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I bet those who ridiculed MS for not securing exclusivity for the KOTOR Remake are feeling mighty silly right about now

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:


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Grain of salt, but this is a longer wait than pretty much anyone expected, considering it was announced in 2020 and was in development even before then. Undead Labs better knock it out of the park with a full on AAA release with good storyline and such after a wait that long. 

It definitely seems like Xbox announced State of Decay 3 way too early. Last year Kotaku reported that Xbox pressured Undead Labs to announce State of Decay 3 earlier than they felt it should be announced, and now we have this new piece of evidence which makes it seem like that report was at least right about that much. No game should be announced 7 years before it's release.

Announcing projects too early is a problem Xbox struggled with alot in the final years of last gen and early years of this gen. In addition to this State of Decay 3 problem, we've got Fable (2020 announce, possibility it won't release until 2025), Everwild (announced 2019, still no release date), Hellblade 2 (announced 2019, game due for release in 2024), Perfect Dark (announced 2020, possibility it won't release until 2025), Project Mara (announced 2020, no new trailer since), Avowed (announced in 2020, release in 2024). Doesn't help matters that they acquired Bethesda, who made the mistake of announcing some projects too early themselves, before Xbox closed the acquisition, games like TES 6 (announce in 2018, release expected 2028, a decade later) and Indiana Jones (announce in January 2021, release now expected in late 2024, nearly 4 years later). Hopefully Xbox and Bethesda have both learned their lesson and won't be announcing any projects longer than 2.5 years before release moving forward. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 29 September 2023