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Boycott Boeing

Pro-Palestine protesters demonstrate against Boeing in Seattle

Dozens of activists have rallied outside the Aerospace and Defense Summit in the US city of Seattle in Washington to protest Boeing’s military contracts with Israel. They carried signs that said, “Boeing arms genocide” and “Boeing sold 1,000 smart bombs to Israel during the genocide”.

According to Bloomberg News, following Hamas’s attacks on October 7, Boeing accelerated the delivery of 1,800 kits that convert unguided bombs into precision munitions, as part of a 2021 commercial deal with the Israeli military worth around $735m.

And in December, Amnesty International investigation into two Israeli air raids that killed 43 people in Gaza found codes printed on metal fragments recovered from the rubble linking the bombs to Boeing.

WFP used Israeli military road to reach northern Gaza

A World Food Programme (WFP) convoy carrying food for 25,000 people used an Israeli military road that runs alongside the Gaza border fence to reach the enclave’s north, according to officials. Jamie McGoldrick, the UN aid coordinator for Palestine, told the Reuters news agency that the WFP convoy made the journey in the early hours of Tuesday.

Shaza Moghraby, a spokeswoman for the WFP, said it was the agency’s first delivery to the north since February 20 and “proves that moving food by road is possible”.

Proves all the more it's a political problem, not a logistics problem. Forget air drops, complex sea routes, there are plenty crossings and roads all along the border to deliver aid.


US senators urge Biden to condition Israel aid on humanitarian access to Gaza

Eight US senators have sent a letter to President Joe Biden calling on him to offer Israel an ultimatum: expand aid to Gaza or lose US military assistance. The letter, released on Tuesday, is the latest effort by US legislators to question Washington’s support for Israel amid its war in Gaza.

The senators – who include Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – called on Biden to comply with Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act, which bars aid to countries that restrict access to humanitarian assistance. “According to public reporting and your own statements, the Netanyahu government is in violation of this law,” the eight senators said in the letter.

“Given this reality, we urge you to make it clear to the Netanyahu government that failure to immediately and dramatically expand humanitarian access and facilitate safe aid deliveries throughout Gaza will lead to serious consequences, as specified under existing US law.”