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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

This is how Israeli settlers behave in Jerusalem and who the ISF protects.

To stay silent means they'll come for you next...

Not stopping the Gaza genocide and West Bank Settler movement will only further radicalize religious Zionists.

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dane007 said:

Firstly it was Iran that killed few us soldiers so Us is giving them a taste of their medicine. Don't poke the bear if you know you can't win.

Secondly Israel was attacked first from the music festival by Hamas group. they have every right to retaliate. Hamas group has always poked Israel as they know their strategy of fighting war will garnered support from the world

What's Hamas tactic??.. massive tunnels under school s, hospital and civilians home . Some of the leaders love next to civilians. They know when they attack Israel , Israel will bomb them hitting civilians. Hamas don't care about Gaza people. They only care for themselves so they are willing to use gaza people has human shields.

This whole conflict is because arab states don't want to share borders with Israel and when they attacked Israel in 36, 48 and 6, day war they lost and the lost territories. That's the spoils of war. U can't start the war , then lose the war and then expect the victor to return it back 😅.

The only solution is to get ride of Hamas group permanently, then get rid of Israel leader and then give Gaza back to its people not to a extremist terrorist group and sign a peace treaty.. but that will never happen. Iran won't allow it.. . Watch this video..this is a talk from the son of one of the Hamas group.founder. he's seen it all and his own dad arrested him.

First, it was not Iran. It's as much Iran backed militia groups as Settlers are US backed militia groups. It literally just means they bought their weapons from Iran.

It's not about winning, their are no military victories. It's about luring the US into a wider conflict, and that's been successful.

Israel definitely has the right to defend themselves, yet self-defense does not include genocide nor disproportionate retaliation nor collective punishment. What's currently going on has nothing to do with self-defense, it's a systematic destruction of all civilian infrastructure in Gaza while starving the population.

Hamas is the polictical party and the government of Gaza. "Hamas has been operating a government bureaucracy with tens of thousands of civil servants, including teachers and police, who operate separately from the group's secretive military wing." Of course many members of Hamas live next to civilians, most of them are civilians themselves. US attacking Yemen, Siria and Iraq gives them the right to bomb the houses of all civil servants in the USA in defense?

Many of those tunnel claims under schools, hospitals have been debunked. But yes there are many tunnels as Israel has a habit of bombing cars. Air strikes have never stopped since 2005.

This whole conflict is because arab states don't want to share borders with Israel and when they attacked Israel in 36, 48 and 6, day war they lost and the lost territories. That's the spoils of war. U can't start the war , then lose the war and then expect the victor to return it back 😅.

Nice revisionism, learn about the creation of Israel. This video gives a good summary of events that led to how things are now

The whole conflict is because religious Zionism won't be satisfied until all of Judea and Samaria has been cleansed of Arabs

You cannot get rid of Hamas, it's a political movement, an idea. Hamas is present outside Gaza as well (also maintains a presence in the West Bank; Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon; and key regional capitals, such as Doha, Qatar, and Cairo, Egypt) and has only been getting more support since the genocide kept ramping up as the alternative, the PA is an instrument of Israeli occupation.

Hamas has been demonized by the west, yet their charter is actually has a lot less incitement nowadays than the Likud's party charter (The Likud Party used the formulation בין הים לירדן תהיה רק ריבונות ישראלית "Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." Most recently this has been stated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 18 January 2024) Hamas was working towards negotiating a two state solution, no longer pursuing
'the death of all jews' as Israel likes to paint it. Their fight is with religious Zionism, colonialism, oppression and apartheid. Unlike Israel, they're not driven to push all jews out.

As for Mosab Hassan Yoseph, he has been radicalized by Israel since 1997

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas' founder who later became one of Israel's top informants, speaks with CNN's Jake Tapper about Israel's war on the terror group and the situation in Gaza. Yousef praised Israel for fighting on behalf of the free world and called for them to do "whatever it takes to uproot Hamas." Yousef is an American citizen who worked undercover for Shin Bet from 1997 to 2007.

He hasn't been in Gaza, or part of Hamas since 1997. Many things have changed since then and before Trump's peace plan, negotiations were heading in the right direction.

In May 2017 Palestinian political and military organization Hamas unveiled A Document of General Principles and Policies (وثيقة المبادئ والسياسات العامة لحركة حماس), often referred to as the new or revised Hamas charter.

And is now urging Israel to kill his own father

He has become what he blames Hamas for doing to him as a child. A familiar theme in this 75 year old conflict.

Some more background on Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of one of the co-founders of Hamas

Handling the Son of Hamas

The riveting recollections of the Shin Bet handler who worked for ten years with Israel’s super-mole, Mosab Hassan Yousef.

“My cousin Ibrahim was always talking about how he had access to people with guns. So when I decided to buy some, I asked for his help. We went together to the mountains, where the guns were waiting for us in a bag. They’d already been sprayed with pepper to disguise their scent just in case the Israelis stopped us for an inspection. We put them inside the panels of the doors. On our way back we were halted at a checkpoint. They checked our IDs and searched the trunk. It was a very scary moment for me as a teenager. Eventually we made it home to Ramallah through all the checkpoints with only one thing in mind: revenge.”

The Shin Bet, which had been monitoring him, nabbed him soon thereafter.

“When I came home my mother informed me that the Israelis had come to our house. ‘Did you do anything wrong?’ she wanted to know. ‘No,’ I replied. Of course, I couldn’t share with her that I’d bought guns to murder Israelis. After I left the house the Israeli Special Forces jumped out of the bushes and pointed their guns in my face. They started to drag me towards a car, and when I resisted I was pummeled from every side. The second we started driving I was bashed over the head with a rifle.

“I was later interrogated by an Israeli officer who asked, ‘Who gave you the order to buy the guns? Who gave them to you?’ I tried not to show that I was afraid but deep in my heart I was terrified. He had a smirk on his face as if to say, ‘We already know everything.’ Then he said, ‘Your father was here, and he was tough. Do you want to be tough, or do you want to talk?’ I told him I had nothing to talk about. ‘Mosab,’ he said with a laugh, ‘welcome to the slaughterhouse.’

“In the beginning I wasn’t allowed to sleep, neither by night nor by day. I felt it would go on forever. Half of my body was numb, and the other half was in a tremendous amount of pain. I started to lose my sense of reality. I started to forget what I looked like. I couldn’t think very well.


After a few weeks I was at the breaking point. An officer came in and sat down said, ‘Why did you get yourself into trouble like this? You’re still young. Why didn’t you tell them you were only trying to be a tough guy?’ I said, ‘Listen, I bought those guns but we never used them. We aren’t connected to any military cell.’ “Then he said suddenly, ‘Would you consider working for us?’ I thought to myself, Is this guy out of his mind or what? How could he convince someone like me to work for Israel? I would never betray my father.’

“Then I thought that if I just told them yes I would get out of prison, so I agreed. But it wasn’t so simple. ‘Well,’ they said, ‘if we simply release you, everyone will want to know why. You’ll be exposed and possibly killed. You’ll have to be transferred to the Megiddo Prison. Just take care of yourself and get to know all the Hamas leaders. When you get out, we’ll meet again and talk.


Over the course of the 16 months Mosab was in prison he came to a decision: he would accept the Shin Bet’s offer and go undercover. Mosab, code named “the Green Prince,” eventually became their most important mole in Hamas.


In 2005 Mosab converted to Christianity. Two years later he moved to California, with the help of Gonen Ben-Yitzhak.


Ami caught up with Gonen a few days after Israel announced that it rearrested Sheikh Hassan Yousef, Mosab’s father.

Q: Your relationship with Mosab is one of the most intriguing things I’ve ever heard. Did the Shin Bet consider him the biggest catch they ever had?

A: Well, he was a big one. I don’t know if he was the biggest, but he was considered very important. It was something special when he was recruited. It was a real achievement in the war against Hamas.

His father, Sheikh Hassan Yosef, was always in the middle of things, handling the flow of money to the terrorist organization and apportioning it out. Some of it was civil work, some of it wasn’t. Whoever wanted to meet with him, whether from Gaza, Nablus or Syria, had to go through Mosab. He was the gatekeeper and answered all his phone calls. We were therefore also able to manipulate the answers Hassan Yosef was sending through Mosab to other Hamas operatives, so in a way we were creating a new reality.

Mosab loved it. He was addicted to the action. As his handler, I utilized that. I taught him how to ask questions, how not to ask questions. Otherwise, he’d be exposed after a week and either he or I would be dead.

Q: Was Mosab an official member of Hamas?

A: No. We tried very hard to convince him to join. We encouraged him to go the mosque to pray, to grow his beard, but he wouldn’t listen. In the beginning it was really frustrating, because we really wanted to push him deeper and deeper into Hamas, but he wouldn’t do it. He had lines that he wouldn’t cross.

Mosab had his own views and never agreed to follow orders without thinking about it first. He didn’t act like a very religious guy, and this was another concern we had, because we were always worried it would arouse suspicion.

Q: Were you the one who discovered him as a potential spy Israel?

A: No. He was actually recruited in 1997 in an interrogation center in Jerusalem. Because of his father, he was already under surveillance of the Shin Bet. He was a very important target, not just to prevent him from doing anything wrong but because we wanted to recruit people who had the access he did. He started working for us around 1998.

It was during his interrogation that the offer was made for him to work for us. He agreed, but his real plan was to kill his handler. That was his main reason. He thought he’d just go home and meet his handler and kill him.

Q: Do you think he was vulnerable, and that’s why he did it?

A: Mosab was only 17 when he was arrested. It was his first arrest, and he’d never been interrogated or anything. His fear must have been tremendous, not knowing what was going to happen, worrying about what to say, whether or not to lie. Are they going to beat me? Will I be tortured? The interrogators understand all that and take advantage of it.

Q: Did you ever get the feeling that Mosab was conflicted about his father? Did you have to send him to a psychiatrist to make peace with that?

A: I have to admit that at that time we weren’t really sure why he was working for us. We now know that it had to do with being in prison and seeing the members of Hamas torturing their own people. He was very critical that his father had told him it was the other way around, that the Israelis were the only torturers. When he realized the truth, it caused him to feel hate for Hamas.

Q: Do you think he was trying to save his father from Hamas? Or was he just going against him?

A: I think he realized there was a chance his father would be held responsible for the tremendous violence, especially during the Second Intifada, and might be assassinated. So by isolating his father in a safe house and later on actually putting him in prison, which was something we coordinated, he saved him.

And now he advocates for assassinating his father in prison

Israel must execute top Hamas leaders in prison, especially the mass murderers,” said Yousef in a video message posted online. “When I say execute top Hamas leaders, I mean no exceptions. That includes my own father, the co-founder of the Hamas movement. In this war, there are no exceptions,” added Yousef. “I made a mistake, 10 or 15 years ago, when I saved his life many times… he was supposed to die for his actions.

As well as the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza into the Sinai desert

"We need somehow to put pressure on the Egyptian government, so they can open the border for the Gazans to just depart," Yousef said Tuesday. "I don't care if they depart for good. They can go for good. We don't need Gaza… Gaza is a big refugee camp that was supposed to be demolished 70 years ago, but they kept up the hope that were given by the United Nations and the Arab countries."

This is his view of Islam, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, except it landed on the other side

Wherever I go in the world, people ask me about ISIS. And I advise them to ignore the endless debates about the peaceful versus violent nature of Islam and take a long, hard look at the Islamic State. ISIS is Islam, exposed in all its cruelty and ugliness, unchanged since Muhammad.

The atrocities committed by ISIS are merely an extension of the atrocities committed by Islam���s prophet.

The true Five Pillars of Islam are: Slaughter, Intolerance, Oppression, Hatred, and Global Dominion, because Muhammad was a slaughterer, intolerant, oppressive, hateful, and drove his armies to destroy everything and everyone that stood in the way of his establishment of a world caliphate.

Hatred is what your religion requires of you, not just ritual washings. Slaughter is what your prophet demands of you, not just daily prayers. To follow Islam is to commit your life to jihad, to the destruction or subjugation of all non-Muslims in the name of the god of Islam.

Islam hates everything that is not Islam. And just as fresh water and salt water cannot flow from the same spring, love and goodness cannot flow from a religion that is established on hatred and violence.

As long as Muslims refuse to take a strong and aggressive stand against terrorism, they must share responsibility for the continuing atrocities. The hour has come for every Muslim to choose to be human or inhuman, noble or criminal.

So next time he says anything, know that he is as radicalized as the founders of Hamas were, indoctrinated by Shin Bet to hate any and all of Islam.

The political leadership of Hamas was on the right path

Yet then Trump came into office, helped Netanyahu come back into power and disrupted the (slow) negotiations to inch closer to a compromise with a completely lopsided 'peace plan'. Then the pandemic provided cover (distraction) for the ultra right-wing government to escalate the attacks on Palestinians and Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem. Which eventually boiled over into the horrific retaliatory strike on October 7th.

Now Israel is doing everything to cover up how October 7th actually happened, why the festival close to the border fence was allowed to go on despite intelligence an attack was coming. Plans for the attack were known over a year in advance and on the day of the attack the border was understaffed.

On October 7, the border with Gaza was undermanned. Many of the troops were allegedly at home, celebrating the Jewish holiday, Sukkot, while others had been relocated to support Israeli operations around the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and in the West Bank. “Only two or three battalions were left around the Gaza border,” Ziv said, adding that even they were not at full capacity due to the holiday.

A number of young female soldiers who monitored a section of a few kilometres of the Gaza Strip via cameras knew the comings and goings of everyone in that zone – from farmers to Hamas commanders. When they noticed certain changes in behaviour and movements, they alerted senior officers.

“Nobody was listening to them,” Ziv said. Apparently, he added, the Israeli military suspected Hamas would break through the barrier surrounding Gaza, disable security equipment and storm border towns. The newspaper, Haaretz, posed the question on November 20 of whether the response would have been different if men had been the ones warning their superiors.

Then when help finally arrived, tanks shelled Israeli houses killing captives and Palestinians alike, helicopters fired missiles at cars with captives inside and mistakenly some with fleeing civilians as well.

Next Israel fabricated tons of lies to further dehumanize Hamas and Palestinians, all of which have been debunked, even the systemic mass rape claims, which the NYT just had to pull their podcast for.

The lies never end.

Biden still has some redeeming qualities, albeit just because he needs their votes

Biden condemns ‘anti-Arab hate’ after WSJ column

In an apparent response to the Wall Street Journal column that called Dearborn, Michigan – home to a large Arab community –  “America’s Jihad Capital”, the US president has denounced “hate in all forms”.

“Americans know that blaming a group of people based on the words of a small few is wrong,” Biden said in a social media post. “That’s exactly what can lead to Islamophobia and anti-Arab hate, and it shouldn’t happen to the residents of Dearborn – or any American town.”

Last week, we reported that Arab American officials in Michigan – a key swing state – refused to meet with Biden’s campaign manager over the president’s unwavering support for Israel’s war on Gaza. You can read the full report here.

Since the column – which focused on local advocacy for Palestinian rights – was published on Friday, municipal officials, rights advocates and US legislators have come to the defence of the Michigan city that is home to large Arab and Muslim American communities.

“This is disgusting. WSJ should be ashamed of itself for promoting this kind of Islamophobic BS, and should immediately apologize to the residents of Dearborn and to Muslims everywhere,” Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal wrote in a social media post today.

US Senator Gary Peters, who represents Michigan, also said the column “endangers the entire Dearborn community”.

Israeli bank set to block UNRWA’s account: Report

Israeli newspaper Haaretz is reporting that an Israeli bank has notified UNRWA that it is blocking the agency’s bank account due to “tangible suspicions it is transferring funds to terror groups in Gaza”. The bank, which was not named in the report, said it had received information of unusual activity including untraceable transfers in the UNRWA’s account, and issued multiple alerts.

Fifteen donor countries withdrew their funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) after a leaked Israeli intelligence assessment claimed a dozen of the agency’s staff were involved in the October 7 attacks.

Earlier today, UNRWA’s commissioner-general said his agency had not yet been shown any evidence to corroborate these claims. British newspaper the Financial Times also reported that it had looked at the assessment and it did not provide evidence for the claims.

UNRWA vows to ‘do whatever possible’ to continue aid work

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has called for donations amid funding cuts by Western countries after Israel accused the agency’s employees of participating in the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Israel has not shown evidence to back the allegations, and aid groups have warned that the cuts will worsen the already dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

“As the largest humanitarian organisation in Gaza Strip – we will do whatever possible to continue our indispensable work to support people in Gaza,” UNRWA said in a post on X. “Despite repeated calls, there is still no humanitarian ceasefire.”

As the war continues

Gaza authorities report ‘heinous massacre’ in Deir el-Balah

Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike in Deir el-Balah town, Gaza Strip

Gaza’s government media office says Israeli forces have killed 30 people in a supposedly “safe area” in the central part of the territory in the past 24 hours. “The occupation army targeted the safe homes of citizens with direct bombardment from military jets. It also bombed a mosque in the same area, which led to the killing of many people,” the office said.

“We hold the Israeli occupation fully responsible for this heinous massacre and the ongoing massacres against our Palestinian people. We also blame the international community and American administration and President Biden personally for the continuation of massacres and crimes in violation of international law and all international treaties and conventions.”

Around the Network

Search for survivors in Deir el-Balah rubble continues

The situation is really deteriorating in the middle of the Gaza Strip, in particular in Deir el-Balah town where a residential building belonging to the Khattab family has been completely destroyed.

There are still people who are stuck under the rubble and there are ongoing efforts by the civil defence team to pull them from under the wreckage of the destroyed buildings.

Similarly also, the attacks continued on the Nuseirat refugee camp in the past hour where the Israeli military drones have opened fire against residential buildings there amid ongoing efforts to force those people in these areas to flee to Rafah just to have a kind of full military mobility on the ground against the Palestinian fighters.

Palestinians search for bodies and survivors amid the rubble of a destroyed mosque in Deir el-Balah town, Gaza Strip on Sunday

‘Where is Hind?’: Palestinian girl and rescue crew still missing

The Palestine Red Crescent Society has once again raised questions about the fate of the six-year-old girl who was trapped in her family’s car in Gaza City on Monday after the vehicle was attacked by Israeli forces. The PRCS had sent rescuers to the area to help Hind but it lost contact with them.

“Where is Hind? Where are Yousef and Ahmed? Are they still alive? We want to know their fate,” the PRCS said in a social media post. “150 hours have passed and the fate of our colleagues, Yousef Zeino and Ahmed al Madhoun, from the PRCS EMS team, who went to rescue the 6-year-old girl, Hind, remains unknown.”

Al Jazeera’s Wael Dahdouh’s mother dies

The mother of Al Jazeera’s Gaza bureau chief has died at a hospital in Gaza due to illness. Dahdouh, who has become a symbol for the perseverance of Palestinian journalists in Gaza, had lost his wife Amna, son Mahmoud, daughter Sham and grandson Adam to an Israeli air raid in October.

Dahdouh was later wounded in an Israeli drone attack that killed his colleague, Al Jazeera cameraman Samer Abudaqa. Last month, his eldest son, Hamza – a journalist who worked with Al Jazeera – was also killed in an Israeli attack alongside fellow journalist Mustafa Thuraya.

Wael Dahdouh hugs his daughter during the funeral of his son Hamza Wael Dahdouh, January 7, 2024

Israeli raids and armed fighting reported in occupied West Bank

Our Al Jazeera Arabic colleagues and local media are reporting Israeli raids across the occupied West Bank tonight, including in the town of Ya`bad, south of Jenin, where Palestinian resistance groups have targeted Israeli forces with explosive devices. Israeli forces have also been reportedly fighting with Palestinians in the town of Sarra, west of Nablus.

Raids have been reported elsewhere in the occupied West Bank in the following locations:

  • The city of Tubas
  • The town of Bidya, west of Safit
  • The town of Beitunia, west of Ramallah
  • The town of Beita, south of Nablus
  • The town of Halhul, north of Hebron
  • The village of Ramin, east of Tulkarem
  • A man was shot in the town of Sarra, west of Nablus

Israeli occupation forces storm the town of Beitunia, west of Ramallah, in the West Bank

US ‘must not provide another dollar’ for Israel’s war: Bernie Sanders

The progressive US senator has called for ending Washington’s funding for “the horrific war against the Palestinian people”. “For the sake of the Palestinian people and our own standing in the world we must not provide another dollar for the Netanyahu war machine,” Sanders said in a statement.

Biden urges US Senate to ‘swiftly pass’ bill with $14.1bn in Israeli military funding

US senators are requesting $14.1bn in military aid to Israel as part of a draft emergency national security funding bill released on Sunday. The funding for Israel is included in the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Bill, which includes a total of $118.3bn of funding, including for Ukraine and US border controls. US President Joe Biden has urged Congress to “swiftly pass” the deal and “get it to my desk so I can sign it into law immediately”.

Israel plan to hire 65,000 foreign building workers to replace Palestinians

The Israeli government has said it will bring workers from India, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan to resume construction stalled since October 7 when Palestinian workers were sent home after Hamas’s attack. A Housing Ministry spokesperson said new groups of foreign workers were expected to arrive in coming weeks as the government seeks to avoid a blockage in supply. Some 72,000 Palestinian workers were employed on construction sites in Israel before the war.

Maybe it’s time we started talking about how terrible Zionism is for Jews, too

"I was supposed to gloat at their just suffering, just as an Arab kid was to see it as a warning."

"Thanks to Zionism, all the immense, multilayered richness of Jewish life and consciousness, has been diminished to a single talking point."

"These Zionist days, Jewish identity revolves around but one issue. If you support everything Israel, and in particular its latest wild military undertaking, you’re a good Jew. If you have polite reservations, especially if you’re rich, you’re a tolerable Jew.  And if you oppose anything Israel, especially its latest military onslaught, then you’re a bad, bad Jew, A self-hating Jew."

"Verbally, literally, the Zionist state has overtaken, swallowed and become the Jewish self. Which is never a good thing for a political establishment, or a self."

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 05 February 2024

And things keep getting crazier

UN relief agency says one of its aid truck was hit by Israeli fire

A view of a truck carrying food that, according to Thomas White, Director of UNRWA Affairs Gaza, was hit by Israeli naval gunfire on February 5

The United Nations relief agency in Gaza, UNRWA, says one of its trucks waiting to take aid to northern Gaza was hit by Israeli fire on Monday.

Thomas White, Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza, posted a photograph of the damaged truck on X, saying: “#Gaza this morning a food convoy waiting to move into Northern Gaza was hit by Israeli naval gunfire - thankfully no one was injured.”

Scenes of wreckage emerge in Jabalya as IDF intensifies offensive in central and northern Gaza

Video shows the wreckage of the Palestine Red Crescent Society headquarters in Jabalya, northern Gaza, as the Israeli military spread its offensive across multiple parts the enclave. The scale of destruction was illustrated in the new footage published by the PCRS on Monday, showing the wreckage of its headquarters in the neighborhood.

Israeli strikes hit infrastructure in both Deir Al-Balah, in central Gaza, and the coastal town of Al Mawasi, in the south, in recent weeks, causing multiple casualties, according to the PRCS and the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health in Gaza. At least 14 Palestinians were killed, including two children and four women, and many others injured due to airstrikes on Al-Shuhadaa Mosque in Deir Al-Balah on Sunday, according to a doctor at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.

Video obtained by CNN from the western part of Deir Al-Balah showed destruction at the mosque, with civilians trying to rescue people from under the rubble.

"Everyone is afraid": Humanitarian worker cautions Israel's military push into Rafah

Palestinian civilians are "afraid" of Israel's military pressing into the southern city of Rafah, according to a relief worker, as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) expands its offensive into all parts of the territory. “Everyone is afraid of the expanding of the ground operation in Rafah,” Raed Al-Nims, Media Director of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in Gaza, said on Monday.

It came after Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said IDF ground troops would "soon reach" Rafah in the far south — where more than half of Gaza's entire population have been forcibly displaced since the start of the war. In recent weeks, the IDF has ramped up its deadly assault on the southern city of Khan Younis, where local hospitals and a UN shelter came under fierce bombardment.

Gaza media office warns IDF ground offensive in Rafah would be "disaster" for displaced Palestinians

A crowded street in Rafah, Gaza, on February 1.

The director of the Hamas-run Government Media Office told CNN on Monday the expansion of the Israeli military's ground campaign into Rafah, in southern Gaza, would "cause a real disaster" inside the Palestinian enclave. Israeli troops are not yet on the ground in the southern city bordering Egypt, Ismail Al-Thawabta said. “Their entry into Rafah will cause a real disaster on top of the disasters to which the Gaza Strip is exposed."

Last week, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) would head from Khan Younis into Rafah to "eliminate terror elements that threaten us." Israel's bombardment has displaced more than 2.3 million people in Gaza -- nearly the whole population -- according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. More than half of those are trying to shelter in Rafah.

Al Thawabta, of the Government Media Office, said there were 1.3 million displaced people in Rafah. Palestinians have been forced to flee to Rafah from northern areas since the early days of the war, after the IDF instructed people to move south as it advanced from the north.

CNN obtained video over the weekend showing the tent camp in the shadow of Gaza’s walled border with Egypt, underlining that there is nowhere further south in the strip for people to flee.

The indoctrination is so strong, not even those critical of the government can see beyond "Hamas will kill us all"

An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reservist, Atzmon, 26, was called up just hours after Hamas launched its brutal terror attack on Israel, murdering around 1,200 people and kidnapping 253 others.

Atzmon said he is the “left-wing guy” in his unit. Like tens of thousands of others, he had spent most of last spring and summer protesting against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his plans to overhaul Israel’s judiciary. Netanyahu’s government is the most right-wing in Israel’s history, rejecting the idea of a Palestinian state and supporting Jewish settlements inside the West Bank.

“I’m devastated about the death of people in Gaza, kids, the elderly. Just normal men (aged) 26, like me, we don’t want to die. But I have the right to defend myself and to defend my family, my friends, my loved ones,” he said, rejecting the notion that the Hamas terror attack was an act of “resistance” against the Israeli blockade. “I’m not saying this is not a complex situation. But I’m 100% sure that I’m on the right side of history, and that I’m trying to defend people.”

“What happened in the kibbutzim felt like the most inhuman thing I ever witnessed. So when I’m facing this kind of evil, I felt, and I still feel, that entering the war is the only way. Because these are not people I can speak with or comprehend,” he added.


Mendel, by far the youngest of the trio, said he feels strongly about the “horrible” injustice of innocent people dying.

“Wars shouldn’t happen, (Hamas) should not have started this and none of this would have happened,” he said. “And I don’t think that starting it justifies any civilians dying, but it’s a war and war is a horrible, brutal thing, but it’s either that or they would have massacred the rest of us with smiles on their faces.”

Emmanuel said he too sympathizes with innocent civilians. But he said he believes fighting the war the way it is currently conducted is the only option.

“I don’t believe that Churchill or Roosevelt thought they can manage Hitler. There’s no managing your enemies. Either we let them wipe out our country or we defeat them,”

The indoctrination is strong. Israel really has not moved past October 7th, it's like groundhog day, history forgotten. They truly think they're in an existential war against Hamas. A perpetual war as now UNWRA is Hamas, next the PA is Hamas, and Hamas has presence in Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar as well.

Maybe if the international community had not remained silent it would not have come this far. Just as recent as a few months before the current war Gaza was bombed.

The only way to stop this is to give Israel a wake-up call by sanctions on military aid in the very least.

In north Gaza, scale of destruction is staggering: UNRWA

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees has shared footage of one of its health centres around widespread destruction, saying, “There is nothing left. This is an unprecedented level of destruction and forced displacement, taking place in front of our eyes.”

About 100,000 Palestinians killed, wounded or missing in Gaza: UNRWA chief

The commissioner-general of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has said that nearly five percent of the Gaza Strip’s population has been either killed or wounded – or gone missing. “In 4 months of war, around 100,000 people in Gaza were killed, injured or are currently missing,” Philippe Lazzarini said in a post on X.

More than 80 percent of the 2.3 million population has been displaced, most of them several times over, he added. “A ceasefire is overdue, a different trajectory is needed for the sake of people in Gaza, in Israel, elsewhere in the region and beyond,” he said.

Displaced families leave al-Amal Hospital after two-week siege

The Red Crescent says hundreds of displaced families are leaving al-Amal Hospital and the PRCS’s headquarters in Khan Younis “after being besieged for more than two weeks by occupation forces, amid an atmosphere of terror and panic due to ongoing shelling and gunfire”. The PRCS shows a video of people carrying bags as medics try to help them evacuate amid the sound of drones above them.

Israeli forces detain al-Amal Hospital manager, administrative director

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society says Israeli forces have detained the general manager of al-Amal Hospital, Dr Haider al-Qaddura, as well as the hospital’s administrative director Maher Atallah. The two men are in an undisclosed location, the PRCS said

Displaced Palestinians lack all essential non-food items: UN

The UN humanitarian agency OCHA says families inside and outside shelters in Rafah and Khan Younis in southern Gaza are in need of 50,000 cold weather tents, 200,000 bedding sets, 200,000 sealing kits, 200,000 winter clothing kits and timber for shelters.

“One of the challenges that displaced people face is the lack of hand tools to prepare the location of their tents and to protect them from rain and floods,” the agency said as Israeli prevents hand tools from entering the besieged enclave.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 05 February 2024