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Israeli police use water cannon as protesters block Tel Aviv streets, light bonfires

PM Netanyahu must resign – that was the demand of thousands of protesters who gathered in Israel’s largest cities on Saturday. Israelis are angry about the government’s handling of the war on Gaza and its failure to secure the release of Israeli captives believed to be held in Gaza.

While the Israeli Mossad agency chief is expected in Qatar today for ceasefire talks, many Israelis are running out of patience with the war now in its 163rd day.

Smoke rises as relatives and supporters of Israeli captives held in Gaza by Hamas protest

“We want this government to take us seriously and quit. Our country will be for the people and not for small dictator group who think they are the centre of the world,” Guy Ginat, a protester, said. Another protester, Dana Milo, said: “Behind every abductee still suffering in Hamas’s captivity, there are their loved ones, who don’t sleep, don’t eat, and cannot breathe.”

A man holds a sign that says ‘Chuck Schumer, thanks’ in reference to the US Senate majority leader who called for new elections in Israel

Protesters accuse the PM of cancelling a war cabinet meeting aimed at establishing the mandate for Israel’s negotiating team. But Netanyahu’s office denies this, saying it would meet on Sunday. Demonstrators say they’re fed up with their government’s policies that have failed to secure the release of the remaining captives, according to Al Jazeera’s Hamdah Salhut, reporting from Tel Aviv.

Israel’s finance minister says cost of rebuilding Gaza ‘not my problem’

Bezalel Smotrich, Israel’s far-right finance minister, told Israeli Army Radio that “the cost of Gaza rehabilitation is not my problem”. He made the remark when asked if there were any promises from Arab nations to finance the rebuilding of the war-torn Palestinian enclave, the report said.

It will be if the ICJ does its job. It won't be if the ICC does its job and puts you behind bars.

More ramblings, Netanyahu needs to go asap

Netanyahu criticises Israel’s allies for ‘short memory’

PM Netanyahu says Israel’s allies have a short memory regarding Hamas’s October 7 attack, and that Israel would push on with its Rafah offensive despite growing international pressure.

“To our friends in the international community I say: Is your memory so short? So quickly you forgot about October 7, the worst massacre committed against Jews since the Holocaust?” Netanyahu said at the start of his cabinet meeting.

"So quickly you are ready to deny Israel the right to defend itself against the monsters of Hamas?” Netanyahu reiterated that Israel would push on with its offensive in Gaza, including in the city of Rafah.

Since October 7, at least 31,645 Palestinians have been killed and 73,676 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza. The revised death toll in Israel from Hamas’s October 7 attack stands at 1,139 with dozens taken captive.

Israel lost war against Hamas in Gaza: Ex-military commander

Israel has lost its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, a former Israeli military commander said. “You can’t lie to many people for a long time,” Yitzhak Brick said in an article in Israel’s Maariv newspaper. “What is happening in the Gaza Strip and against Hezbollah in Lebanon will blow up in our faces sooner or later.”

Brick said the Israeli home front “is not prepared for a regional war, which will be thousands of times more difficult and serious than the war in the Gaza Strip”.

Palestinian foreign ministry denounces Israel’s thirst for ‘blind revenge’

The Palestinian foreign ministry says Netanyahu’s continuous threats to invade Rafah “pose a blatant challenge to the international and American consensus on protecting civilians”. It said in a statement on X that “blind revenge dominates the Israeli government and threatens the security and stability of the region and the world”.

Egypt warns of Rafah invasion dangers

Egypt’s foreign ministry calls on international powers and the Security Council to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, warning of the dangers of Israel carrying out any military operation in the city of Rafah. It would result in “the grave humanitarian consequences that will befall Palestinian civilians who have taken refuge in Rafah as the last safe haven” in Gaza, the ministry said in a statement.

It stressed that launching a military operation in Rafah, which borders Egypt, would be a violation of international law and international humanitarian law. “Egypt demanded Israel to stop collective punishment policies against the people of the Gaza Strip, including siege, starvation, indiscriminate targeting of civilians and destruction of infrastructure, in complete violation of international law and international humanitarian law,” the statement said.

A Palestinian girl sits holding a toddler on a sand dune overlooking a camp for displaced people in Rafah, Sunday

Egypt will not allow forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza: Sisi

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has said his country would not allow the forced displacement of the Palestinians from Gaza, according to a statement from his spokesman. He made the remarks during a meeting with Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the European Commission.

Sisi stressed the necessity of reaching a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and reaffirmed Egypt’s rejection of the forced displacement of the Palestinians outside their land.

Egypt prepared a large 'holding pen' just in case though...

They claim its a logistics zone. They're not building any roads or even entry points it seems...