killer7 said:
I never said other fanboys are without guilt! Damn whoever is without sin throw the first stone!! Of course there where also things from Nintendo or Xbox Fans for example back in 2007 there where people claiming that when Halo 3 comes out Wii will stop catching the 360 and it will remain superior in sales. Also some redicolous WiiU predictions made me smile. It was so clear the damn things gonna flop, i remember everyday some days before launch more bad news poped up. Ok it was more powerfull than the PS3 and the Xbox 360 but the fact its processor was weaker caused such an enormous outrage. It seemed like Nintendo wanted to provoke their fans with that thing. They did exactly the opposite what they wanted: Weak, bad games, bad marketing... You needed to be a huge Nintendofanboy to like that thing or a collector like me. You see, i charge every system. If the Switch 2 was only just an Xbox one in handheld mode, no fucking way i would excuse that. I won't excuse the next Xbox because it will be 100% digital only and if the PS6 follows it will be the same for Sony, even with 100TF!! Of course the same goes for a potential Switch 3 as well! This is one reason i don't play PC and would never game on a smartphone. "Cruise past 160 million i would not say. I upped my LTD prediction from 155 million+ to 157 million+ miminum for march 2027 but if that FY is remotey close to average i might change it to 160 million+. |
I mean you're just constantly complaining and taking jabs at Sony/Playstation and its fans and I didn't notice you doing anything remotely similar against other fanbases or active Playstation haters, let alone weirdos from the past lol. You seem very invested in the whole Nintendo vs Sony thing. You couldn't even acknowledge that prices and pricedrops matter (because it makes the expensive PS5 look good), you may as well give Nintendo a call and inform them that they would be 100% fine with an $600 Switch 2 and that it won't need any pricedrops.
Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Valve are each doing what works for them. Nintendo are self-sufficient kings. Microsoft is still trying to find its new place and will settle soon enough, they are comfortably the biggest console/PC publisher (only rivaled indirectly by Tencent when mobile gaming is accounted for), they got the best gaming rental service, and it won't matter that their next Xbox is reduced to a small console because it's a tiny part of their new ecosystem.
But of course anything can happen and the unexpected is guaranteed. Phil Spencer could get replaced with someone who wants to make Xbox hardware/platform relevant again. Sony might pull a PS3 and make the worst decisions imaginable. Nintendo may be forced to launch an expensive Switch 2 because Nvidia is being a bitch again. A price-dropped Switch 1 with decent crossgen support could hurt an expensive Switch's 2 early years. The possibilities are endless, but provided nothing crazy happens, all major players should be fine.
Edit: The biggest gaming entity could still be Tencent even when mobile gaming isn't considered. It's difficult to make comparisons when everyone is doing their own thing.
Last edited by Kyuu - on 16 February 2025