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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

Ocasio-Cortez says US representatives ‘don’t vote their conscience’ on Israeli actions

US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has criticised a pro-Israel lobby group for spending the “most in primary history” to unseat Jamaal Bowman, a progressive Democrat who has been critical of Israel’s war in Gaza.

The spending showed why US representatives give “unconditional vote support for nearly any Israeli government action” because they are “terrified” the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) could push to have them replaced with another candidate, Ocasio-Cortez said in a post on X.

The United Democracy Project, a group affiliated with the powerful AIPAC, reportedly spent 61 percent of a total of $23m on advertising ahead of the primary election for the seat currently held by Bowman, the tracking firm AdImpact said.

AIPAC responded with its own post, claiming the “overwhelming majority of Congress votes with their constituents who support the [United States-Israel] relationship.”

Ocasio-Cortez countered, asking why the lobby group needed to spend so much money on advertising if its positions were as popular as it claimed.

When it comes to Israel-Palestine, true naivety is believing in endless war

We are an Israeli and a Palestinian who forged an “unlikely” friendship when the world expected us to hate each other.

One of us lost his parents on October 7, the other lost his brother in the first Intifada. It was this mutual loss, pain and shared vision that brought us together.

We recognise that our loss, but also our friendship, is the result of the absence of peace. We’re unusual, but by no means unique. We are part of a community of Israelis and Palestinians who have different nationalities, religions and narratives. But a shared identity: it’s called peacebuilder.

We have often been marginalised by many – both at home and abroad – as “naive”. But last week at the G7 Summit in Apulia, world leaders finally recognised that what is truly naive is to imagine that any strategy to end this horrific conflict can succeed without people like us at the vanguard.

US military’s ‘stop-start’ pier re-attached to Gaza shore

Earlier today, Reuters news agency reported that the US military re-attached a troubled floating pier to the shore of the Gaza Strip after recently removing it temporarily due to poor sea conditions.

The Reuters report, which described the US-built floating pier as “on-again, off-again” and “stop-start”, quoted unnamed US officials as saying operations on the pier would resume on Thursday.

Only a limited amount of aid has been delivered via the pier since it opened on May 17, 10 days after Israeli forces seized the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.

A UN spokesperson on Wednesday said there had been no update regarding the pier since the World Food Programme said it was pausing deliveries due to safety concerns, which came amid allegations the pier played a role in the Israeli captive rescue operation in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza that killed more than 270 people. The US denied the allegations.

The $230m pier has come to symbolise, for some, the failures and contradictions of US policy in Gaza.

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Netanyahu’s relationship with military establishment at all-time low: Former general

Retired Israeli General Israel Ziv says strains between Netanyahu and Israeli military leaders over the aims of war in Gaza are worse than ever. The Israeli military and security echelons, he said, feel they have “exhausted the purpose of the war”, reaching a “tactical peak”.

“We are getting close to finishing the job defined by the government and we’ll reach a point when we’re just fighting guerrilla warfare, and that could take years,” Ziv was quoted as saying by US media.

The divide between Netanyahu and Israel’s military played out yesterday when Israel’s military spokesman Daniel Hagari said Hamas could not be rooted out because it is “an ideology”, undermining Netanyahu’s stated goal of fully defeating it.

Number of Palestinian detainees killed in Israeli prisons rises to 54: Commission

The number of Palestinian prisoners killed in Israeli-run prisons since October 7 has risen to 54, the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs in Gaza says. “The conditions in which detainees live in the occupation prisons are terrifying, inhumane and unprecedented,” it charged.

It said 36 of the prisoners who were arrested in Gaza during the war were killed under torture and harsh detention conditions.

The number of prisoners held by Israeli forces has risen to 9,000, including 300 women, 635 children and 80 journalists.

UN experts say firms sending arms to Israel could be complicit in abuses

A group of United Nations experts has warned arms and ammunitions manufacturers against taking part in the transfer of weapons to Israel, saying it could make them complicit in human rights abuses and violations of international law.

The group of 30 experts, including several UN special rapporteurs, said arms manufacturers supplying Israel should halt their transfers of war material “even if they are executed under existing export licenses”.

“These companies, by sending weapons, parts, components, and ammunition to Israeli forces, risk being complicit in serious violations of international human rights and international humanitarian laws,” the experts said in a statement.

There was no immediate comment from Israel, which has repeatedly denied carrying out abuses during its Gaza operations.

Activists tell UK weapons makers they may face criminal liability: Report

Activists have written to the directors of 20 weapons manufacturers based in the UK, saying they may face criminal liability for failing to prevent war crimes if their companies continue to sell military equipment to Israel, The Guardian reports.

Four groups, including the Campaign Against Arms Trade, have written to companies that make parts for F-35 fighter jets used by Israeli forces in their bombing of Gaza.

The letter says company directors face “potential criminal liability for atrocity crimes currently taking place in Gaza” even though the UK government has continued to approve arms sales to Israel since the start of the war.

A recap of the OP in a nicer format

What’s the Israel-Palestine conflict about? A simple guide

For decades, Western media outlets, academics, military experts and world leaders have described the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as intractable, complicated and deadlocked. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has claimed tens of thousands of lives and displaced many millions of people and has its roots in a colonial act carried out more than a century ago.

Israeli air strikes concentrated in Rafah

Al Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary, reporting from Deir el-Balah, says Israeli air strikes have been concentrated in Rafah and central Gaza.

In Rafah, Israeli forces have razed agricultural lands along the eastern boundary and have blown up houses. In the heart of the southern city, intensive fighting is taking place between Palestinian fighters and Israeli soldiers, she said.

“There have also been targets on people sheltering in tents. They say they are trapped and unable to leave that area,” Khoudary said, adding that at least two Palestinian women were killed in an apartment in Nuseirat in central Gaza.

Aftermath of Israeli attacks on Khan Younis

Several Israeli sites hit, Hezbollah says

Hezbollah says it targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers inside the Samaka site as well as the Ruwaysat al-Alam area in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shouba hills. It said it also “achieved a direct hit” when it shelled the Zabadin site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with artillery.

‘Any threat to Cyprus is a threat to the EU’

Peter Stano, a spokesperson for the EU’s foreign policy branch, told reporters that the union will stand behind its member state Cyprus in the face of all threats.

His words come after the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, threatened yesterday that Cyprus would become part of any full-scale war between itself and the Israeli army if it allowed Israeli army planes to launch missions from its territory.

Tensions on the Lebanon-Israel border are currently high, as Israel said this week that it had approved operational plans to escalate its military action against Hezbollah, with which it has been engaging in limited exchanges of fire since the outbreak of the Gaza war in October.

Cyprus is another European made mess

Europe is bombing Yemen and supporting genocide in Gaza with German/Italian weapons and UK surveillance. A threat is long overdue tbh.

To end Israel-Hezbollah conflict, the war in Gaza must end

Gershon Baskin, the Middle East director for the NGO International Communities Organisation, says the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is completely tied to the war on Gaza.

“There is no real conflict between the state of Israel and Lebanon. The conflict is all around the core issue of Israel and Palestine,” Baskin, a former hostage negotiator, told Al Jazeera from West Jerusalem. “This is why international attention needs to be focused on finding the diplomatic, political end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and, first and foremost, the war in Gaza.”

He added that the escalating fighting and “bold” rhetoric between Israel and Hezbollah is cause for concern. “It’s a very dangerous picture right now with both sides being quite bold in their remarks. A great deal of ignorance here of each side threatening to hit the other going way beyond what they’ve done in the past eight and a half months,” he said.

“It’s extraordinarily dangerous for the people of Israel and the people of Lebanon if this war escalates anymore.”

We have a systemic supremacy problem... 

Around the Network
LurkerJ said:

We have a systemic supremacy problem... 

It's deeply rooted in systemic racism, or I guess one fuels the other.

It has reached new extremes in Israel, yet it's present in all the Western countries. While racism inside Western countries is slowly being addressed (although still mostly ignored / swept under the rug), politicians are openly racist in all their foreign politics. And as long as xenophobia remains a political tool to control the general population, it won't get any better.

This is an older article about the 'new' racism in Europe

It has only gotten worse. If the international community can't put a stop to what's happening in Gaza, it will continue to get worse in Europe, North America, Australia. Israel is the front guard of rising political extremism in the West.

Our PM is openly racist, but there are no real consequences

Meanwhile the amount of gaslighting and victim blaming is going through the roof
It's wasting the courts time to fight against systemic racism....

It's confusing. Locally people are pretty tolerant towards their immigrant neighbors. And why not, we're nearly all immigrants here. Yet when it comes to politics, racism abound.

Racists are all cowards I guess and the internet has only empowered them. The comments on You Tube etc make me ashamed to be human, while any counter arguments calling out systemic racism leading to genocide get deleted. It's an institutionalized systemic issue, in politics and business including big tech driven by the 'elite' class that gained their riches through colonialism and exploitation.

Wow, I guess that documentary is making some waves. This is the first time I've ever seen this

Searching Google for 'Israel's Reel Extremism'

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Anyway here's the trailer on You Tube

And the production company

I hope they can finish the documentary and get it out, yet they'll now have the full force of the Israeli lobby against them :/

‘We will not leave Gaza until all the kidnapped return’: Netanyahu

Addressing family members of the remaining captives held in Gaza, Netanyahu says Israeli forces “will not leave the Gaza Strip until all the kidnapped return”, Israeli Army Radio reports.

Netanyahu reiterated that Israel “will eliminate Hamas’s military and governmental capabilities”.

Hamas calls on UN to follow up on conditions of Palestinian detainees

Hamas has called on “human rights organisations and the UN to work on following up on the conditions of Palestinian detainees” in Israeli prisons.

“We emphasise the need to document these crimes as war crimes, a violation of all international treaties and conventions, and an escalation in the campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing,” it said in a statement.

As of mid-April, about 9,500 Palestinians from Gaza and the occupied West Bank had been jailed by Israel, according to estimates from the Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, a rights group based in the West Bank city of Ramallah that supports Palestinian prisoners.

US Muslim rights group denounces ‘complicity’ in torture of detainees

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) urged the US government to probe “growing reports of the systematic torture of Palestinian detainees by Israeli forces”.

It cited allegations by Mohammed Saber Arab, a correspondent for Al Araby TV. He was detained at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in March by Israeli troops. Detainees are blindfolded and handcuffed 24 hours a day and subjected to continuous torture, physical and sexual abuse and humiliation, said Arab.

“Because the Biden administration is complicit in the far-right Israeli government’s genocide, forced starvation and ethnic cleansing, it is also complicit in the torture of Palestinian detainees,” said Nihad Awad, CAIR’s national executive director, in a statement.

“A nation that receives billions of American taxpayer dollars cannot engage in torture or any other of the war crimes Israeli forces commit on a daily basis.”

Hamas says its fighters shell Israeli army position in northern Gaza

The Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, says on its official Telegram channel that it has attacked an Israeli army “command and control position” in Gaza City’s Zeitoun neighbourhood with mortar fire.

It said the attack caused casualties and its fighters observed Israeli army medical evacuation teams landing to extract the “dead and wounded”.

2 Israeli soldiers wounded in Gaza fighting

The Israeli army says two of its soldiers from the 401st Brigades have been “seriously injured” in southern Gaza. “The fighters were evacuated to receive medical treatment at a hospital,” it added in a post on X.

More than 300 Israeli soldiers have been killed and thousands wounded since the ground invasion of Gaza began in late October.

‘Powerful’ roadside bomb blows up Israeli Merkava tank in Rafah: Hamas

The Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing, says it blew up an Israeli tank in southern Gaza with “a large explosive” roadside bomb, “killing its crew”. Fighters “were able to prepare a precise ambush” with the explosive device planted under the ground near the Tal al-Sultan neighbourhood, west of Rafah city.

“Operations to evacuate the remains of dead soldiers and tank wreckage continued for several hours,” it said in a statement.

In northern Gaza, Qassam Bridages said earlier it shelled “an enemy command-and-control site east of the [Zeitoun] neighbourhood with heavy mortars, achieving direct hits on the troops”.

Fighters detected “two Black Hawk and Yas’ur helicopters landing to evacuate the dead and wounded”, it added. The Israeli military didn’t immediately comment on either attack.

Palestinian journalist killed in Israeli attack on Gaza

Broadcaster Al-Aqsa TV announced via Telegram that one of its journalists, Salim al-Sharafa, was targeted in an Israeli bombing in the Gaza Strip a short while ago.

According to Gaza’s Government Media Office, al-Sharafa’s death raises the tally of media workers killed in Gaza since October 7 to at least 152.

Israeli troops kill teen in occupied West Bank: Health Ministry

The Palestinian Health Ministry says Israeli forces have shot and killed a Palestinian teenager in the occupied West Bank. Naeem Abdullah Samha, 15, was killed “by occupation [Israeli] bullets” in the city of Qalqilya, the ministry in Ramallah said in a statement.

The Israeli military did not immediately respond to an AFP request for comment.

The Palestinian news agency Wafa, citing local sources, reported that Samha was shot in the chest. He was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead there, the agency said. It reported no reason for the shooting.

Lebanese react to threat of war: ‘Of course everyone is afraid’

Many Lebanese say they’re resigned to a possible escalation with Israel. “Of course we don’t want to go into a war with them, but if that’s in solidarity with the people in Gaza, then so be it,” said designer Tara Tabet, 32.

She said it’s “stressful” to live with so much uncertainty but she’s trying to carry on “as if there’s nothing. All of Beirut is like that.” Already, about 90,000 Lebanese have fled their homes in the south because of cross-border fighting between Hezbollah and Israel.

“You’re not happy because you don’t know at any point. We have our passports ready. We have a suitcase ready. We have some food stocks ready,” said Sami Masri, 38, a businessman from the south.

Shopkeeper Qassem Qarram says he is extremely worried. “Of course everyone is afraid, and those who tell you they are not afraid will be lying to themselves,” he said.

‘Nothing to do with this war’: Cypriots react to Hezbollah threat

People on Cyprus have reacted with incredulity to warnings from Lebanon’s Hezbollah that the island could be targeted if tensions with Israel blow up into a full-fledged war.

Cyprus is the European Union’s easternmost member and is less than 200km (125 miles) from Lebanon. The threat worried some people in Cyprus. “Last night when I heard about the news, yes, I was worried,” resident Filios Christodoulou, 84, said.

Others were unfazed. “We have nothing to do with this war,” Stella Patatini, 62, said. “On the contrary, we are helping peace in the region and assistance to the Palestinians, so I feel safe in Cyprus.”

Lebanon’s government appeared to try to contain any fallout from Nasrallah’s comments. Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib contacted Cypriot President Christodoulides.

“Cyprus is not involved, nor will it become involved, in any military conflicts,” government spokesperson Konstantinos Letymbiotis told state radio.

Europe is involved though...

And Cyprus is not completely innocent either.

Is Cyprus being dragged into an Israel-Hezbollah war?

Cyprus has traditionally allowed Israel to use its airspace for air drills, but never during active conflict – and it doesn’t look like it will start now.

After Hezbollah’s threat, Cyprus announced it would remain neutral and not get involved in any war. However, the United Kingdom has bases in Cyprus, which it uses to conduct military operations in the region.

The UK allegedly used those bases to launch attacks against the Houthis in Yemen, and they’ve reportedly been used to arm Israel in its war on Gaza and southern Lebanon.

Benny Gantz calls German president

Israeli minister Benny Gantz says on X that he held a phone call with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to discuss the Gaza war and the potential of escalation in the north of Israel against Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

“I emphasised to him that the reality where Hezbollah and the Iranian axis of terror continue to threaten the citizens of Northern Israel and the entire region’s stability is simply irreconcilable,” Gantz wrote.

“I will support any responsible and effective military or political decision to remove the threat from outside the government,” he added.

Israel has become a ‘pariah state’: Jordan

Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi has discussed the ongoing war in Gaza with the EU’s top diplomat.

“Al-Safadi stressed, during a phone call with the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU Josep Borrell, that the war crimes documented by numerous international reports proved that Israel had become a pariah state, that used starvation as a weapon, and killed civilians indiscriminately, and the United Nations included them in the list,” Jordan’s Foreign Ministry said in a post on X.

This “blacklist” is for countries “that have committed grave violations against children, but the international reaction to these crimes still falls short of the deterrence required to curb the extremism of the Israeli government and stop the massacres it is committing”.

Hezbollah-Israel: ‘This would not be a conventional war’

Hezbollah’s drones seem to be the new unknown in the conflict with Israel. Hezbollah has armed itself with countless sophisticated drones such as the one that went under the radar and struck the city of Haifa recently.

It could also start attacking shipping in the Mediterranean Sea, like the Houthis have done in the Red Sea, which could cut off maritime life from Israel. Would Hezbollah be able to do something similar? That remains to be seen.

This would not be a conventional war. What you’re seeing from both sides is an attempt to create a balance of terror. Hezbollah is not deterred. That is what’s new in this latest statement by its leader Hassan Nasrallah.

He’s telling Israel, “Until you stop the war in Gaza, we’ll continue with our war in the north, and if you want to expand it, we’ll use asymmetrical means if we need to.”

How Hezbollah’s arms arsenal has changed from last Israel war

Hezbollah last went to war with Israel in 2006. Since then, it “has robustly expanded the size and the quality of its arsenal”, says Dina Arakji, an associate analyst at Control Risks consultancy.

“The group in 2006 reportedly had about 15,000 rockets while unofficial estimates in recent years suggest this number has multiplied by almost 10 times.”

The armed group “reportedly acquired more advanced weaponry, particularly precision-guided missiles”, Arakji noted. “Hezbollah is unlikely to have used its most sophisticated weaponry yet.”

Military analyst and retired Lebanese army general Khalil Helou said Hezbollah has Iranian ballistic missiles it has yet to launch into Israel. Those include the Fateh 110 – a precision-guided missile with a range of about 300km (186 miles) – more than sufficient to reach Tel Aviv and Jerusalem from Lebanon.