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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 1994, Game of the Year


1994, Game of the Year

Tekken 2 2.17%
Doom II 2 2.17%
Warcraft 3 3.26%
X-Com 2 2.17%
Sonic 3/Sonic and Knuckles 5 5.43%
Donkey Kong Country 18 19.57%
Earthbound 6 6.52%
Final Fantasy VI 21 22.83%
Super Metroid 29 31.52%
Other (please specify) 4 4.35%
Dreamcaster999 said:

FF6 producing somewhat of a comeback here. Overtaken Donkey Kong today, is Metroid next?

FF6 is making a hell of a comeback.  It was in first place a couple of hours after I made the poll.  Then it was in third place for a good while.  Now it is in second place and gaining ground on Super Metroid.

There's about 6.5 hours left of voting.  It will be interesting to see how things finish.

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The_Liquid_Laser said:
Dreamcaster999 said:

FF6 producing somewhat of a comeback here. Overtaken Donkey Kong today, is Metroid next?

FF6 is making a hell of a comeback.  It was in first place a couple of hours after I made the poll.  Then it was in third place for a good while.  Now it is in second place and gaining ground on Super Metroid.

There's about 6.5 hours left of voting.  It will be interesting to see how things finish.

Yeah, I've been watching this one closely. One serious race here!

I feel like FF6 would be a great and deserving winner and certainly my personal choice, but I recognise the strength of its competition too

1994 was truly the year of the Super Nintendo

SvennoJ said:
S.Peelman said:

A bit less of a year compared to '93 if you ask me. Voted for Super Metroid. Good game of course, made my Top 50 for years, but not an absolute favourite of mine. Wasn't really into Donkey Kong Country and Final Fantasy wasn't a thing in Europe. Warcraft wouldn't get really good until the sequel, so Super Metroid it is.

Saw SvennoJ mention SimTower after I already voted, and I don't know how I forgot that one is '94, because I probably should've voted for it since that's one of the most important games from my childhood.

Yeah Sim Tower feels like it belongs later since it ran in Windows and could fully scale up with whatever resolution you were running. I played it at 800x600, so much detail on screen for the time.

I voted Warcraft as I found that very addictive and first time using magic in an RTS

but Sim Tower was a lot more advanced technically

I see there was a sequel made by Sega, Yoot Tower which came out in '99. I missed it at the time (so much else to play and I started Everquest that year)
Oh it's on Abandonware and runs fine in Windows 10. (Says to put display into 256 color mode, but works fine)
It just starts without any tips or tutorials, old school! Not even tool tips and the text is microscopic in 1080p lol. But might be fun to try :)

I had the Mac version of SimTower and yeah it did look clean for the time. I remember the game came on floppy discs, and we just copied the files to the computer and then traded-in the game for SimCity 2000 lol. Piracy retro-style.

Yeah I played Yoot Tower a couple times. Also many years after it had released because I didn't know it existed, but I guess it went under the radar because it wasn't published by Maxis (was the same guy, some Japanese guy, that developed it though) and as such didn't have the 'Sim' name. It's fine for what it was, it's SimTower with some added features. Like you see in your screenshot you can leave air or open space between parts, so you can make two towers or a skybridge and you can also see the outside. It also has some more facilities to build, and you can control what shops go where for example. The GBA and DS versions of SimTower actually incorporated some of those Yoot Tower features.

The voting period is now over.  This year was a close race between 3 SNES games, but in the end Super Metroid was the winner and the runner up was Final Fantasy VI.  

I gotta say that I was reluctant to put 4 SNES games into the poll.  That seemed like a lot of slots to devote to one platform, but after seeing the voting results that was obviously the right choice.  The four top rankings went to the four SNES games.  Even Earthbound, a distant 4th place, ended up above every other game and the "Other" category too.  The SNES really owned 1994, and without any Mario or Zelda game either.

EDIT:  As of me posting this, the 4 SNES games have 78% of the poll's votes.

Last edited by The_Liquid_Laser - on 09 October 2023

Well done to Super Metroid! This marks Nintendo's 9th GotY and 3rd of the decade so far

It's a shame that FF6 missed out but hopefully Chrono Trigger can see it through in 95 for Square's first GotY, and then FF7 in 97 for the Final Fantasy franchise to finally claim one after 3 runner-up performances now!

My condolences to the DKC fans, maybe the strongest 3rd place we've seen so far

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The_Liquid_Laser said:

The voting period is now over.  This year was a close race between 3 SNES games, but in the end Super Metroid was the winner and the runner up was Final Fantasy VI.  

I gotta say that I was reluctant to put 4 SNES games into the poll.  That seemed like a lot of slots to devote to one platform, but after seeing the voting results that was obviously the right choice.  The four top rankings went to the four SNES games.  Even Earthbound, a distant 4th place, ended up above every other game and the "Other" category too.  The SNES really owned 1994, and without any Mario or Zelda game either.

EDIT:  As of me posting this, the 4 SNES games have 78% of the poll's votes.

Has the split between console and PC ever been this one sided before?
I see 84% went to console only games (at release) (not counting other) and it certainly wasn't a weak year for PC releases.
The SNES really hit top popularity in 1994, even though at that time I didn't even know a single person with a SNES. (Just wasn't popular where I lived in Europe)

Its FF6 its still one of the best games in the series and the best game out of the first 6 games.

SvennoJ said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

The voting period is now over.  This year was a close race between 3 SNES games, but in the end Super Metroid was the winner and the runner up was Final Fantasy VI.  

I gotta say that I was reluctant to put 4 SNES games into the poll.  That seemed like a lot of slots to devote to one platform, but after seeing the voting results that was obviously the right choice.  The four top rankings went to the four SNES games.  Even Earthbound, a distant 4th place, ended up above every other game and the "Other" category too.  The SNES really owned 1994, and without any Mario or Zelda game either.

EDIT:  As of me posting this, the 4 SNES games have 78% of the poll's votes.

Has the split between console and PC ever been this one sided before?
I see 84% went to console only games (at release) (not counting other) and it certainly wasn't a weak year for PC releases.
The SNES really hit top popularity in 1994, even though at that time I didn't even know a single person with a SNES. (Just wasn't popular where I lived in Europe)

Yeah, there have been several other years where computer/PC games didn't get a lot of votes.  It really has to do with how strong the console games are that year, although I think 1993 was a particularly strong year for PC games with both Doom and Myst.

One thing you have to realize is that a lot of forum users are younger than you or I.  That means the 90's was actually ahead of their time, but they might go back and try some games on the Virtual Console or SNES classic or whatever.  The games they are most likely to play are earlier versions of series they love, especially Mario and Zelda.  Final Fantasy 4 and 6 have also done fairly well in the polls, so Playstation fans may be throwing votes at these games which were actually before their time. 

PC games tend not to have long running series like these.  Adventure games aren't popular anymore, and really they don't make RTS games anymore either.  Maybe Diablo will get some votes, because it's still going.  Who knows?  Younger gamers don't go back and visit earlier PC games like they do for console games.  And once we get out of the 90's the popularity of PC games will start to wane.

History is written by the winners, and in gaming that means Nintendo and Playstation.  PC games did well in the polls against Genesis games, because Sega hasn't won in the long run.  But the PC has basically lost too.  It's best years were in the 90's.  It's not the platform that it used to be.  When I was going through the 80's some very popular Arcade and Atari games were overlooked for Nintendo games of that era.  The Arcade and Atari have lost.  That's why they didn't get votes.  Younger gamers view gaming history through the lens of Nintendo and Playstation instead of the other platforms.

The_Liquid_Laser said:
SvennoJ said:

Has the split between console and PC ever been this one sided before?
I see 84% went to console only games (at release) (not counting other) and it certainly wasn't a weak year for PC releases.
The SNES really hit top popularity in 1994, even though at that time I didn't even know a single person with a SNES. (Just wasn't popular where I lived in Europe)

Yeah, there have been several other years where computer/PC games didn't get a lot of votes.  It really has to do with how strong the console games are that year, although I think 1993 was a particularly strong year for PC games with both Doom and Myst.

One thing you have to realize is that a lot of forum users are younger than you or I.  That means the 90's was actually ahead of their time, but they might go back and try some games on the Virtual Console or SNES classic or whatever.  The games they are most likely to play are earlier versions of series they love, especially Mario and Zelda.  Final Fantasy 4 and 6 have also done fairly well in the polls, so Playstation fans may be throwing votes at these games which were actually before their time. 

PC games tend not to have long running series like these.  Adventure games aren't popular anymore, and really they don't make RTS games anymore either.  Maybe Diablo will get some votes, because it's still going.  Who knows?  Younger gamers don't go back and visit earlier PC games like they do for console games.  And once we get out of the 90's the popularity of PC games will start to wane.

History is written by the winners, and in gaming that means Nintendo and Playstation.  PC games did well in the polls against Genesis games, because Sega hasn't won in the long run.  But the PC has basically lost too.  It's best years were in the 90's.  It's not the platform that it used to be.  When I was going through the 80's some very popular Arcade and Atari games were overlooked for Nintendo games of that era.  The Arcade and Atari have lost.  That's why they didn't get votes.  Younger gamers view gaming history through the lens of Nintendo and Playstation instead of the other platforms.

I always considered that many Home/Personal Computer IPs were forerunners of what's to come - a lot, if not most, of what we're playing today has roots in some computer IP whose ideas got noticed by other developers who went on to tweak them for a mainstream audience on consoles...or more recently PCs as well. And given that home/personal computers were always at least 2-3x more expensive than consoles, it is given that market was smaller, hence usually game production budgets were significantly lower than on consoles.

But indeed, the 90s saw PC boom, and PC game budgets started to rise - there were new genres that simply didn't work well on consoles and people were noticing that and getting interested in getting PCs. I'd say 90s and early 00s are peek of PC games. Ultimately, we all know how that ended, most publishers decided to switch to consoles due to bigger profits (piracy was really rampant back in those days). Then eventually Steam saved the day.

So yes, most of the old PC IPs are either dead or dormant. Those that are alive and kicking are mostly the ones that made the transition to consoles at the right time (fun fact, how many CoD players know that it started as a PC exclusive). And yeah, a lot of younger folks know very little about gaming history in general, apart from maybe IPs that directly interest them, but, that's really how we all work, more or less. The more instances where dormant IPs get to live again, the more interest in those older games there will be (like with BG3 lately). I did manage to hammer into my kids, to a various degree, interest in older games, so they can both enjoy a lot of the great ones from the past and have better perspective on new games.

But I think, eventually, PC actually won, since consoles really became PCs in the box, so, porting games between systems became quite easy, so these days pretty much everything is everywhere (bar Nintendo, but Switch emulators are astonishingly good). I'd say that's one of the reasons why we're seeing some of the bigger "PC first" developers doing really well since 8th gen and their IPs becoming universally known and liked.

A tight year for me.
#1 Final Fantasy 6
#2 Earthbound
#3 Donkey Kong Country

Last edited by Jumpin - on 10 October 2023

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.