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Israeli ambassador to US: ‘Unhelpful’ of ally to comment on our internal politics

Israeli Ambassador Michael Herzog said Israel’s “democratic ally” should not remark on Israel’s “domestic political scene”, following a call by US Senate leader Chuck Schumer for an end to Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and new elections.

The US is Israel’s strongest global ally, sending it upwards of $3.8bn in military aid per year, but frustration has been mounting within the US government – even among longstanding allies of Israel like Schumer – over the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza.

“The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7,” Schumer said yesterday from the Senate floor. “Nobody expects Prime Minister Netanyahu to do the things that must be done to break the cycle of violence, preserve Israel’s credibility on the world stage, and work towards a two-state solution.”

US welcomes appointment of new Palestinian prime minister

The US National Security Council has welcomed the news that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has appointed Mohammed Mustafa as the new Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority.

“The United States will be looking for this new government to deliver on policies and implementation of credible and far-reaching reforms,” the NSC statement said. “A reformed Palestinian Authority is essential to delivering results for the Palestinian people and establishing the conditions for stability in both the West Bank and Gaza.”

Mustafa’s appointment comes amid mounting pressure to reform the governing body of the occupied Palestinian territory. He has been assigned to lead the relief and rebuilding of Gaza and reform the institutions of the Palestinian Authority, the Wafa news agency said.

Hamas criticises ‘unilateral’ designation of new Palestinian prime minister

Hamas has criticised the appointment of Mohammed Mustafa as the new Palestinian prime minister, calling it a “unilateral” designation by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The group, which governs the Gaza Strip, said the decision was taken without consulting it despite recently taking part in a meeting in Moscow also attended by Abbas’s Fatah movement to end long-time divisions between the two Palestinian factions.

“We express our rejection of continuing this approach that has inflicted and continues to inflict harm on our people and our national cause,” Hamas said in a statement. “Making individual decisions and engaging in superficial and empty steps such as forming a new government without national consensus only reinforces a policy of unilateralism and deepens division.”

It added that at a time of war with Israel, Palestinians needed a unified leadership preparing for free democratic elections involving all components of their society.

Kinda have to agree with Hamas here. Appointing another puppet to reform the puppet 'government' doing Israel's bidding is part of the problem, not a solution.