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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

UKMTO: Vessel in Red Sea damaged by missile attack

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) organisation reports that a merchant vessel has been hit by a missile about 76 nautical miles (140km) west of the city of Hodeidah in Yemen.

It said the vessel “sustained some damage”, but the crew are reported safe and are proceeding to their next port of call.

Missile damages tanker off Yemeni port of Hodeidah: Ambrey

The British maritime security firm Ambrey says a tanker has been targeted in a missile strike 88 nautical miles (163km) northwest of the Red Sea port of Hodeidah, Yemen. Ambrey said there was damage but no injuries to the crew were reported.

Supporters of Yemen’s Houthi rebels rally in Sanaa in support of Gaza

Lebanon submits response to French proposal to end border hostilities

Lebanon’s Foreign Ministry has submitted an official response to the French proposal made last month to end hostilities along the Lebanese-Israeli border, according to local media.

The reports said the Lebanese response included a general framework in which Lebanon expressed its readiness to immediately implement UN Resolution 1701 “on the condition that Israel commits to implementing its provisions”. The resolution calls for a complete end to hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel.

The reports also said Lebanon expressed its readiness to resume the meetings with the UN and Israel in the southern Lebanese city of Naqoura.

However, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said last month that his group’s cross-border shelling into Israel would only end when Israel’s “aggression” on the Gaza Strip stops, saying diplomatic efforts to bring a halt to hostilities along Lebanon’s border have so far seemed to benefit only Israel.

Israeli jets target house in southern Lebanon: Report

Israel’s warplanes have targeted a house in the outskirts of the village of Ayta ash Shab in southern Lebanon, according to the official National News Agency. The three-storey house was completely destroyed, the report added.

Israeli raid targets residential home in southern Lebanon’s Kfarkela

Hezbollah claims hitting Israel’s radar site in occupied Shebaa Farms

Lebanon’s Hezbollah armed group says in a statement on Telegram the group hit an Israeli radar site with missiles in the occupied Shebaa Farms. The attack took place at 4:20pm local time (14:20 GMT), it said, adding it was carried out “in support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip”.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 15 March 2024

Around the Network

How inefficient can it be to deliver 7 trucks of aid

Open Arms aid ship approaches Gaza with 200 tonnes of food supplies

The Spanish aid ship Open Arms, which had left the Cypriot port of Larnaca on Tuesday carrying 200 tonnes of food, is approaching the besieged Gaza Strip, according to Al Jazeera reporters. The incoming aid is to be offloaded and distributed by local teams from the charity World Central Kitchen.

Why from Cyprus anyway (390 km to Gaza City Port), Al-Arish and Port Said are much closer   70 km to Gaza City port  200 km to Gaza City Port

It's 50 km by road, 52 minutes from Rafah crossing to Al-Arish port if you actually had intentions to circumvent Israel's border blockade by using ships.
Then a 4-5 hour journey by small ship to go from Al-Arish to Gaza City, instead of a 26 hour journey from Cyprus, after getting the aid to Cyprus.


UN reminds Israel of ‘responsibility’ to allow aid into and across Gaza

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says the Israeli army has “a responsibility to facilitate the movement of humanitarian aid into and across Gaza safely, regularly and at the scale required”.

“There is no alternative to the large-scale delivery of aid by land,” it said on X, adding that airdrops are “expensive, have a limited capacity, and can harm civilians”. The UN and other humanitarian agencies have repeatedly called on Israel to open more crossings into Gaza to facilitate the delivery of aid via land.

A report by Refugees International recently detailed how obstacles put in place by Israel were generating “famine-like conditions” in Gaza. Nonetheless, Israel has repeatedly insisted it is not blocking the passage of aid, blaming organisations including the UN for failing to deliver adequate assistance.

Biden condemns ‘ugly resurgence of Islamophobia’ during Israel’s war on Gaza

On the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, US President Joe Biden says his administration recognises “the violence and hate that Muslims worldwide too often face because of their religious beliefs – and the ugly resurgence of Islamophobia in the wake of the devastating war in Gaza”.

“Islamophobia has no place in our nation. Yet Muslims in the United States frequently endure baseless fearmongering, blatant discrimination, harassment, and violence in the course of their everyday lives,” he said in a statement released by the White House.

Rights groups have compared the resurgence of Islamophobia since October 7 to the stigma faced by Muslims after the attacks in the US on September 11, 2001. The Council on American-Islamic Relations said it received 3,578 complaints during the last three months of 2023 during what it called “an ongoing wave of anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian hate”.

The figure was a 178-percent rise in complaints from the same period a year earlier.

The fucking stop treating Palestinians like disposable fodder. You're the president, you set the example. You're the biggest Islamophobe of all.

Open Arms offloads food shipment in effort to bring relief to Gaza

The Open Arms vessel is offloading aid after approaching the coast of Gaza earlier today. Footage posted by Al Jazeera Arabic shows a smaller vessel approaching the ship to collect about 200 tonnes of desperately needed food.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza are on the brink of famine as Israeli forces bombard the enclave and restrict shipments of humanitarian relief.

What happened to the rest of the 200 tonnes of aid. (Not food or water I guess)

Israeli military says aid shipment delivered for north Gaza distribution

The Israeli military says it presided over the delivery of 115 tonnes of food and water delivered by ship to the coast of Gaza. Its military spokesman for Arab media, Avichay Adraee, says the army transferred the shipments to 12 trucks belonging to World Central Kitchen (WCK) to be distributed in northern Gaza.

“The ship and the goods it carried were subjected to a careful security inspection,” he said.

Israel has restricted deliveries of food, medical supplies and other aid vital items through two land crossings – Rafah with Egypt and Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom). Critics say the slow trickle of humanitarian relief is far from enough needed to prevent famine faced by hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

Also how did those 12 trucks get there and why couldn't those bring aid in from the border? I guess smaller trucks that only carry 10 tonnes each.
115 tonnes of food and water is enough to sustain 29,000 people for one day.
(unless it's US tons, which are 0.907 metric tonnes. Since they use tonnes I assume it's metric tons)

Avg nr of trucks entered for the past week (8-14 March) was 164 per day, same avg as the week before. A lot better than Februari yet still far short of the 500+ needed daily just to sustain the population.

US wasting more tax payer money

US military confirms new airdrop of aid over northern Gaza

The US military says it airdropped humanitarian aid over the northern Gaza Strip. Two C-130 military cargo planes and a C-17 Globemaster III strategic military transport aircraft were involved, along with army soldiers specialised in aerial aid delivery, it said.

The airdrop involved some 35,700 meals and 31,800 bottles of water. Last week, five people were killed after a parachute landing aid failed to open, bringing a pallet crashing down into a crowd of people waiting for food.

Officials in Gaza have condemned the “useless” airdrops as “flashy propaganda rather than a humanitarian service”, and demanded Israel open its land crossings for relief to enter.

35 thousand meals a day for 580 thousand starving people. 3 planes, that's about a 100 thousand dollar delivery right there, plus other costs.

Providing a cost estimate for an entire relief operation is difficult, but it is possible to calculate the cost of the transportation alone. Trucking costs are about $2.25 per mile, and the round trip from Cairo to Rafah is 430 miles. Therefore, one truck trip costs about $970, or $0.06 per meal.

C-130s cost about $8,000 per flight hour, and the round trip takes about four hours. Thus, one and a half C-130s delivering the same number of supplies as one truck costs $48,000, or $2.50 per meal—42 times as much as by truck.

International pressure won’t deter Israel’s ‘victory’: Netanyahu aide

A senior adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Ophir Falk, says “mounting international pressure to end the war” on Gaza will not stop Israel from its stated goal of “destroying Hamas”. “Detractors dismiss total victory as implausible, but the facts on the ground indicate otherwise,” he wrote in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.

Israel claims it has “dismantled” 18 of the 24 battalions operated by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, killed more than 21,500 fighters, and destroyed many tunnels. To put the number into perspective, Falk said it took the US military nine months to kill 5,000 ISIL (ISIS) members in Iraq’s Mosul.

“High-intensity combat will wind down after Rafah, humanitarian aid will no longer be hijacked by Hamas, and safety for civilians can be realised. Total victory is within reach. Israel will finish the job.”

Now it's 21,500 fighters??? Last week it was 13,000 which was still more than the total number of men killed, including the missing. Bunch of lies.
Also to put it into perspective, "only" 9,000 civilians were killed in Mosul. In Gaza 13,000 children alone have been blown up already in 5 months.

Blinken says he's trying to deter Israel's 'victory'

US working to ‘bridge gaps’ on Gaza ceasefire deal: Blinken

The United States is working intensively with Israel and intermediaries Qatar and Egypt to bridge remaining gaps for a deal that would see a pause in fighting between Israel and Hamas, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says.

Speaking during a visit to Austria, Blinken said the fact that Israel is sending a delegation for more negotiations reflected “a sense of both possibility and of urgency” to reach an agreement. “We have conversations that are happening now, as we speak here, and I am convinced they’ll go on into the coming days,” he told reporters. “This is something that we’re committed to and we will work as long and as hard as it takes to get it done.”

Except he's back with a pause instead of a cease fire, sigh. Not going anywhere.
Fuck that wording as well, "fighting between Israel and Hamas", wtf. This is not a war between two nations, it's a genocide by the occupier.

Ah the IDF does actually reprimand its soldiers, just not for war crimes

Israeli military reprimands commander for challenging politicians

The Israeli military says Brigadier-General Dan Goldfus of the 98th army division has been “severely reprimanded” after making political comments. Goldfus, who has been fighting in Gaza and leads a division of commandos, told a news conference on Wednesday that Israel’s political leadership must “be worthy” of the army and the soldiers it has lost. He called for unity and said ultra-Orthodox Jews must also serve.

His speech was pre-approved by the army, but he made the off-script comments at the end. The military said Goldfus has been reprimanded by Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi for “harming the dignity” of the army and disrespecting the “boundaries between the political and military echelons in a democratic country”.

Goldfus accepted the criticism and apologised, a statement said.

Nobody will be reprimanded for this

‘Unconscionable’: Attacks on aid-seekers ‘cannot be allowed to continue’

Martin Griffiths, the UN’s emergency relief coordinator, says incidents of Israel forces shooting at desperate Palestinians searching for food “cannot be allowed to continue” after the latest deadly attack. “People should not have to die while trying to keep their families alive,” he said in a post on X.

“Distributing aid in Gaza should be done in a safe, dignified and predictable manner. Anything less is unconscionable. The war must end.”

‘Extreme urgency’: ICJ to hear Nicaragua case on Germany’s role in Israel’s war

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) says that early next month, it will publicly hear Nicaragua’s case against Germany, which accuses Berlin of “facilitating the commission of genocide” in Gaza.

It said in a press release it will hear Nicaragua’s arguments on April 8, followed by Germany’s response on April 9.

Nicaragua asked for interim rulings, such as the ones the ICJ issued for Israel in late January to stop “genocidal acts” in the Gaza Strip, saying its case is “a matter of extreme urgency”.

Extreme urgency, it's March 15th today.... The ICJ is just sitting on their hands.
Here's the new case

3. In this Application, Nicaragua requests the Court to adjudge and declare that Germany by its conduct with respect to the serious violations of peremptory norms of international law taking place in the OPT

( a ) has not only failed to fulfil its obligation to prevent the genocide committed and being committed against the Palestinian people – including those in its component part in the Gaza Strip – but has contributed to the commission of genocide in violation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (hereinafter “Genocide Convention”);

( b ) has failed to comply with its obligations under international humanitarian law, derived both from the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and its Protocols of 1977 and from the intransgressible principles of international humanitarian law, by not respecting its obligations to ensure respect for these fundamental norms in all circumstances; and

( c ) has failed to comply with other peremptory norms of general international law in particular by rendering aid or assistance in maintaining the illegal situation of the continued military occupation of Palestine including its ongoing, unlawful attack in Gaza, and

( d ) has failed to comply with other peremptory norms of general international law in particular by rendering aid or assistance and not preventing the illegal regime of apartheid and the negation of the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people.

Netanyahu is not going to be happy, of course elections in the current climate in Israel have no guarantees of a less extremist government coming into power.

Biden backs Schumer speech calling for elections in Israel

US President Joe Biden expressed support for the speech by Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, which heavily criticised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called for early elections in Israel. Biden said the highest-ranking elected Jewish American member of the US political system “made a good speech”.

“I think he expressed serious concern shared not only by him but by many Americans,” he said.

IDF claims they have a plan, Blinken hasn't seen it

Widespread criticism of Israel’s Rafah ground attack plan

The Israelis have been talking about this ground invasion of Rafah for months now. They’ve said it is necessary in order to achieve all their war goals. But all of this comes despite widespread criticism and condemnation, especially from Israel’s biggest ally the United States. American officials say they simply wouldn’t support an operation such as this.

Early on Friday, the Israeli prime minister said there have been plans approved both for the military invasion and evacuation of about one-and-a-half million Palestinians in Rafah.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the Americans have not seen these plans the Israelis are talking about, and how exactly they’re going to move more than 1.5 million Palestinians who are seeking refuge in Gaza’s southern most city.

Around the Network

Biden flip flopped already

‘Up to Israeli people to decide’ on elections: White House

US President Joe Biden doesn’t seek to interfere with the will of the Israeli people on holding elections, the White House says. The comments come after a controversial speech by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer who suggested Israel’s “extremist” government should call a vote after its brutal war on Gaza.

“That’s going to be up to the Israeli people to decide,” White House spokesman John Kirby told a press briefing when asked about the president’s backing of Schumer’s speech. He is the highest-ranking Jewish American in the US political hierarchy.

“I think he expressed serious concern shared not only by him but by many Americans,” Biden said.

Eu also happy with a 'new' puppet government

EU welcomes appointment of new Palestinian Authority PM

Senior European Union official Josep Borrell says the Palestinian people need “well-governed institutions that deliver much-needed services in these trying times”. “We look forward to continuing our cooperation with the new government, including on addressing the tragic situation in Gaza, and working on key reforms towards stronger democratic institutions and governance for the benefit of the Palestinian people in the West Bank and in Gaza,” a statement said.

“The Palestinian Authority has been and remains an important partner of the EU, also for the future of Gaza.”

President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday appointed his longtime economic adviser Mohamed Mustafa to be the next prime minister in the face of US pressure to reform the Palestinian Authority as part of Washington’s post-war vision for Gaza.

‘Very likely’ Israel will now attack Rafah with ground forces

Israel is sending mixed messages after announcing its war cabinet approved a ground invasion of Rafah city, yet also saying it’s sending a delegation to Qatar for truce talks. “It is very confusing what is going on especially after announcing the greenlight for the operation in Rafah,” said Luciano Zaccara from the Gulf Studies Center at Qatar University.

He told Al Jazeera despite mounting international pressure, Prime Minister Netanyahu hasn’t abandoned the plan to attack the southern city where about 1.5 million people are sheltering. “Hopefully, the ground invasion of Rafah is just a bluff so they can use this as leverage to get something in negotiations. But everything Netanyahu said he will do he did it, so I assume it is very likely this is going to happen.”

News reports: Israeli military operation in Rafah ‘is not imminent’

Israeli media have questioned Prime Minister Netanyahu’s declaration of his approval for military plans to imminently launch a ground invasion of Rafah city, where about 1.5 million Palestinians are sheltering from attacks.

“Netanyahu’s talk of an imminent operation in Rafah appears more geared toward pressuring Hamas to agree to a hostage deal,” the Times of Israel reports.

It noted that Channel 12 and the Ynet news outlets also are sceptical of the Rafah attack. “The networks indicate that despite Netanyahu’s declarations, an operation in Rafah is not imminent.”

Humanitarian situation in northern Gaza a ‘nightmare’

Dominic Allen, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) representative for Palestine, says the true depth of the crisis and unfolding “nightmare” in northern Gaza cannot be captured with pictures.

He told reporters via video conference how he saw a five-year-old Palestinian boy, with his slightly older sister, holding up a white flag as they walked toward a military checkpoint operated by the Israeli military. “These stories, these images, perhaps don’t do enough of a good job in helping to paint a picture of the tragedy and catastrophe that is happening right now in Gaza,” he said.

“I think what I took away was the looks in the eyes of the people, which the emotion is truly indescribable. Everyone we passed, everyone we spoke to was frail, was hungry,” Al Jazeera Arabic’s Biesan Abu-Kwaik quoted Allen as saying.

Palestinians gather to collect food in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip

Doctor says level of malnutrition for pregnant women ‘truly horrific’

Dr Brenda Kelly says new mothers are desperately struggling to keep themselves and their newborns alive during “huge and critical shortages of food, water and medical care”.  She said colleagues on the ground in Gaza are reporting a “huge increase” in pre-term births and a rising number of miscarriages and stillbirths.

“The level of malnutrition is truly horrific,” Kelly, a consultant obstetrician at Oxford University, told Al Jazeera. “We know that many of the women, even prior to this conflict, coming into pregnancy had things like anaemia. With extreme malnutrition, it is absolutely true there are many more babies being born that are very much smaller than expected.”


UNICEF: ‘Staggering escalation’ in infant deaths in northern Gaza

The UN’s children agency says 31 percent, or one in three kids under the age of two in northern Gaza are now suffering from acute malnutrition, a “staggering escalation” from 15.6 percent in January.

“Malnutrition among children is spreading fast and reaching devastating and unprecedented levels in the Gaza Strip due to the wide-reaching impacts of the war and ongoing restrictions on aid delivery,” UNICEF said in a report.

At least 23 children have died of malnutrition and dehydration in northern Gaza in recent weeks, it said, also highlighting the mounting death toll of children at 13,450 since the war began.

Screenings found 4.5 percent of children suffer from “severe wasting”, the most life-threatening form of malnutrition.

Translation: Dozens of missing people in an Israeli bombing of a seven-story building housing the displaced in the Remal neighbourhood in Gaza City, as Hamas presents a proposal on a captive-exchange deal to mediators.

Survivors say at least seven displaced families were living in the tower block, and many are thought to be trapped beneath the rubble. Rescuers are using their bare hands to search through the debris. Reports are coming in that at least 36 Palestinians have been killed.

Elders group of world leaders calls on Biden to stop arming Israel

The Elders, a group of global leaders founded by Nelson Mandela, says President Biden should stop arming Israel in an effort to stop the war on Gaza, instead of focusing on sending limited amounts of aid to the besieged enclave.

“The United States can influence Israel by not continuing to provide arms. It has provided a lot of the arms, bombs and other arms that have been used on the Palestinian people, and [Biden] is continuing to do that. He’s also providing money,” said Mary Robinson, chairwoman of the organisation.

“This government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on the wrong side of history completely.”

Rights advocates condemn ‘systemic abuse’ in Israeli prisons

Several Israeli NGOs have warned the United Nations that the war in Gaza is contributing towards a “crisis” in Israeli prisons. Advocates say there are a record number of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, where they face “systemic abuse” and torture.

“We are extremely, extremely concerned,” Tal Steiner, the executive director of the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI), was quoted as saying in an interview with the AFP news agency. “What we’re looking at is a crisis.”

She said nine people had allegedly died in prisons since Hamas’s October 7 attack. And “there are almost 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli custody right now, … a 200-percent increase from any normal year”.

Miriam Azem of the Adalah legal centre said the deepening problem was not getting enough attention. Her organisation had managed to document “19 clear cases” of torture within the Israeli prison system since October 7, including sexual violence, she told AFP. The crisis “requires the immediate intervention of the international community,” she said.

The Israeli Prison Service told the news agency that All prisoners were “detained according to the law” and it was “not aware of the claims” against it. A spokesperson added that any complaints filed by detainees would “be fully examined and addressed by official authorities”.

According to the law of the jungle perhaps. Most Palestinians never get to see a lawyer and either get administrative detention (no legal recourse) or put in front of military courts with 95% conviction rates.

Is this a watershed moment for Jewish solidarity with Palestinians?

Al Jazeera’s UpFront has been discussing the response of the Jewish community to Israel’s actions and policies in Gaza. Many groups across the world have come together to condemn the war and criticise Israel. Marc Lamont Hill spoke to Rabbi Alissa Wise, the founder of Rabbis for Ceasefire, and Eva Borgwardt, the national spokesperson for IfNotNow on the shift in opinion.

Anything for Israel, ANYTHING. Including bipartisan descent into authoritarianism.