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Forums - PC Discussion - Rtx 4090 and 1000 watt psu?

Happy to hear that you went with the RTX man.


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1000w should be more than enough.... unless you go nuts on overclocking both CPU and GPU.

I guess I'm part of the PC master race now. Even old games like RE7 are such a massive jump at ultra settings locked at 120 fps. I never realized how big of a gap there was between medium versus ultra and between 60 fps and 120 fps.
Console games are hard to play now, except Nintendo because I'm a suckered for their design.

There's a nice balance if you find the right games and are playing in higher resolutions (between both PC and console). I have a fairly good mix with PC in 1440 (I play RE7, for example, well over 300fps) and 4K on PS5 (where stuff like TLOU: Pt. II Remastered and Forbidden West reallyshine).

In any case, yes, PC is the bee's knees, so welcome to the fam!


Hiku said:

Notice any change in your electric bill with these kind of GPU's compared to a more modest one?

If you're ever concerned about this you can power limit your GPU with afterburner, and GPU's are FAR more efficient at lower wattages. For example when I dropped my old GTX 1660 Ti to 70% power limit it only reduced performance by about 10%. So 30% less watts but only 10% less performance.

I run my RTX 3060 at 58% power limit 24/7 lol. For sound reasons rather than cost reasons because I'm anal about fan noise. But basically If I uncap my power limit I'm only going to go from say 60fps to 70fps at most.

So if you don't want every scrap of performance then it's an easy way to make your GPU very quiet, cool and efficient.

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Never thought about electric bills. I figure if I build a $3500 PC the electric bill is small concern.

I've never seen my undervolted 4090 draw anywhere close to 450 W. But it's not just about electric bills but also longevity and heat. A no-brainer for any GPU really.






Dear God I under played the difference between PC max settings and the ps5. RE4 at max settings runs almost locked at 120 fps.... everything is so much better looking. The shadows, textures, lighting, cross hair accuracy, etc. Looks like a different game in some regards.

Chrkeller said:

Dear God I under played the difference between PC max settings and the ps5. RE4 at max settings runs almost locked at 120 fps.... everything is so much better looking. The shadows, textures, lighting, cross hair accuracy, etc. Looks like a different game in some regards.

People often play down the differences with console and PC, usually because they haven't experienced it. Once you're in, there's no mistaking it.

And that difference is actually minor (relatively speaking). Stuff like the Metro games (particularly the latter two), Cyberpunk, Chernobylite, and Crysis Remastered walk all over their console counterparts. 


Zippy6 said:
Hiku said:

Notice any change in your electric bill with these kind of GPU's compared to a more modest one?

If you're ever concerned about this you can power limit your GPU with afterburner, and GPU's are FAR more efficient at lower wattages. For example when I dropped my old GTX 1660 Ti to 70% power limit it only reduced performance by about 10%. So 30% less watts but only 10% less performance.

I run my RTX 3060 at 58% power limit 24/7 lol. For sound reasons rather than cost reasons because I'm anal about fan noise. But basically If I uncap my power limit I'm only going to go from say 60fps to 70fps at most.

So if you don't want every scrap of performance then it's an easy way to make your GPU very quiet, cool and efficient.

I'm thinking about this mainly from the perspective if I don't plan to use the GPU often at all for anything beyond normal Windows/internet browser tasks. If I just use it for that, does the GPU draw much less power from the PSU since it doesn't need much?