lmao.... i edited this one out. Y'all take care.
Last edited by shavenferret - on 14 February 2025lmao.... i edited this one out. Y'all take care.
Last edited by shavenferret - on 14 February 2025I also realized that Elon Musk with his nazi salute was incredibly ignorant. As an aspie, he would have been sent to the camps even before the jews were, and would have never had a chance to realize his brilliance if he was a young boy living in Germany. As an adult that was quite successful he'd be free of the camps of course, but it still shows how he just doesn't get it.
I'm not sure if it was Ryuu or someone else who said something similar.
But I think it would have gone a long way, if he just said "that was not my intention. Nazis are bad".
As a Canadian resident, I don’t have much say. But I have an opinion:
Canada + the US? It’s not such a bad idea… IF you kick out the MAGA Murican Confederacy states and neutral Kentucky. Canadian provinces joining up with New England, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Cascadia, California, Nevada, New Mexico. Would love to be part of all that. Then the Confederacy can tariff all they want, we can put reverse tariffs on them - if they want to export to the confederacy, there’s a tax.
I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.
Jumpin said: As a Canadian resident, I don’t have much say. But I have an opinion: |
I'm reminded of this classic:
And honestly, take Indiana and Ohio while you're at it for the pretty borders along the Ohio River valley, they were legitimate parts of French Canada once. Then do some population exchange with Colorado and New Mexico.
Films to understand the weird direction the US is taking, posted below.
It's basically dumbing down of the US, and then wealthy manipulative people taking control of the dummies. That said, there are a lot of good people in the US, a large number. People who could effect positive change, and take back control of Democracy from the billionaire fuckers. But is there enough of them in 2025? Or has the tipping point happened? It seems the majority of the population of the US "believe" in the very leaders that fuck them over the same way they believe in "the flag" or the same way they believe in "Jesus" - faith without question and anti-intellectualism, drilled into them from childhood.
I'm going to drop a few F-bombs,
You have the fuckees getting fucked over. They'll see they're getting fucked over, and whine and whine about it. The problem is, rather than blaming the actual fuckers, they follow them with cult-like support - either they lie to themselves to avoid admitting their earlier foolishness or they're actually too fucking stupid to see whose fucking them in the ass - even when they're right in front of them. Instead blaming the fuckers, they'll follow the word of the fuckers that it is some other group of fuckees fucking them over - usually the voiceless and vulnerable. And the fuckees, like a bunch of cucks, chant the slogans, repeat the memes, and wear the stupid hats of the very people that are going to fuck them over even more - it's like going to work, finding out you have a new manager, celebrating the very guy loudly who is going to fire you and half the staff - or a Jewish person celebrating the Nazi party in 28-35 (they existed) - MAGA is buying drinks for and toasting the guy who, later that evening, is going to fuck their wife.
Is it that they're so prideful that rather than calling out the fuckers for fucking their wife, they're going to keep toasting them and pretending it isn't happening? Or is it that they're indeed so dumb that they don't understand the guy is fucking their wife when they see it? Or are they literally just refusing to look in the direction of their moaning wife to see who is fucking her? In other, cleaner and non-metaphorical words: Is it because they're fools? Is it because they're stupid? Or is it because of profound ignorance? The result is the same, it leads to insane levels of naivety and credulity toward these billionaire fuckers.
I can't say I don't give two fucks about the US politics when I just gave 17.
Anyway, the films:
Don't Look Up (Adam Mckay) - unfortunately, this scene doesn't embed.
Vice (Adam Mckay)
The Big Short (Adam Mckay)
Idiocracy (Mike Judge)
I mean, Idiocracy is more of a comedy with the unanticipated effects of Darwinism across hundreds of years - but we're seeing the US collapsing into the Idiocracy now. It's more like the George Carlin effect in the US where a majority of the population seems to get stupider when they're put into groups - and then they start wearing funny hats and have slogans - some say Carlin was predicting MAGA, but the reality is he was talking about fascism from 55-70 years before that time. In Idiocracy, there is no master manipulator - everyone is stupid.
Last edited by Jumpin - on 15 February 2025I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.
Worth repeating this here
Donald Trump has opened the door and the billionaires have stepped out of the Shadows. They're no longer controlling politics from the back room they're out there in full view utterly Shameless, controlling politics from the front.
And the little you possess they're coming after that too.
I grew up on cyberpunk fiction of the 80s, and one of my favorite games of the past decade is Cyberpunk 2077. I’m seeing how the societies depicted in those works got their starts.
Then there’s Judge Dredd, a world depicting a literal police state born from an insane American president who attacked the entire world after telling his constituents that the world was living off of America’s back.
The way it's heading in the USA, "The Handmaid's Tale" is starting to get in the realm of possibilities...
It was already in 2018
That coward Peter Thiel is still hiding in the shadows but yeah, Elon Musk is the most blatant, he is everything the right screamed Soros was except Musk doesn't even try to hide it, Lol.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 February 2025