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* The campaign has had over 62,000 volunteer shift sign-ups — 23,500 in Blue Wall states and 23,000 in the Sunbelt — many of which came after the Vice President's entrance into the race

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sundin13 said:
Ryuu96 said:

I thought Republicans hated safe spaces.

I hope Harris doesn't agree to the Fox debate, it's an obvious trap, Trump agreed on the ABC debate back in May which was after he decided to sue Stephanopoulos in March. Now suddenly because Harris is the nominee instead of Biden he is backing out (not because of a "conflict of interests") and he wants to hold a debate in a crowd of his supporters, essentially a MAGA rally, with biased Fox moderators throwing him softball questions (same Fox who was successfully sued for their election stealing claims), the braindead crowd will just boo over anything Kamala says.

Nobody will watch Fox News anyway aside from Republican diehards.

I wouldn't mind a "Why not both?" response (with certain stipulations to make sure the Fox debate is relatively even ground). More debates seem like it would be a boon for Harris as long as she can maintain a bit of control of the Fox debate. 

Ryuu96 said:

Her 2nd stop after she begins her rallies with her VP is in Detroit, Michigan which is right near Dearborn which has the largest Muslim population in the United States per capita and the largest mosque in North America...It'll be interesting to see how she handles this because there's a chance she could have a large amount of protesters.

Yeah, any upside Shapiro has in PA is basically negated by the downside he has in MI, imo

They really have to be sure they don't need Shapiro for PA in this case though...If they don't need Shapiro to take PA then it's probably better to get someone who can shore up support elsewhere and leave Shapiro to focus 100% on shilling for Harris in Pennsylvania but they have to be really certain that they can win PA without Shapiro. Is there a scenario where Shapiro remaining as Governor, focused exclusively on PA, is better for Harris than taking him on as VP and having him spread across the whole country? 

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

sundin13 said:
Shtinamin_ said:

I think the simplest reason why I will be voting for Trump is because I have received revelation that I need to vote for him.

I have a question. What the heck does this mean?

God talked to him.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Just tagging along, but I have to say that Kamala Harris seems to be on fire. A german newspaper called "Handelsblatt" wrote yesterday about a survey in which she is at 49 percent while Trump is at 44 percent.

Now I know surveys have to be taken with a huge chunk of salt and I also know that winning the popular vote in the US isn't everything. Otherwise Trump would have never become President. But I still love what is Happening right now.

I get a little Hope. As Nazis are more and more sucessfull in Germany, I've been thinking about getting the hell outta here for a while. The US was always my first choice for emigrating. But I would never go there with a moron Like Trump in the White House. But If Harris wins in November, I might be looking to move to the US as early as next year and I plan to become an american citizen in a few years. Being a freelancer with quite a bit of cash in the bank, I think my chances are ok. Ok, I know I will have to work on my english skills, lol.

Anyway, let's do it and please get Kamala Harris into the White House. Thanks a lot in advance, fellow americans!

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

Walz has made the final cut.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

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At this point it's probably between Walz and Beshear I'd wager.






My heart says Walz. My brain says Kelly.

haxxiy said:

At this point it's probably between Walz and Beshear I'd wager.

If it's Walz then (I'm sure Harris did all her checks) but it would show even more how politically savvy Pelosi is, she doesn't get enough credit and even though I may not agree with all her positions, she's a damn good politician. She was apparently a significant factor is getting Biden to step down and now she's pushing Walz and he's in the final lot.

Beshear would be fine, he doesn't excite me at all but he'll be good and competent. He obviously won't get them Kentucky like Shapiro could get PA and Kelly could get AZ so he's going to have to appeal broader than his state, but if we're going by "do no harm" then Beshear is the cleanest one...He has the least amount of baggage, he's the safe pick.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

Republicans attacking each other again.


JD Vance's approval numbers continue to be brilliant.


24% are probably thinking "Who the fuck is JD Vance?" then they're going to search for JD Vance and stumble upon the couch fucking memes.