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Ryuu96 said:
konnichiwa said:

Bit surprised you would use a derisive term like 'Weebs', I know you will keep saying Japan Asia doesn't matter but the GOTY Nominees clearly says gamer do...

I know you're always pessimistic but in this context it's clearly a joke, lighten up.

"I know you will keep saying Japan/Asia doesn't matter"

I literally list Japanese titles coming to Xbox every time they're announced (even more than you) so try again.

Sure,  it is always a joke when they get caught...

Anyway every time I or someone else bring up the lack of investment in Japan from Xbox you tend to come in the discussion defending xbox so what does listing games mean?

Anyway big countdown sale going on with some games being at the lowest price ever but not much from my list tho or just still to expensive (Penny's breakaway as an example but I am also not sure the game is good) only got:

Rune Factory 4
Dead Rising 4

Last edited by konnichiwa - on 13 December 2024

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konnichiwa said:
Ryuu96 said:

I know you're always pessimistic but in this context it's clearly a joke, lighten up.

"I know you will keep saying Japan/Asia doesn't matter"

I literally list Japanese titles coming to Xbox every time they're announced (even more than you) so try again.

Sure,  it is always a joke when they get caught...

Anyway every time I or someone else bring up the lack of investment in Japan from Xbox you tend to come in the discussion defending xbox so what does listing games mean?

It's a joke for those who don't always see the world through a negative lens but I'm sorry for insulting your honour.

There's the confusion, I often say Xbox's Japanese support is the best it has been in years which is true, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. I'm sorry you've confused that with me saying that "Japan/Asia doesn't matter" There is a difference in something not mattering at all and believing something isn't as huge as an issue as made out to be.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 December 2024

konnichiwa said:

I just skimmed trough it and the only thing that really excite me is the Okami sequel.

In retrospect kind of funny to see so many say that 2024 will be quiet for PS5 but damned they went out like hell so many games at the award show even are not available for Xbox and Astrobot deserved the GOTY award (if ony xbox had an platform character that is beloved). Again proving that Sony Playstation goes for the 10/10 while xbox doesn't.

Edit: Oh yeah congrats for BG3 and Larian aswell now that is a studio that has a heart for gamers..

Dude why are you even still commenting here... You really seem to be so much in love with whatever Play Station is doing; just move on already :)
Always bitching whatever Xbox does, never enough, never good, never as good as Play Station, blah blah... I mean come on

Also, TGA has ALWAYS been Sony tainted, it is well know the the Geof (whatever his name is) is in bed with them so that's expected (and fine... to be honest, who cares).

Ryuu96 said:

NateDrake was also quadrupling down on Oblivion Remaster/Remake yesterday, he sounds 100% certain that it is in development so I wonder where that lands now, there's no way Clockwork Revolution is 2025 now with 3 RPGs planned for 2025 (Avowed, The Outer Worlds 2, Fable) but then I also wonder the same about Oblivion Remaster...Even with 3 RPGs in a single year we're eating good!

RPG Box!

If Fable is too close to GTA 6 it may make sense to swap it with Oblivion Remaster and toss Fable into 2026 because The Elder Scrolls will cope far better than Fable close to GTA 6 and it being a remaster will mean it won't need to sell as much as a sequel like Fable as well. But now I'm hoping that GTA 6 fucks off to 2026 into a month which is dead.

RPG Box it is :) At least Western RPGs (which is my favorite genre). But next year is going to be quite packed! 
Good time to be a gamer ;)

Meh you can say what you Free speech and all, just shocked that it came from you..

Their is just so much coping going on, 8 months you were discussing with others in this thread 'IT Doesn't matter if those 4 XBOX games came to PS because they are YEARS old and it will not matter much for xbox.....

So what about games coming months later or even day one potentially like Outer Worlds 2? It seems to be the case that Ryuu from April/May would also be negative about and about so many more decisions and excuses.... One of the latest is the Smite 2 Alpha trials, the latest trial is released on all platforms except for the Xbox players because xbox did not reply (fast enough) about some certification issues and sure I don't care about that game and many others here aswell but this is not the first time this happened...Xbox is in a mess...

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The Outer Worlds 2 is our most ambitious project yet! Including everything you loved from the original but we are also going to include many stuff from our previous games for example Fallout: New Vegas we here at Obsidian can't wait for you to enjoy it when it releases in Q4 2025!

[image or embed]

— Obsidian Entertainment ( 18 November 2024 at 02:38

I'm confused, Lmao.

This was posted November but Bsky doesn't have an edit feature does it?

Did we all just miss this? What? There's even people replying from 23 days ago.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 December 2024

Obsidian only gone and fucking done us posting that knowing few people would see it but they have 1,000 followers.

I'm trying to see if it was edited or if it's a fake account but multiple Xbox employees follow it.

How did we miss it!?!?!?!

konnichiwa said:
VersusEvil said:

We don’t want him thanks. 

Really then why the hell would you come this thread when you know I am here :)? 

I know multiple users who are sick to death of your attitude in the thread and it may seem personal from me but I've even had users in the past tell me to just ban you from the thread but I've "defended" you by saying that you're an Xbox fan, just a very bitter one, so I don't feel comfortable doing that but goddamn if you aren't draining as fuck, it's a constant mixture of negativity, console warring, hyperbole, etc.

It's like we have our very own rage-bait grifting Youtuber who is desperately seeking stuff to be angry about for clicks and it has been this way for years and before you say it, it's not anything to do with disallowing criticism but when the criticism is non-stop and quite frankly comes across as a desperate attempt to generate negativity it is annoying and brings discussion and mood down in the thread every single time.

But we've had this same discussion multiple times in the past, you're never going to change or even try to change despite the fact that it's very clear that you're miserable with Xbox, I just wish you didn't have to drag the rest of us down with you, my suggestions to switch to PlayStation and PC are a mixture of genuinely thinking you'd be happier there and just wanting to not hear you anymore, it's past the point where I can barely stand even having a normal conversation with you, I wish I could block you. You're without a doubt the most draining person in this thread.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 December 2024

Obsidian gonna have a great 2025, will really showcase the stability they have under MS. Cant wait for TOW2, game looks great.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Imaginedvl said:
konnichiwa said:

I just skimmed trough it and the only thing that really excite me is the Okami sequel.

In retrospect kind of funny to see so many say that 2024 will be quiet for PS5 but damned they went out like hell so many games at the award show even are not available for Xbox and Astrobot deserved the GOTY award (if ony xbox had an platform character that is beloved). Again proving that Sony Playstation goes for the 10/10 while xbox doesn't.

Edit: Oh yeah congrats for BG3 and Larian aswell now that is a studio that has a heart for gamers..

Dude why are you even still commenting here... You really seem to be so much in love with whatever Play Station is doing; just move on already :)
Always bitching whatever Xbox does, never enough, never good, never as good as Play Station, blah blah... I mean come on

Also, TGA has ALWAYS been Sony tainted, it is well know the the Geof (whatever his name is) is in bed with them so that's expected (and fine... to be honest, who cares).

It is not because I am happy Ps is doing well for its fans that I don't want Xbox and Nintendo to do the same.  if Xbox is doing so well then why is the community clearly not happy, Why are so many abandoning Xbox what about the sales? etc? What about all those xbox fans like klobrille etc who clearly were multiple times dissapointed with xbox and its decisions this year?

Oh and Geoff was always their for the gamers and games, he was with Halo 3, Gears etc and he is most infamous picture is the with Doritos and Halo 4 stand..