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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

Hezbollah claims attack on Israeli army ‘spy equipment’

The Lebanese group says in a statement that it has targeted the army’s “al-Malikiyah” site and achieved direct hits. Separately, Israeli media have reported air raid sirens sounding in northern Israel, indicating the possible presence of rocket fire from Lebanon. ‏

Hezbollah says it fired ‘100 Katyusha rockets’ in response to commander’s killing

The Lebanese group Hezbollah has said in a statement that it fired “100 Katyusha rockets” at two Israeli positions in the Golan Heights after an Israeli attack in south Lebanon killed one of its senior commanders.

Hezbollah fighters targeted the headquarters of the Golan Division in the Nafah barracks and the air and missile defence headquarters in the Keila barracks “as part of the response to the attack and assassination that the enemy carried out” in the southern coastal city of Tyre.

The group said this was the sixth attack launched against Israeli positions following the killing of Muhammad Nimah Nasser, also known as “Hajj Abu Nimah”, and his bodyguard.

Fires break out in northern Israel as rockets from Lebanon fall

Al Jazeera’s correspondent confirmed that a large barrage of rockets was launched from southern Lebanon towards the Galilee in Israel.

They said that air raid sirens sounded in Kfar Giladi, Beit Hillel, Kiryat Shmona and several areas adjacent to the border with Lebanon.

Israeli broadcaster Channel 12 reported that air defences intercepted several missiles in Margaliot and Kiryat Shmona, and social media users in Israel posted video that shows fires that broke out as a result of the fall of rockets.

Translation: Interception in the Finger of the Galilee and huge fires in the northern Golan Heights.

Israel attacks towns in southern Lebanon as tensions rise

Lebanon’s National News Agency has reported Israeli attacks on the southern towns of Khiam, Aita al-Shaab and Markaba. Al-Jabayn was also hit by artillery shells that damaged the electrical network there.

Israeli warplanes flew at low altitude over Beirut and its southern suburbs, the Chouf, Iqlim al-Kharroub and Khaldeh, causing sonic booms and spreading panic among residents.

Israel wants war with Iran as well

Lieberman says ‘all means’ must be used in confrontation with Iran

Israeli politician and former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has said “all means at our disposal” must be used in the confrontation “between Israel and the Axis of Evil”.

“Without defeating Iran and eliminating its nuclear program, neither Hezbollah nor Hamas can be defeated,” the leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu party said on X. He added that it would not be possible to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons “by conventional means”.

Around the Network

Israeli army says one person killed in stabbing attack in mall

We’ve been reporting on a stabbing attack at a mall in the northern Israeli city of Karmiel. The Israeli army said one soldier, identified as Alexander Yakiminski, died after being stabbed in the attack. It added that another soldier sustained injuries.

Authorities earlier said those who were stabbed were taken to hospital and were in serious condition.

Family of Palestinian accused attacker taken in for questioning

Family members of Joud Rabia, who was accused of conducting an attack at a shopping centre in northern Israel and has been pronounced dead, have been taken by Israeli authorities in for questioning. This is a common tactic of collective punishment used by the Israeli military against Palestinians. We don’t know if they have been released.

Israel’s Ynet news site named the accused attacker as Joud Rabia from Nahaf, an Israeli town where many Palestinian citizens of Israel live.

Israeli reservists tell NGO why they refuse to keep fighting in Gaza

“The vibe is ‘You can fire wherever you want,'” one Israeli reservist identified as Michael, an infantry control officer, told the NGO Breaking the Silence.

“You have to get permission, but there will be permission. It’s only bureaucratic. I can count on one hand the times when we were told: ‘You can’t fire there,'” he said, according to a threat posted on X.

Michael was among 42 Israeli reservists who signed a refusal to continue serving in Gaza, according to Breaking the Silence, an organisation of Israeli war veterans who gives serving and discharged Israeli personnel and reservists a means to confidentially recount their experiences in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The organisation said it was collecting the soldiers’ witness accounts to raise awareness among the Israeli public.

“It is our duty as Israelis to not look away from the policies which these soldiers have been sent to carry out in our name. To confront them head on, and end the madness,” it said.

Three people killed in attack on Gaza City: Report

Palestine’s Wafa news agency reports that the three were killed when Israeli army drones attacked a group of people in Gaza City in northern Gaza. Wafa quoted paramedics who said they transported the bodies of the three people killed in the Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood to al-Ahli Arab Hospital.

Israel attacks five-storey building near Nasser Hospital

A raid on a five-storey building near Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis has spread panic among Palestinians who had relocated to the area after leaving the eastern part of the city following an Israeli evacuation order.

Israeli attack hits near UN-run school sheltering displaced people in Khan Younis

The destruction caused by the attack is beyond imagination, and it has caused a great deal of frustration among civilians who were taking shelter around the hospital in makeshift tents.

Seven Palestinians have been reported killed, and the injured have been transferred to Nasser Hospital to get treatment.

Families have been receiving contradicting evacuation orders by the Israeli military, and right now, they have nowhere safe to go.

Aftermath of a strike on a market in Gaza City

Video from the Zeitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City shows the aftermath of a reported Israeli tank shelling that killed 17 Palestinians at a market. Bread was left soaking in a pool of blood next to a water-filling station. Al Jazeera Arabic Correspondent Ismail al-Ghoul was at the scene.

UN experts condemn decades of unfair trials in occupied West Bank

UN experts have denounced the lack of fair trials in the occupied West Bank since June 1967 when the Israeli military imposed its judicial authority in the occupied West Bank.

“The dual court system set up in the occupied West Bank, in violation of international law, has furthered legitimisation of the occupation and illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, through a militarily enforced, draconian penal system that is only applied to Palestinians without due process guarantees,” the experts said in a statement.

“This system also turns a blind eye to settler violence and criminality, allowing it to grow and remain in impunity.”

The experts included Margaret Satterthwaite, special rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, and Francesca Albanese, special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967.

Palestinian killed by Israeli settler near Hebron

Al Jazeera’s correspondent reports that a man was shot dead by an Israeli settler while herding sheep near the town of as-Samu, south of the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank.

As of June 24, according to UN data, at least 229 Palestinians have been killed and 1,366 injured by Israeli forces or settlers outside of the Gaza Strip this year.

Around the Network
Darc Requiem said:

Hind's case is going to be a repeat of Shireen Abu Akleh. They are going to release some tacit admission a couple of years from now when the firestorm has completely died down.

Yeah that "apology" aged like sour milk

“I think it’s an opportunity for me to say here that we are very sorry of the death of Shireen Abu Akleh,” he said.

“She was a journalist, a very established journalist. In Israel we value our democracy and in a democracy we see high value in journalism and in a free press. We want journalists to feel safe in Israel, especially in war time, even if they criticize us,” he said.

Now Al Jazeera is banned in Israel by law and over a 100 journalists have been killed in Gaza.

And nothing comes of it

While the IDF admitted for the first time last September that there was a “high possibility” Abu Akleh was “accidentally” shot and killed by Israeli fire, its Military Advocate General’s Office said in a statement that it did not intend to pursue criminal charges or prosecutions of any of the soldiers involved.

The CPJ said its report – titled ‘Deadly Pattern’ – found a “routine sequence” that takes place when a journalist is killed at the hands of the IDF.

“Israeli officials discount evidence and witness claims, often appearing to clear soldiers for the killings while inquiries are still in progress,” the CPJ said, describing the IDF’s procedure for examining military killings of civilians such as journalists as a “black box,” with the results of any such probe kept confidential.

“When probes do take place, the Israeli military often takes months or years to investigate killings and families of the mostly Palestinian journalists have little recourse inside Israel to pursue justice,” the CPJ said.

And here we are seeing the result of decades of impunity. From 20 journalists in 22 years to 108 in 9 months.


Palestinian terrorist attack israel, nobody says nothing, israel defends from the attacks, everyone (leftists) cries genocide and wish israel destruction while supporting hamas terrorist actions.

Lukas85 said:

Palestinian terrorist attack israel, nobody says nothing, israel defends from the attacks, everyone (leftists) cries genocide and wish israel destruction while supporting hamas terrorist actions.

What news have you been following? The Oct 7 attack has been widely condemned all over the world.

Defense was justified, collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the total destruction of Gaza, basically genocide is not.

Leftists do not wish Israel's destruction, they wish Israel to be held accountable for 76 years of oppression, apartheid and now genocide. They also wish Israel to stop dragging the region into all out war.

Who is supporting Hamas terrorist actions? I'm sure there are some, especially among those being hunted and killed daily in Gaza. Although mostly they 'cheer' on the resistance, fighting back against the invasion of Gaza, rather than supporting terrorist actions.

Fancesca Albanesa:

I have strongly and consistently condemned these heinous attacks as war crimes, which cannot be justified in any way and for the fear and distress they have spread among Israelis," she said.

“I continue to express my sorrow and solidarity with the victims, including the hostages still held captive, and with Jewish communities worldwide. I also call for accountability for these crimes.”

On the other side, most Israelis do seem to support the terrorist actions the IDF commits daily since (and before) Oct 7. Although they don't get to see the results in the media and choose to ignore all the readily available evidence on the internet.

And yes, since Israel's brutal destruction campaign of Gaza, Hamas has been getting more support from Palestinians.

Not surprising, as no one else will actually do something. Of course armed struggle doesn't automatically mean terrorist actions. Oct 7 turned into one though once the indiscriminate killing of civilians started.

Do Palestinians not have the right to defend themselves against the ongoing attacks from Israel for many decades? Now daily/nightly raids by Settlers and the Israeli army in the occupied West Bank.

The cycle of violence will never end as long as Israel, backed by the USA, keeps up the occupation and apartheid, treating Palestinians as non humans.

EU condemns legalisation of Israeli settlements and ‘dispossession’ of Palestinians

The European Union has condemned the planned legalisation of five Israeli settlement outposts and the announcement of thousands of new housing units in the occupied West Bank, according to a statement by the office of the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell.

“Israel’s policy of building settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories constitutes a serious violation of international law, exacerbates tensions, and undermines efforts to achieve a two-state solution,” the statement said.

“The EU will not recognise changes to the 1967 borders unless agreed by the parties.”

It added that the EU “firmly condemns the continued policies of dispossession implemented in the occupied West Bank by the current Israeli government” and that “ongoing efforts aiming at establishing facts on the ground and risking to lead to a de-facto annexation must stop”.

Clashes break out after Israeli raid south of Nablus: Report

Several Palestinians have suffered from tear-gas inhalation after the Israeli military raided the West Bank villages of Odla and Ytma, south of Nablus, the Palestinian news agency Wafa reported.

Israeli soldiers fired live and rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas as clashes broke out, causing a number of injuries, the agency said.

Clashes as Israeli army conducts night raids in West Bank: Report

The Israeli forces have stormed the occupied West Bank town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, the Palestinian Wafa news agency has reported. Separately, the agency also said clashes broke out following raids in the towns of Aqraba and Sebastia in the Nablus governorate.

Young Palestinian arrested in Israeli raid on Tulkarem, West Bank

Israeli forces have stormed Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank, arresting a young Palestinian, the Wafa news agency is reporting. The raid comes after several Palestinians and an Israeli soldier have been killed in recent days in Tulkarem and the neighbouring Nur Shams refugee camp.

Palestinians walk along a damaged road following an Israeli raid in the Nur Shams refugee camp, near the occupied West Bank town of Tulkarem on Monday

Israeli settlers attack fire engine after burning Palestinian fields, trees in West Bank

Armed Israeli settlers destroyed a fire engine after starting blazes that engulfed vast areas of Palestinian agricultural land and fruit trees, south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank, the Wafa news agency is reporting.

The settlers attacked emergency workers and prevented them from reaching the fires to put them out, even as they burned dangerously close to Palestinian homes in the village of Khallet al-Adra in the Masafer Yatta area, near Hebron, Wafa’s correspondent reported.

Israeli settlers frequently set fire to Palestinian villages, trees and fields in the occupied West Bank

Israeli forces storm Qalqilya, Jalazone camp and Hebron

The Israeli military has stormed the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya, the Wafa news agency reports, arresting a Palestinian man after storming his house. The Israeli military had arrested three of the man’s brothers in Qalqilya on Wednesday, local media reports.

Israeli forces have also stormed the Jalazone refugee camp north of Ramallah, arresting one man – and the city of Hebron and several towns in the Hebron governorate, including Dura, Idhna, Beit Awa, Surif and Deir Samit.

Israeli soldier killed in Gaza battle, three others wounded

The Israeli military has announced the death of another soldier during fighting in the Gaza Strip. Army spokesperson Daniel Hagari identified the soldier as Elie Elisha Lugsi. He added that three others have been wounded. He said those wounded were taken to a hospital for treatment.

According to the army, the number of troops killed since the beginning of the war on October 7 has risen to 676, including more than 300 in ground battles that started on October 27.

Rescue services search Gaza City apartment after Israeli bombing

Rescuers search an apartment in a residential block destroyed in the Israeli bombardment of the Daraj neighbourhood of Gaza City

Israel’s military said it was conducting raids backed by air strikes in northern Gaza

Israeli evacuation order ‘wiped out’ efforts to distribute aid, says UN

The head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territory, Andrea De Domenico, has told Al Jazeera that Israel’s evacuation order for 250,000 people in Gaza’s Khan Younis has “wiped out” UN efforts to deliver more aid.