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Can a mod fix my sig, was a dent and removed the TA sig and now it's f'ed up. Karma.">"><img src="

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Spade said:

Can a mod fix my sig, was a dent and removed the TA sig and now it's f'ed up. Karma.

I think you have to just copy/paste the image, Idk, I can't actually remember and I can't edit your sig.

Spade said:

Can a mod fix my sig, was a dent and removed the TA sig and now it's f'ed up. Karma.

Didn't your Xbox sig take you to your PSN profile anyway?

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

rapsuperstar31 said:

I haven't played the first two Persona would love to see a 2 remake.

Same... Love 3, 4 and 5 but I've never played the first 2. I tried to emulated the first one but oof. It's hard to get into that game for the first time in the 2020's.

Which makes it disappointing to me that they are remaking 3 and I guess 4 too. But they are apparently only doing a basic remaster of the 2nd game not a remake lol.

G2ThaUNiT said:
Spade said:

Can a mod fix my sig, was a dent and removed the TA sig and now it's f'ed up. Karma.

Didn't your Xbox sig take you to your PSN profile anyway?

It was foreshadowing. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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Season 2 feels almost like you can skip Season 1 entirely, Lol.

Just feels like a reboot in every way.

Oh man, Season 2 episode titles. One of the titles is "Thermopylae"

Battle of Thermopylae, where the 300 Spartans made their last stand against the Persian Empire.

I hope it doesn't hold back, show my boys and girls going down fighting. 🥲

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 February 2024

Part of the 1,900. It's California's WARN act.

An Employer must provide written notice 60-days prior to a plant closing or mass layoff to employees or their representative, the State dislocated worker unit (the Employment Development Department, Workforce Services Division in California), and the chief elected official of local government within which such closing or layoff is to occur. (29 USC, 2102; 20 CFR 639.5)

The latest WARN filing ( has a notice date of Jan. 25, the day Microsoft announced its cuts.

Means they're with Microsoft until March as California law requires 60-days notice before firing.

899/1,900 of the cuts are from Activision Blizzard California offices.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 February 2024

Ryuu96 said:

Part of the 1,900. It's California's WARN act.

An Employer must provide written notice 60-days prior to a plant closing or mass layoff to employees or their representative, the State dislocated worker unit (the Employment Development Department, Workforce Services Division in California), and the chief elected official of local government within which such closing or layoff is to occur. (29 USC, 2102; 20 CFR 639.5)

The latest WARN filing ( has a notice date of Jan. 25, the day Microsoft announced its cuts.

Means they're with Microsoft until March as California law requires 60-days notice before firing.

899/1,900 of the cuts are from Activision Blizzard California offices.

So California is taking 47% of the hit ouch. But I guess it's not surprising considering this state has been bleeding tech jobs for a decade now which are mostly relocated to Texas and other more lax states for employers. 

Nate says there will still be Xbox exclusives. 

It sounds like a number of games are under consideration for multiplatform, perhaps even some surprising ones, but MS is not exiting the console business. 

Yes but they won't be "exclusives" they will be exclusives*. Meaning they will all basically just be timed exclusives because if they don't sell well or do what Microsoft needs them to do they can just turn around and sell them on PlayStation to make up the short fall.

They will be Exclusive.

You think something like Starfield is off the table now? Or Do you think the backlash has caused them to change some plans like Starfield going to Playstation?

Honestly, I couldn't even venture a guess. I've heard that the latter may have pushed them to change plans, but I can't verify that claim. My confidence remains with what I reported back in January.

I've been vocal on this forum and elsewhere that it was never going to be everything. Some took it to mean MS is leaving hardware... which they aren't.

There is nothing to suggest MS is exiting the console business. Shift in strategy? Sure; but they'll be there alongside PS6 with new hardware to compete.

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 06 February 2024