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Shawn Fain (President of UAW) is properly ripping into Trump, dude is bringing the fire.

Two people needed medics in this crowd so far. Get these crowds more water, they're too big!

The Democrat Senate candidate saying "we ain't going to let no buckeye get into the White House" 💀

Third person needing medical attention, Christ...Get water pumped into these crowds, Lol.

Whitmer is straight fire, she is so damn good at working a crowd, I'm most excited about her running for president in the future.

"Hope is not a damn plan" - This dude Walz is so good at providing one liners.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 August 2024

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Democrats seem like they're on fire. I've never seen them so successfully put their best foot forward. And I'm blown away how quickly they pulled it together after Biden dropped. 

I wasn't even sure they could put together a good campaign. I would have bet the farm against them. 

Tim Walz seems like an incredible candidate, and it's kind of wild that one of the attacks was that he was a veteran...

It's almost bizarre. We've gone from Donald Trump openly bragging that he could shoot someone and not lose support, to really feeling like they're campaigning defensively. JD Vance by himself seems like a huge gift to Democrats. 

He's like the perfect candidate to show off how weird Republicans have gotten.  

the-pi-guy said:

Democrats seem like they're on fire. I've never seen them so successfully put their best foot forward. And I'm blown away how quickly they pulled it together after Biden dropped. 

I wasn't even sure they could put together a good campaign. I would have bet the farm against them. 

Tim Walz seems like an incredible candidate, and it's kind of wild that one of the attacks was that he was a veteran...

It's almost bizarre. We've gone from Donald Trump openly bragging that he could shoot someone and not lose support, to really feeling like they're campaigning defensively. JD Vance by himself seems like a huge gift to Democrats. 

He's like the perfect candidate to show off how weird Republicans have gotten.  

American presidential races have been person-driven for a long time now, with policies taking a very distant second. That's why the messenger matters so much.

Biden was a liability because the attack angle of him being too old to do the job for another four years was 100% true. If one true thing is being said, then the probability that the other things being said can be perceived as true rises greatly, especially when it's in conjunction with the Dems denying the obvious truth about Biden's age problem. That made the Dems a lot less believable on everything else they said.

Biden dropping out of the race is only a single change in everything the Dems did, but it changes everything else tremendously. Now the Reps are struggling to find the necessary piece of truth they need at the core of their messaging, so everything else in their rhetoric is collapsing because it's suddenly recognized as the hogwash that it is. The Dems in turn are perceived as credible again, because they finally acknowledged that Biden was too old, a fact that was obvious to even the most casual observer of politics.

But not all is lost for the Reps yet. They may have lost the battle for style now, but they can still fall back on the substance of their campaign to turn things around. The core of that is Project 2025 and...






The Reps are cooked. The momentum is already all with the Dems and they still have their national convention ahead of them which will give them another boost in the polling. In a month's time it will likely not even look like a contested race anymore.

All that still leaves one big problem though. The Reps have been preparing to commit election fraud. When Trump talks about not needing votes anymore, because he already has so many, something is up. I don't think he is talking about real votes there, especially because the Reps have already planted people in various states to meddle with the results. I wouldn't be surprised if some counties end up having more ballots than eligible voters living there.

So I don't think getting enough support from the people of America will be a problem for the Dems, but the looming danger of fraud will be the one big obstacle come November.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Ryuu96 said:

People like Andrew Tate poison the minds of our young men, social media and streamer influencers, I don't really feel like the left is combating it effectively yet, it isn't a major issue right now but it could become one in the future, there's not enough positive role-models for our young men and a bunch of alt-right grifters that they're watching, looking up to, people telling them to be mad at the world, everything is a conspiracy, be mad at women, etc. Based on trends I've seen our young women are moving left and our young men are moving right. The conspiracies and hate are left to fester and grow on platforms like Twitter.

Naw, Tate does not poison the minds of young men, he just give a platform for young men whose minds are already poisoned.  There are plenty of more positive people out there but positivity doesn't generate as much strife and pub because humans in general love drama.  The bigger the drama, the bigger the interest.

Ryuu96 said:

What the fuck is he talking about? Did JD Vance hit his head and now thinks he's the Republican nominee?

I am just surprised that Trump has not cleaned his clock for trying to steal the limelight from him.  I just know this did not get his approval and JD is running his own game.  If that is the case more power to JD, if anyone can nuke Trump campaign its him and especially if there is some messaging not being coordinated between the 2.

Around the Network

Is there a group that JD Vance hasn't yet managed to piss off?

Trump campaign is having horrifically bad tactics lately, who the hell thought it was a good idea to have JD Vance campaign more than Trump during a time where Harris is going non-stop around the country in swing states, JD Vance is a walking gaffe machine with zero charisma and we end up in situations where this loser follows Harris around the country but his 20 person rallies in the same states end up getting compared to Harris thousands strong and meanwhile Trump is nowhere to be seen, leading people to ask the question, where is Trump?

They're floundering, it feels like they have zero plan right now.



Ryuu96 said:

Is there a group that JD Vance hasn't yet managed to piss off?

Trump campaign is having horrifically bad tactics lately, who the hell thought it was a good idea to have JD Vance campaign more than Trump during a time where Harris is going non-stop around the country in swing states, JD Vance is a walking gaffe machine with zero charisma and we end up in situations where this loser follows Harris around the country but his 20 person rallies in the same states end up getting compared to Harris thousands strong and meanwhile Trump is nowhere to be seen, leading people to ask the question, where is Trump?

They're floundering, it feels like they have zero plan right now.

Did you know that Trump is old? He isn't fit enough anymore, neither physically and especially not mentally, to do more than one rally per week on average.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.