13 hour update in Avowed.
I'm still in the first area, Lol. I'm absolutely loving it, one of those games where I woke up and wanted to get back right into it, I mentioned already it's a beautiful game, I'm really impressed with how nice it looks, I have two companions now and I like them both, I absolutely love the rewarding exploration, the verticality, not just searching in straight lines but having to climb everywhere, the dialogue is interesting and well written, I can't comment much on the main story yet because I'm barely into it.
But once again, the combat, man, it is without a doubt the best 1st person melee combat in a RPG, I'm having so much fun with utilising multiple playstyles but right now I've settled on a flaming sword in one hand and an electric pistol in the other like I'm a pirate, with a wand/grimoire as my backup loadout. I think unless the game drops off hard in the 2nd half I will end up agreeing a lot more with people like Jason Schreier, Parris Lilly, Gerstman, etc. It does feel a bit old-school RPG but with a modern coat of paint and I love it. Don't give a single fuck that it doesn't "revolutionise" the genre, I just want great games and this is that so far.
I am not sure where these unbalanced difficulty complaints are coming from either, I mean, I have died once or twice on normal mode, and battles can be a challenge, they do require a bit more thought than just charging in and slash slash slash but it's not unfair, it's challenging at times but in a good way, I've not struggled too much anywhere thus far and I've been picking battles with enemies double my level in some occasions, Lmao. Were people just charging straight to the 2nd zone? I've even considered how hard the higher difficulty actually is because normal is pretty fair.