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crissindahouse said:
Imaginedvl said:

And no, Geoff may like other studios/publisher in the industry but he definitely favor Sony. Since years...

Geoff is very easily to identify as someone who thinks like:

anything Kojima > Sony > rest 

LOL that's actually pretty accurate :D

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Scored some Xbox 360 games lately including: Dreamcast Collection, Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise and Tomb Raider Legend. Will soon post a picture of a small part of my collection. Pretty happy about it. In May 2025 I'm going to a retro game fair to score more games. Maybe also some Dreamcast games.

Inactive. Bye!

I own over 150 xbox 360 games as of now, including:

Inactive. Bye!

PixelPirate said:

I own over 150 xbox 360 games as of now, including:

First thing I would do if I was there, is group the Darksiders games together as well as the tomb raiders, and transformers. Then all the racers would be together, so on and so forth. And when I'm done you could me throw me out.  lol. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Something so satisfying about running around and punching the living shit out of Nazis, I've barely even used my gun, Lol.

Around the Network

Jeff Grubb claimed that The Outer Worlds 2 replaced a title which was meant to release in 2025 but got delayed, he speculated it was Perfect Dark. However, Nate has said this in response.


Outer Worlds 2 has been planned for 2025 since last year, fwiw.

It wasn't given a 2025 release due to the delay of another game. And, as of now, anything MS has publicly dated for 2025 remains on track for 2025.


So...Just who you believe more, Jeff or Nate.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 December 2024

Going to be a little pedantic and wonder if by "on track" Nate means "Xbox still has it written down for 2025" or "on track" as in, the game is looking good from a development standpoint, if I'm not making sense, I guess I'm asking is if this is a publisher on track or a developer on track, Lol. You often hear about how publishers set dates and developers are on the other end like "that's bollocks, we aren't making that date" and I'm most curious about Fable because if Playground thinks it's on track then I think even if it suffers a delay it will be early 26 but if Microsoft thinks it's on track then it could suffer a delay into the next year, Lmao.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 December 2024


Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

There’s a trend I’m starting to see where the middle edition of games are starting to get discounted, 30% off Life is Strange Deluxe Edition, £40 off Star Wars Outlaws Gold Edition (lol), making them slightly cheaper than the base versions. Admittedly I’ve picked up both with said discounts but it’s not a trend I’m particularly excited about seeing take off. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Leynos said:


I chuckled but credit to him, it looks like a cancer research facility, our Don is now doing more good for the world now than any gaming executive.


Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 December 2024