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dane007 said:

Firstly it was Iran that killed few us soldiers so Us is giving them a taste of their medicine. Don't poke the bear if you know you can't win.

Secondly Israel was attacked first from the music festival by Hamas group. they have every right to retaliate. Hamas group has always poked Israel as they know their strategy of fighting war will garnered support from the world

What's Hamas tactic??.. massive tunnels under school s, hospital and civilians home . Some of the leaders love next to civilians. They know when they attack Israel , Israel will bomb them hitting civilians. Hamas don't care about Gaza people. They only care for themselves so they are willing to use gaza people has human shields.

This whole conflict is because arab states don't want to share borders with Israel and when they attacked Israel in 36, 48 and 6, day war they lost and the lost territories. That's the spoils of war. U can't start the war , then lose the war and then expect the victor to return it back 😅.

The only solution is to get ride of Hamas group permanently, then get rid of Israel leader and then give Gaza back to its people not to a extremist terrorist group and sign a peace treaty.. but that will never happen. Iran won't allow it.. . Watch this video..this is a talk from the son of one of the Hamas group.founder. he's seen it all and his own dad arrested him.

First, it was not Iran. It's as much Iran backed militia groups as Settlers are US backed militia groups. It literally just means they bought their weapons from Iran.

It's not about winning, their are no military victories. It's about luring the US into a wider conflict, and that's been successful.

Israel definitely has the right to defend themselves, yet self-defense does not include genocide nor disproportionate retaliation nor collective punishment. What's currently going on has nothing to do with self-defense, it's a systematic destruction of all civilian infrastructure in Gaza while starving the population.

Hamas is the polictical party and the government of Gaza. "Hamas has been operating a government bureaucracy with tens of thousands of civil servants, including teachers and police, who operate separately from the group's secretive military wing." Of course many members of Hamas live next to civilians, most of them are civilians themselves. US attacking Yemen, Siria and Iraq gives them the right to bomb the houses of all civil servants in the USA in defense?

Many of those tunnel claims under schools, hospitals have been debunked. But yes there are many tunnels as Israel has a habit of bombing cars. Air strikes have never stopped since 2005.

This whole conflict is because arab states don't want to share borders with Israel and when they attacked Israel in 36, 48 and 6, day war they lost and the lost territories. That's the spoils of war. U can't start the war , then lose the war and then expect the victor to return it back 😅.

Nice revisionism, learn about the creation of Israel. This video gives a good summary of events that led to how things are now

The whole conflict is because religious Zionism won't be satisfied until all of Judea and Samaria has been cleansed of Arabs

You cannot get rid of Hamas, it's a political movement, an idea. Hamas is present outside Gaza as well (also maintains a presence in the West Bank; Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon; and key regional capitals, such as Doha, Qatar, and Cairo, Egypt) and has only been getting more support since the genocide kept ramping up as the alternative, the PA is an instrument of Israeli occupation.

Hamas has been demonized by the west, yet their charter is actually has a lot less incitement nowadays than the Likud's party charter (The Likud Party used the formulation בין הים לירדן תהיה רק ריבונות ישראלית "Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." Most recently this has been stated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 18 January 2024) Hamas was working towards negotiating a two state solution, no longer pursuing
'the death of all jews' as Israel likes to paint it. Their fight is with religious Zionism, colonialism, oppression and apartheid. Unlike Israel, they're not driven to push all jews out.

As for Mosab Hassan Yoseph, he has been radicalized by Israel since 1997

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas' founder who later became one of Israel's top informants, speaks with CNN's Jake Tapper about Israel's war on the terror group and the situation in Gaza. Yousef praised Israel for fighting on behalf of the free world and called for them to do "whatever it takes to uproot Hamas." Yousef is an American citizen who worked undercover for Shin Bet from 1997 to 2007.

He hasn't been in Gaza, or part of Hamas since 1997. Many things have changed since then and before Trump's peace plan, negotiations were heading in the right direction.

In May 2017 Palestinian political and military organization Hamas unveiled A Document of General Principles and Policies (وثيقة المبادئ والسياسات العامة لحركة حماس), often referred to as the new or revised Hamas charter.

And is now urging Israel to kill his own father

He has become what he blames Hamas for doing to him as a child. A familiar theme in this 75 year old conflict.