

It is pretty clear that people in general dislike the 'Put this person in this position because of the colour of the skin/Being a minority/gender etc'

And this applies to

It was related to the quoted post Hilary and replacing members of the supreme court.

Joe Biden won’t step down no matter what. It’s causing a lot of fear and panic.

I think right now the biggest fear from Democratic voters is that Joe Biden will die in office… but still refuse to step down!

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.