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DroidKnight said:
Zippy6 said:


One's opinions doesn't make it fact.  If you already have a favorable leaning towards a console, you're more than likely to think that company only shits gold.  I'm sure that your favorite company will win every show, your heart.

Of course opinion doesn't make fact. Which is why I didn't include any of my personal opinions on the titles shown in my post lol. Games announced and actually coming to fruition in a reasonable amount of time seems like a pretty objective metric to use.

There is no real correct answer for which show was "better" and people will also measure that in different ways.

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VersusEvil said:

After reading some of your opinions I’ve decided to change my own and say in-fact it’s Nintendo who has the best showing the last couple years.

Honestly, for my tastes they tend to have the worst showings of the 3. Some directs I don't see a single game that interests me, and even on the better ones I only see like 4 games that interest me, and some of those 4 or so are usually multiplats I can play on Xbox instead of Switch. 

Zippy6 said:
Imaginedvl said:

2020 was def. a better show for Xbox imo. It does not matter if they release the games or not after that.

Even if we are only talking about the show itself at the time, we have games with release dates or at least release windows on Sony's side and MS just putting out a bunch of CGI trailers with no dates and no launch line-up for the Series consoles. Of course it's personal preference in the end and 2020 had a decent number of announcements from both Xbox and Sony but even for those that favour the Xbox showing over the Sony showing then it would have to be acknowledged that MS only had a better show by blowing their load revealing games far too early. Most of the games shown at 2020 by MS should not have been announced that early.

Kinda like that Wolverine trailer you apparently thought was part of why Sony's show was better?

Angelus said:
Zippy6 said:

Even if we are only talking about the show itself at the time, we have games with release dates or at least release windows on Sony's side and MS just putting out a bunch of CGI trailers with no dates and no launch line-up for the Series consoles. Of course it's personal preference in the end and 2020 had a decent number of announcements from both Xbox and Sony but even for those that favour the Xbox showing over the Sony showing then it would have to be acknowledged that MS only had a better show by blowing their load revealing games far too early. Most of the games shown at 2020 by MS should not have been announced that early.

Kinda like that Wolverine trailer you apparently thought was part of why Sony's show was better?

That was 2021 not 2020 so not the shows I was comparing in this post so not really relevant. I didn't say CGI trailers counted for nothing but they are less valuable. No hypocrisy there.

Zippy6 said:
DroidKnight said:

One's opinions doesn't make it fact.  If you already have a favorable leaning towards a console, you're more than likely to think that company only shits gold.  I'm sure that your favorite company will win every show, your heart.

Of course opinion doesn't make fact. Which is why I didn't include any of my personal opinions on the titles shown in my post lol. Games announced and actually coming to fruition in a reasonable amount of time seems like a pretty objective metric to use.

There is no real correct answer for which show was "better" and people will also measure that in different ways.

A show is a show. People WILL call Sony a better show for the show itself not for the games that will or not really come out before years being shown at that show.

it is like saying that rating a music show is based on how well the album will sell in the following years. Xbox had good shows, all your examples is about how those games did not come out or for one of them how it was disappointing when it came out years after, but it does not make the show bad :)

Sony usually comes up with less content overall in the past years. But again, having most of the market, expectations are different. If you have 100 people that are waiting for a new game for their Play Station and Sony announces one AAA, and then 10 people waiting for a new game for their Xbox and Microsoft announces 2 or 3 AAA. Sony will still be seen as having a better show at the end (no matter what happens after the show, but really just for the show itself), like last year and the years before. If you look at the content, numbers are definitely favoring Xbox during those shows.

I am not disagreeing with you about the fact that a lot of those games are not out yet. But you cannot ‘rate’ a show 2 years later based on what happens after!

And yes, in the end, it is based on taste and favoritism anyway. Sony > Microsoft in market share, simple as that. As Droid said, anything coming out of Sony behind will be gold by default and then may be adjusted down if it is really bad. Anything coming of Microsoft is shit and may be adjusted up if it is amazingly good…

On thing that people picked up from the Spencer interview (like those 2 morons from IGN); is true. Sony is WAY ahead and it is very difficult for Microsoft to compete and to equal anything Sony does, it takes 2, 3, 4 times? the effort/money, etc. And that's why they are not trying to "win" the console war, they are instead trying to do something different. Even if people pretend that it should be easy for Microsoft to beat Sony by just coming out with "good" games like Sony does... That's BS, people invested in their console and they have a huge bias toward that. I know I'm going a bit on a tangent but it is to illustrate my point.

(from my phone, pardon the typos :D)

Last edited by Imaginedvl - on 21 May 2023

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Xbox has such a mess to clean up if this acquisition is approved. 

Not really a comment on who has better shows, it's all personal opinions, I've liked Xbox's more but I am an Xbox fan for a reason.

I don't really judge shows in hindsight because at the end of the day, these showcases are nothing more than marketing tools and as such it's the marketing which should be judged, nobody can predict for certain when a title announced at a showcase will release or what quality it will release at but they can judge the quality of the marketing at the time of the showcase.

Great announcements remain great announcements even if the final product hasn't yet released and changing on hindsight will mean changing a lot, lets use 2020 for example, if you change your opinion on the show to (lets say average) because the games have not yet released but then the games do release (to critical acclaim) does that show suddenly become one of the best shows ever?

Marketing is wholly separate from the development team, we should be judging the marketing team. It ain't like we can play any of these games at the showcases until their release months - years later so we can't judge quality of the game itself. Imo it's irrelevant to the marketing quality if the game has yet to be released.

2018 and 2020 did their jobs in generating excitement for the Xbox brand and renewing faith in it, it's not the marketing teams fault that the games have not yet released, but I would say the marketing should be showing these games more often or giving updates on their development progress. At the time I can only judge the showcase on what I was shown.

Sony's E3 of Dreams was considered amazing at the time, Shenmue was a huge hyped announcement but a disaster on release but it doesn't change that at the time the announcement was hugely well received. I judge the showcases on what I felt at the time and not what I feel now years later because that will constantly be shifting. Shenmue being a dud doesn't change how well received the showcase was.

I think the bigger issue with Xbox's early announcements, is not the early announcement itself but the lack of updates, I don't mind early announcements but it's the complete silence that comes after the early announcement which bothers me, even if they gave us stuff like official Fable concept art during the course of development or something, or simple updates about their plans, Idk.

Kingdom Hearts III was announced in 2013 and released in 2019 but it had a trailer nearly every single year, Lol.

I don't mind the early announcements but the complete silence afterwards bothers me. Probably would bother me less if Xbox had a steady stream of exclusives in the meanwhile though. I understand some early announcements are done for hiring purposes, that's fine, Fable was also leaked years beforehand so everyone knew about it already, State of Decay 3 was obvious because a couple years prior, Xbox + Undead Labs signed a contract.

Then again, Gamers would lose their shit if come release some concept art isn't in the game that Playground shown. I remember some weirdos losing their shit during Dead Space Remake's transparent development approach at some point on one of the showings despite the words "WORK IN PROGRESS" plastered everywhere.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 May 2023

100.000 fans gave up on the possible existence of Shenmue 3, they all wanted it so much but knew it was an impossible dream....So yeah ofcourse the announcement was huge, the fact that the game could exist was the dream coming true, similar vibe with Nintendo fans who gave on the Gamecube and accepted that Nintendo was going to stay kiddo and bam then a amazing looking Twilight dreams was announced....Or similar when a new New half life was announced even being VR did not matter...

Mentioned a few times before but Sony so far could be rated an 8.5/10 for this generation and they still would try to aim for a 10/10 while MS gives the impression they are only aiming for a 6/10 and are fine with it.

konnichiwa said:

100.000 fans gave up on the possible existence of Shenmue 3, they all wanted it so much but knew it was an impossible dream....So yeah ofcourse the announcement was huge, the fact that the game could exist was the dream coming true, similar vibe with Nintendo fans who gave on the Gamecube and accepted that Nintendo was going to stay kiddo and bam then a amazing looking Twilight dreams was announced....Or similar when a new New half life was announced even being VR did not matter...

Mentioned a few times before but Sony so far could be rated an 8.5/10 for this generation and they still would try to aim for a 10/10 while MS gives the impression they are only aiming for a 6/10 and are fine with it.

Lol. No.