Even if they decide to address this today I will expect nothing more than a PR Slop of a statement without going into Important details.
Even if they decide to address this today I will expect nothing more than a PR Slop of a statement without going into Important details.
"It's a bit of a change of strategy. Not announcing anything broadly here, but our mission is to bring our first-party experiences [and] our subscription services to every screen that can play games. That means smart TVs, that means mobile devices, that means what we would have thought of as competitors in the past like PlayStation and Nintendo." - Tim Stuart, Nov 2023
"Just as we think of ROG Ally and Steam Deck as part of the Xbox community, we need to think of the many Nintendo Switch and PlayStation users as part of the Xbox community in the future." - Phil Spencer, Nov 2023
When everyone plays, we all win 💚 Many of the games in today’s showcase will be available on multiple platforms - enjoy them where you want, however you want.
— Xbox (@Xbox) June 11, 2023
This change has been coming for a while and there were definitely efforts to prepare people for it. "When everybody plays, we all win." I hope when they do address it they are as clear as possible with what to expect in the future. I wonder if they will take the opportunity at the same time to confirm and assure people that future Xbox hardware is coming.
I think future Xbox hardware will be akin to a ROG ally or Steam Deck, IE a quasi-PC, semi open piece of hardware that exists to bring a console like experience to those that want to play PC games. It will no longer be a “platform” as such, but rather one hardware option in a sea of many.
It’s kind of sad, and a little worrying that there will be only 2 true game consoles left on the market going forward. I don’t expect Nintendo to change very much (what they have is working just fine) but I do expect the PS6 along with PS6 games to be priced catastrophically high
aTokenYeti said: I think future Xbox hardware will be akin to a ROG ally or Steam Deck, IE a quasi-PC, semi open piece of hardware that exists to bring a console like experience to those that want to play PC games. It will no longer be a “platform†as such, but rather one hardware option in a sea of many. |
Why would they make hardware when they can't benefit at all selling software for it. The Steam Deck makes sense since Valve is going to be the preferred store for the buyers. The ROG Ally makes sense since ASUS is a hardware manufacturer that has its own facilities. It makes absolutely zero sense for Microsoft.
Esparadrapo said:
Why would they make hardware when they can't benefit at all selling software for it. The Steam Deck makes sense since Valve is going to be the preferred store for the buyers. The ROG Ally makes sense since ASUS is a hardware manufacturer that has its own facilities. It makes absolutely zero sense for Microsoft. |
It’s a foot in the door for windows store and game pass. It’s the exact same reason Valve is making the steam deck. You can install windows on a steam deck and buy from other storefronts, but they know most users won’t do that.
similarly, most people buying a nextbox will just buy the games on the windows store or sub to gamepass.
Are you guys expecting a statement from Xbox/Microsoft? Or will they remain silent today?
Inactive. Bye!
It’s a good life lesson in all honesty, nothing is permanent and everything has an expiration date. That feeling I had about video gaming from 2000-2012 is never coming back and part of growing up is accepting and coming to terms with it.
This whole saga has also helped me realize I wasn’t a fan of Xbox so much as Xbox reminded me of a deeply nostalgic part of my life
PixelPirate said: Are you guys expecting a statement from Xbox/Microsoft? Or will they remain silent today? |
People were saying that a statement was coming today, even before the articles about Starfield/Indiana Jones came out. But even if that weren't true MS have to respond now. I expect their statement will come anytime in the next 8 hours.
Call of Duty will have an open-world campaign this year.
"Currently, the game’s open world will see the player and their squad navigate the map more akin to that of Far Cry than anything we’ve seen before in the Call of Duty universe. Players will be able to utilize vehicles to get around, as well as using a fast travel system to get from one point to the next. Although the scope of how many linear missions there will be remains to be seen, sources confirmed that some linear missions will be integrated into the game."
konnichiwa said: I remember 2016ish when they announced games day one on PC. Overall the vibe was great, games will sell more and it will lead to better and more games. |
I think you are not considering 2 big factors. A. Game development takes longer than ever B. Covid
Hellblade 2 would have released already, but UK covid guidelines were very strict. With how mocap heavy the game is, there was no way they could finish certain aspects of the game while this was going on. Timing of development for these titles mixed in with covid didn't do these studios any favors.