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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

The war on education, US same as Israel

UPenn faculty sue school over pro-Palestine activity

The Penn Faculty for Justice in Palestine group is suing the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League institution, to stop it from sending documents related to pro-Palestine activity to the US Congress. The lawsuit says it challenges a “new form of McCarthyism, in which accusations of anti-Semitism are substituted for insinuations of Communist leanings which were the tool of oppression in the 1950s”.

The lawsuit also states that the US university is “privileging, protecting, and endorsing” pro-Israel speech over that of those who are pro-Palestinian. It says that anti-Semitism has previously been used “in egregious ontological error, to chill, punish, and end virtually all moral, political, legal, and other criticism of the nation-state Israel”.

Columbia University sued for suspending pro-Palestine student groups

The New York Civil Liberties Union and Palestine Legal – two legal rights groups in the United States – have filed a lawsuit against Columbia University “for the unlawful suspension of its chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) for engaging in peaceful protest”.

“These student groups were peacefully speaking out on a critical global conflict, only to have Columbia ignore their own rules and suspend the groups. This is retaliatory and targeted, and it flies in the face of the free speech principles that universities should be defending,” NYCLU says in a statement.

In November, the Ivy League institution suspended the two student groups for allegedly violating school policies for “threatening rhetoric and intimidation”.

Tensions have surged at some US universities since October 7.

Hebrew University suspends prominent Palestinian professor

Hebrew University of Jerusalem has suspended Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian for denouncing Israel’s genocide in Gaza. In a statement, the university said Shalhoub-Kevorkian’s suspension from teaching was a means to “preserve a safe climate on campus”.

“At the beginning of the war, the lecturer signed a petition calling Israel’s actions in Gaza genocide, and an occupying entity since 1948,” the university stated as the reason for her removal.

Shalhoub-Kevorkian is a Palestinian citizen of Israel. She is also a professor of law at Hebrew University and an expert on trauma, state crimes and criminology, surveillance and genocide studies.

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Germany sigh, guess they haven't learned from WW2 after all. Supporting genocide, suppressing free speech, old Germany is back.

Fear, grief, anguish on Berlin’s ‘Arab Street’ as Israel levels Gaza

Since late last year, large-scale protests have erupted in Berlin’s “Arab Street”, in the German capital’s borough of Neukoelln, and they have allegedly been followed by police crackdowns described by pro-Palestinian demonstrators as shocking and violent.

Locals Francesca Leone, 31, and 27-year-old Lea have been joining the thousands across Germany taking to the streets regularly since October 7 to call for Palestinian rights and urge Germany to reconsider its unflinching support of Israel.

Lea, who arrived in Germany in 2015 seeking refuge from Syria, said she was arrested at a demonstration recently. She asked Al Jazeera to withhold her real name out of fears her employer might take action against her. Plus, she said, there have been raids on the homes of pro-Palestinian supporters.

“[Neukoelln] was always a political space for me, a place where a lot of people with a very unstable resident status could live,” she said. “It was a shock for me to witness such a level of police violence.”

German police gather at a pro-Palestinian demonstration on Berlin's Neukoelln district

She said the recent tensions have changed her “perception as a refugee”, as she alleged a high-level of racial profiling during arrests at the protests. “Germany was one of the few countries that welcomed us after fleeing a conflict zone but now they are terrorising and criminalising me and many others,” she said.

Leone, a Palestinian born in Germany, said the war has affected her life in ways she had not anticipated. “My personal life has changed completely,” she said. “I was patient at the beginning and waited for people in my friendship and wider circles to show their support. But then it became clear that there were going to be limits to their solidarity.”

She described the support of some left-wing Germans as conditional. “[They were] saying to me that they wouldn’t go to a demo unless there were conditions in place, such as not walking next to someone chanting ‘From the river to the sea‘ or someone wearing the keffiyeh. Even as they know that I’m Palestinian and that my family had fled from there, it wasn’t enough just to say I stand with Palestine. So I have had to say goodbye to a lot of people.”


Home to the largest Palestinian diaspora in Europe with a reported 30,000 people, Germany has been one of Israel’s staunchest allies in recent months. Speaking to people from the Arab-German community along Sonnenallee, there is an atmosphere of fear that thickens the air. Requests for interviews are often declined.

One young man serving at a shop decorated by Palestinian flags and keffiyeh told Al Jazeera that he has been told by his manager not to give media interviews since the German authorities may be keeping a close eye on the shop.


Rashid* is an Egyptian who has lived in Berlin for more than a decade and works in a restaurant near to Sonnenallee. He said it has been difficult to reach work lately. “The scenes have been terrible, with police arresting and attacking people. I was very scared that the police would also just stop me and accuse me of links to Hamas,” he told Al Jazeera.


“The belief in Germany is that anything that threatens the existence of Israel is to be fought, and this is why they push away the Palestinian experience.” Since early October, German authorities have been increasingly accused of trying to silence pro-Palestinian protesters, including those who merely post their support for Gaza in social media messages, prompting backlash.

In the arts sector, an anti-discrimination clause had required applicants for cultural funding in Berlin to abide by an official definition of anti-Semitism. But after critics argued this could restrict legitimate criticism of Israel and 6,000 cultural workers signed an open letter in opposition, the clause was removed in January.

Meanwhile, Oyoun, a prominent cultural centre in Neukoelln, lost state funding after hosting events aimed at raising awareness about the plight of Palestinians.

People of Middle Eastern origin in Neukoelln say they are preparing for a long road ahead.

“It’s a fight that will not end just when the genocide is over, it’s also a fight for our rights at refugees and as immigrants in a country that has a very rich history of fascism,” said Lea. “It’s a big, long process where we need to provide communities and spaces for ourselves, to grief and empower ourselves in order to face this very intense violence and racism.”

“Things may have calmed down on the streets but you still see the fear in people’s eyes when you speak to them,” said Rashid. “People along the street don’t speak that much but you know what they have in their minds and their hearts. This is the time where people from different backgrounds should come together and stand united with the Palestinian people.”

What would happen when the police kills a 13 year old in the states?

Palestinian child killed by Israeli bullets in occupied East Jerusalem

The boy, 13-year-old Rami Hamdan al-Halhuli, was shot with live ammunition by Israeli security forces in the Shu’fat refugee camp.

The Palestine Red Crescent said that it attempted to administer treatment to the child on the scene but that he quickly succumbed to his wounds. The governorate of Jerusalem officially announced his death.

Two Palestinians killed near Jerusalem: Red Crescent

In the town of al-Jib west of Jerusalem, at least two Palestinians were killed and three others wounded after being shot by Israeli forces at a checkpoint, the Palestine Red Crescent says.

More Palestinian aid seekers killed waiting for food

We have been reporting about this again and again as Israel deliberately targets aid seekers. This has sadly become the new norm with Israeli attacks almost daily as people gather for food supplies.

Hungry and dehydrated, Palestinians in Gaza have no other choice but to wait for humanitarian relief. Palestinian health officials say at least nine Palestinians were killed and dozens wounded by Israeli gunfire as crowds awaited aid trucks on Kuwait Square in northern Gaza City.

An estimated 400 people have died in attacks as they sought out aid since the war on Gaza began. Meanwhile, reports from the Gaza Health Ministry say more than 12,300 children have died since the end of October.

Children continue to fall victim despite Israel’s claims that it takes the ultimate precautions to avoid civilian casualties. This is completely contradictory to the realities on the ground here.

If it's up to the US, they can wait another 2 months

US military’s pier building won’t involve ‘boots on the ground’

The Logistics Support Vessel – a hulking grey-painted watercraft – slowly churned away from the pier at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Virginia as The Imperial March from Star Wars played over its loudspeaker system.

It was followed by three smaller vessels that will also make the roughly 30-day trip to the eastern Mediterranean for a port mission – part of US efforts to boost assistance to Gaza as Israel delays ground deliveries of aid.

Asked if the planned deployment will still take place in the absence of a ceasefire in Gaza, US Army Brigadier-General Brad Hinson said: “We have every intent to set this capability up over the next 60 days.

US officials say the effort won’t involve “boots on the ground” in Gaza, but US troops will come close to the beleaguered coastal territory as they construct the pier, which has to be anchored to the shore.

But on the bright side (for Biden), 2 months of useless distraction to extend the war

Chaotic scenes after Israeli forces hit home in central Gaza

Videos shared online by Palestinian journalists – verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-check unit Sanad – show the destruction of a residential home belonging to the al-Atrash family in the city of Deir el-Balah. Debris and concrete can be seen strewn all over the street as people search frantically for survivors.

Other footage shared online shows those killed and wounded in the Israeli raid, including children, being brought to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.

This is so fucked up.

Witnesses say slain Palestinian teen shot fireworks up in the air, not at soldiers

The Israelis say Rami El Halhuli had endangered their lives by shooting fireworks towards them.

But eyewitness accounts have corroborated two videos that we’ve seen. One is of the boy shooting the firework up in the air, not in the vicinity of the Israeli soldiers. And the other is of him shot, lying on the ground, and his mother is seen devastated.

The mosque there has said they are going to declare a day of mourning tomorrow and a strike where all businesses will be closed in order for people to mourn his death.

Ben Gvir salutes Israeli soldiers after killing of Palestinian boy

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has expressed support for Israeli soldiers amid outrage over the killing of a Palestinian boy near the Shuafat refugee camp checkpoint. Rami El Halhuli, 13, was shot in the chest while he was playing with fireworks.

Ben Gvir posted on X shortly after the incident, saying he saluted the soldier who shot at the “terrorist who endangered” the lives of Israeli troops.

It made it to CNN

Palestinian boy with firework, 12, shot dead by Israeli border police at east Jerusalem refugee camp

The separation barrier on the outskirts of the east Jerusalem refugee camp of Shuafat, pictured on December 28, 2023.

A 12-year-old Palestinian boy was shot and killed by a border police officer in Shuafat refugee camp in occupied east Jerusalem, according to hospital officials and an Israeli police spokesperson.

In a video obtained by CNN, the boy – Rami Al Halhouli – can be seen holding a lit firework above his head before the crackling sound of a single gunshot is heard. The boy falls to the ground just as the firework launches from his hand into the sky.

The Israeli police spokesperson said police forces responded to a “violent disturbance” at the refugee camp and a border police officer fired “towards a suspect who endangered the forces while firing aerial fireworks in their direction.”


In a Telegram post, Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir applauded the soldier who shot and killed the boy. “I support the Border Guard fighters who are operating at this time and are risking their lives now against dozens of Arab rioters in Shu’fat,” Ben-Gvir said.

“I salute the soldier who killed the terrorist who tried to shoot fireworks at him and the troops - this is exactly how you should act against terrorists - with determination and precision,” he said.

Really puts in perspective what Israel considers to be 'terrorists'. Not that it was known already but here it is from the National Security Minister's own mouth.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 12 March 2024

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Boycott Boeing

Pro-Palestine protesters demonstrate against Boeing in Seattle

Dozens of activists have rallied outside the Aerospace and Defense Summit in the US city of Seattle in Washington to protest Boeing’s military contracts with Israel. They carried signs that said, “Boeing arms genocide” and “Boeing sold 1,000 smart bombs to Israel during the genocide”.

According to Bloomberg News, following Hamas’s attacks on October 7, Boeing accelerated the delivery of 1,800 kits that convert unguided bombs into precision munitions, as part of a 2021 commercial deal with the Israeli military worth around $735m.

And in December, Amnesty International investigation into two Israeli air raids that killed 43 people in Gaza found codes printed on metal fragments recovered from the rubble linking the bombs to Boeing.

WFP used Israeli military road to reach northern Gaza

A World Food Programme (WFP) convoy carrying food for 25,000 people used an Israeli military road that runs alongside the Gaza border fence to reach the enclave’s north, according to officials. Jamie McGoldrick, the UN aid coordinator for Palestine, told the Reuters news agency that the WFP convoy made the journey in the early hours of Tuesday.

Shaza Moghraby, a spokeswoman for the WFP, said it was the agency’s first delivery to the north since February 20 and “proves that moving food by road is possible”.

Proves all the more it's a political problem, not a logistics problem. Forget air drops, complex sea routes, there are plenty crossings and roads all along the border to deliver aid.


US senators urge Biden to condition Israel aid on humanitarian access to Gaza

Eight US senators have sent a letter to President Joe Biden calling on him to offer Israel an ultimatum: expand aid to Gaza or lose US military assistance. The letter, released on Tuesday, is the latest effort by US legislators to question Washington’s support for Israel amid its war in Gaza.

The senators – who include Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – called on Biden to comply with Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act, which bars aid to countries that restrict access to humanitarian assistance. “According to public reporting and your own statements, the Netanyahu government is in violation of this law,” the eight senators said in the letter.

“Given this reality, we urge you to make it clear to the Netanyahu government that failure to immediately and dramatically expand humanitarian access and facilitate safe aid deliveries throughout Gaza will lead to serious consequences, as specified under existing US law.”

Gaza families in limbo in Egypt after Australia reportedly cancels visas

Advocacy group Palestine Australia Relief and Action has expressed its concern after the Australian government retracted a series of visitor visas issued to people fleeing Gaza, SBS News reports. According to the news outlet, the group identified several cases where women and children were issued Australian visas, underwent security checks, managed to get out of Gaza through the Rafah crossing into Egypt, and boarded flights to Australia in recent days.

“But during their transit period between flights, they received notification that their once-approved visas had been cancelled. SBS News has seen a number of these visa cancellation notices,” it reports. “The delegate considered you never intended a genuine stay temporarily in Australia and therefore the visa was granted based on circumstances which never existed,” the notices read.

SBS says these are the same types of visitor visa arrangements that were in place for Ukrainians when they were able to come to Australia.

EU to announce $8bn in aid to Egypt

Fearing economic fallout in Egypt from the Gaza war, the EU is putting together a 7.4 billion euro ($8.08bn) aid package for Cairo, according to a Financial Times report. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will head to Cairo on Sunday, along with the Greek, Italian and Belgian PMs, to formally announce the funds, the report added.

Egypt’s economy, already in crisis before the Gaza war, has taken a further hit as Israeli attacks edge closer to its border with Rafah and tensions spiral in the Red Sea. This has led to a drop in tourism and Suez Canal revenues, two of Egypt’s major sources of foreign exchange.


Israel sabotaging ceasefire negotiations: Palestinian refugee rights group

Badil, a resource centre for refugee rights, has blamed Israel for sabotaging ceasefire talks. It cites the following examples:

  • The call for a permanent ceasefire is denied by Israel for the sake of a temporary truce or pause
  • Instead of the provision of unrestricted humanitarian aid, Israel weaponises aid and obstructs UN agencies’ operations
  • Instead of a military withdrawal from Gaza, Israel plans to “redeploy” Israeli forces in the besieged enclave
  • The call to allow the return of all displaced Palestinians is denied. Instead, Israel proposes the return of only women and children


Canada commits $1m to support Palestinian victims of sexual violence

Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly has pledged $1m to support investigations into allegations of sexual and gender-based violence against Palestinian women. “We believe Palestinian women. Allegations on sexual and gender-based violence against them must be investigated and Palestinian women must be supported,” Joly wrote on X.

The move comes two days after Joly said Canada would provide $1m to organisations supporting survivors of sexual violence during Hamas’s attacks on October 7.

Well since there are no survivors of the sexual violence during Hamas's attacks, at least none have been found... Plenty Palestinian victims still alive though.

Canada trying to stay neutral... While supplying the bombs to kill children


Several reported killed, injured in Israeli strike on UNRWA warehouse

Palestinian journalists have shared footage documenting people bringing in victims of an Israeli bombing in central Rafah to the Kuwaiti Hospital.

The journalists say an UNRWA aid distribution centre was shelled in Rafah City. The footage, which has been verified by Al Jazeera, shows people being evacuated in vehicles bearing the UNRWA logo.

Israeli attack on UNRWA aid distribution centre

UNRWA confirms Rafah warehouse struck

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees has confirmed that one of its aid warehouses in southern Gaza has been “hit”, with “scores” of people wounded. “We can confirm that an UNRWA warehouse/distribution centre in Rafah has been hit,” UNRWA spokeswoman Juliette Touma told AFP, adding there were “scores injured”.

At least five people were killed in the “bombing of the warehouse”, according to the Health Ministry.

Intense Israeli strikes continue on third day of Ramadan

On the third day of Ramadan, people across Gaza have woken up to more intense artillery shelling and overnight raids, including in the central part of the Strip. Homes were targeted and multiple casualties have been reported. The number has not been confirmed yet, as there are still many people under the rubble.

Dozens killed, wounded in overnight attacks on Gaza

The Wafa news agency is reporting dozens of casualties after Israeli forces launched attacks across the Gaza Strip. In central Deir el-Balah, the death toll from an attack on Tuesday evening went up to 10, while in Gaza City, two people were killed and four children wounded in an attack in the Daraj neighbourhood.

Wafa said a “number of people were martyred” in the bombing of a house on Salah al-Din Street, while a third assault on a house on al-Sahaba Street left many wounded and missing.

The agency said there were attacks on southern Khan Younis, too.

Israeli military says Hamas member killed in Tyre was ‘significant’ operative

Israel’s military has confirmed it carried out a drone strike near the southern Lebanese town of Tyre today that killed two people, including Hamas member Hadi Mustafa. In a statement on Telegram, Israel’s military described Mustafa as a “significant” Hamas operative who directed “terrorist cells” and advanced attacks against “Israeli and Jewish targets… around the world”.

The statement added that Israel’s military and security forces “will continue to operate against” Hamas wherever its members are. The Israeli military, in a separate post on its official X page, posted aerial footage appearing to show the drone strike that hit Mustafa’s car.

Israeli attack on car in Lebanon’s southern city of Tyre

Hamas says its member target of Israeli drone attack near Tyre

Hadi Mustafa, a Hamas member based in the Rashidieh Palestinian refugee camp near Tyre, was one of those killed when an Israeli drone attack hit a car he was travelling in, Lebanon 24 news outlet reports citing a Hamas statement. The attack took place as the car drove down al-Hosh road, south of Tyre and near the Rashidieh camp.

A Syrian man travelling with Mustafa was also killed in the attack, while a third person was wounded, Lebanon 24 reported.


Anger mounting in eastern Lebanon as Israel strikes deeper across border

In less than 24 hours, Israel carried out a series of air strikes, targeting what it says are Hezbollah’s positions in eastern Lebanon. One of those strikes hit a building behind me. It collapsed and there were casualties.

You speak to people here and they say that this was a civilian target. There is a lot of anger. This is an escalation in the confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah.

Ben-Gvir needs to be brought to the ICC asap

Israel’s attorney general warns Ben-Gvir against ‘illegal interference’

Gali Baharav-Miara has written a letter telling the national security minister to stay out of the case of an Israeli police officer who is being questioned over the shooting of a Palestinian teen, according to a report by The Times of Israel.

The rebuke came after Ben-Gvir turned up at the Department of Internal Police Investigations (DIPI) in a show of solidarity with the police officer, who allegedly shot a 13-year-old Palestinian dead while he was playing with fireworks earlier today.

Ben-Gvir issued a public statement calling the officer’s questioning “outrageous” and “disgraceful”.

In her address to Ben-Gvir, Baharav-Miara emphasised that “criminal investigations, including those of police officers, are conducted with complete independence”. “Any intervention by you, directly or indirectly, violates the law … this should be stopped immediately,” Baharav-Miara said.

Ben-Gvir shows support for Israeli officer accused of killing Palestinian boy

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has arrived at the Department of Internal Police Investigations (DIPI) to support a police officer set to be questioned over the killing of 13-year-old Rami El Halhuli, who was shot in the chest while playing with fireworks near the Shu’fat refugee camp in the occupied West Bank.

“It is outrageous to me that DIPI even dared to invite the fighter here for questioning, it is shameful and disgraceful,” Ben-Gvir was quoted by The Times of Israel as saying in a video posted on X. “A terrorist sets off fireworks and wants to harm our soldiers, our fighters, and shoots the fireworks … A fighter comes and does exactly what we expect from him. This is simply the biggest scandal – that they summon him here and bring him for questioning,” he said in the video, shot in front of the DIPI premises.

He claimed that the teenager had shot fireworks “directly” at Israeli security forces despite video footage showing the fireworks being shot into the air. He praised the officer for “doing exceptional work” and criticised the DIPI for “destroying Israeli deterrence”.

Palestinians denounce Israeli executions in occupied West Bank

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs says the executions are further proof that Israel wants to escalate tensions during the holy month of Ramadan. “In 24 hours, the Israeli occupation has killed six Palestinians, including children. These are war crimes and crimes against humanity according to international law,” it says in a statement.

“The political and military echelon has enabled soldiers and settlers to shoot at Palestinian citizens who do not endanger them in any way. It is obvious that this escalation is proof that the governing coalition is adding fuel to the fire to expand the cycle of violence.”

Another night of violence across the occupied West Bank

Israeli forces have withdrawn from Jenin after a night of raids that started shortly after 2am. Israeli forces moved into the refugee camp, where some confrontations took place with Palestinian fighters. At least two Palestinians were killed, raising the death toll in overnight raids to five.

Health officials identified the two men as Rabi’ al-Noursi and Mahmoud Abu al-Heija. Footage shared online shows bulldozed roads, destroyed homes and downed electric poles as well as burst water pipes.

According to a Quds news report, verified by Al Jazeera, an Israeli military force opened fire towards Jenin Government Hospital.
Israeli soldiers targeted a group of citizens standing in front of the hospital’s emergency department, injuring a number of them. Two of them succumbed to their wounds later.

This is the third day of Ramadan. Palestinians were hoping for a ceasefire in Gaza but instead, all they’re seeing is these intensive Israeli raids that forces say are intended to carry out arrests. Palestinians will tell you that Israel uses lethal force in those raids, especially when people are going about their daily lives.

We’ve seen some pictures coming out of Jenin where Israeli bulldozers are damaging the streets, the infrastructure, electricity and water. Palestinians in Jenin are telling us that they feel that Israeli forces want to make their lives more difficult, they want to remind them that there is a bigger power in case anyone thinks about doing something that is seen as resistance against the Israeli occupation.

Palestinian teenager killed after alleged stabbing attack

The 15-year-old accused of carrying out a stabbing attack at a Jerusalem checkpoint has died after being shot by Israeli forces, according to Israeli police. The suspected attacker allegedly stabbed a military police soldier and a security guard at the checkpoint, before being fired on by a military official.

Two people hospitalised after Bethlehem checkpoint stabbing

The stabbing attack took place at a checkpoint several kilometres southwest of the city centre, quite close to Bethlehem, on the road travelling into Jerusalem. An Israeli police spokesperson said the alleged attacker was “neutralised”.

A 19-year-old and a 25-year-old were brought to a hospital here in Jerusalem for treatment for minor to moderate stab injuries, according to Israeli medical services. This is the second stabbing incident at the same checkpoint since the start of the war on Gaza. The last was in November when five people were wounded.

Palestinians from Gaza describe abuse in Israeli detention: Report

The Wall Street Journal has published a report based on interviews with former detainees from Gaza held by Israel who recounted instances of physical assault and abuse. Some were forced to kneel for up to 20 hours a day, sometimes with their hands tied above their heads, according to the report.

Baha Abu Rukba, 24, was released near a Gaza crossing after being held for nearly three weeks. He was in pain and struggling to walk after being hit repeatedly with rifle butts and kicked in the groin.

The report confirms the findings of Israeli and Palestinian organisations, including Physicians for Human Rights and Addameer, as well as reports by Al Jazeera and other media outlets detailing the systematic abuse of Palestinians in Israeli prisons and the disappearance of Gaza workers stranded in Israel and the West Bank as crossings closed after the October 7 attacks.

Decision to prepare Israeli prisons for more Palestinians a ‘dangerous escalation’

Muthafar Thouqan, coordinator of the committee to support Palestinian prisoners, says Netanyahu’s order to prepare jails for an influx of thousands of inmates is part of an Israeli plan to take in more detainees from Rafah but also the occupied West Bank.

“Not only does it affect the morale of detainees – as it causes overcrowding and spread of diseases – it also shows there are premeditated intentions to invade Rafah, which is housing more than 1.5 million people,” Thouqan told Al Jazeera.

On Sunday, we reported that Netanyahu ordered government ministries to prepare prisons for more detainees. According to the Israel Prison Service, the number of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails has risen to about 9,000.

Thouqan says 12 Palestinians have died in detention since October 7 “due to torture and medical neglect”.

Since October 7, a total of 430 Palestinians, including 115 children and three women, have been killed in the occupied West Bank by Israeli army and settler attacks, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society.

Israeli forces have also jailed at least 7,530 Palestinians during that time.