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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

SvennoJ said:
JRPGfan said:

The world gone crazy....

Russian invadeing Ukraine:
400k+ causilites on russian side (military that arnt able bodied anymore to fight) (~180,000 deaths) and 190k+ casulties on ukrines side (~80k deaths). In ukrine thers been over 30,000 civilian deaths as well.

Then theres this..... the Israel hamas war... again, alot of civilian deaths (over 30k as well).

Can we just all chill out?
I miss the 90's, they seemed so much more peacefull.

We didn't have the internet back then, and as Rol said, the West didn't care all that much about all these

The big spike is the Rwandan genocide.

Europe had its own war in Yugoslavia: It is estimated that more than 100,000 people were killed and two million people, more than half the population, were forced to flee their homes as a result of the war that raged from April 1992 through to November 1995 when a peace deal was initialled in Dayton. Thousands of Bosnian women were systematically raped.

Gaza is most likely going to surpass the death toll from Yugoslavia. The official number sits at 31,500, however many bodies don't make it to a hospital to get counted. Miscarriages, babies dying after birth from malnutrition don't even have a birth certificate to be counted. Many more people will die due to the collapse of the healthcare system, malnutrition, starvation, diseases spreading, unexploded bombs, structures further collapsing.

It is clear nobody ever learns from history :(

Gaza and Ukraine are in the spot light now, however there are currently 110 armed conflicts going on in the world

Today, it monitors more than 110 armed conflicts and provides information about parties, the latest developments, and applicable international law. Some of these conflicts make the headlines, others do not. Some of them started recently, while others have lasted for more than 50 years.

ME + North Africa: 45+
Africa: 35+
Asia: 21
Europe: 7
Latin America: 6

The following military occupations constitute the majority of armed conflicts that are taking place in Europe, four out of seven conflicts: Russia is currently occupying Crimea (Ukraine), Transdniestria (Moldova), as well as South Ossetia and Abkhazia (Georgia), while Armenia is occupying parts of Nagorno Karabakh (Azerbaijan). Europe is also the theatre of an international armed conflict (IAC) between Ukraine and Russia, and of two non-international armed conflicts (NIACs) in Ukraine opposing governmental forces with the self-proclaimed ‘People’s Republics’ of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine.

Holy sh*t..... I guess its just lack of internet, and being "young and innocent" then, and not knowing.
I just assumed in the 90's the world was a brighter place, without all this conflict.

"Gaza and Ukraine are in the spot light now, however there are currently 110 armed conflicts going on in the world"

This surprises me.
Why does Russian invadeing Ukrane count 4 times? and what are the other 3 conflicts in europe?

Drug wars, are counted? in mexico.... and colombia?
I know India and parkistan hate each other, and sometimes have border conflicts.... and China loves to push boundries too, so yeah.
Myanmar had that military coup thingy.

These all count as ongoing... but their not really active wars?
Like just random skirmishes, ongoing political issues/policeing ones, from some of these insane countries and their leaders.

Anyways, these shouldn't really be counted as wars.
Conflicts is probably a good word (like they use).

Around the Network

JRPGfan said:

Holy sh*t..... I guess its just lack of internet, and being "young and innocent" then, and not knowing.
I just assumed in the 90's the world was a brighter place, without all this conflict.

"Gaza and Ukraine are in the spot light now, however there are currently 110 armed conflicts going on in the world"

This surprises me.
Why does Russian invadeing Ukrane count 4 times? and what are the other 3 conflicts in europe?

Drug wars, are counted? in mexico.... and colombia?
I know India and parkistan hate each other, and sometimes have border conflicts.... and China loves to push boundries too, so yeah.
Myanmar had that military coup thingy.

These all count as ongoing... but their not really active wars?
Like just random skirmishes, ongoing political issues/policeing ones, from some of these insane countries and their leaders.

Anyways, these shouldn't really be counted as wars.
Conflicts is probably a good word (like they use).

They count any deliberate killings by organized groups. The drug cartels made the cut due to their level of organization in Mexico and Columbia.

Russia isn't just invading Ukraine, still occupying other countries / areas as well. Armenia is also occupying parts of Azerbaijan.

four out of seven conflicts: Russia is currently occupying Crimea (Ukraine), Transdniestria (Moldova), as well as South Ossetia and Abkhazia (Georgia), while Armenia is occupying parts of Nagorno Karabakh (Azerbaijan).

The other three: Europe is also the theatre of an international armed conflict (IAC) between Ukraine and Russia, and of two non-international armed conflicts (NIACs) in Ukraine opposing governmental forces with the self-proclaimed ‘People’s Republics’ of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine.

That includes the invasion of Ukraine which combined the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine

Between February 2014 and February 2022, there have been an IAC between Russia and Ukraine and parallel NIACs between Ukraine and separatist groups in the east of the country. In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, hence starting a new phase of the conflict. Nevertheless, these NIACs turned into IACs in February 2022, as Russia started exercising overall control over such groups. Currently Russia is occupying a number of regions of Ukraine, Crimea included.

Ukrainian armed forces were involved in non-international armed conflicts with the self-proclaimed ‘People’s Republics’ of Donetsk and Luhansk in the eastern Ukraine. In recent times, Russia has exercised overall control over the separatist groups, hence turning the NIAC into an IAC.

More hostages taken daily

More than dozen Palestinians arrested in raids across West Bank: Report

The Wafa news agency is reporting Israeli raids across the West Bank, including in or around the cities of Nablus, Tulkarem, Bethlehem, Hebron and Jenin. The agency reported seven arrests in the Hebron governorate, three in the Qalqilya governorate, three in the Jenin governorate and one in Jerusalem.

Rights advocates sound alarm over Israeli torture of Palestinian detainees

Israeli rights groups have called for international action over Israeli abuse and torture of Palestinian detainees, saying the situation amounted to a “crisis”. Tal Steiner, the executive director of the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI), told the AFP that nine people had allegedly died behind bars since October 7.

And “there are almost 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli custody right now… a 200-percent increase from any normal year”, she said. Miriam Azem, of the Adalah legal centre, told the AFP that her organisation had managed to document “19 clear cases” of torture within the Israeli prison system since October 7, including sexual violence.

“We’re seeing really widespread and systemic use of many, many tools in order to inflict torture and ill-treatment on Palestinians,” she told AFP, adding that the situation “requires the immediate intervention of the international community”.

Clashes, explosions as Israeli forces storm Nablus

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic are reporting hearing explosions and seeing Israeli forces violently fighting with Palestinian young men in Nablus. Footage from the scene earlier in the night shows tear gas on the streets of Nablus. The Wafa news agency said Israeli forces accompanied by a bulldozer took part in the raid.

Israeli settlers raid villages near Nablus: Report

The Wafa news agency is reporting raids by Israeli settlers in villages near the occupied West Bank city of Nablus. In the village of Duma, settlers threatened residents with eviction, while in the village of Burin, settlers pelted residents with stones and fired live rounds into the air. No injuries were reported, the agency said.

More Palestinians arrested by Israel in occupied West Bank

Israeli forces have arrested eight Palestinians in overnight raids across the occupied West Bank, local news sources said. The arrests took place in Qalqilya, Hebron and Jenin after Israeli forces stormed the cities and raided Palestinian homes.

According to the Commission of the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs, Israeli occupation forces have arrested about 7,605 Palestinians from the West Bank since October 7.

Israeli police use water cannon as protesters block Tel Aviv streets, light bonfires

PM Netanyahu must resign – that was the demand of thousands of protesters who gathered in Israel’s largest cities on Saturday. Israelis are angry about the government’s handling of the war on Gaza and its failure to secure the release of Israeli captives believed to be held in Gaza.

While the Israeli Mossad agency chief is expected in Qatar today for ceasefire talks, many Israelis are running out of patience with the war now in its 163rd day.

Smoke rises as relatives and supporters of Israeli captives held in Gaza by Hamas protest

“We want this government to take us seriously and quit. Our country will be for the people and not for small dictator group who think they are the centre of the world,” Guy Ginat, a protester, said. Another protester, Dana Milo, said: “Behind every abductee still suffering in Hamas’s captivity, there are their loved ones, who don’t sleep, don’t eat, and cannot breathe.”

A man holds a sign that says ‘Chuck Schumer, thanks’ in reference to the US Senate majority leader who called for new elections in Israel

Protesters accuse the PM of cancelling a war cabinet meeting aimed at establishing the mandate for Israel’s negotiating team. But Netanyahu’s office denies this, saying it would meet on Sunday. Demonstrators say they’re fed up with their government’s policies that have failed to secure the release of the remaining captives, according to Al Jazeera’s Hamdah Salhut, reporting from Tel Aviv.

Israel’s finance minister says cost of rebuilding Gaza ‘not my problem’

Bezalel Smotrich, Israel’s far-right finance minister, told Israeli Army Radio that “the cost of Gaza rehabilitation is not my problem”. He made the remark when asked if there were any promises from Arab nations to finance the rebuilding of the war-torn Palestinian enclave, the report said.

It will be if the ICJ does its job. It won't be if the ICC does its job and puts you behind bars.

More ramblings, Netanyahu needs to go asap

Netanyahu criticises Israel’s allies for ‘short memory’

PM Netanyahu says Israel’s allies have a short memory regarding Hamas’s October 7 attack, and that Israel would push on with its Rafah offensive despite growing international pressure.

“To our friends in the international community I say: Is your memory so short? So quickly you forgot about October 7, the worst massacre committed against Jews since the Holocaust?” Netanyahu said at the start of his cabinet meeting.

"So quickly you are ready to deny Israel the right to defend itself against the monsters of Hamas?” Netanyahu reiterated that Israel would push on with its offensive in Gaza, including in the city of Rafah.

Since October 7, at least 31,645 Palestinians have been killed and 73,676 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza. The revised death toll in Israel from Hamas’s October 7 attack stands at 1,139 with dozens taken captive.

Israel lost war against Hamas in Gaza: Ex-military commander

Israel has lost its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, a former Israeli military commander said. “You can’t lie to many people for a long time,” Yitzhak Brick said in an article in Israel’s Maariv newspaper. “What is happening in the Gaza Strip and against Hezbollah in Lebanon will blow up in our faces sooner or later.”

Brick said the Israeli home front “is not prepared for a regional war, which will be thousands of times more difficult and serious than the war in the Gaza Strip”.

Palestinian foreign ministry denounces Israel’s thirst for ‘blind revenge’

The Palestinian foreign ministry says Netanyahu’s continuous threats to invade Rafah “pose a blatant challenge to the international and American consensus on protecting civilians”. It said in a statement on X that “blind revenge dominates the Israeli government and threatens the security and stability of the region and the world”.

Egypt warns of Rafah invasion dangers

Egypt’s foreign ministry calls on international powers and the Security Council to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, warning of the dangers of Israel carrying out any military operation in the city of Rafah. It would result in “the grave humanitarian consequences that will befall Palestinian civilians who have taken refuge in Rafah as the last safe haven” in Gaza, the ministry said in a statement.

It stressed that launching a military operation in Rafah, which borders Egypt, would be a violation of international law and international humanitarian law. “Egypt demanded Israel to stop collective punishment policies against the people of the Gaza Strip, including siege, starvation, indiscriminate targeting of civilians and destruction of infrastructure, in complete violation of international law and international humanitarian law,” the statement said.

A Palestinian girl sits holding a toddler on a sand dune overlooking a camp for displaced people in Rafah, Sunday

Egypt will not allow forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza: Sisi

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has said his country would not allow the forced displacement of the Palestinians from Gaza, according to a statement from his spokesman. He made the remarks during a meeting with Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the European Commission.

Sisi stressed the necessity of reaching a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and reaffirmed Egypt’s rejection of the forced displacement of the Palestinians outside their land.

Egypt prepared a large 'holding pen' just in case though...

They claim its a logistics zone. They're not building any roads or even entry points it seems...

Around the Network

Red Crescent volunteer released after weeks of Israeli detention

The Palestine Red Crescent Society says one of its volunteers was released after he was detained during Israel’s raid on al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis a month ago. Tamer Fouad Salim al-Qarm spent 36 days in detention.

“The [Israeli] occupation continues to detain 13 PRCS members and volunteers, whose fate remains unknown to this moment,” the organisation said in a post on X.

Israeli air raids target 3 towns in southern Lebanon

The Israeli air force has carried out raids on southern Lebanon’s Aitaroun, Aita al-Shaab and Marwahin towns, according to the Lebanese media. The reports said none of the attacks caused casualties.

Israel shells southern Lebanon towns of Naqoura, Hamool

The Israeli army has carried out heavy artillery shelling in southern Lebanon, targeting the outskirts of Naqoura and Hamool, according to the Lebanese media. There were no immediate reports about the casualties.

Hezbollah says it targeted Israeli soldiers with missiles near Mitat barracks

Lebanon’s Hezbollah armed group has said it targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers in the vicinity of the Mitat barracks near the Lebanese-Israeli border with missile weapons. The statement made on Telegram did not elaborate on the result of the attack which came at 3:15pm local time (13:15 GMT).

‘We cannot eat, or drink, and aid is very scarce’

While some aid is being airdropped or delivered by sea, experts, NGOs and residents say it’s nowhere near enough to meet the needs of millions of Palestinians.

“The situation is so bad that no one can imagine it, and the ship, even if it helps, will be a drop in the ocean, because the entire region is in need of aid, and people are competing to take aid from the shore,” Zahr Saqr, a displaced Palestinian, said.

Airdrops have caused chaos, with several people killed by falling pallets when parachutes failed to open.

“We keep waiting for aid. This is not a solution, whether by ship or by plane. We saw planes dropping aid and people fighting over it. There are some children who drowned in the sea for aid,” Wael Miqdad, a Khan Younis resident, said.

Aid agencies are warning nearly 600,000 people are on the brink of famine. “The living situation is very bad. We cannot eat, or drink, and aid is very scarce. They told us there is aid in the south, but it is very scarce,” Iman Wadi, another displaced Palestinian, said.

Doctors in Rafah struggle to provide care for patients

Volunteer doctors say they’re struggling to provide medical care to people in Rafah, southern Gaza. The UN says 1.5 million Palestinians have sought shelter in Rafah after Israel’s intense attacks in northern and central Gaza.

Rafah lacks the healthcare facilities to treat this many people and a shortage of medicines and supplies is worsening the suffering. “It’s impossible for medical facilities to accommodate this number of patients. We’re operating in a camp housing around 1.5 million people. We receive medications to cover a week, but they run out in just one day,” Ahmed Saad, volunteer at medical point in Rafah, said.

Samar Gregea, a displaced Palestinian from Gaza City, said: “We’re facing shortages of medications, especially pediatric medicines. There are a lot of patients in the camp, with all children suffering from malnutrition, and the widespread presence of hepatitis A. Children require foods high in sugars, like dates, which are currently unavailable.”

Injured people seek medical help after Israeli attack on Deir el-Balah home

Israeli attacks on Deir el-Balah in central Gaza killed at least 12 people and injured many more

Doctors at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital examine people injured in the Israeli attack on a house belonging to the Thabet family in Deir el-Balah

The injured, including children, wait for medical assistance at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir el-Balah

Israeli pattern of targeting families inside residential homes

We’ve been seeing this pattern of attacks by Israel in the past weeks where it targets entire families inside homes they’ve been sheltering in. There have been a lot of confrontations in the central area, namely Deir el-Balah, the refugee camps and the western parts of the central area.

Those injured do not get the necessary treatment and the medical intervention required to save their lives as they come with shrapnel that fractures their bones or makes them bleed severely.

The aftermath of these attacks is the fact that many people are becoming internally displaced as the kind of bombs that are being used also cause damage to the surrounding area. This causes further mounting misery and miserable conditions.

Residents inspect the rubble after an Israeli attack over an apartment building in Deir al-Balah

Flour being distributed after 6 aid trucks arrive in northern Gaza

Gaza’s Civil Defence spokesman, Mahmoud Basal, spoke to Al Jazeera about the entry of aid trucks into northern Gaza.

Here are the main points from his interview:

  • Six trucks arrived in northern Gaza and have been secured at UNRWA centres.
  • The distribution of bags of flour has begun but they are not enough for Gaza City and the north.
  • We expect aid to enter every day, but the Israeli forces’ measures hinder this.
  • Those who distribute aid are members of some known families and tribes.
  • More than 400 people have been killed while waiting for aid in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinians gather in front of UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) building to receive the 5 kg flour aid as the first humanitarian aid convoy in months has entered Gaza amid Israeli attacks in Jabalia

Palestinians queue for flour as aid convoy reaches northern Gaza

Palestinians queue during the distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza City

A worker sorts flour bags during the distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza City

Palestinians gather in front of UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in Jabalia to receive aid

Careful with those bicycles, you might get bombed

Gaza death toll rises

At least 31,645 Palestinians have been killed and 73,676 wounded by Israeli attacks in Gaza since October 7, the Palestinian Health Ministry has announced. The ministry added that 92 people were killed in the last 24 hours.

The bodies of Palestinians who lost their lives are taken by their relatives from Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital morgue for funeral prayers and burial after an Israeli attack on the Nuseirat refugee camp in Deir el-Balah, Saturday

‘US is complicit in Israeli genocide’

Columbia University’s Jeffrey Sachs says the war in Gaza could end today if the US stopped supplying weapons to Israel. “Does the US want to be complicit in genocide?” Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs argues that this is the question US leaders should be asking themselves as Israel’s war on Gaza continues.

Sachs adds that Israel could not continue “for one day” without US support, and the rhetoric from top Democrats criticising Netanyahu is “meaningless” because no action is taken to stop the war crimes. This has led to US isolation on the world stage, as Israel is allowed to continue “whatever they have in their minds… which will never lead to peace”.

Amnesty calls on Biden to demand Gaza ceasefire, stop arms transfers to Israel

Amnesty International has reminded President Biden that Israel used US-made munitions to kill many of more than 30,000 people in Gaza. In a post on X, the rights group called on Biden to demand a ceasefire and stop the transfers of arms to Israel.

I guess he really is delusional

Biden angry after poll numbers drop over his handling of Israel’s war on Gaza: Report

US President Joe Biden began to shout and swear after learning that his poll numbers in the battleground states of Michigan and Georgia had dropped over his handling of the Gaza war, according to the NBC news. The report cited a lawmaker familiar with the private meeting at the White House in January where the scene played out.

He believed he had been doing what was right, despite the political fallout, Biden told the group, according to the lawmaker.

Asked about the episode, Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman, said: “President Biden makes national security decisions based on the country’s national security needs alone – no other factor.”

he believed backing genocide was the right thing to do?! And what does that have to do with US' national security, or does he mean Israel's national security. What country does Biden think he's president of? USA or Judea and Samaria.

As much as Trump simply can't win the elections (it would destroy the USA and cause a lot of collateral damage across the world) Biden is doing everything to hand victory to Trump. Biden is a national security risk.

Trump gets into Schumer-Netanyahu spat, says Israel should ‘finish it up’ in Gaza

Presumed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says the top Jewish politician in Washington, Chuck Schumer, “dumped Israel” and “essentially said Bibi Netanyahu should take a walk”. He suggested during a programme on US channel Fox News that Israel may be at some fault for “sticking” with Democrats and remaining too loyal.

“I think you have to finish it up and do it quickly and get back to the world of peace,” the former president said in a message to Netanyahu.

“I bet you I would have had Iran in the Abraham Accords,” Trump said in reference to agreements during his tenure that led several Arab countries to normalise their relations with Israel.

‘Totally inappropriate’: Netanyahu hits back at Chuck Schumer speech

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the speech by top Jewish American lawmaker Chuck Schumer, in which he blasted the Israeli leader and called for early elections, was “totally inappropriate”.

“It’s inappropriate to go to a sister democracy and try to replace the elected leadership there. That’s something that the Israeli public does on its own, we’re not a banana republic,” he told US news channel CNN.

“This is a wakeup call to Senator Schumer; the majority of Israelis support the policies of my government. It’s not a fringe government, it represents the policies supported by the majority of the people. If Senator Schumer opposes these policies, he’s not opposing me, he’s opposing the people of Israel.”

Netanyahu also reiterated his vow to invade Rafah in southern Gaza, where over a million Palestinians are displaced.

The people of Israel should be ashamed for electing this government. I know they have been indoctrinated by Hasbara for decades, yet in today's world of social media access and the horrific level of atrocities being committed daily, Israelis need to wake up.

There is a growing minority opposed to Netanyahu though

Protesters block entrance to Netanyahu’s office

The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (Kann) says that demonstrations in front of the Israeli prime minister’s office have blocked the road, forcing several Israeli politicians to find another route into the building. The protesters blocked the entrance of agriculture minister Avi Dichter, transportation minister Miri Regev and former justice minister Gideon Sa’ar, Kaan reports.

Ire against Netanyahu, his handling of the war on Gaza and his failure to bring home Israeli captives held in Gaza has been growing amongst the population of Israel, with massive weekly protests demanding early elections.