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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

Merchant ship hit in Red Sea off Yemen’s coast: Monitors

The ship was attacked about 68 nautical miles (about 126km) southwest of the Houthi-held port city of Hodeidah, maritime security firm Ambrey said. The company “assessed the vessel aligned with the [Houthis] target profile at the time of the incident”, it said in a statement, without giving further details.

Meanwhile, the United Kingdom’s Maritime Trade Operations, which is run by the UK’s Royal Navy, said a ship was “hit on the stern by a small craft” 66 nautical miles (about 122km) southwest of Hodeidah.

In a statement, UKMTO said the ship was taking on water and not under the crew’s command.

Yemen’s Houthis target Tutor ship in Red Sea

The group’s military spokesman Yahya Saree has made the announcement in a televised speech. The ship was hit and it is facing the danger of sinking, Saree added.

Moreover, they also carried out a joint military operation with Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeting sites in Israel’s Ashdod and Haifa.

US, UK forces hit western Yemen targets: Report

The Houthi-affiliated media outlet Al Masirah says US and UK forces struck the al-Jabana area west of Hodeidah.

The Houthis have attacked ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden and fired missiles and drones at Israeli targets in a show of support for Palestinians in war-battered Gaza, drawing anger from Western nations.

The US and allies have bombed Houthi targets in Yemen since January, but the military campaign has not deterred Houthi attacks. The group pledged to continue targeting Israel-linked ships as long as the war on Gaza, which has killed more than 37,000 people, continues.

Around the Network

US ceasefire proposal a ‘huge mess’

Mohamad Elmasry, a professor of media studies at the Doha Institute of Graduate Studies, says the US has been “very misleading” about the latest ceasefire plan for Gaza.

“It’s a huge mess. Things are very, very convoluted, in part because the US is being very misleading, I think deliberately misleading,” Elmasry told Al Jazeera.

He added that Israel has still not officially accepted the ceasefire plan.

“No matter how many times Blinken says it, it’s not going to make it true – Israel has not accepted anything,” he said. “Israel has repeatedly said that they are going to continue this war. That is in direct violation, or in direct contradiction to what the ceasefire proposal, presented by the US, lays out.”

“Nothing has changed. Hamas wants a permanent end to the hostilities, and Israel wants the right to continue the war. And until that equation changes, we’re not going to move anywhere,” Elmasry added.

I don't get what Biden's plan was with this 'Israeli proposal'. Try to show he's doing everything and blame it on Hamas that there still is no ceasefire? How dumb does he think people are. Those that he needs back for the elections know it is Israel throwing a wrench in the negotiations every time. They know Hamas already accepted a ceasefire over a month ago. They also know as long as Biden keeps providing weapons and political cover, Netanyahu won't stop.

Biden is shooting himself in both feet and legs by putting his name behind this ceasefire. As long as he's not prepared to put conditions on Israel, he's just making himself look like a bigger fool, pissing away the last remaining bit of his credibility. With this Hamas blame game he's only providing more fuel for Fox news and Trump supporters...

Pro-Palestinian supporters target NYC locations with paint to protest war

Mayor Eric Adams says the homes of museum director Anne Pasternak and members of the museum’s board of trustees were among the locations hit.

Pro-Palestinians threw red paint across their entrances in opposition to the Israeli war on Gaza.

Red paint was also splashed across the front of buildings associated with the German consulate, as well as the Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, where flyers critical of the Palestinian Authority and its president, Mahmoud Abbas, were also scattered outside the building.

Red paint covers portions of the entrance to the German consulate building, Wednesday, June 12

Israeli army target women in occupied East Jerusalem

Footage shared on local Palestinian Telegram channels shows Israeli forces attacking a group of women in the Old City.

The video, verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking unit Sanad, shows several Israeli soldiers shoving the women and striking them with their weapons. One woman can be seen crying out in pain.

Families of Israeli captives continue to protest for prisoner swap deal

Video verified by Al Jazeera shows crowds of protesters, including the captives’ families, demonstrating to demand that the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu make a deal with Hamas that will see their loved ones exchanged for Palestinians held in Israeli jails.

The protests, ongoing for much of the war, have taken on an anti-government tone in recent months, as some demonstrators have begun openly calling for an end to Israel’s war on Gaza and early elections in Israel in order to replace Netanyahu.

The most recent iteration of a ceasefire deal, backed by the United Nations, is currently being pushed by the United States as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken makes another trip to the region to meet with mediators.

After Hamas responded to the proposal yesterday, Blinken said today that some of the amendments suggested by Hamas to the proposal for a truce in Gaza are not “workable”, but efforts to reach an agreement are continuing.

Biden administration concerned tensions on Lebanese border could escalate to war

A report from US news outlet Axios says, citing unnamed “US officials” that the government has grown “increasingly concerned” that tensions between Israel and Hezbollah will escalate into an all-out war.

The report adds that the US is “scrambling” behind the scenes to prevent the outbreak of war between the two parties, which have been exchanging limited fire near-daily since the outbreak of Israel’s war on Gaza.

The US has warned Israel against notions that it could wage a “limited war” against Hezbollah, according to the report, saying that Iran could flood Lebanon with militants from militias aligned with it in the region, from countries like Syria and Iraq.

“The White House believes that a ceasefire in Gaza is the only thing that would significantly de-escalate the tensions on the Israeli-Lebanese border,” the report adds.

So, get on that ceasefire then. Stop pussyfooting around with Netanyahu and enforce the UNSC resolutions calling for an immediate ceasefire. It's your administration that keeps this war going.

Famine in northern Gaza has reached a catastrophic point

A government official in the coastal enclave has spoken to Al Jazeera about the situation in the northern part of Gaza.

Here are his translated comments:

  • The famine in the northern Gaza Strip has reached a catastrophic point, and most food commodities have run out.
  • Hundreds of children and sick people are at risk of death as a result of the catastrophic famine.
  • The relevant international institutions are not doing their duty to force the occupation to respect international laws.

Situation in al-Mawasi ‘extremely dangerous’

Witnesses say the Israeli military has been ramping up the military attacks generally across Rafah.

We saw families today fleeing from Israeli bombardment in al-Mawasi, going to Khan Younis and to central parts of the Gaza Strip. We spoke to them, and they confirmed the situation there is extremely critical and dangerous. Palestinians are no longer able to reside in that area because of the unrelenting attacks carried out by the Israeli army.

Fighting is ongoing in other parts of Rafah between Hamas and Israeli soldiers, close to the western part of the city and the Philadelphi Corridor (border zone with Egypt).

Several injured in Israeli attack on central Gaza

Our Al Jazeera Arabic colleagues report that an Israeli raid has targeted the Burj al-Louh area, west of the Nuseirat camp.

Last week, an Israeli operation in Nuseirat left at least 274 people killed, and hundreds more injured. Exact casualty numbers resulting from this attack are not available at this time, but we will update you as information comes in.

Men walk among the debris in the aftermath of Israeli strikes at the area, in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza Strip

Deaths reported after Israeli raid in central Gaza

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic report several people have been killed and more injured following an Israeli attack on a house in Nuseirat. Earlier, our colleagues said an Israeli raid had targeted the Burj al-Louh area, west of the Nuseirat camp. It is not immediately clear if the two incidents are related.

Devastation in Bureij refugee camp

People walk past destroyed buildings in the Bureij refugee camp

Palestinians gather in a damaged building used as a temporary shelter in the Bureij refugee camp

Starvation kills an 8-year-old girl in Gaza as Israel obstructs aid

Hanan Al-Zaanin, an eight-year-old Palestinian girl, has died from severe malnutrition due to the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where an Israeli blockade is preventing essential aid supplies from entering the war-torn territory.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 12 June 2024

Blinken ‘lacks neutrality, even-handedness’: Hamas

Hamas official Taher al-Nunu has accused US Secretary of State Antony Blinken of bias for blaming the Palestinian group for the failure to reach an agreement, saying the top US diplomat has been acting like he is Israel’s foreign minister since the start of the war.

“He lacks neutrality. He lacks even-handedness. He operates with double standards. He is trying to portray the [Palestinian] resistance as if it is the party obstructing the deal,” al-Nunu told Al Jazeera.

He said Hamas accepted the proposal presented by Qatar and Egypt on May 6 as it was, and it was Israel that added amendments to it. Hamas’s response on Tuesday represented counter-revisions to some of the Israeli changes, al-Nunu said.

He stressed that Hamas agrees to the principles of the United Nations Security Council resolution that backed the deal, outlining four elements that the Palestinian group is seeking: permanent ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, reconstruction of the territory and “serious” prisoner exchange.

According to al-Nunu, Hamas’s response aimed to deliver a single agreement with interconnected stages – to ensure that Israel would not renege on the deal and resume the war after the first phase, which would see the release of some of its captives in Gaza.

Asked whether Hamas would be flexible about demands that Blinken labelled “not workable”, al-Nunu said it is “normal” for parties engaged in negotiations to accept or reject amendments to a proposal.

“The ball is in Israel’s court, which is what the US administration is trying to return to us. Netanyahu is the one responsible so far for obstruction by not agreeing to what we sent to the mediators,” he added.

Hamas says it has not heard any Israeli response regarding ceasefire proposal

Hamas says in a statement it has shown “full positivity” in efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement with Israel. The Palestinian group also urged the US, Israel’s biggest ally, to pressure Israel to accept a deal leading to a permanent ceasefire in the enclave.

Hamas said that while US officials have said Israel has accepted a ceasefire proposal outlined by President Joe Biden on May 31, “we have not heard any Israeli official confirm this acceptance”.

Confusion abounds as US continuing to say Israel accepts ceasefire proposal

The US government has continued to paint the Israeli government as accepting Biden’s three-phase plan. This is not necessarily so, given the fact that a number of government members in Israel have threatened to resign should the plan be adopted and put in place.

So certainly, there’s a degree of confusion about this, whereas, initially, the plan was actually posted as that coming from the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This also apparently does not appear to be the case.

So the interests of reaching a resolution are not really served by the US continuing to insist that one of the parties to the negotiations has accepted the peace plan. This clearly is not the case, and this may well continue to confuse the issue.

It's the same tactic the US has been employing since the start of the genocide. Deflection, disinformation, confusion, propaganda, stalling for time. Yet now it's also against Biden's interests.

Around the Network

US military confirms Houthi drone attack on ship in Red Sea

A Houthi “unmanned surface vessel” drone attack caused “severe flooding and damage to the engine room” of the Tutor, a Liberian-flagged Greek-owned ship, in the Red Sea, US Central Command (CENTCOM) has said.

“This continued malign and reckless behaviour by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden,” CENTCOM said in a post on X.

Earlier, Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree said the Tutor had been hit and was in danger of sinking.

CENTCOM also added that US forces destroyed three antiship cruise missile launchers in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen on Wednesday.

The Houthis say their attacks on ships in the Red Sea are in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, and in response to US and UK air strikes on Yemen.

Gee, if only there was a way to end all these conflicts at the same time... Stop the genocide.

Israel attacks UNWRA, kills more than 190 UN staff, detains and tortures more than 20 UNWRA staff, US silence or rather "we see no evidence of war crimes" and has banned funding of UNRWA by law until 2025.

Now the Houthis arrest UN, NGO staff suspecting a spy network

US condemns Houthi detention of UN, NGO staff in Yemen amid ‘spy network’ allegations

The US State Department has said that it “strongly condemns” the detention of UN, diplomatic and NGO staff accused of being part of an “American-Israeli spy network” by the Houthis in Yemen.

In a public statement, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller accused the Houthis of using “disinformation to shift blame to the United States and other outside actors for their own failures”.

Houthis officials said on Monday that they had arrested a “spy network” operating under the cover of humanitarian organisations, claiming they were linked to the CIA and had carried out “espionage” activities for years.

An official figure is yet to be confirmed, but at least 18 people, including 11 UN staff members, are believed to have been swept up in the “simultaneous” arrests in Houthi-controlled areas.

There's your fallout from Israel's tactics to go undercover as aid workers. And again more US double standards on display.

The UN is the first casualty of the breakdown of international law. US and UK are responsible for setting this chain of actions in motion.

Rights monitor says Palestinian prisoners experienced inhumane and degrading treatment

Palestinian prisoners released by the Israeli army in northern Gaza on Tuesday have shared testimonies of inhumane and degrading treatment after making their way to Kamal Adwan Hospital for treatment, the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reports.

Samir Abdullah Jamal Marjan, 23, told Euro-Med he was beaten when he told Israeli interrogators he couldn’t answer questions about Hamas because he was a civilian.

“Some inmates were also given unknown injections by the army,” said Marjan, who was transferred to Israel’s Ashkelon Prison after he was detained at Nablus checkpoint near Gaza City on March 11.

“I was beaten and subjected to electric shocks since I refused to be injected with [the unknown substance],” he said.

A Palestinian prisoner released by the Israeli army, wearing a pullover with a David Star and a numbers, waits for his turn to be examined at Al-Najjar Hospital, in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip on April 15

It's Nazi Germany all over again. And Germany is supporting this.

OCHA staff member Yasmina Guerda said that more than 300 people were reported killed in Nuseirat in just three days when an earlier attack on a UN school by Israeli forces – which killed dozens – is included in the death toll.

@SvennoJ I don't know if this was posted but I found this video very constructive and exposing of a fundamental problem with the Israel situation as it is today when it comes to the twisting of views regarding Palestines and Palestinians:

Israeli forces storm Nablus after night of raids in the occupied West Bank

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic have verified and shared video footage showing a convoy of Israeli military vehicles raiding the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.

The raid follows after arrests overnight and into the early morning of Palestinians, including a recently reported arrest in the town of Kafr ad-Dik, located to the west of Salfit city. Local sources told the Wafa news agency that Israeli soldiers detained a 22-year-old man in front of a mosque in the town.

A young Palestinian man was also shot overnight during clashes when Israeli forces stormed the Jabriyat neighbourhood in Jenin city.

Israeli forces destroy infrastructure in Jenin

Photos posted online by Quds News Network show the damage to infrastructure in the city of Jenin and its refugee camp due to the ongoing Israeli military raid.

Earlier, we reported that Israeli forces shot a Palestinian man after storming Jenin. They assaulted paramedics as they attempted to reach the wounded man and his condition is unknown.

Palestinian news agency Wafa also reported that Israeli forces stormed the villages of al-Jalama, Faqqua, Jalbun and Arabbuna, northeast of Jenin, resulting in exchanges of gunfire between Palestinian resistance groups and Israeli soldiers.

Israeli forces arrest 12 in occupied West Bank raids

Israeli forces have arrested at least 12 people, including a minor and several former prisoners, in raids across the occupied West Bank since last night, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society. Most of these arrests took place in Hebron governorate, while others were in the governorates of Nablus, Salfit, and Qalqilya governorates, said the group.

There have also been arrests in Jenin, where an Israeli raid is ongoing.

Since October 7, Israeli forces have made 9,185 arrests in the West Bank, according to the group.