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Israeli forces beat young man from Jenin refugee camp unconscious, reports Wafa

Israeli forces reportedly assaulted a young man from the Jenin refugee camp, in the occupied West Bank, which led to his hospitalisation, according to Palestinian security and local sources, Palestinian news agency Wafa reported.

Soldiers severely beat Saddam Abu Rmeila, a resident of the camp who was arrested two days ago, according to Wafa.

Following his assault, he was left unconscious at the eastern entrance of the town of Yabad. Abu Rmeila was subsequently transported to Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin for medical treatment, the agency said.


Israel hits southern Lebanon with air strikes

Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency reports two strikes on Lebanese territory this evening.

The agency says that the villages of Aytaroun and Ayta al-Shaab were struck, the first by a drone that fired three missiles, and the second by Israeli warplanes.

Earlier today, two United Nations officials based in Lebanon warned that there is a “very real” threat of miscalculation that could lead to a wider war as cross-border fighting between Hezbollah and Israel rages.

Children getting a chance to be children for a moment

Gaza’s children sing during Eid

Displaced Palestinian children in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Gaza’s central city of Deir el-Balah are celebrating the occasion of Eid al-Adha, despite the conditions of the ongoing war.

Social media footage, verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking agency Sanad, showed crowds of children singing in celebration.