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Machiavellian said:
firebush03 said:

"What particular issue has he talked about that gave you the believe he actually understand even an inkling about the subject." Since when do politicians know what their talking about? Lol. Kamala talking about "price gauging" (it's called "price gouging") and Walz literally hesistating before naming a country in all his foreign affair comments ("We sympathize with those in....Gaza" bro doesn't even know what a "Gaza" is lol). If you wanna punch at Trump, I've got some ammunition: My favorite is when he talks about foreign nations "unloading their insane asylums" in the US. Bunch a politicians, and all they say are empty lines with little truth attached.

First, where did you hear Kamala saying price gauging instead of price gouging.  Just wondering where that comes.  Also are you saying you have never hesistated to recall something when asked a question before even if you know the subject.  Is that really the measuring stick you are using whether someone knows a topic or not. Either way, I did not asked you about either Kamala or Walz, I asked you about Trump.  All you did was just evade the question and your evasion left a lot to be desired at best.

Here’s that clip: Comes from (right-leaning source) Forbes.First heard abt it from my brother as he was going through Leftist Twitter.

“Also are you saying you have never hesistated to recall something when asked a question before even if you know the subject.” dishonest framing: Dude *forgot* the name of the group which is being *genocided*. If you are a person looking to fill the seat of VP, it’s not very reassuring when you often forget the name of the group of ppl being *ethnically cleansed*. Also, we’re not talking as the question is being asked, we’re talking about amidst his talking, his brain stutters, “Gaza”. And this isn’t a one-off, this has happened on many occasions. (iirc fella literally got Israel mixed up with Iran lol.) Not a good faith politician. Why are you fighting on his behalf?

” Either way, I did not asked you about either Kamala or Walz, I asked you about Trump.  All you did was just evade the question and your evasion left a lot to be desired at best.” im not responding to everything bud. chill out.

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RolStoppable said:
firebush03 said:

lol you can’t be serious. “only MSNBC seems to be worth watching” is literally the exact same as a Repub saying “only Fox seems worth watching”. The entire MSM is filled with liberals. They aren’t (seemingly) as harsh on Trump this election cycle b/c Trump is choosing to stay out of the spotlight. (Same thing Biden did in 2020.) Whenever Trump does come out, however, the media is quick to bite: An immediate example is the Harris-Trump debate with the fixation on his Springfield, OH comment.

“the much younger and more eloquent Harris” lol I love my politicians when they’re more eloquent. Yes, they are both old, but it’s not a double-standard: Biden is senile, Trump is not. The argument isn’t just Biden’s age, it’s his mental capacity. And libs can say all they want abt Trump’s mental capacity, he is leaps and bounds better than Biden was even in 2020.

Your first sentence reveals that you shouldn't talk about topics that you are clueless about. Your third sentence is plain stupid; Trump does everything to get into the spotlight, hence why his Truth Social posts consistently reek of desperation.

Just today I watched Jimmy Kimmel's Tuesday monologue where he made fun of Trump saying that a category 5 hurricane hitting land is unheard of; Kimmel showed that during Trump's presidency five category 5 hurricanes hit the USA and everytime Trump said the same thing. Trump is senile, but it gets excused by saying that Trump says tons of stupid things, so you can't tell if he's senile or not. But really, the question whether Trump is senile or not is very secondary when it's clear that he isn't and never was fit to be presiden of the United States.

“Your first sentence reveals that you shouldn't talk about topics that you are clueless about.” Every sentence that is accompanied with the name RolStoppable is filled with condescending assertions. (That’s part of the reason I love poking you: b/c I love trying to embarrass you. :) You’ve got such a big ego, it’s such an easy target!)

”Trump does everything to get into the spotlight” politics is just which side can brand themselves better. Trump sees his brand of republicanism, and he wants it to retain relevancy and power. It’s a winning strategy that the dems could take from…oh wait, they already did. Putin Price-Hike, the Trump Tax, etc. This labeling practice wasn’t nearly as common in US politics prior to Trump. :) What’s funny is that the Dems can’t pull it off quite like the repubs, as best seen with the “Let’s Go Brandon!” chant and “MAGA”.

“Just today I watched Jimmy Kimmel's Tuesday monologue where he made fun of Trump saying that a category 5 hurricane hitting land is unheard of; Kimmel showed that during Trump's presidency five category 5 hurricanes hit the USA and everytime Trump said the same thing.” What-about-ism. How bout we utilize the novel concept of bashing *both* Biden AND Trump (and literally any other US president) for failure to provide sufficient support during these natural disasters? Oh wait, you want this to be about Trump tho? Okay lol.

”But really, the question whether Trump is senile or not is very secondary when it's clear that he isn't and never was fit to be presiden of the United States.” Elaborate? What do you mean by “never was fit to be presiden of the United States”? How is Trump not fit? I thought this was a democracy? It’s not like Trump has posed a grave threat. (tho the DNC would love for you to think January 6 was a legitimate coup attempt…by a bunch of rednecks who voluntarily left after a few hours lmao. Keep in mind that you need the military on your side in order to get a coup done: This includes institutions such as the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, etc. I don’t think they were (nor are they) rallying behind Trump. There never was nor will ever be a legitimate threat from Donald Trump to our “democracy”.)

zorg1000 said:
firebush03 said:

"My point here is that dems have no leg to stand on for complaining about how "unfair" the media has been toward Harris b/c they aren't crushing Trump this cycle. Do you disagree with this point? If not, then there was no point in you responding in the first place.

I do disagree with that point. Harris is being held to such a higher standard than Trump that it’s not even funny.

Media-How will you make housing more affordable?

Harris-Expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to build 1.2 million affordable rental housing units.

Create a Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit to build or rehabilitate 400,000 owner-occupied homes in low income communities.

Tax incentives to builders making affordable homes for first time home buyers.

Invest $40 billion in the Local Innovation Fund for State/Local governments that ease regulations and restrictive zoning.

Urge Congress to pass the Preventing Algorithmic Facilitation of Housing Cartels Act and the Stop Predatory Investing Act to crackdown on landlords & investors abusing the system and making housing less affordable.

Up to $25,000 in down payment assistance for first time homebuyers who have paid their rent on time for the last two years.

Trump-We will have the biggest, most beautiful mass deportation ever!

Media-Harris needs to lay out her agenda

you’re mad Kamala isn’t “politicking” as good as Trump lol. Trump just says smth abt migrants, whereas Harris tries her best to a response which caters to all bases (Leftists & Nikki Haley Republicans…this should explain why she flounders so hard in interviews. It’s an incoherent mess trying to tie all these very distinct groups into one statement.)

Just watch the debate again: They get asked the same questions, though Harris doesn’t have an easy line to give like “migrants = bad”, so she ends up really struggling.

p.s. sorry yall for all the separate comments. VGChartz on mobile is not the easiest for multi-quote posts.


Are we seriously getting our panties in a bunch over a simple mispronunciation? She said gauging instead of gouging? Really? And that means she doesn't know what she is talking about? Because she used an A instead of an O in the word? Fuck me this is desperate. If you actually listened to her then you'd have known she knew what she was talking about when she further expands.

This is levels of reaching that Donald Trump himself would employ. Not even close to Trump responding with "Drill Baby Drill" in response to a question about bringing down the cost of housing, how Trump seemingly doesn't have a fucking clue about tariffs and how that will in fact hurt America (and I suppose he learnt nothing from his last trade war with China which ended with China winning).

It's nothing close to Trump straight up misgendering American politicians, announcing the completely wrong person coming on stage, mistaking peoples government positions and getting world leaders straight up wrong, like recently when he confused Iran's leader with North Korea's leader. All these mistakes made by Biden would and have got him slaughtered by the media but barely a peep with Trump.

How the heck do you jump to the conclusion that Tim Walz forgot the names of Palestinians because he said "We sympathise with those in Gaza". I've said "What's happening in Gaza is horrific" before, so I suppose that must mean I don't know the word Palestinian? Uh...No...Because Gaza is the name of the entire fucking region, or to be more specific, Gaza Strip, but most would just say Gaza.

What the actual heck is this line of criticism? Lmao. Is saying "What is happening in Ukraine is horrible" also not knowing who Ukrainians are? Forgetting the name of Ukrainians? Of course not...What the actual...Also if the quote is accurate "We sympathize with those in....Gaza" then I'm doubly lost because "We sympathize with those in Palestinian" does not make a lick of sense grammatically

firebush03 said:
Torillian said:

Do you think it's unreasonable the amount of focus the Springfield Ohio comment got? I would argue a fixation on it is understandable and honestly what media should be doing. 

As for Biden versus Trump, I've heard Biden say things that sound like he understands what he's talking about. I don't know if I've ever heard Trump do the same. I'd be interested to see a video where Trump actually sounds like he understands at all what he's talking about. 

When did I say it was unreasonable for the media to fixate on the Springfield comment? I don't have a personal stake in the race, I don't care what they talk about. (All I remember from that debate was when Trump said Tim Walz gave the "okay" for "executing babies post-birth" (lmao) and how the Haitian migrants were eating the dogs and cats. Trump' rhetoric is utterly unhinged, I don't blame the media for covering it.) All I'm saying is that it is objectively embarassing how the dems will complain about how the MSM holds this "double-standard" against Trump b/c they aren't wearing the softest punching gloves known-to-man when interviewing Harris, or b/c they aren't overly focused on Trump's blunders 24/7. Aren't y'all the party that's fighting for "democracy"?

When it comes to Trump v Biden cognative states, it's not a matter of how informed you percieve them to be: Biden and Trump have focus-tested lines which they are to memorize and regurgitate. So, your perception of "informed" is truthfully just a matter of "Who had the best lines memorized" and "Who delivered the lines best?". When I'm talking about the cognitative state I observe from them, I'm thinking back to every public appearence from Biden between late-June and mid-July 2024 where he would literally be so focused on trying to construct a coherent sentence that he would be lifting his arms in a manner which reminds me of when I would learn a new piano piece lol (and most of the time, he would sound like an old dude speaking in the lowest possible tone, getting easily agitated, and stumbling over all his words). Trump, on the other hand, is not anywhere near this level of mental decline. He is still able to get up on his rally stage and deliver his talking points in such a manner so as to greatly energize his base. He's not as sharp as he was eight years ago, but it's no question whether his or Biden's cognative state is more acceptable.

The claim is that Trump has a different standard applied to him. So when he says stuff that would end a standard politician's career we talk about it for a little while and then we move on. The dude said that Hatians are eating pets in Ohio and we've already moved on to his lies about the hurricane. Personally I think the media just can't keep up with all the stupid crap he says and does but I can see why one would be annoyed that Trump can incoherently answer specific questions about funding child care with absolute nonsense and his cognitive decline is not the first thing questioned. Maybe it's because he was always an idiot, but it's still a difficult double standard. 

Perhaps Trump should try the arm lifting trick as I've never heard a coherent sentence from the man. You ever read a transcript of his speeches?
There's definitely a question of which dude's cognitive state is more acceptable. I'm asking it right here. 


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firebush03 said:
RolStoppable said:

Your first sentence reveals that you shouldn't talk about topics that you are clueless about. Your third sentence is plain stupid; Trump does everything to get into the spotlight, hence why his Truth Social posts consistently reek of desperation.

Just today I watched Jimmy Kimmel's Tuesday monologue where he made fun of Trump saying that a category 5 hurricane hitting land is unheard of; Kimmel showed that during Trump's presidency five category 5 hurricanes hit the USA and everytime Trump said the same thing. Trump is senile, but it gets excused by saying that Trump says tons of stupid things, so you can't tell if he's senile or not. But really, the question whether Trump is senile or not is very secondary when it's clear that he isn't and never was fit to be presiden of the United States.

”But really, the question whether Trump is senile or not is very secondary when it's clear that he isn't and never was fit to be presiden of the United States.” Elaborate? What do you mean by “never was fit to be presiden of the United States”? How is Trump not fit? I thought this was a democracy? It’s not like Trump has posed a grave threat. (tho the DNC would love for you to think January 6 was a legitimate coup attempt…by a bunch of rednecks who voluntarily left after a few hours lmao. Keep in mind that you need the military on your side in order to get a coup done: This includes institutions such as the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, etc. I don’t think they were (nor are they) rallying behind Trump. There never was nor will ever be a legitimate threat from Donald Trump to our “democracy”.)

Thoughts on the fake elector plot or asking his vice president to unilaterally choose him for president? Please tell me how it's exactly like what happened with Hawaii.

For someone who has no horse in this race you seem to remember every Trump fan talking point to anything brought up. 


Ryuu96 said:


Are we seriously getting our panties in a bunch over a simple mispronunciation? She said gauging instead of gouging? Really? And that means she doesn't know what she is talking about? Because she used an A instead of an O in the word? Fuck me this is desperate. If you actually listened to her then you'd have known she knew what she was talking about when she further expands.

This is levels of reaching that Donald Trump himself would employ. Not even close to Trump responding with "Drill Baby Drill" in response to a question about bringing down the cost of housing, how Trump seemingly doesn't have a fucking clue about tariffs and how that will in fact hurt America (and I suppose he learnt nothing from his last trade war with China which ended with China winning).

It's nothing close to Trump straight up misgendering American politicians, announcing the completely wrong person coming on stage, mistaking peoples government positions and getting world leaders straight up wrong, like recently when he confused Iran's leader with North Korea's leader. All these mistakes made by Biden would and have got him slaughtered by the media but barely a peep with Trump.

How the heck do you jump to the conclusion that Tim Walz forgot the names of Palestinians because he said "We sympathise with those in Gaza". I've said "What's happening in Gaza is horrific" before, so I suppose that must mean I don't know the word Palestinian? Uh...No...Because Gaza is the name of the entire fucking region, or to be more specific, Gaza Strip, but most would just say Gaza.

What the actual heck is this line of criticism? Lmao. Is saying "What is happening in Ukraine is horrible" also not knowing who Ukrainians are? Forgetting the name of Ukrainians? Of course not...What the actual...Also if the quote is accurate "We sympathize with those in....Gaza" then I'm doubly lost because "We sympathize with those in Palestinian" does not make a lick of sense grammatically

Ryuu96, what are you incoherently sputtering about?

Torillian said:
firebush03 said:

”But really, the question whether Trump is senile or not is very secondary when it's clear that he isn't and never was fit to be presiden of the United States.” Elaborate? What do you mean by “never was fit to be presiden of the United States”? How is Trump not fit? I thought this was a democracy? It’s not like Trump has posed a grave threat. (tho the DNC would love for you to think January 6 was a legitimate coup attempt…by a bunch of rednecks who voluntarily left after a few hours lmao. Keep in mind that you need the military on your side in order to get a coup done: This includes institutions such as the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, etc. I don’t think they were (nor are they) rallying behind Trump. There never was nor will ever be a legitimate threat from Donald Trump to our “democracy”.)

Thoughts on the fake elector plot or asking his vice president to unilaterally choose him for president? Please tell me how it's exactly like what happened with Hawaii.

Blue’anon level of conspiracy lol. I have no idea what you are talking about, but again, Trump has no ability to “overturn democracy” when the CIA, Pentagon, FBI, militia, etc., isn’t on his side.

To address you’re edited in remark, that also sounds fitting lol. The leftist is actly a Trump supporter…you got me there! Trump is getting brought up b/c I’m chatting with a bunch of dems. Same exact thing I used to do with my brother, but I would fixate on the other side. It’s all relative to the audience.

firebush03 said:
Torillian said:

Thoughts on the fake elector plot or asking his vice president to unilaterally choose him for president? Please tell me how it's exactly like what happened with Hawaii.

Blue’anon level of conspiracy lol. I have no idea what you are talking about, but again, Trump has no ability to “overturn democracy” when the CIA, Pentagon, FBI, militia, etc., isn’t on his side.

Oh ok so you just have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I guess that's better......


Torillian said:
firebush03 said:

Blue’anon level of conspiracy lol. I have no idea what you are talking about, but again, Trump has no ability to “overturn democracy” when the CIA, Pentagon, FBI, militia, etc., isn’t on his side.

Oh ok so you just have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I guess that's better......

Lol im not informed on these insane ideas that Trump is magically gonna use a militia of rednecks to overpower the CIA? Snap back into reality, man. It’s not as easy as getting the VP to unilaterally decide the election.

Last edited by firebush03 - on 09 October 2024