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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS5 ships 75M by 31.12.2024. LT sales expectations?


Lifetime sales expectations?

Under 100M 4 4.12%
100-115M 37 38.14%
115-130M 45 46.39%
130M+ 11 11.34%
killer7 said:
Kyuu said:

Oh yes, Layden who was no longer working for Sony just woke up and randomly remembered he was butthurt about GBA's shipments a decade after PSP's production ended, and decided to lie through his teeth to ease the eternal pain.

Perhaps instead of remembering and exaggerating things some fanboys said a century ago, you should worry about your own current behaviour. Funny how you keep singling out Playstation fanboys as if the other fanboys are innocent and never once made laughable claims, silly predictions, and hateful comments when they still do it today on a daily basis even here on VGChartz.

Yes, the PS5 isn't catching up to Switch's numbers. Who the fuck claimed otherwise? Such a random thing to say. You seem to have a weird grudge.

I never said other fanboys are without guilt! Damn whoever is without sin throw the first stone!! Of course there where also things from Nintendo or Xbox Fans for example back in 2007 there where people claiming that when Halo 3 comes out Wii will stop catching the 360 and it will remain superior in sales. Also some redicolous WiiU predictions made me smile. It was so clear the damn things gonna flop, i remember everyday some days before launch more bad news poped up. Ok it was more powerfull than the PS3 and the Xbox 360 but the fact its processor was weaker caused such an enormous outrage. It seemed like Nintendo wanted to provoke their fans with that thing. They did exactly the opposite what they wanted: Weak, bad games, bad marketing... You needed to be a huge Nintendofanboy to like that thing or a collector like me. You see, i charge every system. If the Switch 2 was only just an Xbox one in handheld mode, no fucking way i would excuse that. I won't excuse the next Xbox because it will be 100% digital only and if the PS6 follows it will be the same for Sony, even with 100TF!! Of course the same goes for a potential Switch 3 as well! This is one reason i don't play PC and would never game on a smartphone.


"Cruise past 160 million i would not say. I upped my LTD prediction from 155 million+ to 157 million+ miminum for march 2027 but if that FY is remotey close to average i might change it to 160 million+.

I mean you're just constantly complaining and taking jabs at Sony/Playstation and its fans and I didn't notice you doing anything remotely similar against other fanbases or active Playstation haters, let alone weirdos from the past lol. You seem very invested in the whole Nintendo vs Sony thing. You couldn't even acknowledge that prices and pricedrops matter (because it makes the expensive PS5 look good), you may as well give Nintendo a call and inform them that they would be 100% fine with an $600 Switch 2 and that it won't need any pricedrops.

Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Valve are each doing what works for them. Nintendo are self-sufficient kings. Microsoft is still trying to find its new place and will settle soon enough, they are comfortably the biggest console/PC publisher (only rivaled indirectly by Tencent when mobile gaming is accounted for), they got the best gaming rental service, and it won't matter that their next Xbox is reduced to a small console because it's a tiny part of their new ecosystem.

But of course anything can happen and the unexpected is guaranteed. Phil Spencer could get replaced with someone who wants to make Xbox hardware/platform relevant again. Sony might pull a PS3 and make the worst decisions imaginable. Nintendo may be forced to launch an expensive Switch 2 because Nvidia is being a bitch again. A price-dropped Switch 1 with decent crossgen support could hurt an expensive Switch's 2 early years. The possibilities are endless, but provided nothing crazy happens, all major players should be fine.

Edit: The biggest gaming entity could still be Tencent even when mobile gaming isn't considered. It's difficult to make comparisons when everyone is doing their own thing.

Last edited by Kyuu - on 16 February 2025

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killer7 said:

I really think we should be carefull with charging early: Remember when PS3 was supposed to be Nr.1 in 2005? Wii beat it, the 360 tied it! Remember the "walkman of the 21. century"? Laydon even had to print a fantasy number on his personal PSP to make it seem that production units where a million higher than GBAs shipments(😂) What about january 2011 when Nintendo Got Powned (NGP)? 18 million (and thats a redicolously high balled number from me here) units where faaar too less to do something like "pown" 75,94 million 3DS systems. The PS5 will never catch the Switch's LTD that should be clear. And now people are seriously crowning the PS6 before even seeing it? Come on!

Nothing of what you said has anything to do with the PS6 being a successful or not.


Kyuu said:
killer7 said:

I never said other fanboys are without guilt! Damn whoever is without sin throw the first stone!! Of course there where also things from Nintendo or Xbox Fans for example back in 2007 there where people claiming that when Halo 3 comes out Wii will stop catching the 360 and it will remain superior in sales. Also some redicolous WiiU predictions made me smile. It was so clear the damn things gonna flop, i remember everyday some days before launch more bad news poped up. Ok it was more powerfull than the PS3 and the Xbox 360 but the fact its processor was weaker caused such an enormous outrage. It seemed like Nintendo wanted to provoke their fans with that thing. They did exactly the opposite what they wanted: Weak, bad games, bad marketing... You needed to be a huge Nintendofanboy to like that thing or a collector like me. You see, i charge every system. If the Switch 2 was only just an Xbox one in handheld mode, no fucking way i would excuse that. I won't excuse the next Xbox because it will be 100% digital only and if the PS6 follows it will be the same for Sony, even with 100TF!! Of course the same goes for a potential Switch 3 as well! This is one reason i don't play PC and would never game on a smartphone.


"Cruise past 160 million i would not say. I upped my LTD prediction from 155 million+ to 157 million+ miminum for march 2027 but if that FY is remotey close to average i might change it to 160 million+.

I mean you're just constantly complaining and taking jabs at Sony/Playstation and its fans and I didn't notice you doing anything remotely similar against other fanbases or active Playstation haters, let alone weirdos from the past lol. You seem very invested in the whole Nintendo vs Sony thing. You couldn't even acknowledge that prices and pricedrops matter (because it makes the expensive PS5 look good), you may as well give Nintendo a call and inform them that they would be 100% fine with an $600 Switch 2 and that it won't need any pricedrops.

Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Valve are each doing what works for them. Nintendo are self-sufficient kings. Microsoft is still trying to find its new place and will settle soon enough, they are comfortably the biggest console/PC publisher (only rivaled indirectly by Tencent when mobile gaming is accounted for), they got the best gaming rental service, and it won't matter that their next Xbox is reduced to a small console because it's a tiny part of their new ecosystem.

But of course anything can happen and the unexpected is guaranteed. Phil Spencer could get replaced with someone who wants to make Xbox hardware/platform relevant again. Sony might pull a PS3 and make the worst decisions imaginable. Nintendo may be forced to launch an expensive Switch 2 because Nvidia is being a bitch again. A price-dropped Switch 1 with decent crossgen support could hurt an expensive Switch's 2 early years. The possibilities are endless, but provided nothing crazy happens, all major players should be fine.

Edit: The biggest gaming entity could still be Tencent even when mobile gaming isn't considered. It's difficult to make comparisons when everyone is doing their own thing.

I agree with everything you say. If you read my posts i charge every gaming system by what it is not by its publisher. Like i said the WiiU was dead from the day it was unveiled. A simple provokation against its most loyal fans! I never understood the critics in the Gamecube because it had everything going for it: More powerfull than PS2, a good libary of games, Resident Evil exclusive (despite the betray of Part 4), MK and the tipical games... yet people hated it. The old Xbox was the most powerfull one but it was too expensive for that time. Talking about that, yes price drops might help a bit but not in a way that places in a generation would be changed. If so, the Gamecube should have been the absolute Nr.1 in gen 6 but we know how it ended. There where enough talks in gen 7 how PS3 would rush over the Wii when it gets cut in price. In europe it got as low as 189€, yet it did not pass the Wii WW. Yes price cuts can help keeping a decline more stable but it won't make your consoles sales skyrocket. A 99€ Gamecube (PS2/Xbox 299€) did not set the world on fire as well as a 99€ Street PSP (DS 149€). You see i do critizise other companies as well. One of the companies i critizise the most are EA because they release the same game with basically no changes (expect a next gen arrives) every year. I am talking about Football FC (former Fifa). In europe its some sort of pandemic, also Fartnite (no matter wich plattform).


If PS5 does more than 130m I will be absolutely shocked. I can't see a "No lighting in bottle" buff consoles selling past 130.

RedKingXIII said:
killer7 said:

I really think we should be carefull with charging early: Remember when PS3 was supposed to be Nr.1 in 2005? Wii beat it, the 360 tied it! Remember the "walkman of the 21. century"? Laydon even had to print a fantasy number on his personal PSP to make it seem that production units where a million higher than GBAs shipments(😂) What about january 2011 when Nintendo Got Powned (NGP)? 18 million (and thats a redicolously high balled number from me here) units where faaar too less to do something like "pown" 75,94 million 3DS systems. The PS5 will never catch the Switch's LTD that should be clear. And now people are seriously crowning the PS6 before even seeing it? Come on!

Nothing of what you said has anything to do with the PS6 being a successful or not.

The PS6' sucess depends on so many things. First of all its hardware. Will it be a revolutionary console technological or will it be a smaller leap to its predecessor like gen 8 was to gen 7? How will be Switch 2s marketposition? Will Xbox have a new president that makes it great again (chances are low but you never know). The price is not so important today. PS diehards and collectors like me would also pay 1000€/$. But we know it won't be that expensive. Will it be a console or will it be a hybrid. The latter basically guarantees it to be 100% digital. Will it have a DD? If no you can loose a tiny part of the PS fanbase but like we saw, 70%+ are already on the digital train right now. I guess it will be 80%+ when PS6 hits in 2027. Its questionable if it makes sense upping an already high price for a part (disc drive) only ~20% or even less want. Yes you could argue selling it seperatly but if you include the technology for it, make retail games (package, shipment, taxes, less revenue...) does it pay off? How would the rest of the ~80%+ PS6 buyers react when they learn they need to pay extra money for something they don't use, especially since Sony discontinued BD production, they have to buy their discs from someone else. Discontinuing the format your games are saved on is not the way to convince your fans that physical is something you can rely on. This again would influence game prices wich already suffer from inflation. Are you ready to pay european SNES/N64 prices (100€+) for a PS6 game only because its physical? It won't be cheaper digital because Sony could cause an outrage from physical buyers and complains they would prioritize digital and want to make physical more unatractive than they made it already. I personally think they go the easy route by just make it clear and simple so no one feels fooled: Want to stay physical? PS5(Pro) will still have physical for the next years. You want PS6? You need to go with the times...

Last edited by killer7 - on 17 February 2025

Around the Network
killer7 said:
Kyuu said:

I mean you're just constantly complaining and taking jabs at Sony/Playstation and its fans and I didn't notice you doing anything remotely similar against other fanbases or active Playstation haters, let alone weirdos from the past lol. You seem very invested in the whole Nintendo vs Sony thing. You couldn't even acknowledge that prices and pricedrops matter (because it makes the expensive PS5 look good), you may as well give Nintendo a call and inform them that they would be 100% fine with an $600 Switch 2 and that it won't need any pricedrops.

Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Valve are each doing what works for them. Nintendo are self-sufficient kings. Microsoft is still trying to find its new place and will settle soon enough, they are comfortably the biggest console/PC publisher (only rivaled indirectly by Tencent when mobile gaming is accounted for), they got the best gaming rental service, and it won't matter that their next Xbox is reduced to a small console because it's a tiny part of their new ecosystem.

But of course anything can happen and the unexpected is guaranteed. Phil Spencer could get replaced with someone who wants to make Xbox hardware/platform relevant again. Sony might pull a PS3 and make the worst decisions imaginable. Nintendo may be forced to launch an expensive Switch 2 because Nvidia is being a bitch again. A price-dropped Switch 1 with decent crossgen support could hurt an expensive Switch's 2 early years. The possibilities are endless, but provided nothing crazy happens, all major players should be fine.

Edit: The biggest gaming entity could still be Tencent even when mobile gaming isn't considered. It's difficult to make comparisons when everyone is doing their own thing.

I agree with everything you say. If you read my posts i charge every gaming system by what it is not by its publisher. Like i said the WiiU was dead from the day it was unveiled. A simple provokation against its most loyal fans! I never understood the critics in the Gamecube because it had everything going for it: More powerfull than PS2, a good libary of games, Resident Evil exclusive (despite the betray of Part 4), MK and the tipical games... yet people hated it. The old Xbox was the most powerfull one but it was too expensive for that time. Talking about that, yes price drops might help a bit but not in a way that places in a generation would be changed. If so, the Gamecube should have been the absolute Nr.1 in gen 6 but we know how it ended. There where enough talks in gen 7 how PS3 would rush over the Wii when it gets cut in price. In europe it got as low as 189€, yet it did not pass the Wii WW. Yes price cuts can help keeping a decline more stable but it won't make your consoles sales skyrocket. A 99€ Gamecube (PS2/Xbox 299€) did not set the world on fire as well as a 99€ Street PSP (DS 149€). You see i do critizise other companies as well. One of the companies i critizise the most are EA because they release the same game with basically no changes (expect a next gen arrives) every year. I am talking about Football FC (former Fifa). In europe its some sort of pandemic, also Fartnite (no matter wich plattform).

As with pretty much everything in "life" and not just gaming, it's never about a single factor. And this takes us back to when I asked why you thought a 2028 launch would be suicidal for PS6. Dreamcast launched with a 16 month headstart against the PS2, it had great graphics for its time and a strong library of games and yet the PS2 buried it and ended Sega's hardware business. Headstart/timing (like pricing, exclusives, 3rd party support, services, specs and features, form factor, marketing, and brand power) is important... but it's just one factor in a complex equation. So by itself, a headstart doesn't tell us anything. The same goes for "pricing", but PS5 is a confirmed sales monster, so we already know that most factors are fulfilled and only price and exclusives (relative to past generations) are holding it back. You can make the price argument for the Switch as well, it is available at a very cheap $200, but the more popular version still has room for effective pricecuts even 8 years after launch.

I can see why you think it's "risky" to launch the PS6 in 2028. Sony itself might freak out and rush the PS6 to contain any potential threat. But unless Microsoft reverses everything they've been saying and doing for a while, a 2026 Xbox launch shouldn't really be a threat, let alone kill a 2028 PS6. Playstation and Xbox are no longer comparable. If Sony doesn't mind letting Nintendo have a 2, 3 or 4 year "headstart", they shouldn't worry about Xbox having a 1-2 year headstart either. Something dramatic has to happen for Xbox to truly be a threat. Microsoft doesn't seem interested in competing with Sony anymore. They're more interested in using Playstation's popularity to maximize software sales, and this is becoming clearer on the daily.

Last edited by Kyuu - on 17 February 2025

I think the delay of PS6 is likely due to the fact we need to wait more time to have some significant ugprade in tecnologgy to justify a purchase of a new console

I honestly think it should be 2029, but 2029 is too late and the sales would be too dead to justify a 2029 release, so 2028 it is

As for Lifetime sales, at the start of the new generation I thought PS5 would be smaller than PS4 because of rise of PC, but the cost of GPUs became pretty insane. An equivalent to PS5 Pro like a RTX 4070 is costing 650 USD+

I think outselling is PS4 is 90% certainly if they release PS5 in 2028, and 50% certain if they release in 2027

Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 17 February 2025

Scary to even speculate about how expensive the PS6 will be, but Sony will take away from PS5 generation that they now have such a big brand that they can just put the price as high as possible and people will still just rush to buy it, they don't need to care about an affordable price point like Nintendo.

killer7 said:
RedKingXIII said:

Nothing of what you said has anything to do with the PS6 being a successful or not.

The PS6' sucess depends on so many things. First of all its hardware. Will it be a revolutionary console technological or will it be a smaller leap to its predecessor like gen 8 was to gen 7? How will be Switch 2s marketposition? Will Xbox have a new president that makes it great again (chances are low but you never know). The price is not so important today. PS diehards and collectors like me would also pay 1000€/$. But we know it won't be that expensive. Will it be a console or will it be a hybrid. The latter basically guarantees it to be 100% digital. Will it have a DD? If no you can loose a tiny part of the PS fanbase but like we saw, 70%+ are already on the digital train right now. I guess it will be 80%+ when PS6 hits in 2027. Its questionable if it makes sense upping an already high price for a part (disc drive) only ~20% or even less want. Yes you could argue selling it seperatly but if you include the technology for it, make retail games (package, shipment, taxes, less revenue...) does it pay off? How would the rest of the ~80%+ PS6 buyers react when they learn they need to pay extra money for something they don't use, especially since Sony discontinued BD production, they have to buy their discs from someone else. Discontinuing the format your games are saved on is not the way to convince your fans that physical is something you can rely on. This again would influence game prices wich already suffer from inflation. Are you ready to pay european SNES/N64 prices (100€+) for a PS6 game only because its physical? It won't be cheaper digital because Sony could cause an outrage from physical buyers and complains they would prioritize digital and want to make physical more unatractive than they made it already. I personally think they go the easy route by just make it clear and simple so no one feels fooled: Want to stay physical? PS5(Pro) will still have physical for the next years. You want PS6? You need to go with the times...

Yeah, now you're making more sense, because bringing up their past failures to downplay a console that we know nothing about is... lol.

To respond your points, Sony not ending all Blu-ray production, only rewrittable ones, so that has nothing to do with games, movies or the PS6 having a disc drive or not.

And I do believe the PS6 will still play physical games, but it's probably going to be the last PlayStation that can do it. With how big digital is becoming even if the PS6 is digital only I don't think it's going to matter much.

Me personally I'll just stop buying PS consoles once they become digital only and I'm going to build a PC. But that's just me.


I have a pretty big PS4 library, so my PS5 is not only to play PS5 games but PS4 games as well. I will delay my PS6 purchase as much as possible. There is no Sony exclusives I can think it's an instant buy for me, I only want to play their single player games and I can honestly wait for a few years to play them

But having ability to play old library is one reason to purchase. I think PS6 will be able to run your PS4 library too, even if it's just emulation. If this is the case I can replace my PS5 for a PS6 granted they don't sell it for any crazy prices