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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

Demonstrators arrested outside Israeli PM Netanyahu’s residence

The Israel Broadcasting Corporation has published video footage of a demonstration in front of the family home of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel’s coastal Caesarea town.

The broadcaster said that the Israeli police arrested at least five people, who were protesting against Netanyahu’s policies, including on getting a deal with Hamas for the release of Israeli captives held in Gaza.

Those detained were arrested for causing “unreasonable noise”, the report added.

Freed Israeli captive calls for more protests

An Israeli captive freed during the attack on Nuseirat refugee camp is calling for more protests, demanding that the remaining captives in Gaza be released.

“I’m already in Israel at home but lots of hostages are still there in Gaza,” Andrey Kozlov said in a video address. “I saw a lot of rallies on Saturday and it gave me a lot of hope. I ask you to come and support families and hostages.”

Commenting on Kozlov’s call, Hassan Barari, a professor of international affairs at Qatar University, said the former captive knew the difficulties of rescuing the remaining captives by force.

“This man who was in captivity for 250 days. He realised it was impossible for the Israelis to deliver anyone militarily speaking … there’s no way to reach them,” Barari said.

He added Israeli forces have occupied some 90 percent of Gaza and have still failed to locate the captives, “let alone liberate them”.

“[The right-wing Israeli government] made it perfectly clear time and time again that liberating hostages is not their priority; they just want to continue the war,” he said. “This does not resonate well with Israelis and now we see more people taking to the streets. This call from the former captive will only add to Netanyahu’s predicament.”

Islamic Jihad says captive deal can only happen after Israel’s withdrawal

The armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Quds Brigades, says the only way to return the remaining captives held in Gaza is through Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza.

According to Israeli tallies, there are 116 captives left in Gaza out of 250 taken during the Hamas-led attack on October 7. More than 100 were released in exchange for about 240 Palestinians held in Israeli jails during a truce in November. Four captives were also rescued last week during an Israeli operation in Nuseirat.

At least 40 of those still in Gaza have been declared dead in absentia by Israel.

Earlier this week, Hamas responded to a ceasefire proposal by the United States and requested amendments for it to proceed. Among the requests are the reconstruction of Gaza, the lifting of the Israeli blockade, allowing the movement of people and transporting goods without restrictions.

Around the Network

UCLA students stage graduation walk out to protest Israel’s war on Gaza

Dozens of University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) graduate students staged a walk-out of their graduation ceremony to protest Israel’s war on Gaza.

A video posted on X by an activist group, showed the students chanting, “Disclose, divest, we will not stop we will not rest!”, as they left the ceremony on Friday.

Earlier this year, a pro-Palestinian and Gaza solidarity encampment at UCLA was violently attacked by a pro-Israeli mob before being cleared out by police shortly after.

Wikipedia war: Fierce row erupts over Israel’s deadly Nuseirat assault

A fierce “edit war” has broken out on Wikipedia over a page dedicated to a deadly Israeli raid in the Nuseirat refugee camp near Deir el-Balah in central Gaza on the morning of June 8.

The bloody attack – ostensibly to free four Israeli captives held there – killed nearly 300 displaced people and injured more than 700, overwhelming the nearby Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.

Now, the Israeli raid has become the focus of a heated editing dispute on Wikipedia, which has been forced to restrict editing access to the page dedicated to the incident.


Germany declines to comment on targeting of academics

Germany has declined to address reports that the Education and Research Ministry was targeting academics who supported pro-Palestinian student protesters.

The public radio and television broadcaster NDR reported detailed funding cuts for professors after an open letter in May on the Free University of Berlin’s response to protesters. The letter accused the university administration of subjecting demonstrators to “police violence”.

Government spokesman Wolfgang Buchner declined to comment further on the reports and was pressed on German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s stance. However, he acknowledged the criticism of the Education and Research Ministry, including demands for the minister to resign.

German universities have witnessed massive pro-Palestine student protests demanding their institutions call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Spanish protesters take to the streets in solidarity with Palestinians

Indonesia welcomes Australian, Singaporean militaries for peacekeeping mission

Palestinian groups demand inspection of Israeli prisons as detainees are released with chronic health problems

The Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza has demanded international inspections of Israeli detention centers, after the release of a number of prisoners this week who appeared frail and thin after several months in detention.

Among those released was the Council’s former Speaker, Aziz Dweik, who had been held for nine months, accused of affiliation with Hamas. He appeared much thinner and greyer than before being detained.

The Council said it “looks with anger at the crimes committed by the enemy against the prisoners, and the greatest example is the photo of Dr. Aziz Dweik when he left the occupation prisons.”

The Council alleged that the prisoners had been subjected to starvation, isolation and torture.

Dweik himself said Friday that prisoners were “starved for 24 hours a day. The prisoners are in poor health conditions, suffering from skin diseases, and the food is insufficient even for children, let alone meeting the needs of men.”

CNN has asked the Israel Defense Forces and prison authorities for a response to the allegations made by the Council.

Most of the approximately 30 prisoners released from the Negev and Ofer prisoners this week were administrative detainees, who had not been charged with any offenses. One of them, according to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, was Saed Abu Shanab from Tulkarm, who had spent 21 years in Israeli prisons.

The Prisoners’ Society said that the condition of the prisoners “reflect some of the harsh and humiliating conditions of detention, including acts of torture, abuse and starvation, in addition to medical crimes.”

In May, CNN published an investigation based on testimonies from whistleblowers at the Negev facility which reported that “doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; [and] of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics.”

In response to that reporting, the IDF responded that it “ensures proper conduct towards the detainees in custody. Any allegation of misconduct by IDF soldiers is examined and dealt with accordingly.”

The Israeli military has acknowledged partially converting three different military facilities into detention camps for Palestinian detainees from Gaza since the Hamas-led October 7 attack on Israel.

The Prisoners’ Society said in April that the vast majority of detainees released suffered from health problems “which required the transfer of some of them to the hospital immediately upon their release.”

Qassam Brigades say Israeli soldiers killed in ‘complex ambush’

Hamas’s armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, says they killed and wounded Israeli soldiers in a “complex ambush” in southern Gaza.

In a statement, the Qassam Brigades said its fighters “carried out a complex ambush against enemy vehicles penetrating the area of ​​the Saudi neighbourhood in Tal as-Sultan, west of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.”

“Al-Qassam Brigades targeted a Zionist D9 bulldozer with an Al-Yassin 105 shell in Tal as-Sultan, leading to the killing and injury of soldiers,” it said.

It added that following the arrival of an Israeli rescue force, a troop carrier was targeted with an Al-Yassin 105 missile, resulting in its destruction and the “death” of those on board.

In another statement, the armed wing also said it “targeted, alongside the Al-Quds Brigades, the Sufa military site in southern Israel with a missile salvo.” The Israeli command headquarters in the Netzarim axis west of Gaza City was also targeted with “short-range missiles,” according to the statement.


Israel says 8 soldiers killed in Rafah

The Israeli military confirms that eight soldiers have been killed in a blast in Rafah.

Hind Khoudary, reporting from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza, says the confirmation comes after earlier reports from Palestinian fighters of an “ambush” in the area, which has been under heavy bombardments since this morning.

Israeli opposition leader sends condolences to families of killed soldiers

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid says the “heart is broken again and again” following the announcement that eight Israeli soldiers were killed in Rafah.

“Condolences and a big hug to the families of the fighters who were killed today in Rafah. Our hearts are with you in your difficult time. May the memory of the warriors be blessed,” Lapid wrote on X.

‘Eight of our best sons were killed in Rafah’, says Israeli minister

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has also expressed his condolences to the families of the eight soldiers who were killed in Rafah, saying they “knew they might have to sacrifice their lives, but they did it so we could live in this country.”

“Saturday is hard. 8 of our best sons were killed in Rafah,” Katz wrote on X.

Stop sending them there, you only make it harder to continue living in Israel the longer this goes on. Stop teaching your 'sons' that the only way to live in Israel is by occupying and killing Palestinians.

Why try to hide complicity any longer.

US defence secretary invites Israeli counterpart to the Pentagon

Pentagon Press Secretary Patrick Ryder says US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin has invited his Israeli counterpart to Washington following a call earlier this week.

Austin invited Yoav Gallant to the United States on an unspecified date and time to discuss “ongoing security developments in the Middle East. “Minister Gallant has accepted the invitation and will travel to the US soon (date/time TBD)”.

Netanyahu’s hostage dilemma

Following the dramatic Israeli operation to rescue four captives in Gaza last week, which resulted in a massacre of more than 270 Palestinians, the Israeli public is more vocal about a ceasefire deal remaining the best option to secure their safe return.

While Netanyahu has paid lip service to the public’s demand to bring the captives home, Israelis are coming to the realisation that the issue is a headache for him – it gets in the way of what seems to be his effort to prolong this war for his political career.

Al Jazeera’s The Listening Post speaks to experts to discuss the political significance of the captives.

Israeli protesters block road in Tel Aviv

Video posted on X by activists and Israeli media shows demonstrators, calling for early elections to replace the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, flooding and blocking Ayalon street in Tel Aviv.

These demonstrations have been occurring in Israel on a weekly basis for months, as protesters call for Netanayhu’s ouster and for the release of Israeli captives held in the Gaza Strip by Hamas and other Palestinian groups.

PRCS says Palestinian teenager killed in the occupied West Bank

The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) says a Palestinian teenager was killed by Israeli gunfire during a raid in the town of Beit Furik in the Nablus governorate. The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the teenager as Abdul Rahman Sultan Khatatba, a resident of Beit Furik.

Wafa news agency also reported, citing local sources, that Israeli forces stormed the town and fired live bullets at local residents, resulting in three injuries.

Around the Network

Tunisians rally in front of US embassy in Tunis

Demonstrators from the Tunisian Network to Counter the Normalization System are staging their weekly rally in support of Palestinians in Gaza, in front of the US embassy in Tunisia’s capital, Tunis.

The participants waved Palestinian, Tunisian and Yemeni flags, as well as banners denouncing Israel’s actions in Gaza, as seen in footage on social media verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking agency Sanad.


Israeli protesters block road in Tel Aviv

Video posted on X by activists and Israeli media shows demonstrators, calling for early elections to replace the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, flooding and blocking Ayalon street in Tel Aviv.

These demonstrations have been occurring in Israel on a weekly basis for months, as protesters call for Netanayhu’s removal and for the release of Israeli captives held in the Gaza Strip by Hamas and other Palestinian groups.

Mass demonstrations in Tel Aviv

We’ve been reporting on large protests in Israel, which have been occurring weekly for months, against Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government and in support of the Israeli captives held in Gaza.

Video posted by Israeli broadcaster Channel 12 shows Israelis flooding Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, demanding early elections and saying that Netanyahu has not done enough to secure the release of the captives.

Police arrest protestors at Tel Aviv demonstrations against Israeli government

Police made arrests during protests in Tel Aviv, which have been occurring weekly for months, against Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government and in support of the Israeli captives held in Gaza.

Social media footage, verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking agency Sanad, depicted skirmishes between Israeli police and the demonstrators.

Netanyahu: Israel paid ‘heartbreaking’ price in its war on Gaza

After the Israeli army announced that eight of its soldiers were killed in southern Gaza’s Rafah today, the Israeli prime minister issued a video statement via X.

  • We paid a heartbreaking price in our just war.
  • We fight to preserve our existence and our future, and we fight to recover those who were kidnapped.
  • Our brutal enemy has no intention of stopping, but rather wants to continue trying to annihilate us, so there is no alternative to victory.
  • We are at the height of a difficult war on many fronts, including international forums, and we face many challenges ahead.
  • Despite the destabilizing price, we will adhere to the war goals of eliminating Hamas and returning the kidnapped, and so that Gaza will not pose a threat again.

Israel’s war on Gaza, now eight months old, has, as of today, killed at least 37,296 people and wounded 85,197.

So much projection, you are the brutal enemy with no intention of ever stopping, trying to erase Palestine since the 1920's.

You can't preserve your existence as brutal oppressor running a fascist apartheid state. It's time Israel advances into the 20th century. 19th century settler colonialism has been put in the past for good reason and certainly doesn't belong in the 21st century.

Soldiers killed are ‘a heavy price to pay’, say Israeli officials

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that this is a heavy price to pay, but it should not divert away from the fact that Israel still has to achieve all of its goals in this war.

Nearly nine months into this deadly war in Gaza, the Israeli army has not achieved any of these goals. They have not released all of the remaining Israeli captives. They have not ensured that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel. And they have not dismantled Hamas’s military and political capabilities.

We also heard from Israel’s opposition leader, Yair Lapid, who essentially emphasised the same thought: That this is a heavy price to pay, and that this is a war that is going to experience losses.

We’re hearing from a wide variety of people at this hour that the Hostage and Missing Families Forum, that group’s spokesperson, has said that Israel cannot win in Gaza against Hamas. And we also heard from one Israeli captive who was released by the Israeli army in what they called a rescue mission that killed nearly 300 Palestinians, calling on the Israeli government to enter into a deal. The demands from protesters are becoming much more severe.

Israeli army announces death of additional soldier

Israeli media outlet Ynet, citing the army’s spokesperson, reports that a 19-year-old sergeant succumbed to wounds he received in an explosion in southern Gaza’s Rafah on Monday.

In the incident in which he received the wounds, an officer and three other soldiers were killed, the spokesperson added.

Calling out Italy

Italy’s PM at G7 summit: ‘Italy is a friend of Israel’

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wrapped up the three-day global event by discussing the core points of the group’s final communique.

Concerning Gaza, the document stressed the G7’s support for a ceasefire deal laid out by US President Joe Biden. It also said that Israel “must comply with its obligation under international law” and “refrain from” launching an offensive in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah.

Yet, it stopped short of condemning Israel for its conduct during this war, which is currently being investigated by the International Court of Justice – the world’s highest court – in a genocide case being brought by South Africa against Israel.

In light of the absence of strong language towards Israel’s actions in Gaza, Al Jazeera asked the prime minister what it would take for the G7 to condemn Israel or to consider steps similar to those taken against Russia, such as sanctions or a ban on weapon sales to Israel.

Meloni dodged the question. And while she said that Palestinians have the right to have their own state, she made it clear that Italy is a “friend of Israel”. “Now, what we have to do is to work for peace and it is exactly what we’re doing and work for peace we have to dialogue and we have to recognise the right of Israel to be safe,” Meloni told Al Jazeera.

How about recognize the right of Palestinians to live.

Qatar, Egypt planning ceasefire talks with Hamas: White House official

White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has said that mediators from Qatar and Egypt plan to engage with Hamas soon to see if there is still a way to push ahead with the ceasefire proposal offered by US President Joe Biden.

Sullivan said he spoke with Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani and that they would speak again about Gaza tomorrow while both are in Switzerland for the Ukraine peace summit.

Hamas has welcomed the ceasefire proposal and is looking to secure an end to the war, a demand Israel still rejects.

Sullivan said that US officials have examined Hamas’s response closely. He said the next step will be for Qatari and Egyptian mediators to talk to Hamas and “go through what can be worked with and what really can’t be worked with”.

“We anticipate a back-and-forth between the mediators and Hamas. We’ll see where we stand at that point. We will keep consulting with the Israelis and then hopefully, at some point next week, we’ll be able to report to you where we think things stand and what we see as being the next step to try to bring this to closure,” Sullivan said.

There's about as much chance of Putin signing a peace deal as Netanyahu signing on a permanent ceasefire. But you have the means to bring this to closure Sullivan, you just don't want to.

Israeli forces beat young man from Jenin refugee camp unconscious, reports Wafa

Israeli forces reportedly assaulted a young man from the Jenin refugee camp, in the occupied West Bank, which led to his hospitalisation, according to Palestinian security and local sources, Palestinian news agency Wafa reported.

Soldiers severely beat Saddam Abu Rmeila, a resident of the camp who was arrested two days ago, according to Wafa.

Following his assault, he was left unconscious at the eastern entrance of the town of Yabad. Abu Rmeila was subsequently transported to Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin for medical treatment, the agency said.


Israel hits southern Lebanon with air strikes

Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency reports two strikes on Lebanese territory this evening.

The agency says that the villages of Aytaroun and Ayta al-Shaab were struck, the first by a drone that fired three missiles, and the second by Israeli warplanes.

Earlier today, two United Nations officials based in Lebanon warned that there is a “very real” threat of miscalculation that could lead to a wider war as cross-border fighting between Hezbollah and Israel rages.

Children getting a chance to be children for a moment

Gaza’s children sing during Eid

Displaced Palestinian children in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Gaza’s central city of Deir el-Balah are celebrating the occasion of Eid al-Adha, despite the conditions of the ongoing war.

Social media footage, verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking agency Sanad, showed crowds of children singing in celebration.

Yet the war continues

Israel attacks several areas surrounding Gaza City

Israeli forces have launched artillery attacks on several areas in the southwest of Gaza City, according to Palestinian news agency Wafa.

Israeli naval vessels bombarded the Tal al-Hawa and Sheikh Ajlin neighbourhoods, while Israeli military vehicles also opened heavy gunfire in the areas, Wafa said. Israeli warplanes also conducted low-altitude flights over Gaza City, stirring fear among Palestinians in the area, the agency reported.

Israeli forces raze homes in Rafah

Al Jazeera’s correspondent in the Gaza Strip reports that soldiers are currently burning a number of homes in the central district of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. They also report that other homes are being targeted with tank shells.

Fierce clashes have been occurring all day in the city, where earlier eight Israeli soldiers were killed when Hamas fighters ambushed them.

Palestinians killed and wounded in strike on Gaza City

The rescue group says in a statement on its Telegram channel that it recovered the bodies of four Palestinians, as well as several wounded, after Israeli aircraft targeted a family home in the al-Shaaf area of eastern Gaza City, in the north of the Strip.

PIJ fighters announce attack on Israeli forces in Rafah

The Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, said in a statement that its fighters targeted an Israeli Markava tank with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) in the Saudi neighbourhood of the southern Gaza Strip city.