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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Diablo IV open beta thoughts

TruckOSaurus said:
mjk45 said:

Totally agree about the limited character creation lets hope that it's improved by launch also agree about the dungeons it was almost like instead of creating new dungeons they said lets take bits and pieces of diablo 3 and put them into diablo IV .

I don't play many games with character customization options so I was actually impressed by that feature (plus my shirtless rogue was HOT)! I don't think I would want body type options for the customization because a skinny barbarian would feel really weird or a thick sorceress. 

As a 40kg/200cm or for those with barbaric (pun intended) weight and measure systems  88 pound - 6ft 7" barbarian, I'm appalled by your comment especially coming from a rogue who thinks being shirtless in the middle of winter makes him look tough and cool when in fact what the enemy is looking at is a creature seemingly made up of thousands of bright orange glowing goosebumps, but believing the goosebumps to be sores and not knowing the glow is emanating from all that cheap fake tan they assume that the poor sod was cursed by Lilith with the worst plague ever dredged up from the pits of hell so leave him well alone but sadly this only makes Trucks the randy rogue think that he has dazzled them with his brilliance.😁

Last edited by mjk45 - on 28 March 2023

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A handful of glitches due to always online requirement, but nothing too bad. I also did not have any waiting times or issues logging in.

The game feels one step in the direction of Diablo 2 and away from Diablo 3. But in some aspects its also gone perhaps more in the D3 direction.

Atmosphere, art style, story, sound, gameplay, cinematic cutscenes all positives for me. I also find the characters to be just about memorable (not on the level of D2 though).

The area design can sometimes come across as generic especially when you not in a proper dungeon or progressing the story. I find that the mobs may as well all be the same, as you very rarely have to adapt to a situation created by specific mob types etc. In D2 you will remember that you need to kill the shaman leader first otherwise the minions just keep spawning, etc. The only time I actually had to even remotely think about my character/build or the enemy was when I hit the final beta boss.

A major issue I have is the level scaling of mobs, which many people have raised. This leads to an underwhelming leveling experience, as you never really feel like your skills are progressing as they should. Rather you find that you waiting for a better item to drop to have meaningful growth. I'm super keen to see how this will play out...I hope it wont kill the game though.

Some of the MMO type aspects of the game I actually really liked, like the seamingly random events in the open areas, where sometimes you can team up with randoms to complete an objective. These can be quite intense!

Overall I really enjoyed it and considering I played this on PS5 (sadly) thats saying something!

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Shinobi-san said:

A major issue I have is the level scaling of mobs, which many people have raised. This leads to an underwhelming leveling experience, as you never really feel like your skills are progressing as they should. Rather you find that you waiting for a better item to drop to have meaningful growth. I'm super keen to see how this will play out...I hope it wont kill the game though.

I never really considered this until later, the more I played more I was hoping for a decent drop or was considering I needed to change my setup to keep up with the mobs. I didn't realise this was more common problem, if it's been raised by more people sure they will do something.

Adding to the thread, for Beta feedback, I recorded 2 short videos and submitted links to them where there were essentially blocked paths on the procedually generated maps but it shouldn't have been blocked plus one time where the maps backgrounds obscured my view.

Hmm, pie.