havoc00 said:
How does he always win? 

Honestly, I don't think he would have gone even if the acquisition didn't happen, Activision's board are his friends, they're just as scummy as him and have been protecting him for years, for some reason people act like this is the first it's ever been heard of that he's a massive dick but his threat to have his former assistant killed happened in 2006, the board 100% knew about it.
Tim Schafer hates him too and has publicly spoken about how he's a "total prick" Lmao.
Bobby has so many mechanisms in place that no matter how he leaves, he'll be leaving with a big bag of cash and even if by some miracle the board removed him without those mechanisms being triggered, he has shares in Activision-Blizzard and you can't force him to sell his shares so he'll make a ton of money either way. Not to mention, shareholders even this year by over 90% voted to keep him as CEO.
Like you said, a lot of the lawsuits are being settled for pitiful amounts or dropped as well.
Bobby despite being a massive dick is an extremely successful businessman, he took Activision from being literally nothing to the biggest gaming publisher in the industry today, it was an almost bankrupt company when be purchased 25% in it and he turned it around to a $60bn+ company which makes billions in profit per year, shareholders were always unlikely to kick him out over a few months of controversy.
I think simply, due to the controversy, Activision stock took a hit and Microsoft offered them a very good deal that couldn't be passed up, it was an opportunity for them to cash out big and wipe their hands clean of the drama and as a public company they are legally bound to discuss any serious offers made to them.
If the acquisition didn't happen though then I think they would have just waited it out until Modern Warfare 2...Just look at how ridiculously amazing it sold, gamers for the most part don't care or even know about all of this controversy, then shareholders wouldn't care because the money is coming in, now we have Diablo IV around the corner which will be massive, Overwatch 2 which is huge.
Activision has just achieved their best Q1 in last 14 years...Despite the deal being 100% dead and shareholders know that, the stock is remaining relatively steady at around 77 USD...At its worst in 2021 it was 57 USD but it has been lower than that in the past in 2019, its peak was 103 USD but that was during the pandemic where everything was higher. 77 USD actually seems good to me despite the deal being dead.
Even if worst came to worst, Bobby has shit he could do, Activision has $10bn cash in the bank, they could just do a stock buyback to shut shareholders up. Now they're going to get an extra $3bn on top of that $10bn. If I'm being honest, I think the only way Bobby leaves is because he wants to leave and not because he's forced out.