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The Romano Fafard (Dans une galaxie près de chez vous), french Canadians know what I'm talking about

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Happy Birthday @Spade

These are probably some dumb questions. Do you have to have game pass to play Xbox games on the Rog Ally? Can I play my digitally owned Xbox games on it without gamepass? avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

DroidKnight said:

These are probably some dumb questions. Do you have to have game pass to play Xbox games on the Rog Ally? Can I play my digitally owned Xbox games on it without gamepass?

If you own them you can but not "Xbox" games, PC games that you bought on Windows store, and any Xbox Play Anywhere game (usually third party from MS) that can be played on both PC and Xbox.

Ryuu96 said:
Goatseye said:

I believe Arkane Austin has already an “Arkane likeâ€Â game on the pipeline. I want to believe that RedFall is another Zenimax push to bring in more revenue, at the tail end of their turbulent independent reign.

I think Starfield will be a great game, based on the attention Zenimax gave it and resources Xbox is pouring into it right now. All the factions relationship, politics and world exploration, makes Starfield a unique role playing title.
A game of this magnitude and ambition comes once a decade and always pushes the boundaries of the genre.
I believe BGS should be a 1000 deep developer studio, with support studios partnership to work on Fallout, Elder Scrolls & Starfield in tandem.

Bethesda Game Studios should be like Rockstar with studios all over the world.

  • Bethesda Game Studios (According to Linkedin) - 445 Employees.
  • Locations: Maryland, Montreal, Texas, Texas.


  • Rockstar Games (According to Linkedin) - 5,381 Employees.
  • Locations: New York, Edinburgh, California, London, Toronto, Leeds, Lincoln, Massachusetts, Bangalore.

I know Rockstar sells a lot more but I can't think of anyone more comparable: Fallout, Elder Scrolls are both at least 10m+ selling IPs per entry, with Skyrim being one of the best selling titles of all title. Starfield is about to be added onto that and they also work on Fallout 76 and other minor things.

I think it's partly Todd's insistence on wanting to be the director of every Fallout, Elder Scrolls, etc.

Imagine if you have a Bethesda UK which creates a Fallout London, take some pressure off Maryland to direct every single one of their major IPs, now that they have 3 they'll be alternating almost 10 years between each entry, Lol. That's way too long for the fans and to keep the IP in the mindshare of people.

It'll also mean the rest of Bethesda Softworks (Arkane, ID, Machine, etc.) doesn't really have to assist Bethesda Game Studios anymore.

I think Todd can keep directing Elder Scrolls, Starfield if he wants to but there should be a major Bethesda studio set up to take over Fallout. They should allow the possibility of more spinoffs, Rockstar takes a massive gap between GTA's now and they only have two IPs to worry about, Bethesda has 3 now. So I do agree, Bethesda needs to be a 1,000+ studio. One 300-400 Fallout studio, one 300-400 HQ for Elder Scrolls/Starfield and the rest providing assistance work.


And that’s every studios with flagship IPs. 343 can’t be producing and supporting Halo Infinite, with 300-400 staff and expect content almost every quarter. The game has changed and so the expectations. There are people more than capable of taking care of some of the IPs Zenimax carry; decades between releases of some of ES series is insane economically.

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Spade said:

Santa came pretty hard for me on my Birthday  

Out of this lot, Dead Island 2, Dad of War, and Mato are my top 3. 

Even took the bullet for Forespoken... Our fortunes will turn. 

I had to watch a review video on Cosmic Shake to refresh my memory of what it was.  It got me wanting an RPG Spongebob to be made.  Anyways, nice haul and happy Bday. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

ice said:

Happy Birthday @Spade

Thanks Fizzie">"><img src="

DroidKnight said:
Spade said:

Santa came pretty hard for me on my Birthday  

Out of this lot, Dead Island 2, Dad of War, and Mato are my top 3. 

Even took the bullet for Forespoken... Our fortunes will turn. 

I had to watch a review video on Cosmic Shake to refresh my memory of what it was.  It got me wanting an RPG Spongebob to be made.  Anyways, nice haul and happy Bday.

Thanks Droid! And yeah Ice played the spongeboob game. Really liked the last one as well. And damn.. open world RPG spongebob, I'd be down for that.">"><img src="

Happy birthday, Spade

Glad you got some games that aren't KH to play

Happy b-day Spade!