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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

My two faced country. Pause the nonlethal aid, but not the lethal one???

Reports: Canada pauses nonlethal military shipments to Israel

Since January, Canada has paused the transfer of nonlethal military hardware to Israel, the Toronto Star and Reuters report, citing unnamed Canadian officials.

“Since Jan. 8, applications for permits to allow Canadian companies to ship tens of millions of dollars worth of non-lethal goods and technology, such as night vision goggles, have been temporarily put on hold because of the difficulty in establishing whether the material could be used in human rights violations, say senior government officials,” the report from the Toronto Star reads.

The government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has long said that it does not transfer full weapons systems to Israel, an assertion reiterated to Al Jazeera in an email last month. “The permits which have been granted since October 7, 2023, are for the export of non-lethal equipment,” Global Affairs Canada wrote.

But advocates whom Al Jazeera spoke to said a lack of information obscures the real arms trade between Israel and Canada. While full weapons systems might not be transferred, they said, the vast majority of Canada’s military exports to Israel come in the form of parts and components, which include, among other things, bombs and other ordinance.

“The permits which have been granted since October 7, 2023, are for the export of non-lethal equipment.” But advocates say this misrepresents the total volume of Canada’s military exports to Israel, which totalled more than $15m ($21.3m Canadian) in 2022, according to the government’s own figures.

I just signed another petition to stop the arms trade with Israel a week ago, fuck Trudeau, pretending to 'care'.

US and UK just want to bomb people too, can't help themselves

US, UK conduct raids in Yemen: Report

The Houthi-affiliated TV channel Al-Masirah says US and UK forces have carried out three raids on the Ras Issa area in al-Salif district of Hodeidah province.

Houthis threaten to expand attacks on ships to new waters

The leader of Yemen’s Houthis said in a televised speech that the group’s operations targeting vessels will prevent Israel-linked ships from even passing through the Indian Ocean towards the Cape of Good Hope.

About 34 Houthi members have been killed since the armed group began to attack shipping lanes in solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza war, the Houthis’ leader, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, added.

Hamas presents new truce proposal to mediators

In an official statement, the group says that its proposal is a “comprehensive vision based upon the principles and fundamentals we deem essential for any agreement”. It said the proposal was submitted to mediators in Egypt and Qatar, and that it outlines Hamas’s “view on the prisoner swap”.

Negotiations for a ceasefire and the exchange of Israeli captives held in Gaza for Palestinians in Israeli prisons have lagged in recent weeks, with both Israel and Hamas accusing each other of inflexibility.

Israel says new Hamas truce position still ‘unrealistic’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said a new Gaza truce proposal presented by Hamas to Egyptian and Qatari mediators was still based on “unrealistic demands”. The statement said an update on the issue will be presented to the war cabinet and the extended security cabinet on Friday.


Around the Network

President Abbas appoints new prime minister of Palestinian Authority

Mohammed Mustafa’s appointment comes after mounting pressure to reform the governing body of the occupied Palestinian territory and improve its governance. The new prime minister was assigned to lead the relief and rebuilding of the Gaza Strip, and reform the institutions of the Palestinian Authority, Wafa news agency said.

Mustafa replaces former Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh, who, along with his government, resigned in February.

The PA, which is dominated by the Fatah political party, held administrative control over Gaza until 2007 after Hamas won the 2006 legislative elections in the occupied territories and expelled it from the Gaza Strip. Since then, Hamas has ruled Gaza and the PA governs parts of the occupied West Bank.

UK’s Cameron welcomes appointment of new PA leader Mustafa

Britain’s foreign secretary says establishing a new Palestinian government to rule both the West Bank and Gaza Strip, bolstered by an international support package, is important for a “lasting peace”.

Earlier, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas appointed his longtime economic adviser Mohammed Mustafa to be the next prime minister in the face of US pressure to reform the Palestinian Authority as part of Washington’s post-war vision for Gaza.

Mustafa replaces former Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh who, along with his government, resigned in February citing the need for change amid Israel’s war on Gaza and escalating violence in the occupied West Bank.

Did anyone ask the Palestinians what they want? Or is that only for Israelis? What was that "It is grotesque … and hypocritical … for Americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy to call for the removal of the democratically elected leader of Israel. This is unprecedented,” McConnell said."

Not that the PA was democratically elected, it's just an Israeli placeholder.

Ultra Orthodox or Haredi jews, the most extreme, soon have to join the slaughter

(check out their views on women's rights...)

Israelis protest against military service exemption for ultra-Orthodox men

Thousands of Israelis have protested against Netanyahu’s government demanding an end to the exemption for ultra-Orthodox Jewish men from compulsory military service. Israeli news site Ynet reported about 10,000 people participated in the demonstration in Tel Aviv.

Israel’s Supreme Court in 2018 voided a law waiving the draft for ultra-Orthodox men, citing a need for the burden of military service to be shared across Israeli society. Parliament failed to come up with a new arrangement, and a government-issued stay on mandatory conscription of ultra-Orthodox men expires in March.


Settler attacks reported in the occupied West Bank

Our Al Jazeera Arabic colleagues and local media are reporting attacks by armed Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank tonight.

In the village of Berin, southeast of Hebron, settlers dressed in Israeli army uniforms have raided the village school, taken down the Palestinian flag and torn it up, the Wafa news agency reported.

In the village of Kafr Nima, west of Ramallah, settlers have attacked the community and set fire to a vehicle.

Translation: Settlers attack the outskirts of the village of Kafr Naama, west of Ramallah in the West Bank, and set fire to a civilian vehicle

Israeli forces conduct raids, arrests across the occupied West Bank

The long row of Israeli military vehicles has entered the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem and arrested three Palestinians, the Wafa news agency reports. Israeli forces also raided the nearby town of Bal’a, north of the city.

Israeli forces have also arrested a Palestinian man during a raid on the town of Arraba, south of Jenin, according to local media.

Israeli raids have been reported elsewhere in the occupied West Bank in the following locations:

  • The town of al-Ram, north of occupied East Jerusalem
  • The city of Yatta, south of Hebron

Israeli military denies opening fire on aid seekers in Gaza City

The Israeli military’s spokesperson for Arabic media, Avichay Adraee, has denied reports that Israeli forces opened fire on aid seekers in Gaza City, killing 21 people. “Reports that the [Israeli military] targeted dozens of Gazans on Thursday evening at a humanitarian aid distribution point are incorrect,” he said in a post on X.

Adraee added that the Israeli military was “examining the details of the incident” and called on the media to only report “reliable information”.

So Hamas has helicopters and fires on their own people? It would be great if the media only reported reliable information, that would stop all the propaganda of the IDF and Israel. Nothing the IDF says is reliable.

Australia finally realized, the US still wants to ban UNWRA in the aid bill

Australia to resume funding for UN Palestinian refugee agency

Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong has announced that the country will restore funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA). Wong said a new agreement was being finalised, and Australia would then resume $6m in funding that had been suspended in January following accusations by Israel that UNRWA staff participated in the October 7 massacres.

“The nature of these allegations warranted an immediate and appropriate response. The best available current advice from agencies and the Australian government lawyers is that UNRWA is not a terrorist organisation and that existing additional safeguards sufficiently protect Australian taxpayer funding,” Wong said.

Last week Canada announced it would also be restoring funding to the UN agency, saying it was reassured after receiving an interim UN report investigating Israel’s allegations.

Israeli withdrawal from Hamad town – 15 bodies recovered from ruins of Khan Younis

Medical teams in southern Gaza have recovered more than a dozen bodies from the ruins of Hamad town in Khan Younis. The Palestine Red Crescent Society say they were able to get into the area and transport the bodies to Al-Aqsa Hospital after Israeli forces withdrew from the neighbourhood on Wednesday.

Mike Johnson not only keeps stalling desperately needed aid for Ukraine, he also desperately wants to fund the genocide more.

US House Speaker says he is considering introducing standalone Israel aid package

Republican Mike Johnson has told Fox News that he is considering floating a standalone aid bill for Israel, citing the “urgency of the moment” following comments by Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer.

“There’s discussion in the last two hours about running Israel as a separate standalone [bill] because of the events of today,” Johnson said. “Frankly, Leader Schumer and his comments made the situation even more urgent.” Earlier we reported that Schumer, the US’s highest-ranking Jewish politician, said Netanyahu has “lost his way”, and he and his “extremist” allies must hold an election.

The House has already passed two standalone funding bills for Israel, but Schumer has refused to take them to the Senate. Johnson’s latest proposal could be an effort to pressure Schumer and other Democrats to support Israel.

Democrats have been urging Johnson to support the Senate’s $95bn supplemental foreign aid package, which includes funds for Ukraine and Taiwan, as well as Israel.


GCC calls on UNHRC, int’l community to ‘shoulder their responsibility’ to children in Gaza

The Gulf Cooperation Council countries have said the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and the international community must do more to protect children in Gaza. “UNHRC and the international community [must] shoulder their responsibility in ending the tragedy of the children in Gaza and securing their right to live, safety, and protection, considering [it] to be a legal, ethical, and human obligation,” the GCC statement said.

The statement added that children in Gaza are facing “indescribable violations”, highlighting that “over 13 thousand Gazan children have been killed” in the conflict so far.

You need to put pressure on the US and Israel, UNHCR can't do much with those two blocking access.
ICJ useless, still no response since South Africa's latest plea on March 6th.
ICC sitting on their hands.
UNSC hijacked by the US.
UNGA powerless.

Sanction the US and Israel. UNHCR can't put any pressure on Israel, just make statements and try to get aid in

The United Nations Human Rights Council is a United Nations body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world.


Around the Network

US finally wants a ceasefire? Although the resolution doesn't directly call for a ceasefire, calls for international diplomatic efforts to establish a ceasefire.

US finalises Security Council draft resolution on Gaza truce

The US finalised its draft resolution for the UN Security Council on a truce deal between Israel and Hamas on Thursday, the Reuters news agency reports, in a move likely to serve as the final step before a vote is held.

A draft seen by Reuters suggests the UNSC adopt wording saying it, “unequivocally supports international diplomatic efforts to establish an immediate and sustained ceasefire as part of a deal that releases the hostages, and that allows the basis for a more durable peace to alleviate humanitarian suffering”.

It is not clear when the US will hold a vote to adopt the resolution. To pass, it will require at least nine votes in favour and no objections from veto-wielding countries the US, France, Britain, Russia and China.

Washington had previously been averse to using the word ceasefire in any UNSC resolution – and has vetoed three previous draft resolutions, two of which demanded an immediate ceasefire – but has changed its stance in recent weeks.

Now when will they put it to vote.

Negotiations are going nowhere

Hamas outlines prisoner exchange deal in truce proposal: Report

Hamas has submitted a new two-stage proposal that includes the release of Israeli captives in exchange for freedom for Palestinian prisoners, 100 of whom are serving life sentences, according to a Reuters report.

In the proposal seen by the news agency, Hamas said the initial release of Israelis would include women, children, the elderly and ill captives in exchange for the release of 700-1,000 Palestinian prisoners. The release of Israeli “female recruits” is included.

Hamas also reportedly said it would agree on a date for a permanent ceasefire after the initial exchange, and that a deadline for an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza would be agreed upon after the first stage. It added all detainees from both sides would be released in a second stage of the plan.

Al Jazeera has reached out to several Hamas officials for comment but has yet to receive a response.

Israeli PM: Hamas ceasefire demands ‘unrealistic’

In a post on X, the Israeli prime minister’s office said Hamas was “continuing to hold to unrealistic demands”. There has been a renewed push for a truce between Israel and Hamas amid the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Israel has reportedly agreed to a six-week ceasefire in exchange for the release of some of its captives still in Gaza. But Hamas has insisted it will only take a deal that comes with a “permanent ceasefire” and a full Israeli troop withdrawal.

Hamas proposal is ‘flexible and forthcoming’

Mustafa Barghouti, the secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative, says the new Hamas proposal for a deal in Gaza is “much more flexible and forthcoming” compared with the previous ones. “They made compromises about the number of prisoners to be released and the main goal is to make a block deal that includes everything,” he told Al Jazeera. “That ends with the Israeli occupation of Gaza and release of substantial number of political prisoners.”

According to Barghouti, the most significant area of dispute in the negotiations involves the future status of the displaced people in Gaza.

“Hamas and the resistance movement insist people who have been evicted by force from their homes will be allowed to go back to the north,” he said. “Israel wants to discriminate [against them]. They want to allow women and children, but not men, and cut every family into two pieces, which is, of course, unacceptable.”

The Palestinian official stressed that “the ball is now in the yard of Prime Minister Netanyahu”. “I believe he will make every possible obstacle to prevent this deal from taking place, because this man, once the war is over, will be going to prison,” he said.

In the first stage, Israeli forces would withdraw beyond Salah al-Din Street near Gaza City in central Gaza to enable some of the displaced people to return home. Hamas would release a female Israeli reservist held captive in Gaza for every 50 Palestinian prisoners set free by Israel.

The second stage would consist of a permanent ceasefire to be announced before Hamas releases any captive Israeli soldiers. In the final stage, the group proposed the end of Israel’s siege on Gaza and the beginning of reconstruction efforts.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 15 March 2024

Israeli ambassador to US: ‘Unhelpful’ of ally to comment on our internal politics

Israeli Ambassador Michael Herzog said Israel’s “democratic ally” should not remark on Israel’s “domestic political scene”, following a call by US Senate leader Chuck Schumer for an end to Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and new elections.

The US is Israel’s strongest global ally, sending it upwards of $3.8bn in military aid per year, but frustration has been mounting within the US government – even among longstanding allies of Israel like Schumer – over the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza.

“The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7,” Schumer said yesterday from the Senate floor. “Nobody expects Prime Minister Netanyahu to do the things that must be done to break the cycle of violence, preserve Israel’s credibility on the world stage, and work towards a two-state solution.”

US welcomes appointment of new Palestinian prime minister

The US National Security Council has welcomed the news that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has appointed Mohammed Mustafa as the new Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority.

“The United States will be looking for this new government to deliver on policies and implementation of credible and far-reaching reforms,” the NSC statement said. “A reformed Palestinian Authority is essential to delivering results for the Palestinian people and establishing the conditions for stability in both the West Bank and Gaza.”

Mustafa’s appointment comes amid mounting pressure to reform the governing body of the occupied Palestinian territory. He has been assigned to lead the relief and rebuilding of Gaza and reform the institutions of the Palestinian Authority, the Wafa news agency said.

Hamas criticises ‘unilateral’ designation of new Palestinian prime minister

Hamas has criticised the appointment of Mohammed Mustafa as the new Palestinian prime minister, calling it a “unilateral” designation by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The group, which governs the Gaza Strip, said the decision was taken without consulting it despite recently taking part in a meeting in Moscow also attended by Abbas’s Fatah movement to end long-time divisions between the two Palestinian factions.

“We express our rejection of continuing this approach that has inflicted and continues to inflict harm on our people and our national cause,” Hamas said in a statement. “Making individual decisions and engaging in superficial and empty steps such as forming a new government without national consensus only reinforces a policy of unilateralism and deepens division.”

It added that at a time of war with Israel, Palestinians needed a unified leadership preparing for free democratic elections involving all components of their society.

Kinda have to agree with Hamas here. Appointing another puppet to reform the puppet 'government' doing Israel's bidding is part of the problem, not a solution.

Israel’s army targeted defenceless Palestinians in Gaza City: Media office

The media office of the government in Gaza has slammed a reported Israeli attack on Palestinians waiting for aid in Gaza City. Gaza’s Health Ministry said on Thursday that at least 20 bodies and 155 wounded people arrived at the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City after the incident.

The Israeli forces targeted “a gathering of citizens while they were waiting for relief aid at the Kuwait Roundabout in Gaza City,” the media office’s statement said. The latest attack is “to be added to the series of massacres and brutal attacks against the defenceless civilians who face the Zionist starvation policy,” it also said.

“The failure of the international community and the United Nations to take action against the occupation army was a green light to commit more horrific crimes,” the statement added.

The Israeli military on Thursday denied it opened fire on aid seekers at the Kuwait Roundabout.

Aid seekers wounded by ‘direct shots’ at Kuwait Roundabout: Report

Mohammed Ghurab, director of emergency services at a hospital in northern Gaza, has reportedly said people were wounded by gunshots at the Kuwait Roundabout in Gaza City. He told the AFP news agency that there were “direct shots by the occupation forces” on people waiting for a food truck.

An AFP journalist on the scene saw several bodies and people who had been shot, the agency said.

Come on, don't be that naive. It's clearly done on purpose. How many times does the same thing need to happen before an 'accident' is no longer an accident. Stop covering for the IDF, how many war crimes is enough to stop believing their lies.

Killings of aid seekers ‘preventable’

Shaina Low, communications adviser for the Norwegian Refugee Council, says the ongoing killings of aid seekers in Gaza represent a breakdown in communication between aid groups and Israeli authorities.

“It’s a clear sign that the deconfliction system, in which humanitarian agencies and the UN notify and correspond with Israel … is completely failing,” she told Al Jazeera, adding that this system is meant to allow aid agencies to inform Israel of routes they will take to ensure they aren’t targeted.

“This is something that is preventable and shouldn’t be happening,” she said.

It's not a breakdown in communications, firing on crowds is a war crime with or without 'communications'

Timeline: Israeli attacks on aid seekers and convoy

March 14: More than a dozen people killed and over 100 injured after Israeli forces opened fire on aid seekers in Gaza City.
March 3: At least nine people were killed in an Israeli strike on an aid distribution truck in Deir el-Balah.
February 29: At least 112 Palestinians were killed and hundreds wounded after Israeli troops opened fire on people waiting for food aid southwest of Gaza City.
February 26: Ten people were reportedly killed when Israeli forces shelled and fired on a crowd waiting for food aid trucks in Gaza City.
January 25: An Israeli attack killed at least 20 people waiting for humanitarian assistance in Gaza City.
December 29: Israeli soldiers fired on an aid convoy as it returned from northern Gaza along a route designated as safe by the Israeli army.

Israel pins blame on ‘armed Palestinians’, truck drivers for aid seeker deaths

The Israeli military, citing a preliminary internal review, has claimed its forces are not responsible for the deadly attack on Palestinian aid seekers in northern Gaza that killed at least 20 people and wounded 120 others.

Instead, it said, unspecified “armed Palestinians” were responsible for the violence. Those gunmen, it said, opened fire at Kuwait Roundabout on Thursday as crowds of civilians gathered there ahead of an expected aid convoy. Numerous Palestinians were also “run over by trucks” during the incident, the military said.

Witnesses and an Al Jazeera correspondent reported that Israeli forces did fire live ammunition at the crowd of aid seekers, including from tanks and a helicopter. It would be the seventh time Israeli forces attacked aid seekers or aid convoys during the Gaza war, in attacks that have killed more than 160 people.

7 times that we know of... Exactly the reason why Israel targets journalists, to be able to spread enough 'doubt' which Fox news and others will gladly repeat.

Palestinians prevented from recovering bodies at Kuwait Roundabout

The Kuwait Roundabout in Gaza City is becoming notorious as a “death trap” for those seeking humanitarian aid. People are still going there because this is the area where the trucks deliver humanitarian aid and they are desperate for flour and other much needed supplies.

Israeli tanks fired at the aid seekers indiscriminately, and the majority of the casualties are still on the road, but the presence of Israeli tanks makes it very difficult to recover the bodies. It has been hours since the attack happened, and wounded people have been there bleeding to death and most likely have died by now.

Aid seekers targeted by Israel unable to get care at al-Shifa Hospital

Some of the people injured at the Kuwait Roundabout in Gaza City have arrived at al-Shifa Hospital, a nonoperational health facility, where they are trying their best amid a shortage of staff and extreme lack of medical supplies.

People were waiting to collect aid when they were shot at by Israeli tanks. This is the second time people were shot at at this roundabout. The Open Arms aid ship can be seen approaching Gaza in the distance, but like airdropped aid, this is a drop in the ocean.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 15 March 2024

At least 56 people killed in Israeli attacks on aid centres in 48 hours: Gaza government

The Israeli military has carried out five separate attacks on aid distribution centres in the past 48 hours in the Gaza Strip, killing 56 people and injuring more than 300 others, according to the media office of the enclave’s government.

“We hold the US administration and the international community, in addition to the ‘Israeli’ occupation, fully responsible for the crime of genocide,” it said in a statement on Telegram.

“We call on all countries of the free world to pressure the occupation to stop the war of genocide and ethnic cleansing against our Palestinian people.”

The aftermath of Israeli strikes on Hamad City complex, west of Khan Younis

UN estimates nearly 23 million tonnes of debris spread across Gaza

More than five months of Israeli attacks on Gaza have left nearly 23 million tonnes of debris, according to the United Nations. This rubble – along with unexploded munitions – will take years to clear, estimates the UN.

While the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is working with mine action partners to assess the threat of unexploded ordnance in the enclave, “response efforts have been hampered by restrictions on the import of humanitarian mine action supplies and authorization requirements on the deployment of specialized personnel”, it said.

Gaza death toll rises

The number of people killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza since the start of the war has risen to 31,490, according to the latest figures by the Health Ministry. An additional 73,439 have been wounded, the ministry said.

In the past 24 hours, 149 people have been killed and 300 wounded, the ministry added.

No freedom of movement, Westbank and East Jerusalem are supposed to be connected

Israeli checkpoints, restrictions block West Bank travelers from reaching Al-Aqsa

It’s relatively calm outside Al-Aqsa Mosque. It’s several hours until the main prayers will begin. The Israeli authorities say there are 3,000 police officers available in the Old City for days such as this. We passed several checkpoints manned by Israeli police getting here.

Theoretically, there are no restrictions on people from occupied East Jerusalem or Palestinians inside Israel from going inside the mosque to pray. However, there are age restrictions for those travelling from the occupied West Bank. On top of that, those Palestinians must apply in advance for permits to come here. They have to travel through checkpoints early in the morning, and be back in the occupied West Bank by 5pm.

Over the last hour, we’ve been talking to people who have come here from places like Nablus, Bethlehem and Jenin. They’ve told us that many other people trying to cross checkpoints from the occupied West Bank are either being delayed for long periods or turned away.

‘Thousands’ of Palestinian worshippers being denied access to Al-Aqsa: Report

Footage posted by the Wafa news agency shows Palestinians lined up at a military checkpoint near Bethlehem as they seek to travel to Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem for Friday prayers.

This is one of numerous military checkpoints set up to screen Palestinians seeking entry to Jerusalem. So far, checkpoint officials have turned back thousands of worshippers “under the pretext of not having the necessary permits”, the Palestinian news agency said.

Nineteen eighty four

‘Tense situation’ at West Bank checkpoint ahead of Friday prayers

About 45 minutes before prayers start, people waiting here at the checkpoint outside Jerusalem still hope they will have a chance to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque. There are new restrictions. Men must be aged 55 or older to enter the mosque, and women must be 50 or older. Previously, there were no age restrictions on women, and the age restriction for men was 45.

All worshippers must also have valid entry permits, a document many Palestinians say they did not know they needed. We’ve seen people being turned away at the checkpoint for this reason, and Israeli soldiers are surrounding the nearby area.

There are additional restrictions on Palestinians leaving Al-Aqsa. They must submit their papers at a checkpoint while leaving Jerusalem or even take a selfie and submit it on an application managed by the Israeli government.

‘All we want is to pray in our Al-Aqsa Mosque’

Palestinian worshippers trying to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque on the first Friday of Ramadan say the Israeli army is turning them away. “I’ve been sent away several times. Each time, they check our documents as if we’re terrorists,” one person who did not wish to be identified told Al Jazeera. “All we want is to pray in our Al-Aqsa Mosque. It’s the Friday prayer. May Allah grant us patience to face all that we have to endure.”

“The number of soldiers is greater than the number of worshippers,” another Muslim said. “I’m 62, and I presented my ID, but my access was denied… although [the Israeli army] said that those who are over 55 can enter the mosque without a permit.”

A 50-year-old woman said she tried to enter the compound but was sent away because she didn’t have a permit. “We tried to enter from the other gate, but they sent us away as well. We will see if we can get a permit,“ he said.

Israel’s Ben-Gvir visits Western Wall

Israel’s far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, has shown up at the Western Wall, part of the border of Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, ahead of the first Friday prayers of Ramadan. In a post on X, Ben-Gvir said he made the visit to show support for Israeli security forces based there and to encourage them to “deal strongly” with potential “terrorists” and “unrest”.

Ben-Gvir’s visit comes as Israeli checkpoints block thousands of Palestinians from the occupied West Bank from reaching the mosque, which is the third holiest site in Islam, inflaming tensions in the territory, reports the Wafa news agency.

Netanyahu accused of ‘deceiving the world’ over Al-Aqsa Mosque access

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has accused Netanyahu of “deceiving the world” when he said no additional measures would be imposed to limit access to Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan compared to previous years.

The ministry said in a statement posted on X that the Israel prime minister had given far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir the freedom to implement restrictions, including erecting barricades, to prevent the entry of Palestinian worshippers. The ministry called on the international community and the United States to intervene to end these “racist” policies and ensure that the right to worship is upheld.

Israel doesn't even give animal rights to Palestinians, human rights are only for Israelis, as long as you agree with the government.

Vast majority of Palestinians banned from Al-Aqsa Mosque: Barghouti

More than 95 percent of all Palestinians are prohibited from reaching the Al-Aqsa Mosque, according to Mustafa Barghouti, the secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative. “The portion of the community that is allowed is very small – people who are above the age of 55,” he told Al Jazeera from Ramallah, adding that even they had to go through a hard process to enter the holy site.

“First of all, they have to get a special magnetic security card from the Israelis, which takes a lot of time to acquire. Not everybody can get it and many people are deprived from it,” the Palestinian official said. “They also have to get a special permit from the Israelis directly. These complications prevent many people.”

He said the situation was creating more tension “because many people are angry”. “The tension inside the mosque is very high because of the Israeli restrictions, beating of the people and provocations. I expect that there will be trouble, because of all these provocations,” Barghouti concluded.

80,000 pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque: Report

Despite tight Israeli restrictions on access to Al-Aqsa Mosque, 80,000 worshippers made it to the holy site for the first Friday prayers of Ramadan, reports the Quds News Network, citing the Islamic Waqf that manages the mosque compound.

Thousands more Palestinians from the occupied West Bank were denied entry to Jerusalem, where a heavy Israeli security presence surrounds the mosque. Only men over the age of 55 or women over the age of 50 are allowed to enter the mosque, and all must have a valid permit, making the site inaccessible to the vast majority of Palestinians.

Sounds like a lot, however: In the past, as many as 250,000 worshipers have converged on the site on Fridays during Ramadan.

‘Absolute right of all Muslims to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque’: Director

Al-Aqsa Mosque’s Director Omar Kiswani has told Al Jazeera that it is “the absolute right of all Muslims to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque”, whether they live in the occupied Palestinian territories or elsewhere. “There shouldn’t be any permits required to enter the mosque and this is something the occupation needs to understand,” Kiswani said, referring to Israel.

“We see a significant number of soldiers, police, and other law enforcement personnel circulating Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, preventing our brothers from the West Bank from accessing these holy places,” he continued.

“Al-Aqsa Mosque is a place of worship and peace, but it has become like a large prison due to the excessive restrictions and checkpoints being imposed. It even resembles a military camp.”

Israeli troops block PRCS ambulance members’ way to Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) says some of its members were turned away by the Israeli army as they attempted to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque to provide emergency services. The group posted a video on X, in which soldiers can be seen blocking the way to the medical staff.

Israel tightens control around Hebron’s Ibrahimi Mosque

The Israeli army has intensified its military presence near the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron on the first Friday of the holy month of Ramadan. Palestinian news agency Wafa reported increased military presence between Hebron’s Old City and the Ibrahimi Mosque.

Army officers at the Abu Al-Rish checkpoint, the site of frequent violence at the heart of historic Hebron, were checking the identity of Palestinians heading to the mosque to perform the Friday prayer, the agency said, turning some worshippers away.

The war has definitely spilled over into the West Bank, reports of Qassam brigade fighting back are increasing

Qassam fighters clash with Israeli troops in Tubas, group says

The Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s armed wing, has said its fighters in the Far’a camp in Tubas in the occupied West Bank have confronted Israeli troops and vehicles that stormed the establishment in the morning.

Fighters from the group, backed by others from other factions, “engaged in fierce clashes with the invading forces, including the detonation of a number of explosive devices in the vehicles, before the enemy retreated”, a statement on Telegram said.