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Course when I decide I'm probably not watching TGA live this year; Jez, Andy and Snitch start hugely hyping it up, it sounds like some major multiplatform titles will be there and people are massively hyping up what Geoff has achieved. For fuck sake. Am I going to be fooled by the insiders once again...Trying to think of what 3rd party would be worth this level of hyping aside from GTA 6.

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Here's the full list of what will be at TGA according to my sources:


 I'll likely end up watching every bit of it. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Ryuu96 said:

Course when I decide I'm probably not watching TGA live this year; Jez, Andy and Snitch start hugely hyping it up, it sounds like some major multiplatform titles will be there and people are massively hyping up what Geoff has achieved. For fuck sake. Am I going to be fooled by the insiders once again...Trying to think of what 3rd party would be worth this level of hyping aside from GTA 6.

Its gonna be underwhelming.

Looks like performance is going to be even better for a game that is already performing technically great.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Hopefully by the time I start playing the game, all the patches will be out and performance and quality goes up from day 1 lol.

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BasilZero said:

Hopefully by the time I start playing the game, all the patches will be out and performance and quality goes up from day 1 lol.

I’m not sure that will be that long. The game is already at a perfect 60fps on both Series consoles with some minor bugs and some framerate issues in cutscenes, but the day 1 patch may already be addressing those issues lol.

PC version is also great with some improvement needed on DLSS and frame generation, but that also may be getting addressed in the day 1 patch lol. So the game may just need another patch or two at most. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Hopefully the FSR and Xess update comes soon.

G2ThaUNiT said:

I’m not sure that will be that long. The game is already at a perfect 60fps on both Series consoles with some minor bugs and some framerate issues in cutscenes, but the day 1 patch may already be addressing those issues lol.

PC version is also great with some improvement needed on DLSS and frame generation, but that also may be getting addressed in the day 1 patch lol. So the game may just need another patch or two at most. 

Nice, I'm planning to play it once I'm done with Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade on Steam.

Lol. I don't really pay attention to IGN these days but Stella was one of the few who I liked and she was also great at FPS titles. IGN firing her over something as stupid as sponsorship deals she took for her personal channel (after previously approving it) is a massive L.

I made it to Master Prestige in Cod Bo6 took me 30.000 eliminations/1000 matches..(25 matches a day but isn't that crazy with stakeout 24/7 etc
also almost done with the camo grind)

Not a bad game overally a good one around 8/10 ish. Omnimovement is great, lobby music is great and what is the best is the amount of content they
give the gamers, season 1 just started with new maps and two weeks later they added again more stuff 1 old map/Nuketown holiday themed/and
a 1 brand new map...

+new zombie map!!  That's more than what Halo infinite did in a year!

but their is some concerning news, they also removed stuff, in mp it is just a mode but so many players don't like they removed the old warzone map and force people to play the new one......This always has been the case..

but when fornite is like you guys like the old original fortnite?  Well here it is!!   and oh don't forget we  are launching this new mode on 11th December that is a mix between CS GO and Overwatch and all for free!!

Activision should start to make steps to make COD future proof and I am not sure they are making the right choices..