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There are 8m PS Plus Premium members. The tier that has PlayStation Cloud Streaming.

Game Pass has 25m subscribers.

I wonder how many of that 25m are Ultimate only and how that changes CMA's "Microsoft has 70% of the market cause all GPU members are Cloud users"

Cause all 8m of those PS Plus Premium members are now "Cloud users" by the same logic.

Doesn't really matter since CAT doesn't accept new evidence in the appeal process, Lol.

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Ryuu96 said:

I thought they appealed that shit a while ago already? People were writing articles about them appealing it, and filing imminently weeks ago, no?

DroidKnight said:

On the moneyhatting issue. I'm just trying to figure this stuff out.

Lets take last generation console hardware numbers for the example. (117 million PS4s vs 51 million Xbox Ones)

To moneyhat a game isn't as simple as outbidding the competitor?

For Sony to moneyhat a big AAA game, let's say 80 million dollars to keep it off of 51 million Xboxs.
Xbox could offer 120 million dollars to keep it off of 117 million PS4s and even though they outbid the competition by a lot it would still be turned down because of the smaller Xbox player count base vs the larger Playstation base?

They could offer even larger amounts of money, but with the smaller player base this would just end up becoming a loss on Xbox's part and a bad investment.

The way I see it, there is no way for Xbox to successfully moneyhat games, it isn't an equal playing field. Outright purchasing developers and publishers does seem the proper route for Xbox.

True. Microsoft probably needs to pay 3x of what Sony does right now due to difference in install base size. But there is a way to successfully strike such deals. Just need to sell a lot more consoles and actually focus on selling a lot more consoles instead of saying we will always be far behind not matter what we do because this and because that.

Ryuu96 said:

Just think, Microsoft could acquire a studio for $100m

I know Starfield will be huge but I genuinely can't wait to see what Elder Scrolls does to the console, I know it's frustrating to wait but Elder Scrolls by far will be the biggest exclusive that Xbox has ever had when it releases.

I think you even a bit underestimate how much Sony pays sometimes. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have deals that cost them hundreds of millions.

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:


ice said:

can we trade that game for something else that skipped xbox?

For real though. Koei Tecmo's Gust studio, who develops Atelier, has now said twice (February 2022 and March 2023) that they would port Atelier to Xbox if there was enough demand from Xbox fans, just like Microids said here yesterday. The replies to Koei Tecmo both times were tons of people begging for Xbox ports of Atelier, and yet almost a year and a half has passed since the first time Gust said that and still no Xbox port of any Atelier game. Meanwhile Microids posts that they will port Inspector Gadget to Xbox if there is enough demand and then the very next day says they saw enough demand to port it. You're telling me that there is more demand for an Inspector Gadget game, an IP from the 80's that hasn't really been relevant in 20 years, than there is demand for Atelier on Xbox, a series that has increased in popularity so much in recent years that it is now capable of selling 1.5m+ units lifetime per game?

Maybe because Xbox port was coming initially and Microids just wanted to use Xbox fans to generate Twitter drama so this game nobody cares about gets some media exposure and they will be able to sell 10 copies instead of 5?


Ryuu96 said:

Perfect day to announce the death of the deal.">"><img src="

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

There are 8m PS Plus Premium members. The tier that has PlayStation Cloud Streaming.

Game Pass has 25m subscribers.

I wonder how many of that 25m are Ultimate only and how that changes CMA's "Microsoft has 70% of the market cause all GPU members are Cloud users"

Cause all 8m of those PS Plus Premium members are now "Cloud users" by the same logic.

Doesn't really matter since CAT doesn't accept new evidence in the appeal process, Lol.

Having read the conclusion, I don't believe the CMA actually included all GPU members in the share of Xcloud VS the competition, however, they made severely dubious other assumptions and overlooks.

  1. Stadia share included only their free tier because Google was unable to offer a split by tier.
  2. It seems Amazon provided data for both included games with Prime and not and the CMA decided to exclude all usage with games that are included with Prime. This is particularly concerning since the same logic applied to Xcloud should make them exclude all usage of Gamepass-included titles but they did not. 
  3. They discredited Microsoft's assessment that Xcloud is mainly used for trying before downloading despite the fact it was supported by polling. The decision to discredit the poll was due to a high share of XGPU users not even knowing about GamePass, however, this:
    1. Is a logical fallacy, there's no reason to believe the main usage reported by actual users would be any different than users who don't know of it. all users that know of XCloud were at some point users that did not know of it so by pure logic when a group of users learns of its existence there's is 0 reason to believe their usage would be any different than current users.
    2. Overlook completely the fact that the UI doesn't require a user to know of Xcloud to make use of it.
  4. Monthly time spent would have been a way better metric which would by default remove the try before use bias to the MAU figure.
  5. They overlooked the fact that Xcloud is not a standalone service compared to its competitor because they view Xcloud as one of the main reasons users subscribe to XGPU.
    1. This totally contradicts their prior use of the large number of XGPU users who don't even know of Xcloud to discredit the main usage of try before download.
Last edited by EpicRandy - on 24 May 2023

Angelus said:
Ryuu96 said:

I thought they appealed that shit a while ago already? People were writing articles about them appealing it, and filing imminently weeks ago, no?

Nope they said they would appeal but didn't actually send it in until today (the final date you can appeal).

Ryuu96 said:
Angelus said:

I thought they appealed that shit a while ago already? People were writing articles about them appealing it, and filing imminently weeks ago, no?

Nope they said they would appeal but didn't actually send it in until today (the final date you can appeal).

Seems weird to leave it to the last minute

This isn't really relevant, but I want to save this tweet for the Xbox showcase.

"Having low expectations because you don't want to be disappointed is the coward's way out. Believe in something for once"

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind