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Leynos said:

LMAO, yeah, that's why normal people will never respect this hobby, and the youngsters are playing Fortnite and bailing out. Truly the comic books of digital entertainment. 

(Don't get me wrong, though, it's fine to enjoy the game as long as you aren't being the cream of the garbage slurry online like LTL).

Last edited by haxxiy - on 30 March 2024






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haxxiy said:
Leynos said:

LMAO, yeah, that's why normal people will never respect this hobby, and the youngsters are playing Fortnite and bailing out. Truly the comic books of digital entertainment. 

(Don't get me wrong, though, it's fine to enjoy the game as long as you aren't being the cream of the garbage slurry online like LTL).

You should just take the L and move on.  It's one thing to make an argument about the design, but the "haven't seen a women before" angle is so stupid.  Skinny women with big boobs aren't extinct.

But anyway, there's something I don't understand... it's an imaginary world with imaginary things. Creators can do whatever they want. They could have made a snake-woman or anything else, what's the problem? They can do what they want.

coolbeans said:

You should just take the L and move on.  It's one thing to make an argument about the design, but the "haven't seen a women before" angle is so stupid.  Skinny women with big boobs aren't extinct.

Didn't you already derail the Xbox thread with that sort of stuff and were already called out by the mods for doing it?

And now you think the ad hominem of a far-right Twitter ragebait makes for a good argument. What a great writer you must be.






haxxiy said:
coolbeans said:

You should just take the L and move on.  It's one thing to make an argument about the design, but the "haven't seen a women before" angle is so stupid.  Skinny women with big boobs aren't extinct.

Didn't you already derail the Xbox thread with that sort of stuff and were already called out by the mods for doing it?

And now you think the ad hominem of a far-right Twitter ragebait makes for a good argument. What a great writer you must be.

You're just burying yourself with more confusing points.  

1.)  I don't see how/when I "derailed" the Xbox thread about this topic or any other.  If you're talking about recently, I just gave my takes to a political discussion that was already ongoing.  I said what I felt was necessary and let others have the final say.

2.)  Bro, are you following the set of events here?  The 1st ad hom in that pic is IGN France saying "she's a doll sexualized by someone who has never seen a woman."  While your OG point isn't insulting, you still mirror this unfounded sentiment as though Stellar Blade's character model is flagrantly unrealistic.  You're fine to disagree with the intention or whatever else about her.  Just drop this cringe insinuation that whomever made this character model doesn't know what a woman looks like.  That's simply not true.

I was just trying to be helpful too.

Last edited by coolbeans - on 30 March 2024

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Stellar Blade has my interest but I just cant have enough reason to buy it day 1 or pay full price for it.

1. Its a new IP

2. Its from a developer that I'm not familiar with

Are the main reasons so I'll get it sometime down the line in the future.

Gonna check out the reviews, hopefully the game is great in the end and sells well.

-Adonis- said:

But anyway, there's something I don't understand... it's an imaginary world with imaginary things. Creators can do whatever they want. They could have made a snake-woman or anything else, what's the problem? They can do what they want.

It's fake outrage culture. People will go after a Dragon's Crown or Nier Automata or Stellar Blade with broad-stroke rage glasses. Then be fine with Balders Gate III nude sexy elf man, TLOU mocap fuck. Nudity in Cyperunk 2077. God of War franchise treatment of Women. (esp a part in 3) Double standards and fake outrage merchants with plenty of idiot buyers. Reshitera is an outage merchant full of customers. But they think a lady with a big butt is the worst thing to happen to the planet.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
-Adonis- said:

But anyway, there's something I don't understand... it's an imaginary world with imaginary things. Creators can do whatever they want. They could have made a snake-woman or anything else, what's the problem? They can do what they want.

It's fake outrage culture. People will go after a Dragon's Crown or Nier Automata or Stellar Blade with broad-stroke rage glasses. Then be fine with Balders Gate III nude sexy elf man, TLOU mocap fuck. Nudity in Cyperunk 2077. God of War franchise treatment of Women. (esp a part in 3) Double standards and fake outrage merchants with plenty of idiot buyers. Reshitera is an outage merchant full of customers. But they think a lady with a big butt is the worst thing to happen to the planet.

That's sad.

Ended up getting access to Helldivers 2 and Rebirth recently.

I decided to finally start FF7 Remake a few weeks ago, so I could tackle Rebirth right after, but I downloaded Helldivers 2 today and got a few matches in. I can see what all the hype is about. The moment to moment gameplay lends itself well to so many cinematic moments.

I love how chaotic the matches can get, how easy it is to get overwhelmed in seconds, the satisfaction of the shooting, calling in stratagems, and the weight of your weapons/characters, combined with over the top satire. There's nothing like it in the market. 

You will see that Rebirth is totally superior to Remake