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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Which entry should I start with?" Discussion Thread

In most cases, I suggest starting at the first and going in order because otherwise, you won't be able to appreciate the advances made. But there are some exceptions. Final Fantasy, for instance, is one of them. Telling a person in their teens today to play the original game is akin to water torture lol.

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BasilZero said:
Conina said:

Final Fantasy VI (SNES): 95
Final Fantasy VI (PS1): 95
Final Fantasy VI Advance (GBA): 95

I hated how slow FF6 was on the PS1 (load times before and after battles), I thought it was overall a slight downgrade coming from FF4 The Complete Collection which was so smooth and beautiful. But the game kept growing on me, and I ended up playing the superior SNES (my favorite) and GBA versions.

Did the long ass load times on PS1 not bother you at all? I'm curious why you shaved off a point from FF5 PS1 (which I don't recall having the same problem) and not FF6.

farlaff said:

This is the only one I have for the Switch. XD Now I'm curious as to why it should be avoided. 

If you have it on Switch , it comes with X as well.

I mean you can play X-2 if you want, gameplay wise it is good , just the story and characters....lets just say everything that was great storyline wise in X was messed up in X-2.

But coming into X-2 after playing X, soured a lot of the experience lol

Kyuu said:

I hated how slow FF6 was on the PS1 (load times before and after battles), I thought it was overall a slight downgrade coming from FF4 The Complete Collection which was so smooth and beautiful. But the game kept growing on me, and I ended up playing the superior SNES (my favorite) and GBA versions.

Did the long ass load times on PS1 not bother you at all? I'm curious why you shaved off a point from FF5 PS1 (which I don't recall having the same problem) and not FF6.

It was a oversight on my part. Loading times was an issue of course but at least from what I remember - FFIV and V loading times were worse compare to FFVI and Chrono Trigger.

Looking back at my reviews I made years ago - I dont see loading times mentioned in my FF6 review so it was a oversight but yes it is an actual problem and should deduct 1 point.

But ya out of all the versions of the games I played, the PS1 versions (aside from the CG cutscenes and Bestiary) were the worst versions. The SNES versions were put on "Easy mode" in comparison and are perfect for beginners (until the Pixel remasters came out).

The GBA versions were the definitive version for the content but still had horrible audio and visual downgrade due to the limitations of the GBA.

PC mobile remakes (V and VI at least) had it all but the visual changes were odd lol - almost RPG Maker like visuals with the sprites touched up a bit too much.

(Ironically playing FFV pixel remaster on Switch and FFVI Mobile remake on PC right now lol)

Last edited by BasilZero - on 28 December 2023

BasilZero said:
farlaff said:

Kyuu said:

I hated how slow FF6 was on the PS1 (load times before and after battles), I thought it was overall a slight downgrade coming from FF4 The Complete Collection which was so smooth and beautiful. But the game kept growing on me, and I ended up playing the superior SNES (my favorite) and GBA versions.

Did the long ass load times on PS1 not bother you at all? I'm curious why you shaved off a point from FF5 PS1 (which I don't recall having the same problem) and not FF6.

It was a oversight on my part. Loading times was an issue of course but at least from what I remember - FFIV and V loading times were worse compare to FFVI and Chrono Trigger.

Looking back at my reviews I made years ago - I dont see loading times mentioned in my FF6 review so it was a oversight but yes it is an actual problem and should deduct 1 point.

But ya out of all the versions of the games I played, the PS1 versions (aside from the CG cutscenes and Bestiary) were the worst versions. The SNES versions were put on "Easy mode" in comparison and are perfect for beginners (until the Pixel remasters came out).

The GBA versions were the definitive version for the content but still had horrible audio and visual downgrade due to the limitations of the GBA.

PC mobile remakes (V and VI at least) had it all but the visual changes were odd lol - almost RPG Maker like visuals with the sprites touched up a bit too much.

(Ironically playing FFV pixel remaster on Switch and FFVI Mobile remake on PC right now lol)

I played FF6 and FF5 on PS3 (PSN) back to back, and from what I recall, FF5 was smoother than FF6 and more in line with the GBA version, which was otherwise audio-visually inferior as you mentioned.

I didn't realize SNES versions were easier. Probably because I only played those and GBA versions for nerdy forum challenges (playing with handicaps like low level, no Runic, no magic, etc).

And yeah man I couldn't stand the look of those PC/mobile ports. Character sprites were stiff as hell lol. Thankfully pixel remasters look great!

Kyuu said:

I played FF6 and FF5 on PS3 (PSN) back to back, and from what I recall, FF5 was smoother than FF6 and more in line with the GBA version, which was otherwise audio-visually inferior as you mentioned.

I didn't realize SNES versions were easier. Probanly because I only played SNES and GBA versions for nerdy forum challenges (playing with handicaps like low level, no Runic, no magic, etc).

And yeah man I couldn't stand the look of those PC/mobile ports. Character sprites were stiff as hell lol. Thankfully pixel remasters look great!

I played FF5 on SNES, GBA, PS1, PC (mobile remake) and Switch pixel remaster (which I finished few days ago) - I still have the iOS version of the mobile remake and Pixel Remaster on PC to play

I played FF6 on SNES, GBA, PS1, PC (mobile remake) and about to play the Switch version soon - I still have the iOS mobile remake and the PC Pixel remaster to play.

Not familiar with the PSN versions on PS3 , havent played those versions.

Yeah , really wish SE would have added the extra content on the Pixel remasters...who knows maybe in the next remaster/remake they'll add them lol.

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You start with Simon’s Quest, you play it as it was meant to play without guides (looking stuff up online). It’s the best game in the franchies, all other games look like stupid simple phone games for casuals next to it.

Then you probably need to play it again to get the ”real” ending since you’ll probably fail on your first try.

I’m not sarcastic, I love that game and consider it to be the best in the franchise. But it is hard, not for the weak minded.