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SvennoJ said:
Ryuu96 said:

Harris will set policy, not Shapiro, so I'm not worried about it from that standpoint.

This was 31 years ago as well, Shapiro would have been 20. Incredibly shitty thing to say but I don't know if it's completely irreversible in light of more recent statements said by Shapiro. The thing is, Pennsylvania is the most important swing state and Josh is very popular there, this won't change that, so if Democrats don't think they can get PA without Josh then it'll be him.

But he would have to go on an apology tour, he would have to reach out to Arab communities, I don't think it'll be too damaging or irreversible to Harris campaign but it will be unneeded distraction, it will cause some conflict and drama, I still think Shapiro is a strong choice for VP from a political standpoint but he's also more risky than Kelly and Walz cause of the baggage around him.

It'll be Michigan we would have to worry about with Josh.

True. He can defend himself by saying he was misguided in the past and agrees now with Harris on Palestinian suffering and the rise of Islamophobia, while Trump is openly hostile to Muslims now and only getting worse. Trump keeps using 'Palestinian' as a slur...

I don't know how many Muslim voters Harris needs in Michigan, but they won't vote for Trump. It's just a matter of getting enough to come out to vote for Harris.

Her 2nd stop after she begins her rallies with her VP is in Detroit, Michigan which is right near Dearborn which has the largest Muslim population in the United States per capita and the largest mosque in North America...It'll be interesting to see how she handles this because there's a chance she could have a large amount of protesters.

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I actually hate America's media.



He has not accepted Harris challenge, he is backing out of the ABC debate and changing it into one completely favourable to him and American media is like "Omg Trump has accepted Harris challenge, he's so tough, how will Harris respond?" desperate for Harris to walk right into this bullshit trap. There are plenty of other networks he could have proposed which aren't Republican mouthpieces (or Democrat mouthpieces).

Media is a fucking joke, they probably can't stand that Harris is gaining in the polls and the momentum is with her, they want this to be a tight race and they ultimately want Trump to win because it's better for their clicks, now when Harris refuses to enter into Trump's trap we'll see the media rush out like "Harris is so scared! She's refusing to debate Trump!" Smh, Lol.

Might as well just host the debate at a Trump rally if it's going to be Fox News.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

I don't think they have done it on purpose. Trump just used the word 'agreed' maliciously and misleadingly and the braindead media went along with it, as reading Salon's article appears to indicate. Though we'll see for sure from their reaction now.






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Ryuu96 said:

I thought Republicans hated safe spaces.

I hope Harris doesn't agree to the Fox debate, it's an obvious trap, Trump agreed on the ABC debate back in May which was after he decided to sue Stephanopoulos in March. Now suddenly because Harris is the nominee instead of Biden he is backing out (not because of a "conflict of interests") and he wants to hold a debate in a crowd of his supporters, essentially a MAGA rally, with biased Fox moderators throwing him softball questions (same Fox who was successfully sued for their election stealing claims), the braindead crowd will just boo over anything Kamala says.

Nobody will watch Fox News anyway aside from Republican diehards.

I wouldn't mind a "Why not both?" response (with certain stipulations to make sure the Fox debate is relatively even ground). More debates seem like it would be a boon for Harris as long as she can maintain a bit of control of the Fox debate. 

Ryuu96 said:
SvennoJ said:

True. He can defend himself by saying he was misguided in the past and agrees now with Harris on Palestinian suffering and the rise of Islamophobia, while Trump is openly hostile to Muslims now and only getting worse. Trump keeps using 'Palestinian' as a slur...

I don't know how many Muslim voters Harris needs in Michigan, but they won't vote for Trump. It's just a matter of getting enough to come out to vote for Harris.

Her 2nd stop after she begins her rallies with her VP is in Detroit, Michigan which is right near Dearborn which has the largest Muslim population in the United States per capita and the largest mosque in North America...It'll be interesting to see how she handles this because there's a chance she could have a large amount of protesters.

Yeah, any upside Shapiro has in PA is basically negated by the downside he has in MI, imo

Using safe space on him 💀

Pemalite said:


On another thread that got shutdown, you asked me a question. I don't know if you were able to see my response before the thread disappeared so I will post it again. Either way, I hope you are having a great day.

Your response was:
"My real question... WHY are you a Trump supporter?

* He is now a convicted criminal. - With more legal woes coming his way.

* He failed to build the wall. - It got downgraded to a fence in places.

* He failed to get Mexico to pay for any part of the wall that got built, which he promised.

* He has constantly lied. I.E. Hillary should be "locked up" and then recently he stated he never said it in an interview.

* He tried to mount an insurrection and is now going to court over it with a verdict yet to be finalized.

* Trump has promoted Nazism by proclaiming a fourth Reich.

* Trumps father was part of the KKK white supremacists. Extreme racism. - This is Trumps role model.

* Trump has a long list of insults towards other people, organizations and entities... Yet will whinge like a child when the favor is returned and make statements like "No one has ever been treated the way I have!" - He literally treats others like it... That is a text-book narcissistic personality trait.

Always treat others the way you wish to be treated.

So inquisitively, I ask you this... Why would you support this bottom feeder? The guy literally belongs in jail.

I can't even think of a single positive thing he has actually managed to accomplish for the USA during his presidency... Most of the planet outside of the USA thought he was a brilliant clown-act that just kept on giving"


So here is my answer to your question.

Thanks for the sources!

I’ll try to be quick and concise with my answers because I’ve been and still am very busy with applying to medical school, school, finding jobs, dating, finances, etc. Thank you for being patient with me. (new edit: I've also been busy with family reunions).

I think the simplest reason why I will be voting for Trump is because I have received revelation that I need to vote for him.

Yep, Trump is a legal criminal as of right now.

He was able to get access to at least build something on the border.

Ok. Everyone knew that wouldn’t be possible. Do you bill your neighbor when you build the fence between the two of you? (Rhetorical)

Ok. Did he try to lock her up? No.

About the "insurrection", Jan 6th. Trump posted these on Twitter.

January 6, 2021


Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

Retweets: 107460

Favorites: 582183

January 6, 2021


I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

Retweets: 156100

Favorites: 730357

January 6, 2021

21:17:24 [APP Note: text of deleted video.]

Retweets: 0

Favorites: 0

January 6, 2021


These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever! 

Retweets: 0

Favorites: 0

Timestamp is UTC.

Ok. To me he was not promoting that, given that the quote used was a wiki quote about Prussia turning into Germany pre-WWI.

Ok. Reading the article you provided, I see that it says that no one knows why Fred Trump was here. I do see that he was not charged of any crime.

Ok. He has definitely emboldened himself and makes things seem bigger than they ever were. He has insulted people who have belittled him, and insulted those who haven’t belittled him. Do I expect him to be perfect, no. Perfection in human interaction and character does not exist naturally in this world.

I do agree that we need to treat others how we want to be treated.

I will go back to what I said at the beginning of this post and to the beginning of this thread.

I have received revelation that I need to vote for him. I have received it because I have pondered over his political platform, his values he has now, and what he has, is and will give up to fight for what he believes in. After my pondering, I question and wait. And received the answer.

And that’s ok if you haven’t. I have. I noticed that we didn’t have any new wars that seem to never end. I noticed that I didn’t have to worry about my purchases on how expensive something was. I have seen that a lot of people around the world look back and wish for him to be the President again. I also see others who don’t want him, and that is okay, it is impossible to please everyone.

I do appreciate your questions and concerns. It is very important to communicate, even with those we might not understand or agree with. Without communication, people fester in their own personal/group and can become irrational.

Hmm, should I make a new thread for Trump vs Kamala vs RFK Jr vs Stein vs West vs Oliver with their political platforms? Also President Biden dropping out of the 2024 presidential race was a surprise to me, he seemed so sure he wasn’t gonna drop out. I didn’t like what and how the news and other democratic leaders were pressuring him. It felt like a complete 180° from what they were doing.

Anyways, I hope this answered your question. If it didn’t, I will do my best to answer any more doubts, concerns, questions etc you have. You have some great thorough work and I appreciate it. :) 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Shtinamin_ said:
Pemalite said:


I think the simplest reason why I will be voting for Trump is because I have received revelation that I need to vote for him.

I have a question. What the heck does this mean?

Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to meet with her vetting team today for a series of in-depth presentations on each of the finalists to be her running mate. Each briefing is expected to last about 60 to 90 minutes, but some could be shorter or longer depending on what needs to be discussed, how complicated the vetting was, and any follow-up questions Harris may have.

The presentations Saturday may result in reducing the number of candidates whom Harris will invite for final interviews scheduled to take place Sunday. Former Attorney General Eric Holder, whose law firm is conducting the vetting process, was seen arriving at the Naval Observatory on Saturday morning.

She has talked to Biden. She has talked to Barack Obama. Polling and focus groups have been conducted. Sample videos to play have been requested. Hours and hours of interviews with aides, on top of thousands of pages of hastily assembled documents, and in some cases with detailed follow-up questions, have been coalesced by a group of lawyers led by former Attorney General Eric Holder and former White House counsel Dana Remus into briefing books. Harris is expected to meet with her vetting team on Saturday for a series of in-depth presentations on each of the finalists to be her running mate, according to a source familiar with the process.

Kamala Harris: Inside the final days of her vice presidential decision | CNN Politics

I wonder what sort of process Trump went through in picking Vance? "My sons asked me to pick him"?

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024